Try to keep an open mind, an open heart and an open eye.

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I'm here too.

I'm here and confused as well. What exactly does "victim friendly" mean? :waitasec:
Scent of what? It's harder to track someone moving in a car than on foot.

In Laci Peterson's case a dog tracked her body from the house clear to the bay where Scott dumped her. That was miles from home. I believe they tracked her from the house to the shop where Scott kept the boat and had his office. I remember the one dog dragging his owner down the side of the highway because he was chasing the scent coming from Laci who was either in the boat or somewhere in the truck.
I am almost to the point where I can't even read, let alone respond to, threads about missing/located (deceased) children on message boards. I avoid the 'comments' sections like the plague on news sites that are following these stories. While I love the internet for the speed with which I can locate information, I also loathe it for what it has shown me about people and what they're willing to say about others--especially others that they don't even know. I'm more of a 'wait and watch' type of person who doesn't like to jump to conclusions until I'm certain, so I'm sure that's a big part of why I'm so uncomfortable with how cases like these unfold on the internet and in the media. But it's also that I was raised not to talk about other people behind their backs and not to gossip. I just can't get past that.

I do think that the Summer Of Casey Anthony has changed the way people respond to these cases, and how they say what they feel.
For me this goes back much further. To Susan Smith. She was the first really big covered daily in the media case I can remember. I remember when they found the boys falling in my kitchen to the floor and sobbing. I could not imagine such a thing..

But I am still not going to point a finger at the parents without cause. I want only for them to keep looking. Keep searching. LISA is somewhere. I believe she is alive and I believe it was a stranger.

I am heartbroken to see all the people that are so darn sure it was DB..
In Laci Peterson's case a dog tracked her body from the house clear to the bay where Scott dumped her. That was miles from home. I believe they tracked her from the house to the shop where Scott kept the boat and had his office. I remember the one dog dragging his owner down the side of the highway because he was chasing the scent coming from Laci who was either in the boat or somewhere in the truck.

That's not how dogs track. Everyone sheds skin cells as we move. It's the scent from the shed cells that they follow. If it's windy the dogs may not follow the exact route because the cells have blown to one side or the other,but with a good handler,they can still follow to the end.
Humidity helps the cells stick and make tracking conditions more favorable.Arid conditions create a shorter window of time for the dogs to follow the scent.
If Laci was wrapped up in a car there would be no skin cells on the highway to track.Maybe if she was in the boat,but I'm skeptical of that story so I doubt it.
In my experience a tracking dog can move at a good clip at times,but they don't drag their handlers toward a spot far ahead.They are sniffing along the way ,usually nose to the ground sniffing,but some dogs also air sniff.
ETA: I'm not skeptical that you heard the story,only that the info you heard was true,IMO.Sorry
For me this goes back much further. To Susan Smith. She was the first really big covered daily in the media case I can remember. I remember when they found the boys falling in my kitchen to the floor and sobbing. I could not imagine such a thing..

But I am still not going to point a finger at the parents without cause. I want only for them to keep looking. Keep searching. LISA is somewhere. I believe she is alive and I believe it was a stranger.

I am heartbroken to see all the people that are so darn sure it was DB..

And baby Sabrina. That was never solved.
One of those "keep hope alive" things:

Baby Lisa Irwin was possibly seen at McAllister’s in Manhattan with two white females - one with very dark hair wearing a shell pink hooded sweat shirt, the other was the a slender female with mousy brown hair and dark eyes. Both women appeared to be in their 20’s. They left McAllister’s after they saw the reporting party observing them. They have in small black vehicle with unknown MO tags in an unknown direction of travel.

by Brian Foster -
I think she is feeling extremely guilty for drinking. But she is not the only one in the world who has made this mistake. I for one drink, but can not think of one time that my husband was not home to help me with the kids. But she had a friend over, having a good time, while kids slept. If I drink to much wine to quickly my night is gone. Which is why I gave up wine. Maybe she hid the drinking out of guilt, now she is telling everyone whats the big deal if she got drunk, which is probably a way for her to handle it emotionally. Soon it will turn into, why did I..... I would be so unbelievably ashamed of myself, if I got drunk the night my baby disappeared. I am still on the fence. I should probably watch the videos.

Interesting how we all see the same thing a different way. I saw her as defiant in the interviews when the drinking came up. The short ,clipped answers and the tone of her voice didn't sound like a guilty person.Didn't sound like a grieving mom,either,but I'm still on the fence.
I think the lawyer made a suggestion of being drunk.
"You had some wine so you were probably sleeping hard when Lisa was taken,which is why you didn't hear anything,Right???";)

I'm still on the fence ,though. Need more info ,either way.
To DB and JI, if you are reading this thread, please know that not everyone has hung you out to dry. I pray your baby will be brought home safely to you, and that you once again will have your family back and the media will allow you time to recoup from the trauma you find yourselves in now.
Until I see some evidence other than they looked at each other wrong, or proof no one other than DB could have been in that home that dreadful night, I remain in support of this family.
Interesting how we all see the same thing a different way. I saw her as defiant in the interviews when the drinking came up. The short ,clipped answers and the tone of her voice didn't sound like a guilty person.Didn't sound like a grieving mom,either,but I'm still on the fence.
I think the lawyer made a suggestion of being drunk.
"You had some wine so you were probably sleeping hard when Lisa was taken,which is why you didn't hear anything,Right???";)

I'm still on the fence ,though. Need more info ,either way.

As a recovered alcoholic with 20 yrs sobriety (sorry, aren't you sick of JVM saying that?), from my vantage point I see a classic reaction of an alcoholic in denial. I feel that is at least one thing she has been hiding from herself and others that makes her reactions seem screwy. You can't understand alcoholism unless you have been there. That's why alcoholics needing help will only respond well to another alcoholic. Her partner behaves like an enabler. Those who haven't experienced alcoholism are interpreting this as guilt. Predators are always on the lookout for impaired parents. Back to the fence.
As a recovered alcoholic with 20 yrs sobriety (sorry, aren't you sick of JVM saying that?), from my vantage point I see a classic reaction of an alcoholic in denial. I feel that is at least one thing she has been hiding from herself and others that makes her reactions seem screwy. You can't understand alcoholism unless you have been there. That's why alcoholics needing help will only respond well to another alcoholic. Her partner behaves like an enabler. Those who haven't experienced alcoholism are interpreting this as guilt. Predators are always on the lookout for impaired parents. Back to the fence.

I am not getting that from her. I am not a alcoholic but have dealt with alcoholism in a very intense way. As someone who was the one dealing with the Alcoholic, I don't see the same things in her I have seen in different people I know who struggled with the disease. I see him as just an introvert.

I am just praying for the family as a whole. I hope they find this baby soon.
Come home soon sweetie. We are thinking about you!
It will be so sad and disappointing to me if I have been wrong to believe in her. I don't think I can follow another one of these cases. Lisa is the cutest little bald headed baby I have ever seen. Please God, let this one have a happy ending.
It will be so sad and disappointing to me if I have been wrong to believe in her. I don't think I can follow another one of these cases. Lisa is the cutest little bald headed baby I have ever seen. Please God, let this one have a happy ending.

I know how you feel even though I have been on the fence about DB.....
Glad to see this excellent thread back.
Me too, it's refreshing to see not everyone has this family convicted already. I would not want to be in this family's position, with the general public focusing on my every word and eye movement instead of positively accepting there may be an abducted child in their midsts. :twocents:
Just came to me, whyare we assuming that baby Lisa was in her crib?

Mom says last time she put her down was 6:40pm. She was wearing short and a top. What if there was no jammies, bath, bottle( night time routine)? She could have put her down in "her" bed with the boys to watch a movie after her neighbor went home.

Why have we assumed that Lisa was ever in that crib? No proof at all.

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