Tricia's Tease

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DNA Solves
I'm hoping it's Fleet White now.
We can hope, but I wouldn't count on it. But there's something about the way JR still throws suspicion at a friend, that interests me. IMO, it seems more like a defensive move, than actual suspicion...kind of like the old saying, 'the best offense, is often a great defense'. And the flurry of activity also interests me...the anniversary, the new book, the marriage. MOO
I think there will be a bombshell coming from Stan Garnett sometime in the near future that will undo most everything AH and ML have said and done. But I don't think someone will leak the info beforehand. Whatever it is, I hope it makes all the reporters who reiterate the bs that the R's were found innocent eat their words.
In 1999, The New York Post wrote an article claiming that Burke killed JonBenet, and his parents covered for him. The Ramseys sued for libel, and in 2002, a judge ruled that the Boulder LE had to give all files pertaining to Burke to the Post. The newspaper said they needed them for their defense.

LE had until May 9 to hand the information over.

As far as I know, the newspaper has never released any information in those files. Is it possible that the Post would be allowed to publish what was in those files after 10 years? Maybe not the part (if it exists) about Burke killing JonBenet, but maybe transcripts of all his interviews with LE?

ref: N.Y. Post wins access to Burke Ramsey file
Boulder DA must yield investgative data to newspaper defending lobel suit, judge rules
April 11, 2002
Could Burke come out and say something? He turned 25 in January. Could he have Decided he no longer needs his fathers money/support?
Could Burke come out and say something? He turned 25 in January. Could he have Decided he no longer needs his fathers money/support?

Not a chance. He had the opportunity not long ago. Police wanted to speak to him and his lawyer LW refused on his behalf, saying "he had nothing to say".
That pretty much says a lot, though.
Not a chance. He had the opportunity not long ago. Police wanted to speak to him and his lawyer LW refused on his behalf, saying "he had nothing to say".
That pretty much says a lot, though.
Awhile back, I read an interview with JR that was kind of troubling. I don't remember which interview, but he said something to the effect of not knowing what he'd do if something happened to BR. Well, since B isn't his only child, I found it strange and kind of desperate sounding. IMO, these 2 have a very strong bond, and JR needs his son. MOO.
I listened to the program last night it got my blood flowing that's for sure but then half an hour later tricia you agree with I think it was mark that this will never be solved I was waiting for you to say oh but wait something's coming up big but you didn't so then i was thinking it's just more of the same. As far as what it is my guess is that a statute or something like that has had to have run out and Info was released Or and I kinds hope it's this That by john opening his big mouth about everything that he has opened a door that was previously closed ..Wow Tricia your guest the other night miss Glass could talk a mile a minute lol.
Could Burke come out and say something? He turned 25 in January. Could he have Decided he no longer needs his fathers money/support?

I don't think Burke needs anyone's support. Remember the lawsuits with the tabloids? I believe the settlements were put in trust for Burke.
Speaking of JAR, can anyone recall any passages in DOI (which I haven't had the opportunity to read) that mentions PR's relationship with JAR? I know he was only her step son, but does anything lead any of you to believe that they had a close relationship with one another? I somehow have a hard time believing that she'd cover for her step son in the event of his involvement in JB's death.

JAR had a room at the Ramsey house that he would stay in once in a while. The room where the rope was found...possibly a paper bag too...can't remember now. JAR and his friends from school were welcome in the house. From all accounts, Patsy and JAR had a good relationship, and JAR had a good relationship with Burke and JonBenet. JAR at one time had two males he thought the police should check out, but the police didn't pursue them at all. IMO, the age of the perps would have been in JAR's age group because of the movie lines and stun gun---stun guns and bats were the weapons of choice at the time in the Boulder area.
Since Burke lives in Indianapolis, and John lives in Charlevoix and Las Vegas, I wonder how often they see each other? In the People interview, John described Burke as "pretty quiet" so maybe by that, he meant that they don't see each other often, or talk on the phone much, so technically, Burke is pretty quiet? IDK, It just seemed like a weird way to describe his son 'cause surely he isn't shy/quiet around his own father.
Since Burke lives in Indianapolis, and John lives in Charlevoix and Las Vegas, I wonder how often they see each other? In the People interview, John described Burke as "pretty quiet" so maybe by that, he meant that they don't see each other often, or talk on the phone much, so technically, Burke is pretty quiet? IDK, It just seemed like a weird way to describe his son 'cause surely he isn't shy/quiet around his own father.

That will be R code for , he is not talking about the case and JR likely left out and for as long as I am alive, because I'll bet a cent to a dollar that JR is telling Burke as long as everything goes to plan, Burke will inherit x,y,z, and he will have the family reputation to uphold etc, etc.

Could Burke come out and say something? He turned 25 in January. Could he have Decided he no longer needs his fathers money/support?

He will talk one day, but after JR has passed on. As the case becomes older and those involved think it may never come to court e.g. PR, dead, JR getting there, people will talk, interview and expense fees will loosen tongues. The one person who could talk publicly, unless there is the possibility of litigation is Fleet White?

I don't think Burke needs anyone's support. Remember the lawsuits with the tabloids? I believe the settlements were put in trust for Burke.

I agree. But possibly the money could have been in a trust until he was XX age?

And I guess by support I meant more emotional.

I just wish that Burke would come forward and say what he knows. I would like to think that if my baby brother were killed, I would say whatever I knew- parent involvement or not. But that might just be my wishful thinking.
He will talk one day, but after JR has passed on. As the case becomes older and those involved think it may never come to court e.g. PR, dead, JR getting there, people will talk, interview and expense fees will loosen tongues. The one person who could talk publicly, unless there is the possibility of litigation is Fleet White?


I hope so. I am so sick of not knowing what happened to these poor babies/kids.
I listened to the program last night it got my blood flowing that's for sure but then half an hour later tricia you agree with I think it was mark that this will never be solved I was waiting for you to say oh but wait something's coming up big but you didn't so then i was thinking it's just more of the same. As far as what it is my guess is that a statute or something like that has had to have run out and Info was released Or and I kinds hope it's this That by john opening his big mouth about everything that he has opened a door that was previously closed ..Wow Tricia your guest the other night miss Glass could talk a mile a minute lol.

There is NO statute of limitations on murder. There is nothing to "run out"
Two things, Does Burke really live in Indianapolis? and in my opinion this may finally be solved if John's marriage falls apart and the ex-wife knows something.

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