Try to keep an open mind, an open heart and an open eye.

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The artist formerly known as 'Absolut'
Feb 1, 2005
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This is just an opinion but maybe websleuths, the media, and now by extension Lisa's parents are reacting to this case all in unexpected ways post the Casey Anthony verdict. It does feel as if more of our innocence, and part of our moral compass were eroded by that verdict. Now if the case goes national and their isn't a circus and the parents don't feel trapped it won't "fit". I really fear this may be the new normal is missing child cases that last more than a week and go national. The expected norms, and behaviors may have gone out the window. While each of us individually is pretty levelheaded for the most part the group think and the court of public opinion has definitively been affected. How difficult would it be to hang fliers and organize searches for the family, we have no idea. How does what the media now expects affect the ability to "act" like the public thinks you should act. Is the national media and reality types quicker to jump on the bandwagon more now than 3 years ago, it would seem so at least in this case.

I have no idea the guilt or innocence of anyone involved and those who have interacted with me over the years know that I have no issue getting off the fence. In this case I really have no gut feeling other than the rules of engagement have changed. Should Tim Miller and Equesearch be brought in, at this point I don't know if that helps or hinders. Should all the old "normal" things we all suggest be done or should we be looking for new ways to search and get the word out through the jaded and imo darker view the collective whole shares? Thanks for reading, try to keep an open mind, an open heart and an open eye.
very thought provoking post.

My mind and heart are open and I will not be passing judgement on these parents based upon a skewed view caused by post Anthony disillusionment but the phenomenon you describe may very well be a real consideration in this and other cases to come.

thanks for something to consider.
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This is just an opinion but maybe websleuths, the media, and now by extension Lisa's parents are reacting to this case all in unexpected ways post the Casey Anthony verdict. It does feel as if more of our innocence, and part of our moral compass were eroded by that verdict. Now if the case goes national and their isn't a circus and the parents don't feel trapped it won't "fit". I really fear this may be the new normal is missing child cases that last more than a week and go national. The expected norms, and behaviors may have gone out the window. While each of us individually is pretty levelheaded for the most part the group think and the court of public opinion has definitively been affected. How difficult would it be to hang fliers and organize searches for the family, we have no idea. How does what the media now expects affect the ability to "act" like the public thinks you should act. Is the national media and reality types quicker to jump on the bandwagon more now than 3 years ago, it would seem so at least in this case.

I have no idea the guilt or innocence of anyone involved and those who have interacted with me over the years know that I have no issue getting off the fence. In this case I really have no gut feeling other than the rules of engagement have changed. Should Tim Miller and Equesearch be brought in, at this point I don't know if that helps or hinders. Should all the old "normal" things we all suggest be done or should we be looking for new ways to search and get the word out through the jaded and imo darker view the collective whole shares? Thanks for reading, try to keep an open mind, an open heart and an open eye.

This is such a great point! Thank you for posting this!
excellent thread! :) i will probably be adding more thoughts on this subject later.
Mods merge this if you see somewhere it fits better.

This is just an opinion but maybe websleuths, the media, and now by extension Lisa's parents are reacting to this case all in unexpected ways post the Casey Anthony verdict. It does feel as if more of our innocence, and part of our moral compass were eroded by that verdict. Now if the case goes national and their isn't a circus and the parents don't feel trapped it won't "fit". I really fear this may be the new normal is missing child cases that last more than a week and go national. The expected norms, and behaviors may have gone out the window. While each of us individually is pretty levelheaded for the most part the group think and the court of public opinion has definitively been affected. How difficult would it be to hang fliers and organize searches for the family, we have no idea. How does what the media now expects affect the ability to "act" like the public thinks you should act. Is the national media and reality types quicker to jump on the bandwagon more now than 3 years ago, it would seem so at least in this case.

I have no idea the guilt or innocence of anyone involved and those who have interacted with me over the years know that I have no issue getting off the fence. In this case I really have no gut feeling other than the rules of engagement have changed. Should Tim Miller and Equesearch be brought in, at this point I don't know if that helps or hinders. Should all the old "normal" things we all suggest be done or should we be looking for new ways to search and get the word out through the jaded and imo darker view the collective whole shares? Thanks for reading, try to keep an open mind, an open heart and an open eye.

I just posted about an experience we had yesterday ,but this is a more appropriate thread ,so I'm copying it here.

I do want to say that statistically a parent,parents or family member is involved,so it's not just the Anthony case.
That said ................

Thread: Lisa Irwin Disappearance - Thoughts and Theories ONLY!
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I've been grappling with whether or not I should share this. I've decided
to share some of what happened to us yesterday morning.
My youngest is medically complicated and developmentally disabled. He's been very healthy for years now.
We had, what could have been, a medical emergency as we were getting ready for school. He had a seizure ,but we weren't sure what was happening at the time.

Because we have a routine I was barely registering what exactly was going on .My husband and I were focused on the news because of the blackberry e-mail problem.
I won't go into any more detail and my son is fine,but what I discovered was,I can't tell you when he came down and got on the couch behind me or when the seizure started.I can't tell you if he had any jerking prior to when I realized he was limp. I can't even relate for sure the sequence that things happened in from the moment I realized something was wrong to when we got in the car.
When my husband and I were discussing it last night he commented about having his ear to our son's chest to listen(and feel) for his breathing ,I didn't remember him doing that! But I was right there .I never left him.

Now, my husband and 11 yr old can relate what happened completely,but ,even though I was calm on the outside and did all the right things,I was freaking out somewhere in my brain,or maybe it was my heart.

I couldn't help but relate it all to this case and some of our expectations about the parents ,what's hinky and what's not.
I'm still on the fence but trying not to judge some of the details.
Always ,just my opinion

Parents don't give up on their child in the case of an accident or premature death. They will seek help ,even if the child appears to be dead.The parents won't give up and will beg the doctors not to give up.
Even abusive parents will seek help ,but lie about what happened.
Only if the intention was death,will the parents get rid of the body.
JMO based on experience as a foster parent and a parent who's son committed suicide.

We never saw it coming .Please talk to your teen even if you don't think you need to !
Far more teens commit impulsive suicide without chronic depression Miss U James
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The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to MissJames For This Useful Post:
Boodles, mrye4709
Thank you Miss James! This is one of the reasons why I can't jump on this baby's parents. I can't remember every detail of yesterday as it is, let alone have an earth-shattering experience just happen. I very well might not even remember my kids names under this kind of trauma. Like I have posted before, I have personally witnessed these kids and their family's interactions with them. There is absolutely no indication that these parents would not have called 911 if an accident happened. There is always hope something can be done by parents like this.
Mainly, were this a betting matter, I'd be playing the percentages - most children come to harm through the agency of their families - but this one, if one I've followed ever has, suggests that one throw out that grim fact and begin again.

I've intentionally not watched the videos of the parents, thus better not to judge them on the basis of what others have: the truth or falseness of Deborah's tears, or Jeremy's taciturn demeanor. That's something which just cannot be done. One should resist the call of that false Siren.

It's all too apparent that some will jump aboard the boat with those who proclaim the parents' villainy with the least bit of prodding: the tabloid falseness of the allusions to the mother's "checkered past," or the tale of the box of wine.

I suppose it is because we demand an order be established - a narrative with which we're familiar - before we some of us can talk about the case at all.

For without a familiar narrative to cling to, what then? Then, then, we are left at an abyss of not knowing, of looking into the darkness and fearing the darkness, of becoming like our ancestors the cavemen suspicious of anything we cannot fathom, of what might come walking in the darkness down our street. It is human heredity.

It would be good to dispel that darkness and start anew, viewing this case with fresh eyes.
I'm sorry, I don't really see not watching the videos as having an open mind, I just see it as not having all the available information.
I'm sorry, I don't really see not watching the videos as having an open mind, I just see it as not having all the available information.

Wasn't recommending it to everyone. I did it as a way not to be swayed, as I know I might have been.

One must know one's weaknesses.
THANK YOU FOR THIS THREAD!!! My thoughts today...IF her mom killed her or she died by accident, wouldn't they have found her by now?? DB doesn't have a drivers license, so she would have had to hide the body close, right?? Still holding out hope that sweet baby girl is alive and over her cold.
THANK YOU FOR THIS THREAD!!! My thoughts today...IF her mom killed her or she died by accident, wouldn't they have found her by now?? DB doesn't have a drivers license, so she would have had to hide the body close, right?? Still holding out hope that sweet baby girl is alive and over her cold.
This is exactly why I have had to back off of the mom, well, and the media induced crap.
Caylee was really close to her home and they didn't find her for how long?
THANK YOU FOR THIS THREAD!!! My thoughts today...IF her mom killed her or she died by accident, wouldn't they have found her by now?? DB doesn't have a drivers license, so she would have had to hide the body close, right?? Still holding out hope that sweet baby girl is alive and over her cold.

Excellent point!
Wasn't recommending it to everyone. I did it as a way not to be swayed, as I know I might have been.

One must know one's weaknesses.

And I admire the ability to acknowledge that!

I have watched some of the videos, but always keeping in mind that the parents of Elizabeth Smart were accused and attacked for being "too calm, too intelligent, too rehearsed, too strong, spoke too quietly, smiled when their daughter was missing, used the past tense to say she "was always" a good student and she "played" the harp, Ed looked guilty, and a thousand other accusations. Deena Thompson was accused of many horrible physical, personal and behavioral faults based on how she acted when she spoke, where she lived, who lived with her, and OMG....making her kids walk a few blocks home from school. Things were said about her that were appalling. ALL of those criticisms were unfounded-----all of those parents were completely innocent.
Casey was really close to her home and they didn't find her for how long?

True,but she was transported by car. It seems that LE has been searching close to home with that in mind.
If mom did something it had to be after the boys were asleep,IMO ,which leaves a smaller window of time.
Thank you to the poster who started this thread for saying what I've been thinking but didn't really know how to put into words. I have no idea whether DB is guilty or innocent, I'm completely on the fence. However, I keep finding myself defending her because it does seem like the press is just desparate to smear her. I'm guessing Casey Anthony was very good for ratings, and they can't quite resist the opportunity of a rerun.

Its a sad, rather disgusting spectacle. The focus should be on finding baby Lisa, not finding the next Casey Anthony.
THANK YOU FOR THIS THREAD!!! My thoughts today...IF her mom killed her or she died by accident, wouldn't they have found her by now?? DB doesn't have a drivers license, so she would have had to hide the body close, right?? Still holding out hope that sweet baby girl is alive and over her cold.

Not saying she did anything to the baby girl but if she killed her baby I'm not sure she would be above breaking the law by driving without a valid licence. Is there a vehicle she could have used?
Caylee was really close to her home and they didn't find her for how long?[/QUOT

I don't think Caylee's case is a good example because it's not really clear when she was actually discovered, or by whom. There are so many problems with how that came about.
Not saying she did anything to the baby girl but if she killed her baby I'm not sure she would be above breaking the law by driving without a valid licence. Is there a vehicle she could have used?

If there was a car available....wouldn't the dogs have caught on to the scent?

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