TRIAL Week One - Ross Harris 3 October 2016

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Philip A. HollowayVerified account ‏@PhilHollowayEsq 3m3 minutes ago
#RossHarris #HotCarDeath trial witness tells Atty Kilgore Harris was "distraught" until he got on phone-still no word who was on phone w/him

Ross Harris Trial ‏@RossHarrisTrial 39s39 seconds ago
Hamilton says everyone grieves differently, but referred to Harris' demeanor as "bad acting."
This witness would make a perfect juror. Seems completely objective, straightforward, and undriven by emotion.
Has the defense said it took literally a minute to get to the intersection? I remember the ACJ 's renactments indicating the drive from CFA to the intersection would take longer than a minute. And IIRC, the defense said in opening that it took Harris 5 odd minutes from CFA to his work.

So, am unsure about that minute claim.

As for kids (young) falling asleep quickly in the car. Honestly, I think that's not at all uncommon, and have seen it happen with more than a few babes and tots I've driven about over the years.

Again, unless I remember incorrectly, Cooper hadn't slept well for several nights.....

From the timeline sticky:

09:19 RH & Cooper leave Chik-Fil-A.

09:19 RH glances right at the Cumberland turnaround; heads toward the Paces Ferry intersection.

09:19 30-40 secs. later, RH stays on Cumberland instead of turning left at Paces Ferry.

* Note: This means he failed to turn toward Little Apron, and headed toward the Treehouse.
* Note: From Chik-Fil-A to Little Apron Academy is approx 0.02 mi.
* Note: From Chik-Fil-A to the Treehouse building is approx. 0.6 mi.

09:25 RH arrives at work, drives past a parking space, then reverses to re-position.

According to timeline, by his not turning toward the daycare at Paces Ferry, he ''forgot" he had Cooper with him 30-40 seconds after pulling out of CFA.
This witness would make a perfect juror. Seems completely objective, straightforward, and undriven by emotion.

I thought this was the best civilian witness from the scene- that we've seen so far anyway.

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Ross Harris Trial ‏@HarrisTrialFOX5 24s24 seconds ago
Lindsay Foglia, officer with the Cobb County Police Department is called to the stand by the State.
From the timeline sticky:

According to timeline, by his not turning toward the daycare at Paces Ferry, he ''forgot" he had Cooper with him 30-40 seconds after pulling out of CFA.

Thank you for taking the time to find and post that, but I think at least some of the points on that timeline have since been called into question, including the length of time to intersection.
I saw a video where a reporter drove it and timed it...let me see if I can find it!
Ross Harris Trial ‏@RossHarrisTrial 38s39 seconds ago
Foglia says she attempted to do CPR on Cooper, not realizing that he was dead.

Ross Harris Trial ‏@RossHarrisTrial 41s41 seconds ago
Foglia says she shooed #RossHarris away while she did CPR because she didn't know who he was.

Philip A. HollowayVerified account ‏@PhilHollowayEsq 1m1 minute ago
Detective describes futile efforts at CPR on Cooper to #RossHarris #HotCarDeath trial jury-body had post-mortem lividity-Harris was "pacing"

Veronica Waters ‏@MissVWaters 48s48 seconds ago
#RossHarris Cobb Police Ofcr. Lindsay Foglia was first on the scene. Tried CPR but says Cooper's mouth was immobile from rigor.

Ross Harris Trial ‏@RossHarrisTrial 21s22 seconds ago
Foglia: #RossHarris went from periods of long silence to shrieking.
This witness speaks really fast!

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Ross Harris Trial ‏@HarrisTrialFOX5 24s24 seconds ago
Lindsay Foglia, officer with the Cobb County Police Department is called to the stand by the State.

This officer says they asked the crowd, "Is this choking?" because they were trying to figure out why Cooper's jaw was locked shut, preventing them from opening his mouth to administer CPR breaths.

She doesn't (at that time) mention the obvious rigor as evidenced by Coopers legs and arms defying gravity? Interesting.
Thank you for taking the time to find and post that, but I think at least some of the points on that timeline have since been called into question, including the length of time to intersection.

30-40 seconds is about right. I don't know how it could take much longer than that. It's less than 1/10th of a mile!

If traffic was heavy, which is the only way it would be more than 45 seconds to the intersection, Ross would not have opted to make the illegal U-turn. Traffic renders a U-turn there practically impossible. He would have instead exited through the shopping center, which is how one turning left from CFA is supposed to exit.
Thank you for taking the time to find and post that, but I think at least some of the points on that timeline have since been called into question, including the length of time to intersection.

There is a reporter who took the drive several times at the same time of day. The most it took him in any one drive, was a little over a minute. I'm not sure how much the defense can call that into question, because it seems pretty accurate from what reporters and locals have experienced. I think the defense would be better served to minimize this point and hit harder on others.

I don't remember the reporter's name, but I'm going to find it now.
This officer says they asked the crowd, "Is this choking?" because they were trying to figure out why Cooper's jaw was locked shut, preventing them from opening his mouth to administer CPR breaths.

She doesn't (at that time) mention the obvious rigor as evidenced by Coopers legs and arms defying gravity? Interesting.

It is odd considering other witnesss have testified that Cooper's legs were bent, as if he were still in the car seat.
In most States a marriage does not guarantee spousal support so I do not agree that he would need to kill his wife, plus there is virtually no chance of getting away with both ending up dead.


But in all honesty. He was looking for a 2nd job to support the family.

So why kill the baby toddler that is not asking him for money?
There is a reporter who took the drive several times at the same time of day. The most it took him in any one drive, was a little over a minute. I'm not sure how much the defense can call that into question, because it seems pretty accurate from what reporters and locals have experienced. I think the defense would be better served to minimize this point and hit harder on others.

I don't remember the reporter's name, but I'm going to find it now.

For clarification, the only separating CFA from the intersection is a Starbucks. I hope that provides some perspective as to how close CFA is to the intersection. However, since Ross was driving, he had to double back so he could cross the center median. The "double back" portion is probably 100-150 yards.
The baby may not be asking for money but it costs money to feed, clothe and provide day care for the child.
There is a reporter who took the drive several times at the same time of day. The most it took him in any one drive, was a little over a minute. I'm not sure how much the defense can call that into question, because it seems pretty accurate from what reporters and locals have experienced. I think the defense would be better served to minimize this point and hit harder on others.

I don't remember the reporter's name, but I'm going to find it now.

For clarification, the only thing separating CFA from the intersection is a Starbucks. I hope that provides some perspective as to how close CFA is to the intersection. However, since Ross was driving, he had to double back so he could cross the center median. The "double back" portion is probably 100-150 yards.

But in all honesty. He was looking for a 2nd job to support the family.

So why kill the baby toddler that is not asking him for money?

Toddlers are expensive. They don't ask, they require. I imagine he was "looking" for a second job. As in going through the motions of appeasing his wife. But that's JMO.

Also, where did that second job info come from? (Genuine question.) I don't remember hearing that. But I've forgotten so much since the beginning!!
RH isn't a teenager though and the situations are completely different. A reasonable adult who was responsible for the situation that LE was called to respond to should be willing to cooperate IMO

My son was 19; Harris was 25? But yes, obviously different situations. My point is his lashing out for that one brief moment is within the realm of the types of shock reactions that normal people do exhibit, and even if it's "odd" it certainly does not indicate that he planned to murder his child in this manner.

He was cooperative with police, except for those 10 seconds when he yelled "shut the **** up"
Are you English by any chance?

Yes I am.

Ross Harris Trial ‏@RossHarrisTrial 38s39 seconds ago
Foglia says she attempted to do CPR on Cooper, not realizing that he was dead.

Veronica Waters ‏@MissVWaters 48s48 seconds ago
#RossHarris Cobb Police Ofcr. Lindsay Foglia was first on the scene. Tried CPR but says Cooper's mouth was immobile from rigor.

Ugh. :(
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