TV Station Pushes for Release of ICA Jailhouse Video

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It is "highly inflammatory" because it's true! FCA knew this was Caylee because she killed her and threw her in the woods. Since when do we not allow evidence because it proves guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. To me, it's ridiculous to keep evidence like this out. It's such a shame our court system cares more for the criminal's rights, not the victims. :maddening:

Sorry I'm behind. I had to leave and calm down a bit. The thanks button was sooooo not enough. You are absolutely right AngelWings.
I can almost feel some pain for Jose after watching this. He has just realized he has been had! No wonder he was crying. And, Casey just sits quietly, while he frets and cries. This is amazing.

What video are you referring to? I saw the 2 on wesh but can't see Baez crying, or any fisties.



What video are you referring to? I saw the 2 on wesh but can't see Baez crying, or any fisties.




Fisties are near the end of Part One and JB crying is around the time where he gets the Kleenex and takes off his sports coat on Tape two.
The only thing I can tell you for sure about that video is someone didn't know how to run a camera!...LOL
Was it ever explained who taped this and why?

The only real emotion I ever saw from FCA was when Judge S was announcing his judgement and the verdict was read at the trial. Other than that she is one of the worst actors I've ever seen. She can't even lie well. She lies knowing full well that sooner or later she will be found out and have to come up with another lie. CA isn't as good though, she let some cats out of the bag during the Dr. P interview. It's hard for most to remember their own lies let alone have to remember someone elses and then add to them. I thought it was kinda funny that FCA sat there for so long and you never saw one person go up to her and put their hand on her shoulder to see if she was ok. I even thought I saw her look over towards the desk to check and see if anyone was watching her.
As Vinnie said on HLN tonite, it wouldn't have made any difference to the jurors, they watched the video of FCA and TL in the video store the same day Caylee died. Didn't seem to effect the verdict.
Well, if he knew all along that Caylee was already dead and had been for six months, he continued to take the State $$$ to investigate other people, allowed Zenaida Gonzales' name to be defamed, and never insisted that his client take a plea then he may feel like he has to continue to defend her to save his own arse.

Perhaps, he didn't know about the duct tape and the garbage bags.
I tend to agree. I don't think he would have made the statement about understanding what happened in his opening statements if he had known the true details at that time. I think the reason he fought so hard to keep this video hidden is because this is the day he realized exactly what he was dealing with, how Caylee died, and how evil Casey was. His tears were probably real and that's what he didn't want anyone to see...the moment he realized he was played for a fool. After that point there was nothing to do but brazen through it...then he lucked up with the jury. JMO
Was it "found" or "officially identified"? I am trying to remember because I recall being startled at the trial when he said that.


Baez asked how he got involved in the case. He said that he received a phone call from Linda Kenney-Baden on December 11, 2008 and he decided to fly to Florida on December 13, 2008.
Little Caylee's remains were found December 11, 2008.
Casey was scared out of her mind because she knew how she had left Caylee (with tape over her face). The gig was up. Or so Casey thought.

There is a big difference between fear (for yourself) and distraught grief. I couldn't watch all of that video. Made me feel dirty because it was so obvious what Casey is.

I wish the jury had seen the video.
My opinion.

Did you ever think that we would have needed to say the bolded above? I sure didn't. It makes me stark raving mad that she is sitting back laughing at us because she got away with the murder of Caylee.

I just find it such BS that stuff like this wasn't allowed in court. This was an honest reaction, why SHOULDN'T the jury be allowed to see it? IMO it's not going to taint their mind any more than all the recordings of her endless fairy tales and carefree shopping trips!! Her team would just explain it away like every other situation.

For it to taint their minds, they would all had to have had one first........apparently they all checked them at the door as they walked into the jury box. :seeya:
This is the first time sinse the not guilty verdict I broke down in tears. Bless that sweet baby girl our Caylee and Im so sorry justice was so blind for you hunny.Its ok let some make excuses for KC because I have enough faith by myself that someone much stronger from above will be doing the judgement.
thank you for asking!

none of it makes sense to me...i tend to think logically, and rely on exact sciences. unless there are smoking guns (finger prints, eye witnesses, DNA etc) I am hesitant to draw any conclusions. I watched all of this unfold, right here on this site (lurking) from week one (or two) and kept my fingers crossed that something concrete would surface. read most "doc dumps" or somebody's summary of them, but knew, sadly, for most of those yrs she was locked up that she would walk.

I think there is some truth to the drowning at home, or of some accident at the home. I think she freaked out, and tried to make it look like something that it was not. then it was too late to correct her mistake. I also think that she does have some mental issues. issues that allowed her to live a "normal" life up until she was arrested. I do not think that she placed duct tape over her childs mouth/nose and smothered her to death. if she place this duct tape where it was found, it was to try to throw things off. but, I am not convinced that she placed the duct tape there either. I dont believe it was found exactly how they say it was found. I think the M.E. is more of a celebrity than an M.E. I also think M.E.'s are given far to much responsibility with naming cause of death when it is not apparent (ie; blood work, DNA sampling etc).

as I have said repeatedly "I think"...I am convinced of nothing but the fact that a child is gone, and we do not know how or why
In this case, there was no eyewitness, and you're not going to get DNA evidence, nor fingerprints because of the length of time from death until the body was recovered- 6 months, and Caylee was underwater- water is a very destructive element to fingerprints and DNA ( I got that directly from a criminalist). The duct tape didn't get there on it's own, that's insane.
Why do you believe there was a drowning at home? Her own mother proposed that theory to her in jail and she pooh-poohed it with "Surprise, surprise"! How do you explain the extraordinary amounts of Chloroform in her trunk???
Her mental issues are that she's a sociopath.
lets see :waitasec: a small childs remains are found within a block from the accused home...
Statistics show that many killer mothers leave their victims close to home. Casey even gave that clue...
Cut/Copy + paste is not equal to making a point.

This case was based on circumstantial evidence. The tape is being discussed, and if it shows anything or not.
for you Darling (and that is said with love), point is, let's play connect the dots and if this "dot" along with the other connected "dots" lead to fca. My opinion is "yes" and has been from the beginning
Nighty Night, We will all see what we see and believe what we believe. If some don't see it the same way well there is probably nothing that can change that.

We can certainly all agree that Caylee was alive and now she is dead and her birth mother says, through her lawyers, that Caylee drowned. She has not ever said how Caylee ended up in trash bags and a laundry bag with duct tape attached to her skull. Yes?
I disagree. If you knew for months that your child died accidentally and where she was thrown away like trash, you wouldn't be having a full blown panic attack because you knew you were innocent of murder. Especially if you had already gone through the grieving process like the defense claims.

If what the defense said is true, I would expect tears, but not panic. Lets not forget, that at this point in time, the Zanny the Nanny story was in full effect and that's not the reaction of a mother who's child was kidnapped and found dead.

That is the reaction of a mother who knew all along what happened and was just caught!

If you had found out they found the remains of a child close to where you lived, wouldn't you have at least started screaming? Yelling for someone to come and explain what you were seeing on tv? The fact that she remained seated and IMO fairly composed leads me to believe she was only fearing what it would mean for her sorry self.
If anything, I'm just glad the "sanitizing" of Casey has been thwarted. Singer and her gang (if they're still out there ) can spin what ever version of events they want. IMO...the fact remains...Casey is a sick pup who wanted only for herself...and nothing for her child.
In this case, there was no eyewitness, and you're not going to get DNA evidence, nor fingerprints because of the length of time from death until the body was recovered- 6 months, and Caylee was underwater- water is a very destructive element to fingerprints and DNA ( I got that directly from a criminalist). The duct tape didn't get there on it's own, that's insane.
Why do you believe there was a drowning at home? Her own mother proposed that theory to her in jail and she pooh-poohed it with "Surprise, surprise"! How do you explain the extraordinary amounts of Chloroform in her trunk???
Her mental problems are that she's a sociopath.

Exactly. rsbm "Her mental problems are that she's a sociopath" that Murdered her daughter.
If anything, I'm just glad the "sanitizing" of Casey has been thwarted. Singer and her gang (if they're still out there ) can spin what ever version of events they want. IMO...the fact remains...Casey is a sick pup who wanted only for herself...and nothing for her child.
If Caylee were really still alive when Casey did her Target shopping spree with Amy's stolen checks, then why were all the items she bought for herself- beer & bras IIRC, zero diapers or anything kid related, clothes/toys etc. Oh that's right- the imaginanny Zanny who lived in the empty apartment bought all that stuff!!!:doh:
In this case, there was no eyewitness, and you're not going to get DNA evidence, nor fingerprints because of the length of time from death until the body was recovered- 6 months, and Caylee was underwater- water is a very destructive element to fingerprints and DNA ( I got that directly from a criminalist). The duct tape didn't get there on it's own, that's insane.
Why do you believe there was a drowning at home? Her own mother proposed that theory to her in jail and she pooh-poohed it with "Surprise, surprise"! How do you explain the extraordinary amounts of Chloroform in her trunk???
Her mental problems are that she's a sociopath.

I just had to add that even if there was DNA the defense could of explained it a way by KC being her mother. The cases with strong DNA, eyewitness and fingerprints hence smoking guns dont usually happen in a trial because the defenant usually takes a deal and it never makes it to court.
Let's do this...let's break down why this tape shows panic, rage and fear.
She had not admitted that Caylee drowned.
She was still saying that Caylee was kidnapped by ZFG.
She was still casting doubt on innocent people (JG, AH, Kiomarie, etc)
She had no previous reaction to any other news report when other remains were found around Orlando during the six months that Caylee lay rotting in a trash filled swamp.
She knew that duct tape on a baby's head would look really bad! Especially if you were going to end up saying that it was an accidental drowning. (Not so bad if your original plan of a kidnapping turned murder had been believed.)
She knew that the baby being in trash bags would look really bad, too.

Now as to someone's remarks about the duct tape not meaning anything...
If you read VERY CLOSELY the autopsy report you would know for a certainty that the only part of Caylee that was not chewed on by animals and not outside of the bags was her skull. You would also know for sure that the tape was on her face before her skin molted off of her skull and that because the tape was there, still relatively protected inside the two trash bags, for several months, that THE MANDIBLE STAYED in its Anotomically Correct Position.

BRAVO :rocker:
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