Trial Thread 8 May 2012 Wrapping up Closing Arguments

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A lot of healing to be done for so many people over this case on both sides of the family fence. Truly terrible. These two have caused a lot of pain. The type of pain no human being should have to bear. MOO

Every action a person takes has a ripple affect on the people that care about them. JMO
I've shed tears over this little girl twice in the last three years:

Once, in my car when I heard on the news her body was recovered.

The second was today when I read the tweets that Rodney had to leave the courtroom.

I fully expect to shed a tear or two as I hear the final verdict either, out of frustration that the full extent of the law wasn't thrown at him, or sheer relieft that it was!

(no need for anyone to quote me or respond) this is just little old me having my final say

Thanks for all the tweets, and I respect all your opinions
respectfully, Peekaboo I am not questioning your take on this so why question mine...I have stated numerous times why I don't believe he is guilty of ALL the charges and if you didn't read those well I can't be bothered to post them again...just go with it that I believe the opposite of some on this site but I think my beliefs are in line with I said I have no personal attachments to any of the players in this..just general interest but I will say this site has been an eye opener and not in a good way...just saying....JMO JMO

Pretty sure I've read most of your posts on here and still not understanding either, other than TLM is a liar therefore MR must be innocent? Correct me if I'm wrong, because that's the way I'm understanding it.

ETA: I think this post might sound snarky and I don't mean it to be. Just trying to understand how some can come to such a different conclusion after the evidence has been laid out.
A lot of healing to be done for so many people over this case on both sides of the family fence. Truly terrible. These two have caused a lot of pain. The type of pain no human being should have to bear. MOO

and also the front line workers involved in this case....I know of at least one that has an 8 yr old daughter with blond hair who was in grade 3 at the same time VS went missing. This has had great effects on him as well.
I don't have one doubt that this is already over. The Crown has been very clear IMO backing up every single statement with evidence and logic so that it is crystal clear. After hearing the defense muffle and cofuncal and make no sense, I'm sure it is now clear to the jury that there is no question he is guilty.
Wow, what a day - I feel like a weight has been lifted. The Crown was relentless, just like I'd hoped they would be.

The only other trial I've followed this closely was the Colonel, and there wasn't much of a defence there as he plead guilty. I find, looking back, it's easy to see how well planned and executed the prosecution was. Like an orchestra.

There were times when I would wonder "why aren't they asking this?" or "why are they spending so much time on this?" They were sort of matter of fact, no great 'aha!' Sherlock Holmes moments - but now by pulling it altogether once, and giving it context, I think it makes for a very big impact. Very big. Like one-of-those-battering rams-they-use-to-knock-down-castle-doors-in-movies big.

Also interesting is his poor impulse control, rolling his eyes, muttering under his breath. Next he'll be stamping his feet and saying he doesn't want to play anymore.
AveryFreeFMNews #Rafferty seems to mouth "oh my god" when Gowdey asks where Tori Stafford would have been sitting in his car if it was an innocent drive.

Sorry but I have to laugh at his reaction to this point. I've been asking the same question too for awhile now. If there was no back seat, where was Tori sitting for 2 1/2 hours while he went to TH and to pick up drugs and Home Depot??? OMG!!!!! You're so busted....With seat or no seat, you're still busted. The seat doesn't even matter now, IMO. Still, I 100% believe there was a seat and he raped Tori on that seat. I mean, he would want to be as comfortable as possible while violating an innocent young child, right? His car was his portable home on wheels. Why wouldn't he have a seat in the back?

Thank you for the tweets today and yesterday, little tweeties. xoxo The Crown rocked it today with logic and MR is showing his true colours with his reactions again. Perfect. JMO
Sorry but I have to laugh at his reaction to this point. I've been asking the same question too for awhile now. If there was no back seat, where was Tori sitting for 2 1/2 hours while he went to TH and to pick up drugs and Home Depot??? OMG!!!!! You're so busted....With seat or no seat, you're still busted. The seat doesn't even matter now, IMO. Still, I 100% believe there was a seat and he raped Tori on that seat. I mean, he would want to be as comfortable as possible while violating an innocent young child, right? His car was his portable home on wheels. Why wouldn't he have a seat in the back?

Thank you for the tweets today and yesterday, little tweeties. xoxo The Crown rocked it today with logic and MR is showing his true colours with his reactions again. Perfect. JMO

omg...may have been the final realization..he is probably not going home. MOO
The lies just rolled off his tongue... He wanted to throw police off the trail" said Gowdey.

You got that right Gowdey....MR is just as bad as TLM in the telling the tales department!!!! JMO Too bad the defence had nothing better to discuss besides TLM's lies....we all know they both told lies in this case, but IMO MR told more of them. the trial topic....there is a wonderful postive page dedicated to Victoria Strafford on fb ...and it stresses postive feelings about this case that has torn at many hearts of many people...especially us in Ontario.... including mine & I am sure many others here...I thought you all may get a smile of what was posted on the weekend asking us what song reminds us of Tori and this case ...I wrote The greatest Love of All by whitney houstin as it reminds me of teaching young children like tori...a few secs after I posted I read a beautiful post form >>>>Tori's mom >>>...Tara ..she said Tori loved Shania Twan and could recognize her songs in 10 secs and sang along....Tori fav song by her was " UP"...i could evision our little Angel Tori away to the UP BEAT and singing LOUDLY ...full of spirit ...bubbly , full of ernergy Tori! ...may God bless her ....she is safe in heaven...I hope this makes you all smile as it did ....Me...robynhood!
I have to wonder why he was muttering at the topic of the "clean up" at the car wash after the murder? What's the deal? She changed her clothes and shoes, his shoes were at her house in her closet. She described the shorts she wore and police found them. She threw out the Shaq shoes and those were recovered. The Shaq shoes are on her feet at the Home Depot. There was obviously a clean up after the murder. I remember an ex-gf testified that he knew about car washes in the area. JMO
You have every right to your thoughts on this case, I'm curious of why you seem to think MTR is innocent? Or what is it that you aren't convinced of?

Maybe if you compare it to your own boyfriend or husband suddenly being charged with rape of a child? He had no history of this, no interest in this and did not rape Tori. JMO MOO IMO

I'm not even sure how the Crown can feel comfortable going through what they are doing on the word of a crazy, vindictive, killing b!tch. JMO MOO IMO

It did not happen. JMO MOO IMO

I wish Rodney could know for the rest of his life that his baby girl was not raped. Maybe one day he can have this detail in his heart to put to rest. JMO MOO IMO
yes, but for the trial defense is trying to say she did it alone; crown is saying no they are equally guilty. Scapegoating in that defense is saying SHE did it all alone and MTR was not guilty of rape, kidnap or murder. THAT would be scapegoating during the defense. Nobody believes TLM is not also guilty of all charges. MOO

Sorry this seems upsetting for you. It seems his innocense is important to you or at least the defense stance. Again, Ardy you seem very, very smart and articulate, and you have stated the choices MTR made are not ones you would ever make...but some people their heads are "not right" and they do some stupid and really awful things. It is looking very clear MTR is one of those ppl. MOO

For the record........I presume MR is innocent, but I really don't know.

If he is found guilty by the jury, I am fine with that.

Huge difference between being a wannabe at your local high school and claiming false affliation with a gang in PRISON. One will make people laugh at you behind your back and the other will get you seriously hurt.

As someone who has worked extensively with at-risk teens, many associated with street gangs peripherally if not actually, this EOA outfit seems like an ad-hoc, poorly-organized and low-level group. I'd be surprised if they wielded any power beyond their base, and if claiming an affiliation in prison would affect TLM's prognosis beyond another line on the CV of her "rep." This is not the Crips or the Native Syndicate or even a puppet club. TLM wanted desperately to belong, to someone or some group, and this was some kind of shabby answer.

I also doubt that any affiliation, real or so-called, with this bunch of thugs had any bearing whatsoever on the assault and murder of VS. TLM was violent, addicted, jealous and profoundly disturbed, and she had the further bad luck to meet probably the one man within 500 miles who was looking for someone just like her. As in so many partner crimes, they needed each other, are equally legally and (IMO) morally responsible, and will be found so.

I hope.

Maybe if you compare it to your own boyfriend or husband suddenly being charged with rape of a child? He had no history of this, no interest in this and did not rape Tori. JMO MOO IMO

I'm not even sure how the Crown can feel comfortable going through what they are doing on the word of a crazy, vindictive, killing b!tch. JMO MOO IMO

It did not happen. JMO MOO IMO

I wish Rodney could know for the rest of his life that his baby girl was not raped. Maybe one day he can have this detail in his heart to put to rest. JMO MOO IMO

I too wish the family of VS could hear that VS was not will not make things better or bring her back...but the rape part would ease the pain-just a bit. As for the crown just going on TLM's word....there is evidence besides her word, this evidence also fits her words.....MR was there, he was involved in this crazy vindictive murder of an innocent child. MOO

BBM above: What did not happen
Maybe if you compare it to your own boyfriend or husband suddenly being charged with rape of a child? He had no history of this, no interest in this and did not rape Tori. JMO MOO IMO

I'm not even sure how the Crown can feel comfortable going through what they are doing on the word of a crazy, vindictive, killing b!tch. JMO MOO IMO

It did not happen. JMO MOO IMO

I wish Rodney could know for the rest of his life that his baby girl was not raped. Maybe one day he can have this detail in his heart to put to rest. JMO MOO IMO

maybe one day TLM will miraculously find a conscience and tell the truth about the rape part...who knows it has happened before especially in other cases....JMO

McClintic's decision to plead guilty came about after discussions that lasted for months, LeRoy said.

"We discussed at length many times the proper way to proceed. We came to the decision together.

What do people suppose they were discussing for months?

Oh and deal?

She is not in isolation in prison, is following the rules and taking counselling, LeRoy said.

McClintic will be eligible for for parole in 15 years under faint hope clause in the Criminal Code. Her confession, cooperation with police and guilty plea may be factors helping her cause.

But none of those were made with that motive in mind, LeRoy says.

"None of that was act."

Even so, her client is young and believes "Some day I may have an opportunity to convince a board that I have learned from the biggest mistake of my life."


Do the math.............



No where does this information indicate that she pled because she thought LE had the hammer. If that information cannot be substantiated, it needs to be removed.


I too wish the family of VS could hear that VS was not will not make things better or bring her back...but the rape part would ease the pain-just a bit. As for the crown just going on TLM's word....there is evidence besides her word, this evidence also fits her words.....MR was there, he was involved in this crazy vindictive murder of an innocent child. MOO

BBM above: What did not happen

I'm posting specifically about the rape charges. MOO
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