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With all due respect, and no sarcasm intended, this is why we have a jury of twelve. not all people see the same evidence as damning or without doubt. where some seem ready to hang DB since they found out she bought wine (possibly w/ someone else's money) others like myself don't see it as damning or setting up an alibi. (just for example). I'm "one of those" that feel right now the focus should be on Lisa being found alive, because I don't see enough yet on the table to say she is otherwise. That is subject to change. I hope I'm right, not for gloating purposes, but because I want this child found and returned to her family f she was abducted.
When I see more/ any evidence that strongly points to a crime being committed in the home that negates the abduction theory, then I'll change my mind. I just hope there are more that think like I do and will still faithfully watch for Lisa, alive, instead of planning her funeral because they are convinced she is dead already.
Like you, I respect your opinion, our's just differ I guess.

I respect yours as well. And I agree with you on the jury system. And, I would jump out there and say that there is probably not one single person on WS who doesn't want Lisa to come home safely. It's just that some people are never going to be convinced, even if the baby was found in the backyard. There are still those that will say that a kidnapper did it. I want justice for this child if she doesn't come home alive.
I respect yours as well. And I agree with you on the jury system. And, I would jump out there and say that there is probably not one single person on WS who doesn't want Lisa to come home safely. It's just that some people are never going to be convinced, even if the baby was found in the backyard. There are still those that will say that a kidnapper did it. I want justice for this child if she doesn't come home alive.

I agree 100%. There are people who will never change their minds on both sides of the fence. I also agree everyone here would love to see Lisa come home. My point, if I didn't word it well, is that my fear is people who may see baby Lisa may discount that it could be her b/c they have already made up their minds to the contrary.
I'm already reading that some people seem to think it makes sense a grown man would be out carrying a doll at midnight to 4 am, than to admit it could be a viable sighting, and it's that mentality that scares me. I live in a pretty weird neighbourhood where alot of meth users and dealers live, a few are total nuts, but I've yet to see a grown man out carrying a doll. Although it may happen yet ...
With all due respect, and no sarcasm intended, this is why we have a jury of twelve. not all people see the same evidence as damning or without doubt. where some seem ready to hang DB since they found out she bought wine (possibly w/ someone else's money) others like myself don't see it as damning or setting up an alibi. (just for example). I'm "one of those" that feel right now the focus should be on Lisa being found alive, because I don't see enough yet on the table to say she is otherwise. That is subject to change. I hope I'm right, not for gloating purposes, but because I want this child found and returned to her family f she was abducted.
When I see more/ any evidence that strongly points to a crime being committed in the home that negates the abduction theory, then I'll change my mind. I just hope there are more that think like I do and will still faithfully watch for Lisa, alive, instead of planning her funeral because they are convinced she is dead already.
Like you, I respect your opinion, our's just differ I guess.

I think all LE can focus on is the evidence they have obtained and that evidence doesn't point to an abduction or Lisa being alive. The world is a big place and LE probably won't find her unless someone responsible for her disappearance finally tells the truth.

And I certainly do not damn the mother for buying wine, my opinion is based on her admission she got drunk and didn't check on her children.

With all due respect, and no sarcasm intended, this is why we have a jury of twelve. not all people see the same evidence as damning or without doubt. where some seem ready to hang DB since they found out she bought wine (possibly w/ someone else's money) others like myself don't see it as damning or setting up an alibi. (just for example). I'm "one of those" that feel right now the focus should be on Lisa being found alive, because I don't see enough yet on the table to say she is otherwise. That is subject to change. I hope I'm right, not for gloating purposes, but because I want this child found and returned to her family f she was abducted.
When I see more/ any evidence that strongly points to a crime being committed in the home that negates the abduction theory, then I'll change my mind. I just hope there are more that think like I do and will still faithfully watch for Lisa, alive, instead of planning her funeral because they are convinced she is dead already.
Like you, I respect your opinion, our's just differ I guess.

I think it's because DB put that info out after LE said she was seen on video tape at the store buying wine, also she said they told her she failed her poly the first week, the family temporarily cut off communications per LE, then wha la, a big time NYC PI, $100K reward and the tabloid lawyer that just showed up.

I think the defense lawyers are becoming more cunning or much more "word" lawyers in a court of law.

Acting classes/drama lessons, I'm sure... lol
I think all LE can focus on is the evidence they have obtained and that evidence doesn't point to an abduction or Lisa being alive. The world is a big place and LE probably won't find her unless someone responsible for her disappearance finally tells the truth.

And I certainly do not damn the mother for buying wine, my opinion is based on her admission she got drunk and didn't check on her children.


I agree to what I bolded above, but also remember the 3 sightings of a grown man in the very neighbourhood where baby Lisa went missing, carrying an infant. Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater is all I ask.
I think all LE can focus on is the evidence they have obtained and that evidence doesn't point to an abduction or Lisa being alive. The world is a big place and LE probably won't find her unless someone responsible for her disappearance finally tells the truth.

And I certainly do not damn the mother for buying wine, my opinion is based on her admission she got drunk and didn't check on her children.


And, in addition to what you said, I was a huge supporter of DB in the beginning. I went on the fence when she started giving interviews and that she was "drunk" that night. I came OFF the fence when I heard all of her conflicting stories and today, decomp in her room?

I am an open minded person, but nothing that has happened that is reasonable has pointed in any direction other than this being at the hands of someone in that house.
I agree to what I bolded above, but also remember the 3 sightings of a grown man in the very neighbourhood where baby Lisa went missing, carrying an infant. Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater is all I ask.

I only have heard of 2 sightings. One of them has already been checked out by LE and said it wasn't related. Then, days later this other guy comes up with seeing supposedly the same person. If the first story was discounted as not related, why is it not as possible that the person seen at 4:00 am was the person who helped DB after the fact? That makes just as much sense to me as saying it was the kidnapper.
In response to Dr. Know's above comment. I hear you on the lawyers. I find the courts allow too much word play on both sides of the aisle. I've been in courts as witness, and as an accusing party, and have seen times when I judge will force a witness to answer simply yes or no to a question that can't reasonably be answered with either. I boils my blood sometimes when they get into these word games. Seems the more we evolve as a species the behinder we get sometimes doesn't it?
I agree to what I bolded above, but also remember the 3 sightings of a grown man in the very neighbourhood where baby Lisa went missing, carrying an infant. Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater is all I ask.

Did any of those three men know for sure the child was alive? Or maybe it was a man who had just arrived home from his work and decided to go for a walk? I think the only person guilty of throwing out the baby with the bath water is the one who actually did throw out the baby.

I only have heard of 2 sightings. One of them has already been checked out by LE and said it wasn't related. Then, days later this other guy comes up with seeing supposedly the same person. If the first story was discounted as not related, why is it not as possible that the person seen at 4:00 am was the person who helped DB after the fact? That makes just as much sense to me as saying it was the kidnapper.

Do you have a link to LE saying it was discounted please? Last I heard they were still exploring it.
Did any of those three men know for sure the child was alive? Or maybe it was a man who had just arrived home from his work and decided to go for a walk? I think the only person guilty of throwing out the baby with the bath water is the one who actually did throw out the baby.


It wasn't three men, it was a couple and a man, 2 sighting locations, 3 eye witnesses. No, to the best of my knowledge none stated whether the baby was alive, asleep. I doubt (IMHO) any of the witnesses at the time were expecting a man to be carrying a dead child.
OK...I will go search for it if you go search for the link that says there were 3 sightings? Is that fair? :)
"Earlier today, three witnesses in two Kansas City locations told "Good Morning America" they were convinced they saw a man carrying a baby matching Lisa's description the night she disappeared from her Missouri bedroom."
"Earlier today, three witnesses in two Kansas City locations told "Good Morning America" they were convinced they saw a man carrying a baby matching Lisa's description the night she disappeared from her Missouri bedroom."

There were 2 people in the first sighting and 1 person in the 2nd one. It wasn't 3 separate sightings was what I had said.
There were 2 people in the first sighting and 1 person in the 2nd one. It wasn't 3 separate sightings was what I had said.

sorry for the confusion, it was MyBelle who asked about the 3 men, I said it was 3 sighting (3 people) at 2 locations.
sorry for the confusion, it was MyBelle who asked about the 3 men, I said it was 3 sighting (3 people) at 2 locations. and I said the same thing. I also take back what I said about LE discounting the first sighting. I just read something where they said that they had no reason to discount it. I just think that they don't believe it is related to this case since whatever evidence that they have that we don't know about is pointing to DB.
What, do you suppose then caused the cadaver dog to hit on the spot on the floor next to DB's bed?

I wasn't there so I don't know for a fact that it did. I'd like to hear it from the handler and I'd like to see the dogs log. Then I might be convinced...but at this point I'm not taking LE's word for anything. I might be wrong, and if I am I will be the first to say "I was wrong."
I wasn't there so I don't know for a fact that it did. I'd like to hear it from the handler and I'd like to see the dogs log. Then I might be convinced...but at this point I'm not taking LE's word for anything. I might be wrong, and if I am I will be the first to say "I was wrong."

I'm with you on the dog. I would need more than one dog hitting on that spot. As much as I trust dogs, false positives are very common.

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