TV Station Pushes for Release of ICA Jailhouse Video

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FWIW ... Caylee's remains were found on the 11th but weren't identified, Jose rushes from court to the jail to see KC ... they're video taped but I feel more strongly now than ever that Jose knew and told the Anthonys and Dominic in November ... he was well aware that KC had dumped Caylee there and was scrambling before Dr G even identified the remains on the 19th ... they both knew that day that they were screwed ...

There's no other explanation for Jose, Baden, Spitz, Reichs, Lee and even Geraldo to be at the remains site on the 13th and 14th ... unless they had been told to come to Orlando pronto the day the remains were found ...

I hope they're all proud of their "contribution" to setting this child killer free ...
this may have been mentioned but one thing i found that was funny was that baez puts his coat waaay away from casey and onto another chair across the table.

sucks to know there would have normally been sound if not for that little snafu they had with the audio (iirc) cause then you'd hear her panic then go right into chit chat about football.

and could the station have sat their camera on a small tripod for cryin out loud?! anyone can buy this file from who released it, right?
It twists the knife deeper, doesn't it? The verdict hasn't hurt me this much in awhile now. I think I was starting to slowly get past it...the worst thing is feeling so darn helpless. She's out in the world...I pray that God and karma really stick it to her somehow. Somehow. They just have to! *sigh*

I don't think it could go any deeper. The only time I felt any kind of relief was right after the jury was sworn in. I'm think "Now Caylee has a chance, we have 12 people who will see what we've all seen and they have the power to punish her for it". Fat chance. :floorlaugh:

But to reiterate what I said earlier, the jury was brain :woohoo:ed. OS by the DT was designed to change the focus off of KC and onto GA, shock them with dirty and vile accusations against GA, with a description of what he supposedly done that was graphic enough to stick in their head and all KC had to do was crank down her chair and cry on cue. And it worked.

What I can do is enjoy the thought that KC is in a cage and will be the rest of her life. Not a physical cage, but she will never be free to move forward from this. She will always be thought of as the woman who killed her daughter and got away with it. She can learn a new language, move to another country, but news and photo's move faster than the speed of light nowadays and what she got away with will always haunt her in one way or another.
thank you for asking!

none of it makes sense to me...i tend to think logically, and rely on exact sciences. unless there are smoking guns (finger prints, eye witnesses, DNA etc) I am hesitant to draw any conclusions. I watched all of this unfold, right here on this site (lurking) from week one (or two) and kept my fingers crossed that something concrete would surface. read most "doc dumps" or somebody's summary of them, but knew, sadly, for most of those yrs she was locked up that she would walk.

I think there is some truth to the drowning at home, or of some accident at the home. I think she freaked out, and tried to make it look like something that it was not. then it was too late to correct her mistake. I also think that she does have some mental issues. issues that allowed her to live a "normal" life up until she was arrested. I do not think that she placed duct tape over her childs mouth/nose and smothered her to death. if she place this duct tape where it was found, it was to try to throw things off. but, I am not convinced that she placed the duct tape there either. I dont believe it was found exactly how they say it was found. I think the M.E. is more of a celebrity than an M.E. I also think M.E.'s are given far to much responsibility with naming cause of death when it is not apparent (ie; blood work, DNA sampling etc).

as I have said repeatedly "I think"...I am convinced of nothing but the fact that a child is gone, and we do not know how or why

If it doesn't make sense to you, then you know your theory is off. When an accident happens, people call 911. They don't come up with a fake babysitter who ran off with their kid. A person would come up with a story like that to hide what had really happened, for fear of the consequences.

Eliminate all other factors, and the one which remains must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes
I'm sorry but all I see is a bad acting job. When FCA gets up off the chair she doesn't look shaken, off balance...nothing! I see nothing that leads me to believe JB is crying either. I have heard many describe JB as a scrapper, if he was going to sit in that large room, I believe if he was crying, he would have had his head down low trying to conceal his tears. I guess it is all about perception?
CA had sent her guy to the same location to look around, I think FCA and JB knew all along they would find Caylee. All I saw was JB rubbing his forehead and touching his nose once in awhile. They were in the jail where everything is recorded and FCA was there long enough to know.
At least now we know why Judge S sealed the tape...all I saw was FCA & JB putting on a show, others saw FCA having an attack, others saw JB crying.
Okay, but then why did she make and shake the "fisties" just before the guards escorted off for her sedative? Why was she rageful if, in fact, she already knew Caylee drowned on June 16th. Why was she panicked and rageful?

i didnt see that, as I didnt see a lot of things most do here... KC seems to always be fidgeting with her hair, face whatever. she was in cuffs. I think people see what they want to see. all i see is a grainy, blurry, poor vid and a rediculous attempt at entrapment.
i see casey trying to put on an act in front of others, while it seems she's pretty pissed off in the private room. the way she's sitting, to me says she is MAD. baez seems like he's having to compromise with a child. kinda like...well, what are we gonna do? this is it. can't change it now.
Well, we have seen the fisties and the related scowl on two other occasions. The first was on the jail house tape when "no one was listening to" her and then when mommy hugged daddy in the courtroom. Both times were when she wasn't getting her way. When I put this taped image of the fisties and scowl into that context, I tend to believe that the anger part was real and that she was pizzed that LE found Caylee's remains and that this wasn't going her way. The bending over was probably and act. The breathing heavily and the fist, well, that was pure anger.
The video without sound could be interpreted in at least a million ways. We already read the transcripts of the event, when put together with the soundless video it is pretty clear she feels she has been caught red handed. She is panicking and Jose has to talk her down. Jose is like...oh what are we going to do.. hand to forehead..stress..
i see casey trying to put on an act in front of others, while it seems she's pretty pissed off in the private room. the way she's sitting, to me says she is MAD. baez seems like he's having to compromise with a child. kinda like...well, what are we gonna do? this is it. can't change it now.

I still can't believe they didn't sit her facing the camera! Doh!
i didnt see that, as I didnt see a lot of things most do here... KC seems to always be fidgeting with her hair, face whatever. she was in cuffs. I think people see what they want to see. all i see is a grainy, blurry, poor vid and a rediculous attempt at entrapment.

At 6:26 on PART ONE she balls both of her hands into fists and bends her elbows upward and shakes her fist just like she did in the infamous jailhouse video and then again in her breakdown during the trial.
We can just pray she never has any more children. I don't want another child to have suffer because Casey is their mother. Yeesh.

hmmmpppffftttt...CFCMA will probably have a child or 2 in a couple of years. I can see it now...unfortunately. I guess I can thank the 12 idjeets for that.
ok, baez had his face to the camera, KC had her back to the blur, grainy pic. so, how do you see that in KC...
Watch the first 6 minutes/Part 1. Even in the second part, not once does she reach for a tissue.
At 6:26 on tape one she balls both of her hands into fists and bends her elbows upward and shakes her fist just like she did in the infamous jailhouse video and then again in her breakdown during the trial.

Part 1 or part 2?

ETA: NVMD see you said Tape 1.
The video without sound could be interpreted in at least a million ways. We already read the transcripts of the event, when put together with the soundless video it is pretty clear she feels she has been caught red handed. She is panicking and Jose has to talk her down. Jose is like...oh what are we going to do.. hand to forehead..stress..

And for all we know he could have shed tears for that same reason...whatever the motivation for his reactions, they were authentic. Taking that logic, so were her's.
didn't the guard say he was crying in there? iirc said he didn't take his notepad out till half an hour later.
Circumstantial Evidence

[ame=""]Circumstantial evidence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Circumstantial evidence allows a trier of fact to deduce a fact exists.[1] In criminal law, the inference is made by the trier of facts in order to support the truth of assertion (of guilt or absence of guilt).
Criminal law
Circumstantial evidence is used in criminal courts to establish guilt or innocence through reasoning.
With obvious exceptions (immature, incompetent, or mentally ill individuals), most criminals try to avoid generating direct evidence. Hence the prosecution usually must resort to circumstantial evidence to prove the mens rea levels of "purposely" or "knowingly." The same goes for tortfeasors in tort law, if one needs to prove a high level of mens rea to obtain punitive damages.
One example of circumstantial evidence is the behavior of a person around the time of an alleged offense. If someone was charged with theft of money and was then seen in a shopping spree purchasing expensive items, the shopping spree might be circumstantial evidence of the individual's guilt.
:hand: Sorry, I see panic/guilt/rage from her behaviors on the tape, not grief or shock! Her lawyer, Jose Baez, showed more grief than she did, he actually shed tears!

I agree. (But I'm not sure exactly *who* or *what* Baez is crying for).

And someone on HLN said that if you were to have shown this tape and compare it to the Blockbuster video where she's strolling arm and arm with her bf mere hours after she has said Caylee died, the tape would have been very damaging if shown in court.

Or, I should say, damaging if she were to have had a brighter set of jurors.
And for all we know he could have shed tears for that same reason...whatever the motivation for his reactions, they were authentic. Taking that logic, so were her's.
A BIG bump in the road. Stress, panic. Knowing 110% she was guilty of cold-blooded murder and an atty that knew it too but wanted to win his big case... it was obvious what was going on.
I found it interesting to go back and read Tammy Uncer's deposition about the events that the video shows ...

Tammy Uncer Depostion

starting at page 7

"... she didn't make direct contact with the TV but two or three times. She kept her head buried in her lap. She never appeared to be crying, but continued to breath very rapidly, very fast. Her hands started turning red. She started getting red blotchy palms. ..."

waiting for Baez to arrive KC asked Uncer "Well, will you sit in the room with me because I don't want to be alone"

Uncer continued "throughout that time she was still breathing rapidly and talking really fast, but not, nothing really about the case, just that you know, this is surreal. I can't cry. I can't break down and cry because this isn't real. Uhm, and then started talking about football. "

Just a refresher but it confirms that KC was NOT grieving or upset about Caylee ... just having a panic attack because she'd been found out ... worried about what would happen to HER and trying as hard as she could to block it out and regain composure ...
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