Trial - Ross Harris #5

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Decomposition starts immediately. The intestines have micro-organisms that don't die with the person. They start the decomposition process immediately by breaking down the dead cells of the intestine. The first signs of the bacteria eating through the gut is a green coloration on the stomach. Seems to me Cooper had that green coloration on his stomach in the autopsy report. Anyone have the link handy to the autopsy report? TIA
Along with two police officers, Ferrell and Grimstead

“Normally, I’d associate (the smell) with death,” Carey Grimstead, a former crime scene investigator, told jurors.

Grimstead said he detected the “sickly” smell when he processed the car more than six hours after Harris pulled into the Akers Mill Square shopping center and said he’d just realized he’d left Cooper inside his hot car for hours that day.

James Ferrell, preceded Grimstead on the witness stand Wednesday. Ferrell said he noticed an odor at the shopping center parking lot when standing close to the opened driver’s side door. He then stuck his head in and took a sniff.

“It was a combination of smells,” Ferrell testified. “It smelled like sweat. It smelled like a diaper. And then it smelled like the odor of death.”

This particular smell can not be easily associated with rotten meat, or finding animals dead..It's unique..I finally found a great description of it..and it's very accurate...and Once smells it..they never forget it..but laypeople or those who have never experienced it will use other terms..but basically suggest an odour~~~ Ross no doubt smelled that odour..and knew what it was..and proceeded to carry out his FLIM FLAM act to claim.."OHHHHH I hoo routine!!

Here's the perfect description along with why it differs with what laypeople think it is~~ Depending on state of decomposition..and environment.. many without experience would use basic terms...unless had previous experience~~

Decomposing human bodies have a unique smell — one that distinguishes them from other rotting animals, according to new research.

Specifically, human corpses emit a unique five-chemical cocktail — comprised of 3-methylbutyl pentanoate, 3-methylbutyl 3-methylbutyrate, 3-methylbutyl 2-methylbutyrate, butyl pentanoate and propyl hexanoate — that separates them from the rest of the animal kingdom.

These five chemicals are part of a group of molecules called esters, which are also responsible for the strong, sharp smells emitted by fruits like pineapples and raspberries, reports The Guardian.
The human smell of death, in other words, is a little bit fruity.

In collecting gases off of six humans and 26 different animals, researchers identified 452 distinct chemical compounds. Eight of those were specific to humans and pigs, and the five esters were unique to humans.

The esters are produced by degrading muscles, carbohydrates and fat tissues.

Pigs and humans share biological similarities, from growing similar hair to having the same gut flora. For that reason, pigs have been used in most previous decomposition studies. The new research is the first to look at how the two similar animals decompose in the same conditions.

The finding might seem ghoulishly superfluous, but the information has value.

Wee Cooper had been dead for a few hours, decomposition tho escalated by heat..wasn't so offensive like some suggest when finding somebody who has been dead for days!! Case I recall was the Jody Arias one..when Travis was found many days later lying dead in shower with throat slit!! That must have been horrendous!!!
Decomposition starts immediately. The intestines have micro-organisms that don't die with the person. They start the decomposition process immediately by breaking down the dead cells of the intestine. The first signs of the bacteria eating through the gut is a green coloration on the stomach. Seems to me Cooper had that green coloration on his stomach in the autopsy report. Anyone have the link handy to the autopsy report? TIA

Yes he had the green discoloration. I'm just thinking that if there was no 'rot' decomp smell, it was because he wasn't dead that long or long enough for that smell to really emerge. A special scent dog would smell it no prob but likely not a person. I read that it takes about 6-12 hours for the smell to come out. Rigor mortis takes 2 hours at the minimum end of the range. And the eyelids are the first things affected apparently. But RH already alluded to knowing that when he said he knew Cooper was dead because of his eyes. JMO
The jurors are allowed to use their own common sense and real-world experience to decide if one version of events is more plausible than another.
IMO they will be able to decide among them if a dead body that's been in a 120 degree car for five hours would have smelled enough to alert a driver inches away from it.

With a car seat that reached 125 degrees no less...
"Originally Posted by minor4th View Post
Is there a screen capture somewhere of Ross' phone activity for the whole day that Cooper died?
The State has rested, and I still don't feel like I have a good understanding about just how much Ross was on his phone that day - especially in the morning until the time he got to work.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro"

Not for the whole day.
I went thru some of my notes today. and I can see where would be easy to have 35 or so. A "HI" is considered a text/chat/comment. Just with the now married witness K,Hickey Floyd, she testified just prior to RB Smith. 1st was RH "Good Morning at 5:49 a.m. then a response back from her at 10:52 a.m. then he reply back at 1:17pm and they chit chat back and forth. This is the one he asked to her to send a pic of her breast and she replied if he asked nice and he said "please madam" he replied ummm. then she asked if he wanted to play with them 1:32 pm RH F yes I do.. KHF, well good thing come to those that wait. RH well I shall wait 2:07 KHF Good... There are about 18 if i counted right back and forth between them. She is the one who sent him a pic of her crotch 6/13/14 (and now is in evidence) and met him at a Rotono Park (sp?) for a bj.

There are the same way with others. I don't think it was a sitting there constant thing as it is being suggested. Maybe the phone alerts when someone replies like when get a text message. jmho
I just read that the Defense only plans to call two more witnesses and Leanna will be called tomorrow. Not sure if this is true - it was an Atlanta reporter on Twitter.

I can't see how that could be true. Staley clearly seems to anticipates the trial will go on past Thanksgiving, because she responded to a single juror's request for time off near Thanksgiving by telling the whole jury they could be off then.

Plus...We already know of 3 who will be testifying :. Leanna, Dr. Diamond and a Dr A (on differing responses to shock and trauma).

(Or, did that mean, Leanna plus "two more" after her?)

No matter. Leanna, tomorrow. :)
There was no odor of decomp. Cooper had sweated. Cooper's diaper had urine, no feces in it. Cooper's diaper wasn't loose in the car, it was on his body, covered by shorts, and Cooper was sitting in a car seat, which meant even less circulation of the odor of a dirty diaper.

What odor?

Oh, so no odour whatsoever then? Seriously. What is with the urine wouldn't smell stuff? Urine smells like ammonia when dehydration occurs. Never left a diaper on slightly too long and been angry at yourself? That's only a slight smell, but an odour none the less.

God knows if his diaper was fully intact with struggling. Irrespective of that, the heat from his body in that seat would aggravate the smell, not disguise it. Heat intensifies smells.

I bet you'd be surprised by that number. Plenty of people probably thought RH was "just looking at sports scores" (or what-have-you)...

I've seen rapid fire texting, more times than I can count.

Does the content they are being distracted by really matter?

YES, it matters. If Dad is looking at the screen trying to find a movie to take the family to that night---big difference from looking at dirty pix sent by a stranger, who he is making plans to go meet up with. You don't think a young child can tell the difference?
I am behind 5 pages and will catch up but wanted to make this post first. I went back over some of my notes. And I re watched the Def OS. Opening Statements are NOT evidence.BUT if you go back and watch (I am aware that most won't wish to) but so far other than a few things that I think will be brought up in the Def section of trial have been proven to be true from testimony and evidence!

No one except Stoddard and Ferrell noted the "smell of death" decomp and so forth. Grimstead as Kilgore said in OS, had been all over that car, taken photos, doing SW, taking tons of measurements and NEVER noted any report about the smell until a year later when he was brought up at a meeting at the Crimes Against Persons Office... Which is also the same time (year later 8/2015) that Lt Ferrell (Now Captain, who left the unit not long after RH arrest to go to current department) so then Grimstead made a supplemental report. *there was a smell of urine, on Cooper, but he had a wet diaper but that smell was not even noted.

No EMT, FIremen, Uniformed Officers, other Det, CSI, or even the ME Inv Jackson noted any smell in their orig reports or made a supplemental. (except Grimstead) **My note,> every one of the LEO and EMT that have testified, (not including Murphy here) Testified adding "extra things on how RH acted and so forth yet their orig report makes no note what so ever" Gallimore, the one who did the alleged 90-100 compressions. He added to his testimony. He did lie, He said that he heard RH tell Folgia to F You my son just died and he got up and told RH to shut his F mouth, and that RH told HIM /Gallimore F YOU> This is not in the video, not on the video transcript or not in his report. He said he read and saw the video prior to taking the stand. Kilgore asked if he was lying he said no. This is the one that Kilgore was able to get the Report added into evidence to impeach his testimony.

Things that Kilgore spoke about in OS:
RH had a Realtor .. making plans, the school district were important (That was 1st witness)
Murphy to Impeach others testimony (Stoddard)
Dr. Diamond will testify
Dr. A (cant remember what his name is was spoken about in the Aug 19, 2016 Pretrial Motions Hearing)
Leanna Harris
Dr. Frist was held on subpoena from trial already

JMHO who or what may be brought out:
Kilgore had asked for Stoddard to be put on subpoena last Monday

Kilgore said in opening that just because RH didnt speak to his friends and coworkers about his sexual life doesn't mean he didn't speak to anyone,he had asked his Sunday School class for prayer and spoke to them about having problems (we do not know to what extent he told)

The Evernote on RH iPhone about desire>sin>death... Kilgore asked if they had spoken to RH pastor.. I thinking maybe Pastor will be called

I thinking they will have RH debit card transactions to show how often went to CF

I think they will have someone say something about the car seat

I think they will have the person from the LAA Terrell D whom told LH about seeing on the news. In context, I could see her saying whatever it was "ross must of left him in the car" and her biggest fear... IF Terrell told her saw on news and dead baby and recognized RH car, if that was her worse fear and hearing that, I could see how that could be said, just depends on context. As far as her not asking about Cooper or where he was. And for RH for that matter, they were both told where Cooper was being taken. This was testified by Stoddard.
With a car seat that reached 125 degrees no less...

Yes. There are 3 nurses and two children of police officers on the jury. I think they will be helpful in the jury room. I also think seeing the car and car seat the other day will be a huge obstacle for the defense to overcome.
There were a flurry of text/chat messages prior to the one "red image" Whisper msg. EMT Payton testified that RH said fed Cooper at 845. Possible that RH gave that time thinking about being at CF. We do not know what time they arrived into the parking lot of CF. We know when they walked in and out. Very well could have been in the parking lot texting. JMHO. We know Cooper ate in CF.

Kilgore also said in OS that the former Mgr (who testified) did not know Cooper and was first time had seen him inside. That RH usually went through the drive thru in mornings and they couldn't see him from drive thru. That was the testimony from the CF mgr. Another reason I think they will have RH debit transaction for CF. Habit.

One more I am thinking may call, RH boss. Or someone from HD

Kilgore made statement about "work" late at night and texting and emailing the Travel Agent. (he emailed her after midnight, she sent him an email, he didnt respond but records show he started googling carnival cruise kids at like 942? Anyway it was shortly after he arrived to work.

Possible they have some "work" documents that RH was working on?

Kilgore stated this day was a normal day. JMHO he means the amount of texting chatting and so forth. Brandon Miller the coworker said they all had couple monitors on their desks and would have videos going, looking up stuff on line Reddit... they all did it.

I just read that the Defense only plans to call two more witnesses and Leanna will be called tomorrow. Not sure if this is true - it was an Atlanta reporter on Twitter.

If this is true, maybe they are taking the EA (Christina Morris' kidnapper) defense's approach of (IMO) assuming they created enough reasonable doubt that they don't need to put on much of a case. Risky move.
Oh, so no odour whatsoever then? Seriously. What is with the urine wouldn't smell stuff? Urine smells like ammonia when dehydration occurs. Never left a diaper on slightly too long and been angry at yourself? That's only a slight smell, but an odour none the less.

God knows if his diaper was fully intact with struggling. Irrespective of that, the heat from his body in that seat would aggravate the smell, not disguise it. Heat intensifies smells.

The ME under Cross, agreed that if the child had been in one position for while then there possibly not much of smell until he was moved around (getting out of car seat, CPR and so forth) it wouldn't be as concentrated in the air. And the A/C vents were pointed towards RH. He was only in the car for few minutes when first 911 call was answered at 4:22:50 iirc.
Times in afternoon
4:16:27 enters his veh
4:16:30 starts car leaves/windows up
4:16:31 out of view of HD parking lot camera.

Per the EMT it was heavy rush hour traffic at that time. JMHO he prob had a few stop lights. That is 6 min and few seconds from pulling out of HD parking lot til first 911 call.

JMHO I was surprised he didn't have feces in diaper to be honest. And smell was my first thought but it was pretty well explained by the ME. And fact that no one else had made comment about it, makes me believe it wasn't like we think it should have been. JMHO
The medical examiner -- the State's own expert witness -- said there would be no smell of decomposition at that time.
If this is true, maybe they are taking the EA (Christina Morris' kidnapper) defense's approach of (IMO) assuming they created enough reasonable doubt that they don't need to put on much of a case. Risky move.

I'm not sure what else they could put on as evidence besides their memory expert and Leanna. I think both of those witnesses will provide all the evidence they need. The phone and text logs are already entered into evidence, so maybe in closing arguments the defense will point out more of that to put things in context.

Also, the defense wants to be careful about opening the door for the State's rebuttal case. The less said, the better in that respect.
Oh, so no odour whatsoever then? Seriously. What is with the urine wouldn't smell stuff? Urine smells like ammonia when dehydration occurs. Never left a diaper on slightly too long and been angry at yourself? That's only a slight smell, but an odour none the less.

God knows if his diaper was fully intact with struggling. Irrespective of that, the heat from his body in that seat would aggravate the smell, not disguise it. Heat intensifies smells.

I have a VERY difficult time believing there was NO strong smell of something "off", "different" in that car when RH got in after work. It defies logic. No one will ever know for sure but I think the jury will also be able to come to a logical deduction on this.
The reality is, there would be a difference between when RH got into a hot stuffy, possibly 125 degree car and what it smelled like, and 10 minutes and up to hours later (also having air on during drive, and then at least 2 of the doers open at the scene) when other people were in the car.

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I just read that the Defense only plans to call two more witnesses and Leanna will be called tomorrow. Not sure if this is true - it was an Atlanta reporter on Twitter.
JMHO I don't believe this. 1) if you have watched any of the Hearings, you will know how Kilgore feels about the media in this case. I can't see him telling them squat, unless to mislead them. JMHO 2) Dr. Diamond, Dr. A, are suppose to be called, and Dr Frist is till on subpoena (we do not know about if he will or won't be called) 3)JMHO they will call someone else as a character witness for RH.

Its possible but I will be surprised. And won't be first or last for that to happen :)
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