TURKEY - George Smith, 26, missing from cruise ship, July 2005

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This topic is in the missing persons forum... :p It is interesting
PaperDoll said:
This topic is in the missing persons forum... :p It is interesting
Yeppers, it is. I am always there peeking in!!
lilpony said:
Yeppers, it is. I am always there peeking in!!

Lol, me too... :p I hope that case doesn't become like this one (Natalie) :banghead: It's frustrating.. really really frustrating... I look at how many people are in this thread, and that tells me if something interesting is going on, if this thread doesn't have over 100 people, I figure it's the same o'l story, NOTHING!!! hehe
I've been following this case of the missing groom, George Smith, on television, mostly Fox News reports.

I'm also interested in the case of the missing pregnant woman.
Dear Moderators,

You work hard very hard and it's appreciated. Can we have a GS forum? Please? Seriously, thank you for all your efforts!

This case has me so baffled. I am so suspect right now that I am on an anti-cruise mission. Until this is cleared up I don't think anyone should commit their dollars. I am not comfortable and I certainly wouldn't advocate my children take any of these cruises. I like answers and this doesn't provide any.
concernedperson said:
This case has me so baffled. I am so suspect right now that I am on an anti-cruise mission. Until this is cleared up I don't think anyone should commit their dollars. I am not comfortable and I certainly wouldn't advocate my children take any of these cruises. I like answers and this doesn't provide any.
I'd be looking at the bride. I can't believe she would just go to the gym the next morning.:doh: :waitasec:

arielilane said:
Dear Moderators,
You work hard very hard and it's appreciated. Can we have a GS forum? Please? Seriously, thank you for all your efforts!

I agree with ariel. The mods do work hard and we do appreciate it.
And I think the George Smith case deserves its own forum.
The thread on this case has been in Missing Persons since July 11 and has only had 156 posts. It is an interesting case. I have been reading it every day, but I think it will have to have more replies than that before it gets its own forum. I could be wrong though.
arielilane said:
I'd be looking at the bride. I can't believe she would just go to the gym the next morning.:doh: :waitasec:


This really seems strange to me. Also, I heard today she's NOT talking! Sound familiar? I believe she KNOWS what happened to him...what the hell is the matter with this world? :bang:
kpass said:
This really seems strange to me. Also, I heard today she's NOT talking! Sound familiar? I believe she KNOWS what happened to him...what the hell is the matter with this world? :bang:

I don't think none of the family is talking.. a part of me understands this, if indeed it's to be private and not covering something up.. I have my doubts about the bride doing this..
I find this story interesting if for no other reason it is bringing to light how the cruise lines are willing to sweep everything from gang rape to child molestation to murder under the rug simply to make things look "ship shape" to the customers.
As a bride to be I visited one of my favorite boards, The Knot, to see if the bride was a "knottie." It appears she was not, but I did find this posted by a bride who has a mutual friend of the couple:

"...I know a friend of the bride and groom. I work with her and she is beside herself about this. Both families are extremely upset about the situation. It really has not been good...And to clear things up: the couple had been up on the 10th deck - the top deck - the promenade, and she had went to bed without him. He had said he wanted to get something to eat before he turned in. The bride woke up in the morning and had initially thought he had gotten up earlier than her and hadn't wanted to disturb her so he went back to the casino or went to get something to eat. She went looking for him but couldn't find him and eventually went and found a steward. At about the same time, people who had cabins with balconies on the 8th and 4th decks reported finding blood on their balconies. They believe he either leaned too far over the railing and fell, was sitting on the railing and fell (which he had been doing while she was with him the previous night), or he hit it big in the casino after his bride went to bed and someone jumped him and pushed him overboard..."

I left out a portion to avoid the copyrighting issue.

I don't think it's unusual that they weren't together all night, especially if they had a drunken argument. I've had those with my fiance, and I'm sure we're not the only ones. They're young, just married high school sweethearts with high proof liqour on a vacation. Even thought it was their h-moon, that doesn't mean they had to be joined at the hip every second of the day.

I'm thinking drinking games could have been involved and Jennifer could have either passed out or blacked out the events of that night. The drinking games could have escalated into violence on the deck, particularly since they were drinking absynthe, it could have caused a strange reaction in everyone, or it could have been robbery.

In my heart I cannot assume the bride knew/saw anything and wouldn't want justice for her groom. I'm afraid she was passed out somewhere on the ship - NOT in someone's room - or blacked out drunk in the room and doesn't remember a thing. Just because witnesses said she was "flirting" (was she? a pretty outgoing confident girl who talks to members of the opposite sex isn't necessarily "flirting") isn't going to have me labeling her as an adulterer and her honeymoon, if she could barely stand and running into walls, chances are she wouldn't be able to muster up the effort to go cheat on her new husband...
If he just fell overboard, what about the blood found in the room and the noises that the people in adjoining rooms heard? There has to be more to it than just falling overboard.
Annie said:
If he just fell overboard, what about the blood found in the room and the noises that the people in adjoining rooms heard? There has to be more to it than just falling overboard.

Not sure if you are referencing what I posted, but I agree. If you look, it also says: "or he hit it big in the casino after his bride went to bed and someone jumped him and pushed him overboard..."

To me jumped means to get beat up, that would account for the blood. This was also posted within days of the occurance, so I'm sure theories have changed since then. I am most curious about the woman's scream people are claiming to have heard. There's no guarantee it was Jennifers scream, if she was passed out in a chair on the other side of the ship it could have been anyone, perhaps a friend of those friends from the casino that George had made.
Olivia77 said:
Not sure if you are referencing what I posted, but I agree. If you look, it also says: "or he hit it big in the casino after his bride went to bed and someone jumped him and pushed him overboard..."

To me jumped means to get beat up, that would account for the blood. This was also posted within days of the occurance, so I'm sure theories have changed since then. I am most curious about the woman's scream people are claiming to have heard. There's no guarantee it was Jennifers scream, if she was passed out in a chair on the other side of the ship it could have been anyone, perhaps a friend of those friends from the casino that George had made.

In an earlier post you said she had gone to bed.
And to clear things up: the couple had been up on the 10th deck - the top deck - the promenade, and she had went to bed without him.
I know that people who drink a lot can black out and while interacting with people, have absolutely no memory of it later. I was once at the almost fatal accident site of a friend of mine, and never did remember it, even after being told about it. Still I would think that the murder of your new husband in front of you would shock you into some type of conciousness. Now if she had been drugged, or totally passed out- that I can understand.
mysteriew said:
In an earlier post you said she had gone to bed.

I know that people who drink a lot can black out and while interacting with people, have absolutely no memory of it later. I was once at the almost fatal accident site of a friend of mine, and never did remember it, even after being told about it. Still I would think that the murder of your new husband in front of you would shock you into some type of conciousness. Now if she had been drugged, or totally passed out- that I can understand.
I can't wait for the whole story to come out. Its so horrible, the poor guy. Can you imagine if you are coherant(sp)and get thrown off your cruise ship. Talk about panic, he had no chance. I don't think the bride was involved at all. But I am very curious if she was in the room when it happened. She had to have been somewhere else on the ship when this occurred.
lilpony said:
I can't wait for the whole story to come out. Its so horrible, the poor guy. Can you imagine if you are coherant(sp)and get thrown off your cruise ship. Talk about panic, he had no chance. I don't think the bride was involved at all. But I am very curious if she was in the room when it happened. She had to have been somewhere else on the ship when this occurred.
Yes, I agree. The panic is almost too much to comprehend. What an awful way to die. And what a cold, uncaring and callous person that could have done such a thing. Scary!
BillyGoatGruff said:
I find this story interesting if for no other reason it is bringing to light how the cruise lines are willing to sweep everything from gang rape to child molestation to murder under the rug simply to make things look "ship shape" to the customers.

That's also true of military bases and college and universities and lots of other places that people wouldn't even dream of. We were a part of the military for 13 years and believe me, people on the outside never hear about much of the crime that occurs on base because the military keeps it out of the MSM. Also happens the same way on college and university campuses...they don't want the word getting out their college campus may be unsafe. And after working for a large metropolitan police department I know that very rich, very prominent property owners who own malls, large hotels, etc., are capable of keeping the violence and crime that occurs at the mall property or hotel property out of the news and hush hush. People would never believe what all happens in a mall. And if they knew, they'd take extra precautions when going shopping - and they wouldn't be so quick to drop off their teenagers or kids there alone.
He wasn't just thrown overboard. There was some sort of fight where it appears from the blood on the awning that was pooled. Pooled blood indicates to me that he was stabbed. There was also blood in their room. Lots of it. So how this bride could have woken up in the room and not noticed the blood and gone on her merry way is a mystery to me.

The neighbor also heard a woman's voice in the room and there was a scream, presumably when he was stabbed (I am just conjecturing.) If it wasn't Jennifer, then it is a real mystery who the other woman in their cabin was if Jennifer went back to the cabin.

By the way, he was 6'3". I think it took more than one man to throw him overboard. He was also so drunk that three men had to carry him back to his room, so I doubt if he was in any shape to gallavant off to get a bite to eat.

They are investigating the three drinking buddies of his now. Although they are saying up to five men are involved.

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