Tricia's Tease

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I read on the FFJ forum, which annoyingly won't let me join ....

Wonderllama, I'm sorry you've had trouble joining FFJ. Right now, automatic registration is shut down, but a WS poster in good standing (like yourself) can register by having another WS/FFJ poster vouch for you. I hope we can open up registration again in the future, but until then, this is the system we've been told to operate.

I will alert the FFJ webmaster to expect your registration. Just send a message to the "Contact Us" email address on the FFJ front page.

These instructions also apply to anyone else here at WS who would like to become a member of FFJ.

FFJ moderator
Wonderllama, I'm sorry you've had trouble joining FFJ. Right now, automatic registration is shut down, but a WS poster in good standing (like yourself) can register by having another WS/FFJ poster vouch for you. I hope we can open up registration again in the future, but until then, this is the system we've been told to operate.

I will alert the FFJ webmaster to expect your registration. Just send a message to the "Contact Us" email address on the FFJ front page.

These instructions also apply to anyone else here at WS who would like to become a member of FFJ.

FFJ moderator

I sent a note to Tricia asking about joining FFJ as well. I never heard back.

I tried a year or so before as well - no one responded......
Tricia won't even tell me the tease. :maddening:

She can be very tight-lipped, that woman.
I sent a note to Tricia asking about joining FFJ as well. I never heard back.

I tried a year or so before as well - no one responded......

I'm sorry no one responded. Did you send an email to the Contact Us address at FFJ? It should have gone through to the webmaster. We had problems with the former email addy listed, and it has been changed. Please try again, and I will let them know you are "legit" and wanting to join.

You wouldn't believe the amount of trolls and hackers who bang at the gates of FFJ! That's why Tricia has us close registration from time to time. As you know, Tricia has lots of irons in the fire, so your request may have gotten lost in the shuffle.

Send an message to the email address listed on the FFJ front page (along with the name of a WS poster who can vouch you're not a troll/hacker/Susan Stine in disguise :)biggrin:), and I will make sure your registration is processed.

Somewhat OT question. If one didn't know very much about this case, is there a book you'd suggest they read to get "caught up"? I know that's next to impossible but I'd like to try :lol:
Somewhat OT question. If one didn't know very much about this case, is there a book you'd suggest they read to get "caught up"? I know that's next to impossible but I'd like to try :lol:

Welcome, its not impossible, its actually quite easy. Just purchase, loan, or borrow a copy of JonBenet: Inside The JonBenet Investigation by Steve Thomas, and you will have a good handle on the case.

As others have found its quite an addictive case.

Welcome, its not impossible, its actually quite easy. Just purchase, loan, or borrow a copy of JonBenet: Inside The JonBenet Investigation by Steve Thomas, and you will have a good handle on the case.

As others have found its quite an addictive case.


I would add to this excellent suggestion also reading "Perfect Murder, Perfect Town" by Lawrence Schiller. He also has a DVD of the same name that will give you a crash course in about 2 hours. It can be rented on Netflix or purchased on Amazon. When you have more time, visit this website: and scroll down to the JonBenet archives. There are hundreds of pages - everything from crime scene photos to the autopsy report and pages of interviews with the parents. Invaluable for understanding why most of us feel the way we do. I strongly suggest that you read the autopsy report if you can. Without understanding her injuries it is pretty hard to follow along with the forum. There are people here who can explain the medical/technical terms.
I was unable to queue up "PMPT" on my Netflix says I can "save" it, but that availability is unknown at this time. I have seen it several times before, though, and it is available on youtube.
Thank you so much!

I finished Steve's book. It was great. It left me curious about the current political atmosphere in Boulder.

I will check out perfect murder perfect town as well. And acandyrose's site. I became quite familiar with that site during the Casey Anthony trial.
Perfect Murder Perfect Town will be on Lifetime on July 28 at 12pm eastern time. That's also 2012. Maybe there is a reason they are showing it.
Does anyone know if and when the December 23, 24, and the White's party pictures on the acandyrose website will be shown to the public? If there are pictures at all, I mean.
Does anyone know if and when the December 23, 24, and the White's party pictures on the acandyrose website will be shown to the public? If there are pictures at all, I mean.

There are three pictures of JonBenet from the 12/23 party that have been released:




For Christmas Eve, JonBenet went to her friend's house. Then the family, went to church and out to dinner. There haven't been any pictures released of that day.

Christmas Morning:



There are also no pictures out there of JonBenet at the White's party. From what I've heard, LE has them because they are considered evidence because you can see what JonBenet was wearing, what everyone's demeanor was, etc. But it's kind of confusing because...Did LE make everyone give their roll of film them? If not, I'm surprised none of them have leaked.
I'm guessing the news coming on the radio show has to do with this thread....yes?? :)
I'm thinking that our marvelous Tricia has cultivated a friendship or working relationship with SOMEONE who was part of the Ramsey's life and saw and heard things.
Someone who couldn't talk due to loyalties in the past, but who now has his or her own voice back.

IMO, this would mean: A child who has reached adulthood.
A person who was married to someone who was part of the Ramsey's life..

Personally, I keep; going back to Archuletta, the pilot, and his ex- wife Pam. Remember, JBR and the Ramseys flew in their own plane with John as pilot until he developed cataracts and lost his medical.

The Ramseys treated their " hired help" as invisible people..

At this moment, my guess is that Pam Archuletta, ex wife of the Ramsey's pilot, and his wife at the time of JonBenet's pageant flights all over the country and who was called over and over on the 26th while little JonBenet lay dead in her own house, is the source of the new info.

I hope she is credible and ready and willing to go to LE with what she saw and heard, if she is the person.
If not, then I hope the source has gone to LE with the new info. I hope it is substantial enough to charge someone ( if the someone is still alive).

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