Trial - Ross Harris #7

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I live in KY, not Georgia, but I have a really hard time believing the car was that cool in the middle of June. That's just me, and to be honest I prefer the winter to summer so I know I'm biased. Anybody that lives in Georgia believe the inside of the car could be that cool? Peach?:desert:<<<this is how I feel about summer

This was first time this expert has ever done this too. But the car was driven around with a/c on for 30 min. Then parked and temp testing started prior to time of day that RH parked his car. And this the reconstruction was done on July 8.
This was first time this expert has ever done this too. But the car was driven around with a/c on for 30 min. Then parked and temp testing started prior to time of day that RH parked his car. And this the reconstruction was done on July 8.

Mimi, remind me, was he measuring the ambient temperature in the car, the temperature of the car seat, the internal temperature of a human in the car, or what?
this is kind of morbid but I wish the cops had put the baby back in the car seat and taken good pics and video so we could see how visable the child was while in the car. That doll they used and the 3- D graphics just didnt give me enough evidence to say one way or the other how visable Cooper was in the car.

Anyone else have an opinion on this ?

They couldn't do that because no one but witness Anthony P saw RH getting Cooper out of the car. And that would be messing with the body and a huge no no. JMHO
I laughed out loud when I read that part. Alternate personas?! He was fairly honest, apparently, with telling women he was married with a kid. Cheating on your wife makes you a flight risk? I don't know about that.

Thanks for posting those tweets from the probable cause hearing, Mimi.

Alternate personas online. Like having user names on a forum. Guess that makes all of us flight risks.
I laughed out loud when I read that part. Alternate personas?! He was fairly honest, apparently, with telling women he was married with a kid. Cheating on your wife makes you a flight risk? I don't know about that.

Thanks for posting those tweets from the probable cause hearing, Mimi.

Kilgore asked Stoddard where would he go in the United States of America? Hide in a cave? Have you read the news or turned on a tv?

Stpddard said no (that he hasn't watched the news or followed in papers/social media) And said he thinks RH could just walk down the street unnoticed. This was July 3, 2014. Probable Cause Hearing, court packed with media and live streaming the hearing. :)
Ross smiles frequently before the jury comes in and after they leave. I don't think that it means anything, but it's interesting to watch.

i noticed that too...woman there sure did not look like anyone there for him but could be. As for the smiles before and after the jury comes in...well I think Mr. Harris thinks he is going to get off and that he has pulled another one over on everyone. Each and every defense witness except the brother has every reason to just tell the truth and if that leads to a jury convicting Ross of the max so be it...but no they are all evasive and clearly rehearsed by the def. atty. and seem to be really playing with words.
Quote Originally Posted by arkansasmimi View Post
This was first time this expert has ever done this too. But the car was driven around with a/c on for 30 min. Then parked and temp testing started prior to time of day that RH parked his car. And this the reconstruction was done on July 8.

Mimi, remind me, was he measuring the ambient temperature in the car, the temperature of the car seat, the internal temperature of a human in the car, or what?

:scared: Honestly all that hot car stuff that day was over my head confusing. I still can't believe they let the man drive RH veh around for 30 min cooling in down. Just because the a/c was on that afternoon when car was impounded doesn't tell anyone what was like that morning June 18, 2014. And JMHO later in the morning when RH and Cooper got into the car from CF and the drive to HD parking lot, no way would it have been cooled down that fast to begin with at time of morning RH left Cooper in car. To me personally as if I was a juror, that witness testimony would not be helpful at all. jmho
Kilgore asked Stoddard where would he go in the United States of America? Hide in a cave? Have you read the news or turned on a tv?

Stpddard said no (that he hasn't watched the news or followed in papers/social media) And said he thinks RH could just walk down the street unnoticed. This was July 3, 2014. Probable Cause Hearing, court packed with media and live streaming the hearing. :)

Yes, and as I sat on my couch in Dallas, TX watching him on Nancy Grace, etc. lol
I live in KY, not Georgia, but I have a really hard time believing the car was that cool in the middle of June. That's just me, and to be honest I prefer the winter to summer so I know I'm biased. Anybody that lives in Georgia believe the inside of the car could be that cool? Peach?:desert:<<<this is how I feel about summer

I don't believe the car was that cool. I think that the design of the "recreation" was flawed. I am highly skeptical that the starting temperature of the car was anywhere near 60. I was reading about a different hot car death last night. The high that day was in the lows 70s, but the interior temperature of the car was well over 125 degrees.

I need to look into the Judge Naramore case. Do you know if they went to the drive-thru versus eating inside? That's a huge distinction IMO.
i noticed that too...woman there sure did not look like anyone there for him but could be. As for the smiles before and after the jury comes in...well I think Mr. Harris thinks he is going to get off and that he has pulled another one over on everyone. Each and every defense witness except the brother has every reason to just tell the truth and if that leads to a jury convicting Ross of the max so be it...but no they are all evasive and clearly rehearsed by the def. atty. and seem to be really playing with words.

JMHO doesn't make a difference what RH (or any defendant for that matter does/or anyone anywhere at anytime) people are going to judge and critique it. Stone face, he would be cold and unloving, smile (and we just watching on live stream, someone may told him something funny or stupid or whatever)<<< Example when the Private Inv for the State... got up there spewing his stuff he just found and thought he hit the mother load...NOT knowing that that was a client of RH! Actually made the witness look stupid.JMHO. And personally, I not sure that Evans realized it or not. Because he did not stop it and yet after break iirc is when he told the witness who it was. JMHO if Evans knew and should have... it was something slimmy by the State to put suggestion out there. Especially since RH had made a comment on a post about witnesses on scene.

And what do people think?? Someone is not suppose to smile, laugh, cry, or not have any of these emotions years after the fact or even short time after a tragedy? Just as when RH smiled during photos or testimony remembering things. Like the former team leader Mr. Brown saying how RH loved CF and it was a running joke and how witness didn't like CF and didn't understand it. Courtroom laughed.

Damned if do damned if don't. And in this case at hand, that what JMHO is what got the whole mess started at the initial crime scene.
If RH didn't mouth off to police officers trying to help him and his son at the scene, he probably wouldn't be behind bars, then or now.

It's Ross own actions during that "initial crime scene" that landed him in jail, hopefully for good, after some excellent police work those first few days.
:scared: Honestly all that hot car stuff that day was over my head confusing. I still can't believe they let the man drive RH veh around for 30 min cooling in down. Just because the a/c was on that afternoon when car was impounded doesn't tell anyone what was like that morning June 18, 2014. And JMHO later in the morning when RH and Cooper got into the car from CF and the drive to HD parking lot, no way would it have been cooled down that fast to begin with at time of morning RH left Cooper in car. To me personally as if I was a juror, that witness testimony would not be helpful at all. jmho

It was a really lousy, flawed experiment, through and through. About the AC. Right, who knows if RH had the AC on in the morning at all, or of he did, to what temp.

But even if he had it on and to the temp used in the experiment, the longest he could possibly have had it on was around 6 minutes, (9:19-9:25), the drive from CFA to the Treehouse, not 30 minutes.

And even if he had it on for those 6 minutes, he also left the front door wide open for 18 seconds before he got out of the car, which obviously would have raised the inside temp of the car.

And, the recreation didn't take in account variables relating to having a human being on the car. The relevant question isn't how hot did it get in the car, but rather, what effect did the heat have on Cooper, and when?
o/t a little. Found this site, its lawyers asking about various experts.

This is in Texas, recent post lawyer post on subject of hot car:

September 13, 2016 09:05
I've got a hot car death case coming up for an open plea. I am looking for an expert (or experts) who can cover:

1. What the body goes through physically when experiencing hyperthermia.

2. How hot the temperature gets inside a closed vehicle.

Any recommendations? Neither my ME or ER doctor will testify to either of those topics.was asking
JMHO doesn't make a difference what RH (or any defendant for that matter does/or anyone anywhere at anytime) people are going to judge and critique it. Stone face, he would be cold and unloving, smile (and we just watching on live stream, someone may told him something funny or stupid or whatever)<<< Example when the Private Inv for the State... got up there spewing his stuff he just found and thought he hit the mother load...NOT knowing that that was a client of RH! Actually made the witness look stupid.JMHO. And personally, I not sure that Evans realized it or not. Because he did not stop it and yet after break iirc is when he told the witness who it was. JMHO if Evans knew and should have... it was something slimmy by the State to put suggestion out there. Especially since RH had made a comment on a post about witnesses on scene.

And what do people think?? Someone is not suppose to smile, laugh, cry, or not have any of these emotions years after the fact or even short time after a tragedy? Just as when RH smiled during photos or testimony remembering things. Like the former team leader Mr. Brown saying how RH loved CF and it was a running joke and how witness didn't like CF and didn't understand it. Courtroom laughed.

Damned if do damned if don't. And in this case at hand, that what JMHO is what got the whole mess started at the initial crime scene.

That, and the fact Ross Harris chose to get on his phone to reach his wife, to spare her from hearing the news from someone else, rather than staying by Cooper. Stoddard to this day doesn't seem to understand that choice by RH.
If RH didn't mouth off to police officers trying to help him and his son at the scene, he probably wouldn't be behind bars, then or now.

Ummm... Do you not see a huge issue with that? Yikes!
That would have been a great defense if he was actually working that day.

But now he would have to admit that he was showing his face at work first; But then he got blinded with the immediate sexting.

I have wondered about that theory too----that he planned to leave him for a few minutes while he showed his face at work. Then he'd zip him over to DC and return. The backing into the shady spot makes some sense there.

If this were the case and if leaving Cooper in the car was truly an accident JRH's memory would have triggered when he got the Little Aprons mass email, the text message from his wife, or by seeing red in the car from the car seat when he tossed the light bulbs in, or if he had pictures of Cooper at his desk/wallpaper/screensaver. The list goes on. Any one of these would have set off discovery before JRH was driving in a hot stinky car with the windows rolled up to go see the movies.
That, and the fact Ross Harris chose to get on his phone to reach his wife, to spare her from hearing the news from someone else, rather than staying by Cooper. Stoddard to this day doesn't seem to understand that choice by RH.

He wasn't talking to anyone on the phone. The officer asked him politely to put the phone down, she had some questions.

He turned around and cursed, screamed and yelled at her.

You don't think it's right for a police officer to then have to place him in the back of a police car and take away his phone in order to get some sort of explanation as to what happened?

I think it's more important that he explains why his dead son is lying on a hot pavement than for him to make phone calls to his wife.
If RH didn't mouth off to police officers trying to help him and his son at the scene, he probably wouldn't be behind bars, then or now.

It's Ross own actions during that "initial crime scene" that landed him in jail, hopefully for good, after some excellent police work those first few days.

:thinking: I think that is what the LEO testimony has been "was acting" or "wasn't acting right" Goodness which is it? "no tears not any" or "fake tears" then "real tears but LH had none"
Ummm... Do you not see a huge issue with that? Yikes!

Not in the least. I lived with an under cover state trooper for 8 years. They are trained to notice the smallest unusual things that you may never pick up standing right next to them. In this case it was a solid hunch that led to arresting a pedophile and probable murderer.
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