Tunisia - GUILTY - 38 killed in resort shooting, Port El Kantaoui, 26 June 2015 *Arrests*

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This Tunisian builder saw 23-year-old gunman Seifeddine Rezgui walk down an alley and he threw a load of old roof tiles and bricks on his head, from the top of a high building, which floored him. Rezgui then got up and began firing wildly as he obviously didn't know where they'd come from, and that alerted police to where he was and they shot him.

The builder, Munsaf Mayyel, is a hero. He may well have saved other tourists' lives by what he did.


For sure. Which is a very timely reminder for us all to bear in mind that not all muslims in muslim countries are evil. In most such countries - including in Tunisia - the real nutters are only a minority.

This man deserves recognition for his actions.
The view count of the gay marriage thread is not a fair comparison because this thread has been around for only a few days and the gay marriage thread is more than six years old. That thread was started in 2009 and has reported advances and developments in multiple countries over the years.

The first post about the recent Supreme Court decision is #644 and it has accumulated 43 posts since (including several from non-American posters).

There's usually a new thread about each new terrorist attack I think.

Actually, that's a very good point. Feel a bit dumb now for not checking that out myself. I just assumed it was a new thread without checking. Thanks for putting things straight, though.

And I was one of those non-American posters who contributed a post in the gay marriage thread recently, so I understand the interest in it.
I've been busy with the prisoner thread and keeping up with this on other media sites
It is now believed that at least 30 of the 38 dead are British, which seems very much to indicate that Britons were the main target.

The gunman's father appears to have disowned the gunman and his actions.

But there are reports that perhaps three gunmen were involved, more than originally thought.

Prior to the attack the gunman was reportedly one of a group of four men and four women whom a British tourist tripped and almost fell into. Apparently, these women with the gunman or gunmen - prior to the attack - were taking pictures of tourists on sun loungers and others holding children, which is odd behaviour for the locals who normally show no interest in the tourists. Sickeningly, it is thought that these photos might have been being taken as "trophy pictures" of the victims to be. And these women, and some of the men, are still at large roaming free.

It's sad when the POTUS shies away from using the word terrorism when leaders in other countries are quick to call it what it is---Terrorism!
It is now believed that at least 30 of the 38 dead are British, which seems very much to indicate that Britons were the main target.

The gunman's father appears to have disowned the gunman and his actions.

But there are reports that perhaps three gunmen were involved, more than originally thought.

Prior to the attack the gunman was reportedly one of a group of four men and four women whom a British tourist tripped and almost fell into. Apparently, these women with the gunman or gunmen - prior to the attack - were taking pictures of tourists on sun loungers and others holding children, which is odd behaviour for the locals who normally show no interest in the tourists. Sickeningly, it is thought that these photos might have been being taken as "trophy pictures" of the victims to be. And these women, and some of the men, are still at large roaming free.

Sounds like they were setting up a targeted area. I don't know if any children were killed, but if not perhaps they wanted to avoid areas with kids.
In regards to the post comparing the number of posts between this thread and the SCOTUS decision/legalization of gay marriage in all 50 U.S. states, I think it's rather unfair to simply make the assumption that people/posters here don't care, specifically those of us who are U.S. citizens, because this tragedy hasn't garnered an overwhelming amount of response. Speaking for myself, there are times when the topic(s) is just too painful and I simply can't handle it mentally and emotionally - it's not that I (and others) don't care - it's called self-care and it's critical to the long term survival of all Websleuths members/posters.

MO ~
In regards to the post comparing the number of posts between this thread and the SCOTUS decision/legalization of gay marriage in all 50 U.S. states, I think it's rather unfair to simply make the assumption that people/posters here don't care, specifically those of us who are U.S. citizens, because this tragedy hasn't garnered an overwhelming amount of response. Speaking for myself, there are times when the topic(s) is just too painful and I simply can't handle it mentally and emotionally - it's not that I (and others) don't care - it's called self-care and it's critical to the long term survival of all Websleuths members/posters.

MO ~

Unfair or not, I believe they do not care. Not the average Joe, certainly not people in the media.
I have no way to verify this, so take it for what it's worth:

A friend of mine works for Thomsons (travel company) emergency department and have obviously been sent into overdrive trying to handle the families etc.

She told me that the number of victims being represented on the news is hugely misrepresented and that the orders from the top was to announce fatalities in trickles so as to not be as huge a shock and uproar.

She also said that they have 30-40 missing and not accounted for who they are assuming are deceased, as well as around 20-30 bodies that are simply unidentifiable.

I'm surprised this isn't a more popular thread on websleuths, being a huge terror attack. As I said, take it as hearsay if you'd like or choose to believe. Sad sad tragedy. :(

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The Latest: Tunisia Official Says 7 Arrested in Beach Attack

Seven people are being interrogated in Tunisia's capital in the investigation into a deadly beach resort attack that killed 38 people, according to a person with knowledge of the investigation.

Prime Minister David Cameron said the government wasn't advising Britons not to travel to Sousse and other Tunisian holiday destinations, though that will be kept under review. He said the global nature of the struggle against terrorism meant "nowhere is without risk from Islamist extremist terrorists."

No Lone Wolf: Terror Network Trained Gunman


Tunisian mass murderer Seifeddine Rezgui was part of a five man terror cell operating out of the ancient Islamic city of Kairouan for the last four years, Sky News can reveal.

At least two members of the cell trained and fought in Syria, while Rezgui is believed to have spent four months in Libya at an Islamic State training camp before being sent to attack westerners in Tunisia.
I think that the lack of coverage in U.S. media is due to where it happened, who it happened to, and when it happened. For international terrorist attacks, there's definitely a hierarchy in where they can happen, and how many coverage they will get. Attacks in Western Europe are going to get the most coverage in our national media. Notice how no one is asking why the Kuwait attack isn't getting more coverage? Second, I don't think Tunisia is a popular tourist destination for Americans at all so I think that a lot of Americans cannot imagine actually going there for some beach vacation. I would be surprised if a lot of Americans have even heard of Tunisia. The last reason is, on the day it happened, we had Matt being killed in the prisoner manhunt, and also gay marriage being made legal. The media can divide their time among two stories, but it is harder to do it between three stories.
This article gives some information about the UK dead and injured:


All of the stories are tragic, but I was particularly moved by the account of Chris Dyer who was killed. He was found with his severely injured wife Gina van Dort clinging to him. She did not want to leave him but could not speak due to her severe injuries. Poor, poor woman.
Sounds like they were setting up a targeted area. I don't know if any children were killed, but if not perhaps they wanted to avoid areas with kids.

Perhaps. But I am not convinced. The kind of scum who see no problem with gunning down innocent tourists are not usually best known for their humanity where children are concerned.

But many local people behaved with the utmost bravery and honour. Stories have been emerging of how some of the local hotel workers - themselves muslims too no doubt but obviously decent people - risked their lives to save people, forming human shields around tourists and things like that. We must never forget that, or lose sight of the fact that these terrorist scum don't speak for all muslims.

I fear that many of those hotel workers will now lose their livelihoods because of these attacks and they don't deserve that. They are decent people. So they may have their lives but are in a way victims of these scum too.
I have no way to verify this, so take it for what it's worth:

A friend of mine works for Thomsons (travel company) emergency department and have obviously been sent into overdrive trying to handle the families etc.

She told me that the number of victims being represented on the news is hugely misrepresented and that the orders from the top was to announce fatalities in trickles so as to not be as huge a shock and uproar.

She also said that they have 30-40 missing and not accounted for who they are assuming are deceased, as well as around 20-30 bodies that are simply unidentifiable.

I'm surprised this isn't a more popular thread on websleuths, being a huge terror attack. As I said, take it as hearsay if you'd like or choose to believe. Sad sad tragedy. :(

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This is so sad but I would not be surprised if it's true - the numbers seem to have been rising pretty steadily, with 28 people from the UK already declared dead and quite a few more unaccounted for. It's awful but the longer these people remain missing, the less likely I feel it is that they'll be returned safely. It's so sad also to see family members desperately having to ask on twitter and other social media sites if anyone has seen their relatives - I was following news on the Stockers and the Grahams and it's really heartbreaking to see that they were also victims. I'm in the UK so I've been hearing and reading about this quite a lot but I agree, it doesn't seem to be being reported widely which is kind of troubling. I know that speculative factors shouldn't really determine how upset something makes you but I think the fact that they all seemed like normal, hard-working, family people who were just taking a break and trying to enjoy a week or two in the sun is so, so sad.
Perhaps. But I am not convinced. The kind of scum who see no problem with gunning down innocent tourists are not usually best known for their humanity where children are concerned.

But many local people behaved with the utmost bravery and honour. Stories have been emerging of how some of the local hotel workers - themselves muslims too no doubt but obviously decent people - risked their lives to save people, forming human shields around tourists and things like that. We must never forget that, or lose sight of the fact that these terrorist scum don't speak for all muslims.

I fear that many of those hotel workers will now lose their livelihoods because of these attacks and they don't deserve that. They are decent people. So they may have their lives but are in a way victims of these scum too.

I really agree with this too, the responses and love/support from the hotel workers and locals were so moving. I hate that some of the media outlets over here are going to ignore that and just focus on the terrorism aspect - obviously the shooter was linked to IS but the support and help and love shown from the local community in Tunisia is a realistic representation of the vast majority of people who make up the country and that needs to be considered by the media when reporting this. And just people in general.
Daily Mail:

Seifeddine Rezgui was high on cocaine as he murdered British tourists on the beach, it emerged today.

A stimulant, believed to the class A drug or one similar to it, was detected by doctors during a post-mortem examination, the Daily Mail has been told.

Tunisian police separately confirmed that an unexploded bomb was found on Rezgui’s body, meaning he could have murdered scores more. The detonator was just inches away.


There is speculation the gunman was too high on drugs to detonate his remaining explosive devise.

Survivors said last night that Rezgui, who has been linked to Islamic State, was laughing and smiling as he massacred his 38 victims with an AK-47 assault rifle in Sousse last Friday.

‘At one point, the gunman was busy – with his gun on his back – with a phone out, taking photos of the bodies and laughing,’ said Paul Short.

IS fighters are known to take doses of cocaine to make them feel invincible on the battlefield.

An informed source said: ‘The autopsy proves that the terrorist used some drugs before he did the attack – the same drug that IS gives to people who do terrorist attacks – so that he will not understand what he is doing.’

A hotel worker named Houssem told the Mail: ‘He was laughing as he was shooting. When he had finished and he had killed everyone, he did not care, he did not try to run. He was smiling, he was happy.’


and this one:

Daily Mail:


An alleged accomplice of the crazed Tunisian gunman who shot 38 innocent tourists dead is trying to smuggle himself into Europe, his family said.

Rafikhe Tayari, who has been described by police as dangerous, is thought to have assisted Seifeddine Rezgui carry out the massacre in Sousse on Friday.

The 28-year-old's family have now revealed he is in Libya seeking a migrant boat across the Mediterranean.
He is being hunted along with another suspect, Mohamed bin Abdallah.


'migrant boat' surely is the euphemism of the year.
Seems to me the vast majority of those killed were older people. Deliberate or coincidental?
Today in the UK at noon the UK held a one minute's silence for the victims in Tunisia as the planes carrying the bodies were arriving home. In the supermarket in which I work, we stopped what we were doing at noon, as did all the customers. Apart from a couple of crying babies too young to understand, there was total silence.

A small gesture but a heartfelt one, enabling us to show our respects.

As for reacting, our parliament has not authorised airstrikes within Syria, which is where the main ISIS strongholds are. I say we should have another vote to reverse that as soon as possible, and send some of our planes to bomb the hell out of their main bases in that country. And without making it public, we should have SAS special forces on the ground taking out key figures. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if we - and the Americans too - already have small numbers of covert special forces units operating in the area.

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