Trial - Ross Harris #6

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I'd agree except JRH is sexting while he's caring for his child while inside a moving vehicle. JRH became otherwise preoccupied to the extent that he left his little boy unattended after strapping Cooper into his carseat for a ride to school.

If JRH did not sext that day, it should not be excluded but, the sexting, et al, is central to JRHs motives as well as his ED with LT. His behavior every minute of that fateful day is important to scrutinize b/c that's another minute Cooper was suffering. The sexting was central to Ross' state of mind during the crime so it must be admitted for the jury's consideration.

Does JRHs sexting voice play thru his SUV's radio speakers so that Cooper was able to hear his daddy and his paramour sexting, humm, hands free? I am feeling ill about level of evil this required. Christian behavior? No. Ross is a Heretic.

But he wasn't "sexting" when he left Cooper in the car De, he replied to a post someone else orig made (and was talking about we all need a break and mentioned "love my son " they are taking that to mean needing a break from Cooper. ORIG they only had the Red Image Whisper. And ASSUMED for over a year that RH made that post. (after the Jan 2015 new Cellebrite update per testimony and later in year of 2015 have to pull notes to find exact date)
JMHO from listening to trial testimony.
I feel like LH was good on direct. I think the videos and pictures showed a happy and excited little family unit and it's a stark contrast to the fractured reality they live now. I heard that several jurors were crying during her testimony and the ones who weren't were all engaged. Her testimony let the jurors get to know Cooper as well as all of them as a family. Cross... was a slightly different story. She didn't remember stuff on direct at times but it looked bad on cross. That said, the defense has done an amazing job at driving home the fact that they suspected them so quickly so she was untrusting of the state. Jury is left to wonder if she has reason to be. I kept think she was trying to be careful not to respond to the questions as they were being phrased. She tried to respond and have the control over the narritive and not have words twisted. They will clear some of this up on redirect. All in all I think if any of the jurors who sat in the room with her felt connected to what she was saying, some of these issues will be forgiven. No worse than the lies that were spewed by state's key whitness and lead detective.

Anyone else catch the prosecutor almost refer to 6/18 as the " day of the accident" to LH!!!?? He caught himself just in time but it was not lost on me! It wasn't on cross- it was at the point where they were allowed to confirm something or other with her during the defense's direct questioning. I think the jury was in though.

BBM, YES!:thinking: Wasn't it when the photos of Cooper from April 2014 were being proffered? Boring was fixing to say that since her Mother took she couldn't authenicate, but he knew whe Mom came to GA and LH/LT was with her. So that says right there they know that baby wasn't too big over the top of car seat..lAnd I too wonder if her attorney advised her to use the same terms "I do not recall" "I don't remember" same as LEO have done. They were not made answer yes or no. As they are trained how to testify (per Det Raissee... who was one of the 2 Det who went to the Treehouse and interviewed LH. Also he is who moved her car to a visitor spot per his testimony" I think he will be recalled. And if so, soon after LH/LT testimony. JMHO just so Jury remember how they treated her.
Anyone else catch the prosecutor almost refer to 6/18 as the " day of the accident" to LH!!!?? He caught himself just in time but it was not lost on me! It wasn't on cross- it was at the point where they were allowed to confirm something or other with her during the defense's direct questioning. I think the jury was in though.

I heard that. I thought he was going to say accident too.
But what if instead of texting; He was bidding on ebay items?

Would people still claim malice.

Absolutely an addict is an addict whether ones spends all of their time on scoring deals with eBay or in a pub with a mug or at a poker table. His obsession with sex, his addiction to destructive and illegal activity, is directly what led to the death of Cooper.

Remember all coincidences being mentioned are really clues, to paraphrase James Kolar.
I think it's going to be hard to find RH guilty on malice murder, 1st degree child cruelty (incl. felony murder), but there were a lot of chances for RH to remember about Cooper, it's the sheer number of these that could push jurors towards guilty on those counts, especially with the proximity of the car seat and Cooper's head to the front seats.

Didn't engage with Cooper during CF breakfast, was texting/messaging instead
Forgot Cooper so quickly after putting him in car seat at CF
Didn't notice or remember Cooper when driving from CF to HD.
Didn't notice or remember Cooper when reversing into the space.
Didn't notice or remember Cooper while remaining in the car for ~30 seconds after arriving at HD
Didn't notice or remember Cooper when getting briefcase out of car.
Didn't remember Cooper when texting women about Cooper
Didn't notice Cooper when returning to the car at lunch time.
Didn't remember Cooper when receiving e-mail from day care
Falsly remembered dropping Cooper off at day care when asking LH to pick him up
Didn't notice Cooper when getting into the car when going to the movies
Didn't notice Cooper while driving to the movies for several minutes
If Ross was driving with sunglasses on then they may have limit his peripheral vision .
But he wasn't "sexting" when he left Cooper in the car De, he replied to a post someone else orig made (and was talking about we all need a break and mentioned "love my son " they are taking that to mean needing a break from Cooper. ORIG they only had the Red Image Whisper. And ASSUMED for over a year that RH made that post. (after the Jan 2015 new Cellebrite update per testimony and later in year of 2015 have to pull notes to find exact date)
JMHO from listening to trial testimony.

He SAID he needed an escape from Cooper. Those were his own words. And he prefaced it with " I love my son and all..' That is not especially convincing way of expressing undying love.

He read the meme in the red box, and specifically chose to comment upon it, and AGREE with it.
But what if instead of texting; He was bidding on ebay items?

Would people still claim malice.

I think it might depend upon what he was bidding on. If he was bidding on a tricycle for his son, maybe it would work in his favor, and people would think it was accidental.

But if he was bidding on a trip with his wife, without his son, then I might have some doubts.
Less is more. After Leanna's testimony today, I can believe the DT will only have 2 more witnesses- Dr. A and Dr. D, and will only recall the ME if they think they need to revisit the flawed hot car recreation to emphasize the unlikelyhood Cooper could still have been alive at 12:45 (unlikely they will, imo).

Going by Kilgore OS, there a few things that he needs to clear up. And he needs to get some more on Stoddard, because State is going to have Rebuttal.

I am still totally confused as to when the State is saying Cooper died. At the PC hearing Magistrate when asked child would have died based on.. Estimation of how long take a body to get into that condition, Stoddardv testified that these were the Preliminary results... 7/3/14 that the ME belives he died before noon! 1:01:00 mark
Kilgore was a PAID Attorney at the PC Hearing. Wonder who contacted him? He and his team are passionate for sure.

Stoddard says he arrived at crime scene at 5:07pm. Murphy was with Stoddard. (Stoddard time from PC Hearing)
Ferrell testimony, is that HE Ferrell arrived at 5:15-5:20, when asked if Det Stoddard was there on scene, Lumkin asked Ferrell how many LEO on scene. Doesn't know #. Said Raissee and Stockenger were there. A Property Det was there, Not sure if Stoddard was there or not., Ferrell didn't get there super fast the gps coordinates were wrong so took little bit longer to get there. :) Stoddard should have been there per Stoddard testimony lol

Have you read about the Fireman that just recently left his son in car all day? Got back in car drove to gro store iirc and upon getting back home that evening is when noticed him? (have to google I could be off a bit) This case at hand JRH, it was rushed and assumed many things incorrectly and that is what has hurt the credibility of all these LEO in this case. JMHO

A Florida father was arrested Friday and charged in the death of his toddler son, who was left in a pickup truck for eight hours, according to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office.

Troy Whitaker, 41, was charged with aggravated manslaughter, sheriff’s spokesman Kavontae Smalls said.

Whitaker left his Palm Harbor house Friday morning with his 5-year-old daughter and 23-month-old son, Lawson, Smalls said.

He dropped his daughter off at school, but forgot to drop his son off at daycare, Smalls said. He ran errands around town, and saw his son in the backseat of the Chevrolet truck in the afternoon, when he was back home.

Whitaker, who is a firefighter with the nearby Hillsborough County Fire Department, performed CPR on his son before medical officials arrived, Sheriff Bob Gualtieri told reporters.

The sheriff said the boy was in the truck from about 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., when Whitaker returned from a trip to the supermarket.

“It was evident that he didn’t realize that the child was in the backseat until he arrived home from Publix,” Gualtieri said. “He was taking the groceries out of the front passenger seat and immediately dropped the bags — there are groceries all over the driveway — and then went and took the child out of the car seat.”

The boy’s car seat was behind the driver’s seat, the sheriff said.

“As you can imagine, he was extremely upset — visibly upset,” he said

Plus Judge Wade Naramore, who faced up to a year in prison for misdemeanor negligent homicide for the hot car death of his 17 month old son but was found not guilty. He drove around doing errands, some of them for his child, with the dead child in the car.

That afternoon, Naramore visited a local day spa, ate lunch, went to Kroger and bought wine at a liquor store before heading home, he said. While at home, he packed Thomas’ bathing suit for swimming at the country club across the street and later left his house intending to pick up his son.

While driving through a sharp curve shortly after 3 p.m., Naramore heard a noise coming from the back of his car, he said in the video. He then witnessed a foot dangling and realized that his son had been left in his car for more than five hours...

As the defense began presenting its case, jurors heard from Thomas’ pediatrician, Dr. David Slay. Slay testified that he had experienced a “near miss” on a day when he was on call and only noticed that one of his children, who was 2 years old at the time, was in the back seat when he went to pick up his lab coat.

The doctor said that while the experience did not scare him at the time, it made him think about how easy it might be to forget a child in a vehicle.
He did not text between 9:15 and 9:24, and jmo, I think the State would have been happy to present evidence of any phone activity in between, as they could then imply he was being either negligent or reckless by being on the phone as he drove.

Beyond that, he could not have left CFA any earlier than 9:18, as there is video of him shaking hands at the counter, holding Cooper, on his way out. The batch of texts he sent at 9:24 suggest he was stopped at a red light at the intersection. GA Peach says the light could last as long as a couple of minutes, but when I timed it when the videos were being played of the drive, (same time of day?) the light lasted an average of about 15-20 seconds.

And, he pulled into the Treehouse parking lot drive at just under 9:25.

So he likely got in his car around 9:19. Arrived 6-7 minutes later. And the drive is about two minutes? Is that why you suggest he was in the parked car at the CFA?

But if he was, he wasn't texting or talking. He was just sitting there. For several minutes? Or was there traffic?
So we don't know. So either he was sitting in a parked car doing nothing much, no important call or texts that distracted him, with his son there. And then after a few minutes started to drive. Or he left immediately and then was stopped in some traffic?
I am thinking you might be in a minority of one or two because most posting seem to think there was a lot more to this little Cooper dying in a hot car while his father was acting the fool. Surely one sees/hears a small child during a three minute car ride just inches away from himself.

Well, I'm in that minority as well. The only questions not answered specifically for me is why he went to his car at lunch, for which I can think of a perfectly good reason. They really needed the light bulbs and he wanted to be sure not to leave them at the office. And, why did he take the long way to the movie theater. Not sure about this one, but he had time to stop off at one of the shops or eateries for a brief errand or drink before the movie, so there could be an alternate explanation. I came into this trial on the fence. At one point, the picture taking and timing of the questions in chat between Ross and Leanna had me almost convinced they were both in on it. But now, it's clear not only has the prosecution not proven premeditation, they've barely, if even, proven child cruelty in the 2nd. The fact he was tired could have just as easily been caused by working late. His distraction in the car at the point he needed to remember Cooper could've been work, sexting, the radio, the traffic. There were too many one-sided, biased conclusions made by the police in their rush to judgement, and now the prosecution is left trying to follow suit. It is fail, imho.
As far as search warrants go.

I have no problem with open digital search warrants for those whom leave their kids in a car for 8hrs. Jmo

Because we do not want parents to think that this type of thing will ever be assumed as a open and shut accident even if it was.
You are going to drive yourself nuts trying to figure this out (like I did a couple of days ago). The state presented vague information about this, and it's impossible to pin down exactly when these things happened - and as far as I can tell, he texted at 9:15 and again at 9:24, but it's unclear if there was other phone activity during that time. It's also unclear whether the CFA video clock was in sync with Ross' cell phone clock or the Home Depot video clock.

And this is where something Boring asked one witness. Paraphrasing: if someone said xx time was really *advertiser censored* would that be correct. and the witness said no it would not be. I made note and haven't seen it referenced so was thinking it may be something they think the Def was going to say.
I couldn't put my finger on what it was about LH that struck me today, but I finally figured it out. She has always blamed herself for Ross's problems, and Cooper's death and Ross's subsequent indictment are no exceptions. She tries to fix everything for him because she faults herself. It doesn't matter whether she is in fact the problem (she is not), but she believes that she is. When Ross suffered from erectile dysfunction, LH testified that she blamed herself. When Ross was asking for a picture of a woman's *advertiser censored* several years ago, LH blamed herself. When Cooper died, LH likely blamed herself. LH likely blames herself for Ross being in jail. When viewing LH through this lens, her behavior with Ross in the interrogation room makes so much more sense. She was not there as a grieving mother; she was there to save and protect Ross. LH taking the stand is one last chance to save Ross; in her mind, it's the least she could do because (in her mind) she's (at least partly) responsible for what happened.

For the record, I am not stating that LH is criminally responsible. I believe that she blames herself.

Kilgore asked LH if they took her phone from her while she was in the interrogation room. She said no. And she spoke to RH parents while in there and they "asked her to be stong for RH" she tried to be the Rock.
As far as search warrants go.

I have no problem with open digital search warrants for those whom leave their kids in a car for 8hrs. Jmo

Because we do not want parents to think that this type of thing will ever be assumed as a open and shut accident even if it was.

I just think a dead kid in a hot car equals probable cause in and of itself that a crime has been committed. Of some sort.
I think it's going to be hard to find RH guilty on malice murder, 1st degree child cruelty (incl. felony murder), but there were a lot of chances for RH to remember about Cooper, it's the sheer number of these that could push jurors towards guilty on those counts, especially with the proximity of the car seat and Cooper's head to the front seats.

Didn't engage with Cooper during CF breakfast, was texting/messaging instead
Forgot Cooper so quickly after putting him in car seat at CF
Didn't notice or remember Cooper when driving from CF to HD.
Didn't notice or remember Cooper when reversing into the space.
Didn't notice or remember Cooper while remaining in the car for ~30 seconds after arriving at HD
Didn't notice or remember Cooper when getting briefcase out of car.
Didn't remember Cooper when texting women about Cooper
Didn't notice Cooper when returning to the car at lunch time.
Didn't remember Cooper when receiving e-mail from day care
Falsly remembered dropping Cooper off at day care when asking LH to pick him up
Didn't notice Cooper when getting into the car when going to the movies
Didn't notice Cooper while driving to the movies for several minutes

RBBM, this one I don't think we can say is factual. RH was telling about a gentleman in CF that was waving at Cooper as they ate breakfast. RH was only at CFA a small time and there are only 1 or 2 iirc text/chats around that time. So I don't think we can say with certainty factually if he did or didn't engage with Cooper during breakfast. I have feeling he did. JMHO.

And all the remainder of your points. those sound like something that Dr. A and Dr. Diamond will be testifying about. JMHO

Didn't engage with Cooper during CF breakfast, was texting/messaging instead
Forgot Cooper so quickly after putting him in car seat at CF
Didn't notice or remember Cooper when driving from CF to HD.
Didn't notice or remember Cooper when reversing into the space.
Didn't notice or remember Cooper while remaining in the car for ~30 seconds after arriving at HD
Didn't notice or remember Cooper when getting briefcase out of car.
Didn't remember Cooper when texting women about Cooper
Didn't notice Cooper when returning to the car at lunch time.
Didn't remember Cooper when receiving e-mail from day care
Falsly remembered dropping Cooper off at day care when asking LH to pick him up
Didn't notice Cooper when getting into the car when going to the movies
Didn't notice Cooper while driving to the movies for several minutes
I just think a dead kid in a hot car equals probable cause in and of itself that a crime has been committed. Of some sort.

I Agree.

Its not like the kid drowned in the pool in 2 seconds.

These kids are being left strapped in cars for long hours.

But the cellphone would have only been left in the car for less than a minute before a parent starts going bananas. Jmo
If Ross was driving with sunglasses on then they may have limit his peripheral vision .

Good point! Speaking of which, Evans is who mentioned the glasses on Direct when entering in photos of Grimsteads from Crime Scene Shed. Kilgore or Lumpkin brought up the car was not in the exact way it was on 6/18/14. Evidently those sunglasses may not be listed in evidence somewhere. ross harris cs 6 18 14 grimstead 3 sunglasses.JPG
Quote Originally Posted by arkansasmimi View Post
But he wasn't "sexting" when he left Cooper in the car De, he replied to a post someone else orig made (and was talking about we all need a break and mentioned "love my son " they are taking that to mean needing a break from Cooper. ORIG they only had the Red Image Whisper. And ASSUMED for over a year that RH made that post. (after the Jan 2015 new Cellebrite update per testimony and later in year of 2015 have to pull notes to find exact date)
JMHO from listening to trial testimony.

He SAID he needed an escape from Cooper. Those were his own words. And he prefaced it with " I love my son and all..' That is not especially convincing way of expressing undying love.

He read the meme in the red box, and specifically chose to comment upon it, and AGREE with it.

RH is saying he needs time with his friends. **if you listened to the text messages between RH and LH that Boring had her read, it was with the same friends that he was going to the movie with that night. He was talking about needing a guys night out, and LH testified that they pretty much did things as a family. All of them at home. Cooper was 22 months old and had no clue what an escape even would be ..unless he was climbing out of bed or high chair or something. You have to put everything into context. WHICH the State ha taken EVERYTHING out of context to fit their agenda/theory. Squishing pieces to make them fit in some cases. jmho

Prosecution shows jurors a post pulled from Harris' phone on June 18, 2014 that said, "I hate being married with kids. The novelty has warn off and I have nothing to show for it." Prosecution says the image was not uploaded or posted by Harris but Harris did comment on it and then begin a chat with the woman who posted it

. Phone records show Harris messaged the woman, "I miss having time to myself and going out with my friends." He then said "My wife gets upset when I want to go out with friends." Around 9:15 a.m., Harris said "I love my son and all but we both need escapes." Prosecution says Harris sent that message just minutes after he's seen buying breakfast with Cooper at Chick-fil-A.

Smith says detectives found the red image, reading, "I hate being married with kids. The novelty has warn off and I have nothing to show for it," on Harris' phone. He says the detective brought it to him and said he wanted to know more about it. ***** And it was not until Sept 2015 that they got the other messages that went with the Red Image! Meaning RH Comments^tfw
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