TV Station Pushes for Release of ICA Jailhouse Video

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I thought the video of JB holding his forehead was classic, it spokes volumes of what they both knew at the time.
Isn't <modsnip> getting married today? Ahhh...CFCMA is the gift that keeps on giving. Ya think mama amferny is gonna sell the wedding photos to the highest bidder? Better yet, will it include how they feel about CFCMA's latest video? Will mama come out and say "see - right there...she's having a grand mal seizure". Maybe she'll try to explain away the fisties at the end of video #1 as postpartum schitzophrenia?

Will Lee be blubberin tomorrow at his wedding toast? CMA...kiss kiss....CMA......
I thought the video of JB holding his forehead was classic, it spokes volumes of what they both knew at the time.

Baez is probably thinking.....
What have you done KC.
Your father will never forgive you.
You will spend the rest of your life in frggen jail if I can't come up with a good BS story..
This has made my job so much harder.

And the rest is now history.
Why was JB crying? A serious question.

IMO because he fell for what OCA was selling hook line and sinker.

I always thought til I saw that video that like everyone else, he knew caylee wasnt missing. now I think otherwise....he really thought poor tortured OCA was telling the truth and ZANNY had caylee and big bad LE and the media were tormenting poor OCA.

in this tape, he THINKS he is grieving with OCA for the loss of her daughter. I dont know when if ever he stopped thinking OCA was telling him the truth.

I think to this very day he might be the only person on the planet who is fully behind her and everything she does. I think it might be a little shiny loooooooove.

although darn if that explains why at the hearing the other day he looked like he aged 15 years since verdict. unless he's not drinking the koolaid since her release. if so I wonder what changed THAT.
HELLO?????? Baez told the jury FCA knew Caylee died on the 16th of June when she drowned in the family pool......
Why would she be distraught at finding out she was dead on December the 11th - six months later?

Do you think back when this happened that JB already planned to use drowning and that's why he didn't want the tape released?
I thought they were still with SODDI back then, and if that was the case the tape could be used either way,but if the drowning was the plan,then yes,this would be inflammatory.
That's why I'm so conflicted. Geez,the tape of JB so upset could have gone a long way in SODDI . Well,there is that little issue that Casey barely moves in that little clip and her body language doesn't reflect his.

And I agree with you about why JB was so shook up. He was hit with the reality of what Casey had done to that sweet child.His feeling seem to be for Caylee.
There's only word I can use to describe how I felt after watching the video and that's sickening. We all knew what her reaction was from reading the documents but to see it made it all the more awful and truthfully I'm as ticked off after watching it as I was when I heard the verdict. I wish these jurors had to live with this video looping over and over and over again for the rest of their lives.

I just watched the video and see why it wasn't allowed in. It is incriminating but I see also the spin that could be put on it.

Now I guess People Magazine will report all about how releasing this video was cruel and caused the the narcissist (being prone to manic depressive behavior) to fall deeper into depression.

Cry me a river......

No one will care.
seen the video..notice how she doubles over, like shes sick to her stomach??? hmmmm

I'm so late to the party, but where can I find the video? TIA!

Edited to add, found it, wow. Poor sweet Caylee, God bless her.
I can seriously give you my opinion believe09. Despite the boos I will get for my answer - I think this is the first time Baez knew for sure the child was dead and his client killed her. And how she killed her. And what she did with her after she killed her. To me he looks seriously shaken in that video - and he keeps using that open handed gesture palm up with one hand while the other remains clenched. He's asking a question and knows/hates the answer. IMO

No Boos from me LG, I agree with you...
I believed Casey was feeding Baez a load of carp from the moment she hired him.

I believed, at the beginning, Baez accepted Casey's story that Caylee was kidnapped by the nanny, but IMO he soon realized that story was BS.

Baez, like LE, was quickly figuring out Casey LIED, and lied about everything.
But she was his client and he had to figure out a way to defend her.

IF Casey came clean to Baez and told him the complete truth IMO it happened after Caylee's remains were found.

I found it interesting to go back and read Tammy Uncer's deposition about the events that the video shows ...

Tammy Uncer Depostion

starting at page 7

"... she didn't make direct contact with the TV but two or three times. She kept her head buried in her lap. She never appeared to be crying, but continued to breath very rapidly, very fast. Her hands started turning red. She started getting red blotchy palms. ..."

waiting for Baez to arrive KC asked Uncer "Well, will you sit in the room with me because I don't want to be alone"

Uncer continued "throughout that time she was still breathing rapidly and talking really fast, but not, nothing really about the case, just that you know, this is surreal. I can't cry. I can't break down and cry because this isn't real. Uhm, and then started talking about football. "

Just a refresher but it confirms that KC was NOT grieving or upset about Caylee ... just having a panic attack because she'd been found out ... worried about what would happen to HER and trying as hard as she could to block it out and regain composure ...

Thank you. I was just about to go look for that exact transcript. I wish the camera had been good enough to see the hives. And I wonder why the part with Unser and FCA alone in the other room wasn't included in the tape.
No Boos from me LG, I agree with you...
I believed Casey was feeding Baez a load of carp from the moment she hired him.

I believed, at the beginning, Baez accepted Casey's story that Caylee was kidnapped by the nanny, but IMO he soon realized that story was BS.

Baez, like LE, was quickly figuring out Casey LIED, and lied about everything.
But she was his client and he had to figure out a way to defend her.

IF Casey came clean to Baez and told him the complete truth IMO it happened after Caylee's remains were found.


I agree, and for me, it was heartwarming to see him cry for Caylee. I have felt like the defense had no sort of care in the world that this baby had been murdered. Made him more human to me.
And, sorry for so many posts, I can't help but remember the commentary on her reaction when LP had the divers at the pond that day, she just calmly walked away, remember? This video proved to me that she knew what they had found because she put her there. How else can she explain her clear knowledge by that reaction. Had they shown this at trial she'd be incarcerated now in my opinion. I don't understand that whole too prejudicial thing, if someone did something as terrible as snuff out the life of their tiny innocent child i think anything they did should be able to be shown. That's just me though.
HELLO?????? Baez told the jury FCA knew Caylee died on the 16th of June when she drowned in the family pool......
Why would she be distraught at finding out she was dead on December the 11th - six months later?

You're right. I'm wrong.

You're both right. What LG said is how it SHOULD go. But they won't be able to put those two together; they couldn't put 2 and 2 together before.
Isn't <modsnip> getting married today? Ahhh...CFCMA is the gift that keeps on giving. Ya think mama amferny is gonna sell the wedding photos to the highest bidder? Better yet, will it include how they feel about CFCMA's latest video? Will mama come out and say "see - right there...she's having a grand mal seizure". Maybe she'll try to explain away the fisties at the end of video #1 as postpartum schitzophrenia?

Will Lee be blubberin tomorrow at his wedding toast? CMA...kiss kiss....CMA......

I'm sure his dear sis is mentioned in the program...wish she were there! And of course Caylee would have been the perfect age for a flower girl..
I'm surprised that the media is taking this video at face value!

The first time FCA gets arrested... her life..she's on the phone with CA trying to get TL's phone number and she even says.."I have to stay composed to answer questions"...Ya..Right...We all know why she had to stay composed! They take her in this room, was this part of her regular routine? She looks a little befuddled when she enters the room.
This is a girl that lies about everything, shes used to keeping her composure, it's a way of life for her! So, shes sitting in this room with at least two guys standing against the wall by the desk. I'm just guessing but I would think she's so used to her way of life, she probably caught herself at some point and thought...I have to put on my act, someone may be watching to see my reaction. She might have had some real emotion sneak out but I watched her everyday during the trial and IMO..this girl wouldn't know real emotion if it bit her in the behind. She probably practices her facial expressions in the mirror when shes alone in the bathroom! She faked her "illness" in court while listening to the gruesome details of her crime, she wiped the tears from her face constantly, even when there were none.
Maybe the guards gave a play by play but it was their perception of her reaction I'm suppose to rely on. I wonder if this video had made it to court if Judge P would have even allowed it into evidence considering it was obvious someone was purposely taping her? Same old FCA..just saw LE find your dead daughters remains...Hey, how bout that football game on last night. Looked to me like JB was sweating a bit, might be the guards took that for tears. I didn't see anything that made me think he was crying, I have no sympathy for either one of these "people".
IMO because he fell for what OCA was selling hook line and sinker.

I always thought til I saw that video that like everyone else, he knew caylee wasnt missing. now I think otherwise....he really thought poor tortured OCA was telling the truth and ZANNY had caylee and big bad LE and the media were tormenting poor OCA.

in this tape, he THINKS he is grieving with OCA for the loss of her daughter. I dont know when if ever he stopped thinking OCA was telling him the truth.

I think to this very day he might be the only person on the planet who is fully behind her and everything she does. I think it might be a little shiny loooooooove.

although darn if that explains why at the hearing the other day he looked like he aged 15 years since verdict. unless he's not drinking the koolaid since her release. if so I wonder what changed THAT.

BBM not to get too far off topic but...the other night I saw Geragos make a disgusting comment on Dr. Drew (he was not bothered that Conrad Murray called for Prince to come when MJ was obviously dead "because the kids would have to deal with it sooner or later"). It occurred to me that JB has not been seen as a TH for the MJ trial. I'm sure he thought he would be in high demand as a legal expert for moments like this.
I thought the video of JB holding his forehead was classic, it spokes volumes of what they both knew at the time.

I've been trying to remember what exactly Baez DID know that day, whether he knew about the duct tape or not. I am reading the news reports from Dec 11, 2008 to see when that information was released to the public, I can't remember off hand.
IMO, Ulcer's transcript gives a far clearer and detailed description of FCA's reaction than does this video.

The most damning aspect of FCA's response on this day, when Caylee's remains are actually found, is in comparison to her smirks on the other days when unidentified remains are found.

Given that comparison plus the fact that the remains were not yet identified as Caylee, and the fact that FCA already knew Caylee was dead, it couldn't be any clearer that what FCA is distraught about is that she never thought Caylee's remains would be found, and yet they had been.

Nothing else besides fear about Caylee's remains being found and what that discovery will do to FCA can explain her distress. She's flabbergasted (from transcripts- "this isn't real"), she's panicking (hyperventilating, splotches appearing, sweaty hands, shaking) and she's angry (see fisties).

She is NOT crying. She is NOT relieved that Caylee's remains can now be removed from the garbage dump and at last be put to rest.

I agree with everyone who says that seeing the video wouldn't have swayed the jury. For this video to have swayed them, no doubt they would have needed audio with FCA being heard to say- OMG, now I'm cooked. That MIGHT have had an impact (then again, perhaps they would have inferred she was wishing she could cook a dinner that night).

As far as Baez's reaction. He already knew Caylee was dead, IMO, but I agree with those who think he likely didn't know the disgusting and most incriminating details. FCA is too incapable of truth telling to have told him anything beyond what she absolutely had to.

That said, didn't the flirting between the two come after this discovery? And if so, what does THAT say about Baez?

Last, I bet FCA is watching all this new coverage, watching the video of herself over and over again, and feeling pizzed because its release means her bella vita is once again postponed.
Because that's how they bundled up their dead animals before burying them is what the DT would tell you. But it would be that GA did it all of course. Sickening isn't it. FCA had a great education in that bundling class. I can't even believe that that monster was ever blessed with a child.

Well they apparently put them in garbage bags but no one agreed there was duct tape on their face. And still if it happened six months before - no point hyperventilating six months later and sitting there watching your lawyer bawl.
Do you think back when this happened that JB already planned to use drowning and that's why he didn't want the tape released?
I thought they were still with SODDI back then, and if that was the case the tape could be used either way,but if the drowning was the plan,then yes,this would be inflammatory.
That's why I'm so conflicted. Geez,the tape of JB so upset could have gone a long way in SODDI . Well,there is that little issue that Casey barely moves in that little clip and her body language doesn't reflect his.

And I agree with you about why JB was so shook up. He was hit with the reality of what Casey had done to that sweet child.His feeling seem to be for Caylee.

You know that's a great question and I'm just not sure of the answer. I suspected him of many things including that FCA told him where the body was but after watching how emotional he was during that tape - I'm pretty conflicted. He's a male, and they do express emotion differently - and he knows he's being observed. BUT - there is no way he had a plan to fake that emotion - he looks genuinely upset - that wiping of his face - the one clenched fist - his body language is quite open - makes me believe he was learning some truth. So at this point - he had to come up with something. I don't think he decided on the drowning right there - he was desperate to know what the crime scene told them. So he gets LBK and Huntington there stat and had to start stalling and thinking fast....

Because as shaken as he was - there was no way he would have been ready to give up the media attention and this court case - no matter what. All IMO.
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