GUILTY Turkey - Sarai Sierra, 33, NY woman murdered, Istanbul, 21 Jan 2013 - #1

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I read also that some people from there think she was a carrier and people were sent to "collect or re-take" what she may have be given.
Not sure if this CNN article has been posted yet -- seems like she was encouraged to visit Turkey by some IGers who offered to act as tour guides and also that her iPhone was not in her room (so maybe she did just have one phone?):

Body of missing NY mother found in Turkey

.....Turkish police found the New York woman's body near ancient stone walls in Istanbul's Sarayburnu district, the semi-official Anatolian Agency reported. Police suspected she had been killed at another location.

Police told CNN's sister network CNN Turk that the body of the 33-year-old mother of two showed signs of stab wounds.

At least nine suspects had been detained in connection with Sierra's disappearance and death, Anatolian reported....

.....Sierrra was an amateur photographer who had amassed more than 3,000 followers since she joined the photo sharing app Instagram last year.

Some people she met through the service encouraged her to visit the ancient Turkish city, her husband said. They offered to act as tour guides. "You're admiring pictures, but you're getting acquainted with people that you've never met before," Steven Sierra said....

....After Sierra's family raised the alarm that she was missing, some of her belongings -- including her passport and medical cards -- were found in her room in Istanbul, though her iPhone and iPad were not there, according to her husband.
I agree with you completely....
I would not necessarily say her being murdered had specifically do with being in Turkey either; however, even the State Dept has some pretty strict guidelines on visiting that country. Any American traveling to a foreign country should ALWAYS check the State Dept. website. I know people feel it is a super safe country, but that is not what our govt. will tell you. As I mentioned before, the US Air Base there is continually on lock down and military members are advised to not go off base much.

It has a lot to do with her not being safe and meeting up with strange men from the internet in an unsafe area. That is a major major receipe for disaster.

I wanted to add....I am not trying to crucify her with my statements. I truly feel horrible for what happened to her and her family. However, with that opinion of women traveling alone to meet strange men in foreign countries where the US State Dept says is not all that safe, is that it is truly a naive and unsafe thing to do.

Just as an FYI, here is the State Dept warning about the UK for comparison:
"In the past several years, extremists have targeted and attacked public transportation infrastructure in European cities such as London, Madrid, Glasgow, and Moscow, demonstrating that terrorists continue to take an active interest in targeting this sector. The British Home Secretary has urged UK citizens to be alert and vigilant. For example, travelers are encouraged to keep an eye out for suspect packages or people acting suspiciously on buses, on the subway (called the Tube or Underground), at train stations, and at airports, and to report anything suspicious to the appropriate authorities. U.S. citizens should remain vigilant with regard to their personal security and to exercise caution. As has been widely reported in the press, UK law enforcement authorities have taken action to guard against a terrorist attack, underscoring in their public statements that the police are using a range of tactics to mitigate the threat. For more information about UK public safety initiatives, consult the UK Civil Contingencies Secretariat website."

I think you'll find that MOST countries have a fairly strongly worded warning somewhere in their State Dept travel information. There is NOT, however, a State Department Travel Warning issued for Turkey. A Travel Warning is issued when there is an extremely high threat level. About 30 countries currently have Travel Warnings issued. Turkey is not one of them.
I am curious too at some of the reports which indicated that Taylan, at his insistence, asked that questioning not be done at a police station. Do suspects usually have a say in such matters? It could be that he was distrustful of the local police or it could be something else. Maybe fearful of the drug organization finding out? Maybe an informant? I don't know it just stuck me as strange that at his request the questioning was done on his terms.
I'm sorry but I had to LOL at the visual of a drug dealer walking into a bank of turkey (lmao, sorry) and making a deposit or transaction for a drug mule. I believe that street drug transactions are done in cash. Because SS would have to deal with explaining how she got all that money deposited at once into here bank account.

No, they could wire it via computer to an account in a tax-haven country.

These guys got caught:

"Outrageous HSBC Settlement Proves the Drug War is a Joke"
POSTED: December 13, 3:25 PM ET

The banks' laundering transactions were so brazen that the NSA probably could have spotted them from space. Breuer admitted that drug dealers would sometimes come to HSBC's Mexican branches and "deposit hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash, in a single day, into a single account, using boxes designed to fit the precise dimensions of the teller windows."

Read more:
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If a woman tourist is coming across as sleazy, she could be putting herself in danger; esp. if she is unaware of how her behavior (and perhaps dress) is being perceived.

Every picture I've seen of her, either surveillance or otherwise, has shown her to be modestly dressed. Did I miss something?
I am an adventurous person, have travelled to some shady places alone, but have NEVER met up with random people from the Internet there. I find this incredibly naive for a New Yorker to consider safe and I do wonder about her motive for this trip. Was she overconfident because she WAS a New Yorker ? Was she seeking a different kind of adventure? Maybe this trip was a midlife crisis?

I mean, you want to go somewhere on your own - stay in youth hostel. You will probably meet some cool people to hang with and you will be able to get a sense of them in person.

I am conflicted. I will admit it. Beth, I am not picking on you specifically, but I am using some of your points in order to position my comments/questions.

My questions to you Beth are, where did you go that was 'shady'? What if something happened to you there? Would it be fair for people to question your common sense and suggest that it was your fault?

Next question, if someone went to a youth hostel (which you suggest as a sensible alternative) and something happened to them would everyone say..."hey, everyone knows that there's an unpredictable group of people that goes to those places. Why did you go there? Isn't that irresponsible?

My point is that there are risks all around us. Should we lock ourselves up? Should we all buy guns?

I don't know what the 'right' level of risk to take is. I just know that I don't want to cower in my house and avoid 'living', for the sake of safety.

Having put up that brave front, I will now admit that I don't want to take big risks. I am not a wild adventurer. I do want to meet other people around the world though. I suspect many of them have the same hopes and dreams that I do...good health, and stable financial well-being so that they may raise their children with hopes and dreams of their own.

I do not think that I would feel comfortable staying by myself (as a female) on a stranger's couch. So, yes, I really don't feel that differently from you in the end!

On a somewhat related note, for those considering traveling to the US, I suggest you keep this in mind:

There is currently a widespread seasonal influenza outbreak in all 5 boroughs of New York City. Travellers are advised to get vaccinated against the virus before their trip and take precautions while in the United States.

There is a general threat from terrorism in the United States. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places frequented by expatriates and foreign travellers.

You should be alert to the dangers of car and street crime in cities.

You should bear in mind the following:

Do not leave your door open at any time.
Avoid wearing expensive jewellery and carrying valuable items in run down areas.
Do not sleep in your car by the roadside or in rest areas.
Avoid leaving items on display in cars.
Try to stay on main roads and use well-lit car parks.
If hit from behind while driving, indicate to the other driver to follow you to a public place and call 911 for Police help.

Where did these 'wild' warnings come from? This is travel advice from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in the U.K.
So, if I wanted to be safe I would not travel to the US.

In the end, we each have to find our own 'balance'. How much risk are we willing to take? It can be anywhere on the spectrum from being a bubble person, never stepping out of our house, to being a wild, extreme adventurer, visiting regions with terrorists, rebels, or an extreme physical, political, natural or weather environment. I'm happy to be somewhere in the middle, but the middle covers a lot of territory!
Let me just post Taylan/TK's statement to police (undated) and let it speak for itself. He basically says he told her he was waiting, but he could see that she was not getting the message. This appears to be his original statement to police, NOT ANY SUBSEQUENT UPDATE:

I am confused.
That sure does not match what the police found analyzing the messages:

On the day of her return, Jan 21st at 11:00 AM, Sarai messages to a Turk named Taylan, "I am almost across the Galata Tower. Will you come?" After waiting at a cafe until 11:33 AM, she message him again, "I'm leaving, if you want to reach me, call me". At 12:45 PM, she receives a message from Taylan, "I'll come over there. I'm assuming that you have wireless."

Here is his original interview with LE. He said he did not meet her:

"The man, who identified himself to Sierra on social media sites as &#8220;Taylan,&#8221; was taken into custody after being questioned yesterday by authorities. The man reportedly told police during his interrogation that the two did not meet Jan. 21, despite planning to do so, daily Hürriyet has reported.
&#8220;We did not meet that day, but we had met before,&#8221; Taylan said, adding that he had first met Sierra online four months ago.
The interrogation did not take place at a police station due to a specific request made by the witness.

Earlier reports claimed &#8220;Taylan&#8221; had arranged to meet Sierra by Galata Tower in Beyo&#287;lu on Jan. 20. "

Now he changed to: he did go, but did not see her.
I am wondering if the Turkish govt. is pushing this 15, 000 dollar story to 'dirty' her up, and keep tourism going strong. Nobody wants to believe she would be randomly attacked or robbed and killed in broad daylight for an i-pad. So it is better for them to float the story that she was meeting up with drug dealers or jewelry thieves. JMO
I am wondering if the Turkish govt. is pushing this 15, 000 dollar story to 'dirty' her up, and keep tourism going strong. Nobody wants to believe she would be randomly attacked or robbed and killed in broad daylight for an i-pad. So it is better for them to float the story that she was meeting up with drug dealers or jewelry thieves. JMO

Could be but the 15,000 story and alot of the other statements were released before the body was found. Before there was any evidence of a violent crime actually taken place.
Every picture I've seen of her, either surveillance or otherwise, has shown her to be modestly dressed. Did I miss something?

The behavior = traveling around with young single men;
all her clothing is tight fitting.
Could be but the 15,000 story and alot of the other statements were released before the body was found. Before there was any evidence of a violent crime actually taken place.

That's true---but with the circumstances, it was probably obvious it might end up this way.

Explosions in Ankara
February 1, 2013
Please be advised that explosions have been confirmed in front of Embassy Ankara. U.S. citizens are advised to not visit the Consulates in Istanbul, Adana or the Embassy in Ankara until further notice. We will update this message to U.S. citizens on our webpage when we have additional information.

The Department of State advises U.S. citizens traveling or residing in Turkey to be alert to the potential for violence, to avoid those areas where disturbances have occurred, and to avoid demonstrations and large gatherings. Even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and possibly escalate into violence. U.S. citizens are therefore urged to avoid the areas of demonstrations if possible, and to exercise caution if within the vicinity of any demonstrations.
The behavior = traveling around with young single men;
all her clothing is tight fitting.

I see nothing sleazy about what she was doing or wearing. Istanbul is in Europe. Clothing styles range there from short skirts and deep cleavage to full cover up. Her shoulders and legs were covered. I think she was completely respectful of the local culture in what she wore and do not think this put her in danger. The same goes for talking to single men. I think she talked to the WRONG person, not the wrong KIND of person.
I see nothing sleazy about what she was doing or wearing. Istanbul is in Europe. Clothing styles range there from short skirts and deep cleavage to full cover up. Her shoulders and legs were covered. I think she was completely respectful of the local culture in what she wore and do not think this put her in danger. The same goes for talking to single men. I think she talked to the WRONG person, not the wrong KIND of person.

I see nothing ...

But don't you understand that some people in these other countries might look at her outfits and behavior as immodest and improper? She can't see herself as others see her (outside the US).
But don't you understand that some people in these other countries might look at her outfits and behavior as immodest and improper? She can't see herself as others see her (outside the US).

The Duggar family and the Amish probably think I dress immodestly. And I doubt they'd entirely approve of my behavior. And they're American. You cannot judge a city by its fringes.
I am conflicted. I will admit it. Beth, I am not picking on you specifically, but I am using some of your points in order to position my comments/questions.

My questions to you Beth are, where did you go that was 'shady'? What if something happened to you there? Would it be fair for people to question your common sense and suggest that it was your fault?

Next question, if someone went to a youth hostel (which you suggest as a sensible alternative) and something happened to them would everyone say..."hey, everyone knows that there's an unpredictable group of people that goes to those places. Why did you go there? Isn't that irresponsible?

My point is that there are risks all around us. !

It's a good point, and well taken. We all take risks every day. How much risk is acceptable to us is a personal decision.

I am reminded of when the space program chose a teacher to go into space. My mother, also a teacher, said that she would never do that, no matter how much she wanted to, because she had us at home. And we all know what happened to that teacher. To her the risk was worth it.

So, my risk taking days are pretty much over, at least until my kid is done college.

At the same time, if I died on a risky trip or taking part in a risky activity, YES, I would bear some respsibility. Of course, in this case where a woman was murdered, a murderer is to blame. I just wish she had been a little more careful, for her kids.
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