GUILTY Turkey - Sarai Sierra, 33, NY woman murdered, Istanbul, 21 Jan 2013 - #6

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Alp, it is a welcome sight to have you joining us again!!

I want you to know that even though I rarely post, I am an active follower of this case and value the knowledge, background, observations, and efforts you share with us. Hope to see you on a regular basis now that the case is moving on.

I will try to answer questions and provide insights to the best of my ability. But before that, I'd like to point out something that caught my attention.

Official release based news reports indicate that Ziya was apprehended in a house in Reyhanli township of Hatay province.

However, in a video that was posted here before, Ziya himself states that he crossed into Syria, was caught there and now he will be turned over to Turkey.

Most likely, that video was shot right after his capture in Syria.

If you notice, in the same video, he is wearing US M81 Woodland camouflage pants and a green military issue shirt under a blue civilian polar jacket.


US Woodland camo pattern is or was being used by several US allies in the region, including Turkey. I know for a fact that US Woodland camo is obsolete in Turkish military as the switch to a new indigenous digital camo pattern has been made.

So, surplus equipment like that was being passed over to the rebels in Syria to aid them in their fight against Assad regime. I assume the same deed is being done by other US allies neighboring Syria.

As a result, I believe Ziya was actually captured in Syria by rebels or US or US allies (including Turkey) military/intelligence assets and turned over to Turkish LE authorities.

Official release stating that he was captured in a house in Reyhanli, Hatay is most likely an attempt to avoid officially acknowledging military/intelligence assets in Syria. After all, in that video Ziya himself is saying he was captured in Syria.
An article in the Aksam news outlet’s website

says that Ziya was brought before a court/magistrate in Istanbul and charged according to the Turkish criminal code (?) with “killing with savagery/ferocity.” (I guess there must be a better way to say this, but I don’t know the legal terminology.)

Most of the article is an extended account of the three-page statement the police took from him under interrogation. (It appears to be an actual transcription of the statement. But I don’t know this for sure, it’s just how it looks to me. Maybe it’s just the journalist’s account of the statement. And again, I want to note that my Turkish is only intermediate-level and I may have gotten some things wrong.)

It says that Ziya was sitting on the railroad tracks after inhaling thinner and drinking since early in the morning. He saw a woman taking pictures on the tracks. He approached her and she pushed him away. The statement then goes on to describe the escalating struggle between them. (I’m sorry, I can’t bring myself to write this part. All I can say is that Sarai came across Ziya while she was doing what she came to Istanbul to do: photography. It was a moment of tragically bad luck—for both of them. But she put up a valiant and ferocious struggle to live.)

The next day, having recovered from the effects of the thinner, he went back to the cave where he had left her and realized she was dead. He tried to hide the body as best he could. He put her handbag and jacket in a bag and put them in a trash receptacle. He saw her phone outside the cave and threw it into the sea. He threw the iPad into the sea three days later.

While sitting at a coffeehouse one day, he saw the news about the missing American woman and realized that this was the woman he had killed. Then, at some point after this, he learned in the same way that the body had been found. Panicking, he decided to leave Istanbul and, to get money, tried to sell his bloody jacket but couldn’t. He then gathered up his bedding, handcart, etc. and by selling those items, got enough money for his bus ticket to Karabuk, from where he went on to Hatay and Syria, as we know.

A friend in Hatay helped him get to the border district, from where he walked across into Syria. He fought with the Syrian resistance. (There was also a report, although not part of the formal statement, that he pretended to them that he couldn’t hear or speak.) He was wounded in the leg, taken to a hospital and treated for 10 days. When he got better, he decided to go back to Turkey. He was captured as soon as he crossed the border. (This is what the published account of the statement says, if I understand it correctly.) But in fact, he said, he was sorry for what he had done and was in any case going back to give himself up.
Looks like the end may be in sight, with lawyers and justice taking over our sleuthing tasks, so this will be my last post. Grateful to the LE for getting Z. To all the Turkish posters, your input was valuable and so very much appreciated. To all other sleuthers, thanks for your insight and for all ideas and wisdom shared.

Before I leave, I’d like to take issue with something, and I’ll cut it up into several posts.
I find it not one bit believable that SS had an affair with T. He seems, at best, an IG acquaintance or a mere tour guide.
But since I believe that the bathroom sex comments attributed to him were salacious lies and are once again, with Z’s arrest, garnering negative posts with zest in the press and casting dispersions on the character of a wife, a friend and a mother, I’ll try to back up my opinion, for the sake of her children.

Many of SS’s IG comments were brought up on this board and most others are still public & can be viewed by anyone googling her IG name. I don’t know if it’s ok to link, so I’ll just summarize:
She clearly had lots of IG fans and some constant IG friends who commented on every pic. One of them, ‘T’ as I call him was introduced to us here:

“The Turkish National Police, who are using social media to trace Sierra's steps in İstanbul, on Thursday said one of the four Turkish citizens with whom Sierra communicated online went by “Taylan” on Gmail. At that time, the police had identified Taylan, who messaged Sierra three times to meet him on Jan. 21, but said they would not yet release information to the public.”

Now his IG handle was Tayloo, (changed to Sahrrudd then account cancelled after she went missing,) true identity always concealed, but real name was Tarkan, ( no, not Tarkan IGer guy) according to Hurriyet below,

Well, judging by the sparseness of his comments on her photos spread out over months, T, who spoke good English, didn’t come across as one of her close IG friends, though she once remarked that his photos were funny and he said he was flattered. On the other hand, ‘D.’ (her Amst. connection) seemed to be one of her best buddies, and a friendly conversational banter transpired between them, as it did with many others she seemed to value and who seemed to value her.

Poster Thinkhard on this board found T’s posts to all women quite ‘flirty’. Cmac2 never liked him. SS’s own posts indicate that she lightly sidestepped any insincere posting poseurs not part of her tight community like T’s suggestive “Solo Sarai…or” posted on one early photo. But she remained constantly upbeat and friendly to all.

On 1/6, the airplane pic, (her last NYC pic before the trip which was being planned in December but dreamed about long before she made Turkish Ig friends) SS posts that she's going to Europe for 3 weeks and will visit Turkey, Amsterdam and Germany. Everyone wishes her well, is excited for her. One woman invites her to display her photos in a photography show upon her return. Each successive day of the trip, usually morning and evening, SS selects pics she took with her camera phone, sometimes editing them on her Ipad, before uploading them. She gets loads of compliments which make her feel good and she makes sure to answer each and every poster, sometimes 20 to 30 of them.

On 1/9, (Canal mall pic) she mentions to other posters that her trip will total 3 weeks, and hopes to max out her memory cards with pics. She responds to each compliment with phrases like ‘Thank you so much’, or ‘thank you kindly, my dear friend’ and often calls them by their real name, Sue, John, etc. usually adding :)))) or : ))))) smiles, and to her best buddies she parlays witticisms, references to music and popular expressions, so it is very obvious that, among the encouraging give and take comments, when T oddly posts ‘RU still in Taksim' she doesn’t even respond to him.
(continued in next post)
On 1/11, she uploads pics at three different times: one in the morning, one around noon, (both Sultanhamet mosques) one of train tracks at around 6pm. Starting on that day she will begin to upload a succession of ‘ 5 pics in 5 day’s’ for a‘ low down’ contest she was chosen for; photos of train tracks, a body of water, and streets. She comments that she is ‘loving’ those Istanbul streets, the city is ‘amazing’, and yes she has hit up a couple of good restaurants. She describes the trip as a whim and her excitement is obvious. T comments once more, praises the mosque pic with a ‘Waoow’ followed by ‘are you in Sultanhamet?’ to which she politely responds ‘Thank you,.and I was yesterday:) ” Only one smile, out of politeness. She saves the 3,4, or 5 smiles for her genuine IG friends.
No further posts from him.

On the 12th is her 2nd submission, a water shot "kinda low", uploaded around 10am. It’s well received.
On the 13th she uploads a NYC pic for her 3rd submission and IGers love it but wonder why a NY photo? D asks if she misses NY and she says yes, adding it's hard to find low down street shots in Istanbul. (Recall that a woman on her street told reporters how she drew a lot of attention when she photographed the street). She makes pleasant exchanges, discusses the weather and her upcoming trip to Amsterdam.

On the 14th, she uploads 3 more photos: Istanbul mosque at sunset, a city street and a bridge, her 5th ‘low down’ submission.
The 15th, no photos are uploaded- but this was the day she travels to Amsterdam.
The 16th is a train reflection pic from Amst, and a water shot for a 'reflection' challenge, the 17th is an Amsterdam seagull. Her fans applaud her photographic efforts and she theirs.

On the 18th, back in Turkey, she uploads 'In the cut', and discusses how ‘epic’ her time was in Holland. She tells another poster who asks that she just left Amst and is back in Turkey but only for 'a few days' as she has decided to cut her trip short and return home.
(Maybe this is when she informs LL she’s leaving early?)

The 19th, in the morning, she uploads ‘An Unfiltered Istanbul’, and at 3 pm a pic ‘Never far from my mind’ and she also tells other IGers that although she will be happy to be returning home early, she loved Istanbul. It was awesome.

On the 20th, as usual, she uploads a photo, but this will be her last one. This is the day she was seen on video at the mall and the last time LL saw her. That is also the day she met up with T, according to his statement given at a police station of his choosing and published in an article on Feb. 1 Sunday's Zaman which reports that this was the second time he met up with her. The second time.

It’s also the day he referred to, in that infamous brag attributed to him, heard by an unbelieving world, right after the battered body of a petite beloved mother and wife is discovered, that startling claim that he got with that girl, made some uh huh passion in the loo, before his wise lawyer silences him and retracts it, likely pointing out such machismo is not only stupid and in the poorest of taste, but shines an unfavorable light on him in every respect.

On the 21st, no pics are uploaded. No skype calls home.

“Sierra, 33, disappeared last week while vacationing in İstanbul. The last time she contacted her family was Jan. 21, the day she was supposed to begin her journey home. She never boarded the plane. The Turkish police have recorded the statement of T.K., who is said to be the last person to see missing New Yorker Sarai Sierra in İstanbul. According to the police, T.K. and Sierra met twice in person before she went missing. The last time they met was Jan. 20 in Sirkeci."

He never mentions where or when the first of the two meetings occurred. But even if it did happen, twice they meet in person, and anyone would buy a hot flaming romance?

She hardly knew this guy, even her LL said in his statement that she had no friends there, and I think a guy who was home to get her mail, who said ‘she told me she was single’ who knew that she like Sultanhamet, who greeted her everyday and told the press he last saw her go out for dinner, would have noticed any friends and been concerned for her. She was his guest. In his country. This hit him hard. Mr. Sierra said he was broken by it.

Aside from capturing, editing and uploading pics everyday with her phone and answering posts as well as time spent commenting on other IGers pics, she was also, according to her family, busy skyping, texting and facebooking her kids and family every day and evening on her Ipad. Sure she had fun, she found it all ‘amazing’ was ‘def lovin it’ all.

Daily Sarai seemd to openly and enthusiastically share her experiences & visions with family and fellow IGer friends. So after the all the rumours of illicit sex, lies and hints of smuggling, it seems that in the end this creative, daring to step outside-the-box woman really was simply there for photography and hip and ancient culture & maybe, surrounded by the love of families, it just made her keenly miss hers, enough, as she told her babies, to cut it all short and fly on home. Distances can make us value what’s truly important. Maybe that was the reason.
Her great romantic Turkish love affair in this ‘trip of a lifetime’ seems only to have been with the vibrant soul of Istanbul, the city itself, steeped in wonder, alive to her, especially the mosques, and the many kind people who returned her smiles and captured her own heart and soul as she walked those cobbled streets, chronicling a letting go passage in time.

The ‘shame of a lifetime’ belongs to whoever shattered that precious spiritual embrace, stealing her spirit from her family, and leaving many behind to mourn her passing.

May Sarai rest in peace.
May God forgive Ziya's soul for the murder of Sarai he appears to have committed, because surely Turkish justice will not forgive him or let him get off easy. And may those who Sarai left behind be relieved, for justice will be served against this man, who appears to have taken the life of a guest, a mother, a wife and a brave and a noble woman in my country. And finally, may Sarai's blessed soul rest in peace now through eternity.

Alp, I wish she had met you that last day.

Z is probably the guy, but on the slim chance that he isn't, then I elect you for the case and your mission, should you choose to accept it.....


I will try to answer questions and provide insights to the best of my ability. But before that, I'd like to point out something that caught my attention.

Official release based news reports indicate that Ziya was apprehended in a house in Reyhanli township of Hatay province.

However, in a video that was posted here before, Ziya himself states that he crossed into Syria, was caught there and now he will be turned over to Turkey.

Most likely, that video was shot right after his capture in Syria.

If you notice, in the same video, he is wearing US M81 Woodland camouflage pants and a green military issue shirt under a blue civilian polar jacket.


US Woodland camo pattern is or was being used by several US allies in the region, including Turkey. I know for a fact that US Woodland camo is obsolete in Turkish military as the switch to a new indigenous digital camo pattern has been made.

So, surplus equipment like that was being passed over to the rebels in Syria to aid them in their fight against Assad regime. I assume the same deed is being done by other US allies neighboring Syria.

As a result, I believe Ziya was actually captured in Syria by rebels or US or US allies (including Turkey) military/intelligence assets and turned over to Turkish LE authorities.

Official release stating that he was captured in a house in Reyhanli, Hatay is most likely an attempt to avoid officially acknowledging military/intelligence assets in Syria. After all, in that video Ziya himself is saying he was captured in Syria.

I'm glad he has been caught he is a scary looking guy for sure. So sorry this was the last face Sarai saw.
How many people here think that Ziya T. did this and in the way that he says he did. It looks staged, even as if Ziya T. was told what to say, I think. The Istanbul Police Chief Kaplan speaks as if this case is closed. There hasn't even been a trial yet. Does anyone else think this is highly fishy, as if officials just want this to go away?

I was thinking the same and was more than hesitant to post what you already mentioned. Seems sketchy at best, I hate to say I'm not so sure, but in all honesty, I don't know if I believe this man is the killer.
zarra - thank you so very much for your last posts.
Good that they have their suspect. I said before and I stand behind it that this would end with no great conspiracy or scandal but rather as a straight forward tragic event. No drug running, sexual escapades,etc. She crossed paths with a very violent individual. May she rest in peace. God bless her, her, family and all those folks here who were so respectful. I look forward to returning to Istanbul soon for a rather lengthy stay. It's an amazing place and it is such a place because of its people. Even murderers cannot diminish Istanbul's spirit.
How many people here think that Ziya T. did this and in the way that he says he did. It looks staged, even as if Ziya T. was told what to say, I think. The Istanbul Police Chief Kaplan speaks as if this case is closed. There hasn't even been a trial yet. Does anyone else think this is highly fishy, as if officials just want this to go away?
Too soon and Hard to say, but I’m afraid his actions following the murder do resemble those of a guilty person.

What are the reasons for people doubting in his being responsible: that he’s homeless? I’ve seen in this thread some argue how often people of his ilk get railroaded and falsely convicted because they’re in some way or another powerless.

No doubt this does occur, and one too many times. But is this the only reason? Let’s not allow one fact about a suspect’s background, and emotions regarding injustices committed against innocent defendants, completely blind us to the events of this crime.

Mental instability can mean so many things. Moreover, he wasn’t so unsophisticated or impaired that he was unable to elude police for a month, not to mention all the while being the subject of a manhunt.

For many good reasons, Ziya has been found to be law enforcement’s strong number one suspect.

And just to clarify, in no way am I arguing against wrongly convicted persons, or stigmatizing them, or the mentally disturbed.

The way I see it, he could even be speaking from a script in his head, some prepared sob story.

I don’t mean to hurl personal attacks at the guy—can’t claim I know him—but saying things such as, paraphrasing, “I was loaded on copious amounts of thinner when Sarai unfortunately happened to bump into me,” looks like a poor attempt to extenuate his culpability.

Oftentimes when somebody overstresses a particular fact, such as intoxication in this case, it turns out to be some sort of a cop-out or an attempt at saving face, anything to make oneself look more forgiveable.

It’s easy to accommodate yourself when you’re the only one who knows the true story, assuming, of course, that he was the only perp.

Let whatever the facts may be speak for themselves.

I’m glad this case no longer seems to be going cold.
Too soon and Hard to say, but I’m afraid his actions following the murder do resemble those of a guilty person.

What are the reasons for people doubting in his being responsible: that he’s homeless? I’ve seen in this thread some argue how often people of his ilk get railroaded and falsely convicted because they’re in some way or another powerless.

No doubt this does occur, and one too many times. But is this the only reason? Let’s not allow one fact about a suspect’s background, and emotions regarding injustices committed against innocent defendants, completely blind us to the events of this crime.

Mental instability can mean so many things. Moreover, he wasn’t so unsophisticated or impaired that he was unable to elude police for a month, not to mention all the while being the subject of a manhunt.

For many good reasons, Ziya has been found to be law enforcement’s strong number one suspect.

And just to clarify, in no way am I arguing against wrongly convicted persons, or stigmatizing them, or the mentally disturbed.

The way I see it, he could even be speaking from a script in his head, some prepared sob story.

I don’t mean to hurl personal attacks at the guy—can’t claim I know him—but saying things such as, paraphrasing, “I was loaded on copious amounts of thinner when Sarai unfortunately happened to bump into me,” looks like a poor attempt to extenuate his culpability.

Oftentimes when somebody overstresses a particular fact, such as intoxication in this case, it turns out to be some sort of a cop-out or an attempt at saving face, anything to make oneself look more forgiveable.

It’s easy to accommodate yourself when you’re the only one who knows the true story, assuming, of course, that he was the only perp.

Let whatever the facts may be speak for themselves.

I’m glad this case no longer seems to be going cold.

Solid points. I agree with most of what you said. The only point I diverge is that since Z was mentally ill, as evidenced by his own family's statements about him, he likely was self-medicating by using drugs such as paint thinner. So I don't think he was lying about using.

As to whether he was wholly intoxicated to the point of passing out into oblivion and lapse of memory, you could be correct. He could be claiming his intoxicated state in order to mitigate his willful responsibility for bludgeoning Sarai to death.

I'm glad there is some closure for Sarai and her family. I have next to zero doubt that Z was her solitary murderer. His DNA and blood on her solidified it for me, as well as his guilty conscience and evading authorities by crossing borders and hiding.
Solid points. I agree with most of what you said. The only point I diverge is that since Z was mentally ill, as evidenced by his own family's statements about him, he likely was self-medicating by using drugs such as paint thinner. So I don't think he was lying about using.

As to whether he was wholly intoxicated to the point of passing out into oblivion and lapse of memory, you could be correct. He could be claiming his intoxicated state in order to mitigate his willful responsibility for bludgeoning Sarai to death.

I'm glad there is some closure for Sarai and her family. I have next to zero doubt that Z was her solitary murderer. His DNA and blood on her solidified it for me, as well as his guilty conscience and evading authorities by crossing borders and hiding.

His memory recall amazes me considering his claimed intoxicated state.

Did he wear a watch to know what time he met Sierra and check to see how long the struggle lasted?

Z claims he thought Sierra was Turkish until he saw television reports. Did she not use any words during her ordeal?
An article in the Aksam news outlet’s website

says that Ziya was brought before a court/magistrate in Istanbul and charged according to the Turkish criminal code (?) with “killing with savagery/ferocity.” (I guess there must be a better way to say this, but I don’t know the legal terminology.)

Most of the article is an extended account of the three-page statement the police took from him under interrogation. (It appears to be an actual transcription of the statement. But I don’t know this for sure, it’s just how it looks to me. Maybe it’s just the journalist’s account of the statement. And again, I want to note that my Turkish is only intermediate-level and I may have gotten some things wrong.)

It says that Ziya was sitting on the railroad tracks after inhaling thinner and drinking since early in the morning. He saw a woman taking pictures on the tracks. He approached her and she pushed him away. The statement then goes on to describe the escalating struggle between them. (I’m sorry, I can’t bring myself to write this part. All I can say is that Sarai came across Ziya while she was doing what she came to Istanbul to do: photography. It was a moment of tragically bad luck—for both of them. But she put up a valiant and ferocious struggle to live.)

The next day, having recovered from the effects of the thinner, he went back to the cave where he had left her and realized she was dead. He tried to hide the body as best he could. He put her handbag and jacket in a bag and put them in a trash receptacle. He saw her phone outside the cave and threw it into the sea. He threw the iPad into the sea three days later.

While sitting at a coffeehouse one day, he saw the news about the missing American woman and realized that this was the woman he had killed. Then, at some point after this, he learned in the same way that the body had been found. Panicking, he decided to leave Istanbul and, to get money, tried to sell his bloody jacket but couldn’t. He then gathered up his bedding, handcart, etc. and by selling those items, got enough money for his bus ticket to Karabuk, from where he went on to Hatay and Syria, as we know.

A friend in Hatay helped him get to the border district, from where he walked across into Syria. He fought with the Syrian resistance. (There was also a report, although not part of the formal statement, that he pretended to them that he couldn’t hear or speak.) He was wounded in the leg, taken to a hospital and treated for 10 days. When he got better, he decided to go back to Turkey. He was captured as soon as he crossed the border. (This is what the published account of the statement says, if I understand it correctly.) But in fact, he said, he was sorry for what he had done and was in any case going back to give himself up.

That means prosecution will be pushing for the fullest extent of Turkish Criminal Code Articles 81 and 82. Article 81 dictates that murder with intent (that should be any killing more culpable than manslaughter, whether premeditated or not) is punished with a life sentence. Clause (b) of the Article 82 adds that if the murder was committed with monstrous intent and with the victim having gone through torturous and tormenting treatment, the perp will be given an extended life sentence. An extended life sentence is very much similar to being imprisoned in a Supermax Detention Facility in the United States. Literally, it involves solitary confinement and minimum amount of recreational activities that are deemed suitable for other convicts. Imprisonment is bound not to be interrupted for any reason and parole is only possible after 30 years, if the convict has demonstrated persistent good behavior during his imprisonment. So, if Ziya is found guilty of Article 81 and 82 charges, he will serve at least 30 years and parole will be possible only after he is 63 years old, depending on his behavior. But then again, there may be other charges brought forward by the prosecution, which can only only add to his probable Article 81 and 82 sentences and increase the 30 years duration in which he will be ineligible for parole consideration.

For your information, the notion of extended life sentence was introduced after the legal reforms which aimed to align Turkish law with European Union that were initiated in late 90s and early 2000s. It effectively replaced the death sentence, which was rarely carried out even though it was handed out for the most serious criminal offenses.

Alp, it is a welcome sight to have you joining us again!!

I want you to know that even though I rarely post, I am an active follower of this case and value the knowledge, background, observations, and efforts you share with us. Hope to see you on a regular basis now that the case is moving on.

I appreciate your kind words ma'am, and I'm happy to be of help. :)
How many people here think that Ziya T. did this and in the way that he says he did. It looks staged, even as if Ziya T. was told what to say, I think. The Istanbul Police Chief Kaplan speaks as if this case is closed. There hasn't even been a trial yet. Does anyone else think this is highly fishy, as if officials just want this to go away?

I highly doubt that. Even before Ziya was apprehended, reports and releases indicated a good DNA match between Ziya and perp's blood on Sarai and bits of skin that was accumulated under Sarai's nails during the struggle. That evidence cannot be misrepresented or fabricated to best of my knowledge.

Add to that, you cannot simply make a murder case of an American citizen go away in that way, unless of course the United States itself would also like the case go away, for which I see no basis or reason. After all, the United States has eyes and ears everywhere through unparalleled and unmatched ELINT capabilities, any political and/or administrative communication attempt to railroad the case would stand a good chance of being detected through such means and there are surely ways for the United States to disclose it's dissatisfaction with a murder case of an American citizen railroaded or gundecked without revealing much about the said capabilities.

Of course some might say such capabilities may not be employed for what appears to be a murder of an American tourist Turkey, but you can never know. See my signature for my personal take on such possibilities.

By the way, greetings to the good people in Fort Meade if by any chance this post makes it past the automated screening and crawling algorithms and is reviewed by an actual human analyst.
Alp, I wish she had met you that last day.

Z is probably the guy, but on the slim chance that he isn't, then I elect you for the case and your mission, should you choose to accept it.....



Thank you. Again, you continue to humble me. I merely aspire to follow the example of the good shepherd.
How many people here think that Ziya T. did this and in the way that he says he did. It looks staged, even as if Ziya T. was told what to say, I think. The Istanbul Police Chief Kaplan speaks as if this case is closed. There hasn't even been a trial yet. Does anyone else think this is highly fishy, as if officials just want this to go away?

Respectfully I believe he did it a lot of murders are pretty simple to figure out from start to finish. I understand your suspicions though. Does anyone know what sniffing paint thinner does to someone and for how long? I love websleuths a lot but I don't want to try it lol.
Solid points. I agree with most of what you said. The only point I diverge is that since Z was mentally ill, as evidenced by his own family's statements about him, he likely was self-medicating by using drugs such as paint thinner. So I don't think he was lying about using.
Definitely agree. As I said, perhaps not clearly, he wouldn’t lie about his inhalant abuse, since it’s already well-documented, but rather overstressed this fact and exaggerated the actual amount intake on the date of the murder to gain sympathy when he stands before his accusers.
Does anyone know what sniffing paint thinner does to someone and for how long? I love websleuths a lot but I don't want to try it lol.
In the last thread, I posted some symptoms of inhalant abuse. You can also if you wish google for recovering addicts testimonials, or statements from their mentors, to get a better idea.

Here’s what I found that I posted previously…

Most inhalants depress the nervous system, resulting in effects similar to those of alcohol, according to Dr. Eric Chudler, a neuroscientist at the University of Washington's Department of Bioengineering in Seattle. Inhalants cause relaxation, euphoria, slurred speech, hallucinations, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Users of inhalants may lose the ability to walk, talk or think. Other noticeable signs in people using inhalants include nosebleeds, runny nose or reddened eyes. Sudden violent behavior may result because of the effect inhalants have on the brain, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA).


Most inhalants act directly on the nervous system to produce mind-altering effects. Within seconds, the user experiences intoxication and other effects similar to those from alcohol. There are a variety of effects that may be experienced during or shortly after use, including:
• Slurred speech
• Drunk, dizzy or dazed appearance
• Inability to coordinate movement
• Hallucinations and delusions
• Hostility
• Apathy
• Impaired judgment
• Unconsciousness
• Severe headaches
• Rashes around the nose and mouth
• Prolonged sniffing of these chemicals can induce irregular and rapid heartbeat and lead to heart failure and death within minutes.
• Death from suffocation can occur by replacing oxygen in the lungs with the chemical, and then in the central nervous system, so that breathing ceases.

Long-term users have experienced:
• Muscle weakness
• Disorientation
• Lack of coordination
• Irritability
• Depression
• Serious and sometimes irreversible damage to the heart, liver, kidneys, lungs and brain
• Memory impairment, diminished intelligence
• Hearing loss
• Bone marrow damage
• Deaths from heart failure or asphyxiation (loss of oxygen)


I apologize if this comes out rather long.
Hello all

This seems to be coming to an end. Thanks to everybody, I've enjoyed reading all your posts. I've gone back and added thanks tags to a few more old posts that were especially important to my understanding which I had read before I registered on WS.

I could not find again an early post by a very sensible writer who explained successfully – and simpler than the drug scam and secret affair theories – how Sarai's strange itinerary and her choice of contacts could be seen as a natural extension of her self-discovery started on IG. If you remember which post that was, please let me know …

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