Tutorial: Xenforo Forum Software

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Harmony 2

Retired WS Staff
Oct 12, 2008
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Rough notes from the video:
Private messages are now referred to as 'conversations'. The conversations are viewed in linear fashion. Several members can be invited to join in on a conversation. These conversations are private and can only be viewed by those participating.

To start a new conversation

1)go to inbox on upper right hand corner hover and click on ‘start a new conversation’

2)add member’s user name

Or when on the threads:

1)click on user name

2)box will pop up

3)click on ‘start a conversation’

Delete conversations

1)click boxes

2)choose option to leave the conversation

(will be prompted to accept or ignore future messages)

Control panel, preferences, avatars, user content, and more

1)click user name on upper right hand corner

2)drop down box gives options to make changes to those items

Preferences- time zone, forum skins, options to subscribe, receive email notifications

Alert preferences- when you click on it a drop down box will give you options to manage the alerts you receive- for example whether you want to receive alerts or notifications if someone quotes you, when someone mentions you in a post, when someone tags you, or alerts for threads you subscribe to, etc., for trophies or a new follower

(note: uncheck the ones you don’t want to be alerted on)

Your Content- clicking on it will give you a list of all the threads you have started or participated in.

-click on search button to find a thread you or another member started in a particular section by typing in the user name and click the forum or all forums

3)save changes if you made any

A mention is when someone tags your user name in their post to draw your attention to their post. To tag someone:

-type @ and add user’s name

-will send an alert to the member and a link will take them right to the post where the member was mentioned.

Uploading pictures and video

1)click ‘image’ icon on toolbar

2)add url into the pop up box

3)click on insert

Drag and drop a photo from your desktop

1)gives option to insert full image or thumbnail

For youtube videos

1)click on media icon on toolbar

2)enter url for daily motion, facebook, youtube, vimeo, etc.

3)click on embed

Quoting and replying

Multi-quoting- 1)click on quote icon for the users you want to quote 2)insert quotes on text/response box

(note: quotes can be moved around) 3)quote these messages

Watching threads

Click on watch thread and options are given to receive email notifications or not

To view watched threads- you click on ‘watched threads’ tab and the list will show which have new responses

To stop watching a thread you add a check next to the title and choose the option to stop watching on the pop up box then click on ‘go’

Active topics vs new posts

Active topics is a list of threads that are very active.

New posts are all the new posts across the forum.
Last edited:
Thanks Harmony. This summary is very helpful.
to edit your "Custom Title" (the text under your avatar)

1: Click on your name at the top right

2: Click Personal Details

3: Edit Custom Title
to log out of the site:
1: click on your user name at the top right on orange tool bar
pop up will offer two rows of options
2: click on log out
Can you tell me how to Watch a Forum? I can watch a thread, but would prefer the forum ... and I don't have any in there. Maybe I am just missing something-- still have troubles with the colors, They make my eyes feel jittery.
Can you tell me how to Watch a Forum? I can watch a thread, but would prefer the forum ... and I don't have any in there. Maybe I am just missing something-- still have troubles with the colors, They make my eyes feel jittery.
Go to the forum you want to watch. Look on the top of the forum where the page numbers are then off to the right. Click 'watch forum'. You will see an overlay like this:


Click on the items you desire then on 'watch forum'.
Thanks Harmony2! I think I have it now. Appreciate your help.
You mention forum skins under Preferences but I can not see it there. Just wondering if I can turn the skin black as the white background is a migraine trigger for me, maybe I am looking in the wrong place?
Hi, what is the point of:

Unread Watched Threads
This is a list of the 20 most recently updated threads with unread replies that you are watching

I took a look and it is most certainly not that. Active threads that I am subscribed to do not appear in the list. Can I delete that option? Or make it disappear? I prefer the list of "all watched threads" or subscriptions as it was called before, with all subscriptions and not a random selection. Btw the current list "all watched threads" does not contain all my subscriptions either.

Why would anyone want to select threads for others anyway? Very confusing.
Hi, what is the point of:

Unread Watched Threads
This is a list of the 20 most recently updated threads with unread replies that you are watching

I took a look and it is most certainly not that. Active threads that I am subscribed to do not appear in the list. Can I delete that option? Or make it disappear? I prefer the list of "all watched threads" or subscriptions as it was called before, with all subscriptions and not a random selection. Btw the current list "all watched threads" does not contain all my subscriptions either.

Why would anyone want to select threads for others anyway? Very confusing.

Watched threads is the same as subscriptions for me, so I am not sure why you are getting a bunch of unsubscribed stuff.
Hi, what is the point of:

Unread Watched Threads
This is a list of the 20 most recently updated threads with unread replies that you are watching

I took a look and it is most certainly not that. Active threads that I am subscribed to do not appear in the list. Can I delete that option? Or make it disappear? I prefer the list of "all watched threads" or subscriptions as it was called before, with all subscriptions and not a random selection. Btw the current list "all watched threads" does not contain all my subscriptions either.

Why would anyone want to select threads for others anyway? Very confusing.

Not sure what you are seeing, but have you tried clicking on "mark forums read"? This should reset your "watched threads" links so you only see new comments after that point. I noticed after the move all my subscriptions (now called "watched threads") were showing as unread even though I had read them all. As I clicked on each link it disappeared from the "unread watched thread" box but it would have taken forever to click on every single old thread and I didn't want to unwatch them. Maybe you are only seeing very old threads on yours because you have looked at all the newer stuff and it disappeared? If that's the case then choosing to "mark all threads as read" should help you get back to only seeing new posts there. You can also select at the bottom of the unread watched thread list to "show all watched threads".
Not sure what you are seeing, but have you tried clicking on "mark forums read"? This should reset your "watched threads" links so you only see new comments after that point. I noticed after the move all my subscriptions (now called "watched threads") were showing as unread even though I had read them all. As I clicked on each link it disappeared from the "unread watched thread" box but it would have taken forever to click on every single old thread and I didn't want to unwatch them. Maybe you are only seeing very old threads on yours because you have looked at all the newer stuff and it disappeared? If that's the case then choosing to "mark all threads as read" should help you get back to only seeing new posts there. You can also select at the bottom of the unread watched thread list to "show all watched threads".

The page with" Unread Watched Threads
This is a list of the 20 most recently updated threads with unread replies that you are watching"

..... even contains updates that I have posted.

Your reply does not appear there, but it does pop up on the next page, "All watched threads" AND in "Alerts" in the upper right corner.

I received an "Alert" about a posting on the thread of Malaysia Airlines 370, and another member's posting on the same thread appears on "All watched threads" but not as an "Alert".

IMHO the previous system that was based on time is superior to the current one that appears to be based on confusion. The moment you click on a thread, the item disappears from the "Unread watched threads" so there is no going back from there if you want to.

For me, watching threads and reading postings is most definitely not a TO DO list. Yet that is what it looks like. IMHO this is a '"solution" for a problem that nobody knew they had.
Another question: why isn't my "Content" being updated? All my content dates from before the transition, not after.

Something I have to do to make the update happen?
The page with" Unread Watched Threads
This is a list of the 20 most recently updated threads with unread replies that you are watching"

..... even contains updates that I have posted.

Your reply does not appear there, but it does pop up on the next page, "All watched threads" AND in "Alerts" in the upper right corner.

I received an "Alert" about a posting on the thread of Malaysia Airlines 370, and another member's posting on the same thread appears on "All watched threads" but not as an "Alert".

IMHO the previous system that was based on time is superior to the current one that appears to be based on confusion. The moment you click on a thread, the item disappears from the "Unread watched threads" so there is no going back from there if you want to.

For me, watching threads and reading postings is most definitely not a TO DO list. Yet that is what it looks like. IMHO this is a '"solution" for a problem that nobody knew they had.
Even though the thread disappears from your Watched Threads after reading, you can go to the next tab which is history to go back to a thread you read previously. You can also go into your alerts settings and change what you want to see and how you want to be notified of new postings and threads you follow.
The page with" Unread Watched Threads
This is a list of the 20 most recently updated threads with unread replies that you are watching"

..... even contains updates that I have posted.

Your reply does not appear there, but it does pop up on the next page, "All watched threads" AND in "Alerts" in the upper right corner.

I received an "Alert" about a posting on the thread of Malaysia Airlines 370, and another member's posting on the same thread appears on "All watched threads" but not as an "Alert".

IMHO the previous system that was based on time is superior to the current one that appears to be based on confusion. The moment you click on a thread, the item disappears from the "Unread watched threads" so there is no going back from there if you want to.

For me, watching threads and reading postings is most definitely not a TO DO list. Yet that is what it looks like. IMHO this is a '"solution" for a problem that nobody knew they had.

It was confusing for me at first too. What I have found is that I either click "show all watched threads" to see everything again after I have read the new posts in my watched threads OR I click on the "history" tab. History will show you the last 50 threads you viewed. Or if you prefer the alerts you can browse only by alerts-- you can adjust the alerts to show you when someone has posted to your watched threads and when someone replies to you, etc. Or you can turn those all off. You might want to play around with the alerts options to figure out what you want to see there and what you don't care about seeing there. I disabled most of my alerts except for when someone replies to me-- that way I can find the post in a fast moving thread without having to read the entire thread to find it. The point is, there are multiple ways to navigate or adjust your settings to make it how you want it. I hope you can figure out a way that works for you.
Another question: why isn't my "Content" being updated? All my content dates from before the transition, not after.

Something I have to do to make the update happen?

Repeating my question: what do I have to do to update the list of My Content aka my own postings?

List hasn't been updated since May 22. Why?
Repeating my question: what do I have to do to update the list of My Content aka my own postings?

List hasn't been updated since May 22. Why?
I don’t think anyone’s has. I know mine hasn’t updated in 8 days either. They must be working on it.

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