Tricia's Tease

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I do not think anyone chose Christmas, in particular, to kill JonBenet. But I do think she was killed because medical assistance would bring her internal injuries to the attention of medical professionals, and she would have told them what had been taking place.

It was not planned since the staging is so amateurish and there were some pretty obvious errors, e.g. size-12's, pineapple snack, fibers, etc.

Where JonBenet was initially assaulted, the clothes she was wearing, have I reckon been removed and disguised. I think there was another crime-scene, one we know nothing about, from which JonBenet was relocated to the wine-cellar.

My money would be on one of the bedrooms, for this location, and I would select the neatest bedroom for close inspection.


One of the many tragic blunders in this case was how quickly the crime scene (the whole house, really) was released to the family. Within DAYS, a suspect's (Patsy) sister was allowed into the house (still an active crime scene) to remove items from the home. She did this with full police protection, even so far as being given a police jacket to wear (this alone is illegal) so as not to attract attention. The BPD knew it was wrong, believe me.
Before the house could be more thoroughly searched (in retrospect, there was TONS more they could have examined and maybe we'd KNOW which room she was killed in), the movers packed up the house, which was then "sold" to a group of "investors" (aka R friends and attorneys), who proceeded to pull up every scrap of carpet and paint every wall white.
Now....the R house may not have been decorated to everyone's taste, but those carpets were by no means shabby or worn. I believe there was a much more ominous reason for the carpets to be replaced. The walls, too. Forensics even in 1996 would have picked up blood or other fluid, even tiny droplets, on the walls.
By the way, the coroner couldn't wait to release the body either. Not only did the coroner NOT follow proper procedure in determining the time of death, but he spent only about 10 minutes with the body when first examining her. Then, he left some important findings out of the written report, instead saying them to the police who were present at the autopsy. He treated JB like she was a hot potato he needed to get rid of as soon as he could. So when the issue of the stun gun came up, she was buried by this time, so an exhumation was required to settle the question. Her parents refused (why would an innocent parent do that- don't you want to KNOW?). Parental approval wasn't needed, but then a warrant would be, and the spineless DA refused to get one.
One of the many tragic blunders in this case was how quickly the crime scene (the whole house, really) was released to the family. Within DAYS, a suspect's (Patsy) sister was allowed into the house (still an active crime scene) to remove items from the home. She did this with full police protection, even so far as being given a police jacket to wear (this alone is illegal) so as not to attract attention. The BPD knew it was wrong, believe me.
Before the house could be more thoroughly searched (in retrospect, there was TONS more they could have examined and maybe we'd KNOW which room she was killed in), the movers packed up the house, which was then "sold" to a group of "investors" (aka R friends and attorneys), who proceeded to pull up every scrap of carpet and paint every wall white.
Now....the R house may not have been decorated to everyone's taste, but those carpets were by no means shabby or worn. I believe there was a much more ominous reason for the carpets to be replaced. The walls, too. Forensics even in 1996 would have picked up blood or other fluid, even tiny droplets, on the walls.
By the way, the coroner couldn't wait to release the body either. Not only did the coroner NOT follow proper procedure in determining the time of death, but he spent only about 10 minutes with the body when first examining her. Then, he left some important findings out of the written report, instead saying them to the police who were present at the autopsy. He treated JB like she was a hot potato he needed to get rid of as soon as he could. So when the issue of the stun gun came up, she was buried by this time, so an exhumation was required to settle the question. Her parents refused (why would an innocent parent do that- don't you want to KNOW?). Parental approval wasn't needed, but then a warrant would be, and the spineless DA refused to get one.

PR's sister being allowed into that house to take what she wanted is more proof of the R's having inside help. TK has a lot to answer for imo.
Patsy's "flirting" comment sounds like she is trying to "excuse" the sexual abuse by blaming JB's behavior. Classic behavior, by the way, in many cases of abuse where the mother, instead of protecting the child, blames the child for "encouraging" it.

Oh, how I can so relate to this comment! Ever wonder why girls are so promiscuous? Women give sex to get Love. Men give love to get Sex. Imagine learning this because of sexual abuse. It changes the whole dynamics.
Thank you Tricia and Koldcase, it was awesome. It was mentioned during the broadcast that John Ramsey stated he would Never allow JB to be involved in those pageants i.e. toddlers and tiara's.

Yet this evening while flipping thru ST book I found this pg 364: ST states I thought I had heard it all, but Ramsey out did himself by saying that JonBenet herself had launched the beauty pageant career and "was more insistent about it than Patsy." She had seen a newspaper advertisement, he said, and told her parents she wanted to do that. I felt it would be quite unusual for a four-year-old girl to be paging through a newspaper and reading the ads.

Guess that just goes to show you that pathological liars can't help themselves. They have to lie to cover up their lies. moo

So looking forward to new revelations!! :woohoo:
PR's sister being allowed into that house to take what she wanted is more proof of the R's having inside help. TK has a lot to answer for imo.

Yep, from moment one the Rs were in charge. Was there ever any conclusive proof of what J was doing during that 90-minute "gettin the mail" time? I think he began the phone calls then. And IIRC, the Whites were shocked that J's laywers were calling on him THE DAY the body was found. And when you couple in the fact that (to my knowledge), no phone records were ever released or even looked into......well, that speaks volumes to me.

It goes without saying the police fricked this up from the moment they arrived. Granted, it was a kidnapping when they arrived but after the body was discovered they should have went into crime-scene mode and, obviously, no one cared too.
I noticed this pic yesterday and it just sticks with me. Nevermind it looks staged, but Pats looks as though she's gonna strangle herself. Somewhat telling....???

That picture has always sickened me for no other reason than who the hell takes a photo of someone grieving over a grave?

Nobody, that's right.

And even if it was the media taking the photo, who the hell lets them take a "publicity shot" over a grave....a grave of their 6 year old child?


The matching image is worse because it proves that it is a posed/staged photo. Normal people don't just turn on the emotions for a photo like this....
Does anyone know the origin of these two photos? I've never seen the second one above. Is it for sure Patsy?
Thanks, arielilane!

I have a good basic knowledge of the case but some of you folks here blow me away with your theories and expertise.
Does anyone know the origin of these two photos? I've never seen the second one above. Is it for sure Patsy?

Patsy was on some type of steroid for sure, at this point-common in cancer patients, and her face in the first photo has the classic "moon face" look of steroid use. Patsy looked different in the later years of her life from her appearance in 1996. I had read that Patsy posed for these photos, or at least allowed them to be taken.
I believe the stone says Dec 25 for JB's death date. Wonder why?

Sorry to quote my own post.

Well Im tryin to delete this, to no avail. lol. I did find a pic of the tombstone and it says Dec 25.
I believe the stone says Dec 25 for JB's death date. Wonder why?

Welcome to the forums, by the way.

There has been speculation about the date on the headstone. Some theories are that since the parents know what happened, they also know WHEN she died, and it could have been around midnight, still the 25th. This is in keeping with the estimated time of death of midnight - 1 AM, which is based on the arrival home around 9-10 PM, the location of the pineapple in her digestive tract (food empties from the stomach into the small intestine, where the pineapple was found, in about 2 hours. It is also based on the stage of rigor mortis she was found in- FULL rigor, which takes about 12 hours in indoor temperatures. So counting back from the time she was "found", 1 PM on the 26th, that also puts the time of death in that same midnight - 1 AM window.
The coroner never performed the tests for Algor Mortis, but both rigor and algor mortis proceed in scientifically predictable fashion. Like the digestion of the pineapple, science doesn't vary according to whether you believe the parents are innocent or not or believe rubbish about the pineapple having been eaten earlier in the day.
There are some conditions that affect how the body loses heat after death (rigorous exercise, VERY high fever, and pontine hemorrhage (which affects the area of the brain that controls body temperature regulation) but JB did not fall into any of these categories. The basement would still be considered "room" or indoor temperature. And actually, JR had made comments that their basement was actually warmer than average because of the furnace, and stated it as a reason why they never rushed to repair the broken basement window that he admitted breaking himself. If the room was warmer than average, and clothed and wrapped in a blanket, that could actually lessen the time needed for full rigor to form, making her time of death even closer than the 1 AM estimate. Then- the events that happened occurred right after returning home- the pineapple snack included, and there can be no doubt that the the parents were awake and up and about when she was allegedly "kidnapped"- something that simply could not happen. This was no "first-floor open window child snatching". These "intruders" had to have all but met the parents in the house. THAT is why the parents HAD to lie about the pineapple. If they admitted feeding it to her (someone did, because her prints are not on that bowl- Patsy's ARE) then that means they lied about her being awake when they got home. And it also puts the death occurring at a time when they HAD to have been awake and could certainly have been before midnight, when it was still the 25th.

Some people feel they wanted that date because it was more "special" than the 26th. Some feel it was because that was the last time they claimed to have seen her alive.
Thanks DeeDee, and I agree about the 25th being more special. Just another way for them to feel needy and distance themselves from the whole thing.
Patsy was on some type of steroid for sure, at this point-common in cancer patients, and her face in the first photo has the classic "moon face" look of steroid use. Patsy looked different in the later years of her life from her appearance in 1996. I had read that Patsy posed for these photos, or at least allowed them to be taken.

Does anyone know if Patsy was on any steroids around the time of JonBenet's death? Steroids can lead to powerful rages as is well known...
Does anyone know if Patsy was on any steroids around the time of JonBenet's death? Steroids can lead to powerful rages as is well known...

Interesting angle, the steroids. I have always thought she snapped at some point in the evening after they got home, possibly initiated by yet another JB accident.
Does anyone know if Patsy was on any steroids around the time of JonBenet's death? Steroids can lead to powerful rages as is well known...

Unfortunately, we don't have access to Patsy's records, but steroids like Prednisone are commonly given to cancer patients, even after chemotherapy is over. I could say simply based on the appearance of her face in that first photo that she was on them.

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