Trial - Ross Harris #4

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Yes, yes, and a thousand times yes. Thank you.

I know I sound like a broken record, and I know I keep saying this - but it's impossible to forget about your child if you are talking about them.

This is the most damaging evidence against JRH since he claimed to have "forgot" his son while at the same time messaging on Whisper how he wanted to escape his son and his family. That proves 100% proves this was intentional, IMO.

Edited to add: Due to 6pm maintenance here at websleuths, I am logging out for the night. Will return when things are up and running again.

You don't discuss your child while he's in daycare? It is the "instantaneous" switch, which it seems like people are disbelieving....RH was texting about cooper, who was already in daycare in RH's mind by that point. So many posters are all "This! This is what proves it to me.". But it's exactly the point. he thought the boy was at daycare. yes from one nano-second to the next, that how it seems to work.. Yet again, and again, people want to believe that mentioning his son, means he "Didn't forget" when in truth, that happened in a split second, and what he talked about thereafter, just reminded him of cooper-who, in his mind, he just dropped off... because he's always in daycare by now.
Perhaps he planned to check on how things were progressing, but chickened out because "I dreaded how he would look". (and yes, it is a horrible thought)

I have to say, when I watched that discussion between RH & LH that sentence struck me as extremely odd. It made me feel like that was something that had been in his mind when he considered doing this in the first Cooper would look dead. I felt like that was a very honest moment for him....
Thank you for posting this! This has been the hardest part for me to get past for exactly what you said!! I have always felt that RH body would have had to actually touch that seat given his size! Whether it was while just sitting in the driver seat or when leaning to the right to get his briefcase!

Logically based on what your experience is in the same car, I would assume his body was actually in contact with that seat.


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One of the reasons I stated following this case closely is because I had the car and a young one in a rear seat. I don't think my experience is proof or anything. It's just one of the reason's I feel so passionately that Ross is not innocent of all these charges.
You don't discuss your child while he's in daycare? It is the "instantaneous" switch, which it seems like people are disbelieving....RH was texting about cooper, who was already in daycare in RH's mind by that point. So many posters are all "This! This is what proves it to me.". But it's exactly the point. he thought the boy was at daycare. yes from one nano-second to the next, that how it seems to work.. Yet again, and again, people want to believe that mentioning his son, means he "Didn't forget" when in truth, that happened in a split second, and what he talked about thereafter, just reminded him of cooper-who-is-always-in daycare-by-now.

The proximity of that baby to RH is virtually impossible to wrap your mind around. There is no way his arm wasn't touching, bumping etc into it even maneuvering his large body across the driver seat to reach for his briefcase. From his height I find it impossible for him not to have seen that baby. Anyone who has had a seat rear facing in that size auto can relate. I constantly hit it and it was actually annoying!

Sorry...just not buying it.
The proximity of that baby to RH is virtually impossible to wrap your mind around. There is no way his arm wasn't touching, bumping etc into it even maneuvering his large body across the driver seat to reach for his briefcase. From his height I find it impossible for him not to have seen that baby. Anyone who has had a seat rear facing in that size auto can relate. I constantly hit it and it was actually annoying!

Sorry...just not buying it.

Wow. So now He must have touched cooper's car seat?... Hmmm. well that does that make some sense of the things I can't believe are being credited as "Proof" to some people. They just want that to be true...
Thanks. I think I get it.
While the site was down for maintenance, I had some time to reflect on some of the evidence. I re-listened to Ross describe his day to Detective Stoddard. Here are the things that Ross forgot that day:

1) To drop off Cooper at day care
2) To tell the detectives about his light bulb purchase and his subsequent trip to the car
3) To tell the detectives about his all of his extramarital texting on the day of Cooper's death

If the texting was completely irrelevant, why not mention it to detectives? Why not say that he was a bad husband but not a murderer? It's seems that the only things that Ross "forgot" are the things that are unbecoming to Ross or things that point to guilt/intent. I am really beginning to wonder about his selective memory.

ETA - Here are my thoughts on FBS with respect to this case. Ross had so many triggers by the time that he arrived at his office that I find it practically impossible to believe that Ross created a false memory. I am assuming that we can all agree that Ross did not think that Cooper was at day care when he was buckling Cooper into his car. Shortly after strapping Cooper into his car seat, Ross began his drive to work. As soon as Ross completes his U-turn, he should be staring at the HD's HQ, the site of LAA, as it is in front of him. Seeing Cooper's day care does not trigger Ross's memory that Cooper is in the car. A few seconds later Ross likely reaches the intersection where he responds to a woman who is complaining about feeling unappreciated in her role as spouse and mother. Despite giving the woman virtual hugs for her problem, Ross's mind still does not reboot. He then proceeds to arrive at work where he grabs the CFA cup, which he just got during his special Daddy/son date, and heads into the office. Once again, the CFA cup does not trigger his memory. While I believe in FBS as a general rule, I do not believe that it applies to this case. I am interested to hear Dr. Diamond's testimony.
While the site was down for maintenance, I had some time to reflect on some of the evidence. I re-listened to Ross describe his day to Detective Stoddard. Here are the things that Ross forgot that day:

1) To drop off Cooper at day care
2) To tell the detectives about his light bulb purchase and his subsequent trip to the car
3) To tell the detectives about his all of his extramarital texting on the day of Cooper's death

If the texting was completely irrelevant, why not mention it to detectives? Why not say that he was a bad husband but not a murderer? It's seems that the only things that Ross "forgot" are the things that are unbecoming to Ross or things that point to guilt/intent. I am really beginning to wonder about his selective memory.

ETA - Here are my thoughts on FBS with respect to this case. Ross had so many triggers by the time that he arrived at his office that I find it practically impossible to believe that Ross created a false memory. I am assuming that we can all agree that Ross did not think that Cooper was at day care when he was buckling Cooper into his car. Shortly after strapping Cooper into his car seat, Ross began his drive to work. As soon as Ross completes his U-turn, he should be staring at the HD's HQ, the site of LAA, as it is in front of him. Seeing Cooper's day care does not trigger Ross's memory that Cooper is in the car. A few seconds later Ross likely reaches the intersection where he responds to a woman who is complaining about feeling unappreciated in her role as spouse and mother. Despite giving the woman virtual hugs for her problem, Ross's mind still does not reboot. He then proceeds to arrive at work where he grabs the CFA cup, which he just got during his special Daddy/son date, and heads into the office. Once again, the CFA cup does not trigger his memory. While I believe in FBS as a general rule, I do not believe that it applies to this case. I am interested to hear Dr. Diamond's testimony.

Hey... found out about the other 8 charges from March of this year. You were correct, on that. So regardless of this trial there will be another trial. Interesting interview with Phil H and Cathy from Courtchatter.

Cathy said the doll will not be in the car seat.
I went back and watched Grimstead first testimony.
This was interesting to me. Grimstead incorrectly thought the base of the car seat was 22 - 30 #. The base fit 2 diff car seats. the one he had was 30# ross harris cs base weights.JPG.
The sunglasses on back seat, was brought up by Evans.ross harris cs 6 18 14 grimstead 3 sunglasses.JPG
Car seat 6/18/14 from open drivers door. **but we know that RH head never went below the roof from yesterday testimony. State exhibit 35 35 carseat from drivers open door.JPG
This is 6/18/14 ross harris cs 6 18 14 grimstead 1.JPG

This is the car seat at the heat reconstruction.. notice the car seat was manipulated there too iirc this was 7/8/14 ross harris cs hot car reconstruction.jpg

This is 7/2/14 Grimstead took with doll in and the seat manipulated ***not Cooper in car seat car seat July 2 2014 with incorrect measurements and doll in 1.JPG
Wow. So now He must have touched cooper's car seat?... Hmmm. well that does that make some sense of the things I can't believe are being credited as "Proof" to some people. They just want that to be true...
Thanks. I think I get it.

Why would anyone want it to be true? I can't even begin to fathom that "THAT" being the death of an incredibly precious little human being,who deserved so much in his life, is true. The way it happened ,all the little things put together, make me believe that was done purposely and even IF it was not I can't fathom it to be true that anyone would forget about the one thing that should always be on a parents mind.....and for the mother to console and baby that p.o.s.husband of hers, as if her child meant nothing, nothing at all.....this case and trial just gets me so upset on so many levels.......
Grimstead, was one of the CSI, LEO, Officers who met at an informal meeting at Cobb County Crimes Against Persons office..

Grimstead testified that there was an informal meeting and in conversation came up about smell. Someone brought to his attention the "smell" and it was not in his report so he made a supplemental 8/15.

On ReDirect, Evans asked :
Did you interview anyone? no
Do you know James Hawkins? no

**looked back at James Hawkins testimony. He testified, he smelled a dirty diaper and that Cooper smelled sweaty. >>> JMHO this is where all the LEO who changed their reports to state those words.

*Interesting tho, Ferrell, said smelled like a diaper. Not a dirty, he said just a diaper (and Cooper was still undersheet)
Katy. He referenced Cooper ("my son" ) once in that exchange, at 9:15, and didn't again with anyone until at least 10AM or later, certaintly not when Cooper was in the car with him.

I know you see that 8:55-9:24 as all one flowing , one topic conversation, but I really disagree, in large part because we've learned 2 relevant things about RH: he has the attention span of a gnat and has characteristics of someone with ADD, and two, the man would say whatever he felt he needed to say to (forgive me ) have someone get into his pants.

That's what I see going on in that exchange- RH looking for someone who will tell him it's ok to want to go out with the boys. After she gives him that, imo, RH moves on. He got what he wanted, part one. Minutes later, at the intersection he either is checking her out for more , or just saying- yeah, sure thing. Bye.

Nothing to do with Cooper by then, and little to nothing to do with Cooper to begin with. jmo

NO< that is not true that he stopped texting from 9:15 until 10 am. NO...

Let's look at the timeline ....While inside the restaurant, around 9-ish, he began the convo with 'alwaysinmyfeelings' --- and he complained about his wife never wanting him to go out w/friends....texting continued as he LEFT CFA---

@ 9:15 am:" I love my son and all but we both need escapes.."

@ 9:18 am: he receives a text---maybe thats our issue too-I need a break from "love"

@ 9:18 am: Agreed

@9:24 am: *hug*

That texting was going on WHILE he was driving to work. He was talking about his wife and son WHILE he was supposedly forgetting about does that happen?

What time would he be making the decision to turn towards daycare or work? If he arrived at work at 9:25 and left CFA at around 9:15, then he would be texting about his son RIGHT EXACTLY when he made the turn to go towards his office. JMO
You cant understand why a parent might not babble on & on to a sleeping child? Or a parent taking a few quite moments to think, while the child is quiet back there?
So all the many HotCar deaths are incomprehensible, and therefore murder?

Not everyone chatters happily away in the car, sometimes there are tired babies... tired parents... everyone seems to think this will never happen to them "because'... That's why it's probably going to continue happening, sadly.

I always talked to my kids in the car when we were on the way to school. I did not want them to be tired and go to sleep at that time. It was time to be awake and ready for the day.

And I never 'babbled' to my toddlers. I explained what was going on so they knew what was up. As Ross himself said, Cooper said 'SCHOOL' ---he knew where they were headed.

As for people thinking it will never happen to them,----not the case with Ross. He seemed to be worried it might well happen someday.
You don't discuss your child while he's in daycare? It is the "instantaneous" switch, which it seems like people are disbelieving....RH was texting about cooper, who was already in daycare in RH's mind by that point. So many posters are all "This! This is what proves it to me.". But it's exactly the point. he thought the boy was at daycare. yes from one nano-second to the next, that how it seems to work.. Yet again, and again, people want to believe that mentioning his son, means he "Didn't forget" when in truth, that happened in a split second, and what he talked about thereafter, just reminded him of cooper-who, in his mind, he just dropped off... because he's always in daycare by now.

:no: Not in 30 was a mere 30 seconds from leaving CFA and coming to the turn for the daycare. He did not 'forget' about his son being there, inches away from him in a protruding car seat, in that 30 seconds of time. :no: :cow:
What would be the reason for not discovering him at work in the parking lot if that was the case?

I think he wanted a crowd of witnesses and his friends drove away too fast...
Grimstead on 10/12/16 testifed on Direct .. he authenticated photo of stuff in a bag. "far and accurate"
On Cross with Lumpkin .. he entered D#6-13 which were same photos as some State had entered.
After Lumpkin had Grimstead to agree "far and accurate" yes, then said HE DID NOT TAKE THOSE PHOTOS... Lumpkin asked why they were on his disc. He kept saying he didn't take. Evans gets back up and goes gets another State Evid envelope,..long story short, it was on a disc that Stoddard signed. Grimstead took his while executing SUV SW. The photo that on Stoddard disc State # 31, State#288. Its weird, Grimstead they were his photos took, yet on Stoddard disc are same if I understand right.

**this was when Evans was having a fit because of the measurements that Grimstead did not use.
**SIDE NOTE, 7/2/14 Grimstead was not alone, another Investigator was with him ....
Grimstead testified that he was asked to take photos with the doll in the car seat, this was the date that Grimstead did not use the measurement from rear backfloor to the top of the car seat (2ft 6.5 inches)

Lumpkin:asked was he alone.
Grimstead: NO
Lumpkin: who was with you
Grimstead: Inv Lupo.
**Kilgore mentioned this person before as working for DA office...Frank Lupo, Investigator, Cobb County District Attorney's Office.
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