TV Station Pushes for Release of ICA Jailhouse Video

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No Boos from me LG, I agree with you...
I believed Casey was feeding Baez a load of carp from the moment she hired him.

I believed, at the beginning, Baez accepted Casey's story that Caylee was kidnapped by the nanny, but IMO he soon realized that story was BS.

Baez, like LE, was quickly figuring out Casey LIED, and lied about everything.
But she was his client and he had to figure out a way to defend her.

IF Casey came clean to Baez and told him the complete truth IMO it happened after Caylee's remains were found.


Agree with everything you said - except what are the chances of that? Is she even capable of it?
it seems the second video is longer than that. you know it is cause they were in there a lot longer than that, per the guards iirc. as far as her guilt goes-if that's guilt, and her story is true, then she must have really been looking out for george. cause it sure seemed like it was only about her there. her story is that george had her do all this and now she knows she's gonna pay.

tough girl looking out for her dad. *gag*

But - then why was Baez upset if George played the primary role? He should be looking happier about that....shouldn't he?
I have a different take on Baez reactions.

Right about that time Baez was in negotiations to take the death penalty off the table. And the DA was seriously considering it, had even announced they were doing it. Then Caylee's remains were found and it was back on.

I think that Baez's reaction went more along the lines of "Not now". "They won't negotiate away the DP now. " "What do I tell KC to expect, what will be my legal strategy."

Yes his initial response was to "comfort" KC, and also to judge her reaction. I think he may have suffered a bit of shock, but I think it was more along the lines of shock over the timing and the fact that negotiations would break down. But I think right away (about the time he took his jacket off) the topic went to legal strategy. Notice how KC turned to the table away from Baez? I think she is rejecting what he was saying to her. There may also have been some discussion over how she found out what was happening and who saw her response.
Well, we have seen the fisties and the related scowl on two other occasions. The first was on the jail house tape when "no one was listening to" her and then when mommy hugged daddy in the courtroom. Both times were when she wasn't getting her way. When I put this taped image of the fisties and scowl into that context, I tend to believe that the anger part was real and that she was pizzed that LE found Caylee's remains and that this wasn't going her way. The bending over was probably and act. The breathing heavily and the fist, well, that was pure anger.

Maybe she was pissed that her father or other disposed of Caylee in such a way.
Why was JB crying? A serious question.

IMO, he's an actor like the A's. I would suggest that he is well aware that taping is going on in the jail. Perhaps he's just realizing that he'll now have, what appeared at that time, an insurmountable task of overcoming Caylee's discovery and what this means to FCA's defense.

Within 24 hours of July 15, mostly everyone thought there was no Zanny, and that FCA had done "something" to Caylee. I'm guessing that this thinking did not escape her attorneys, one who left early on when the DT would not go with a mental defense. Why would JB need over 200K to defend against check charges and 4 counts of lying to LE? He was preparing for 1st degree murder charges from the get go. The defense fund was secured well before December 11...

In the months before December, Hopespring drive was taken over 24/7 by news crews, protestors and video cameras mounted on poles to watch that house. That might have made it hard for "her people" to sneak to the 1/4 mile down the road where sweet Caylee was dumped for more nefarious activities. But, it did calm down enough for CA to send her PI's down there right before Caylee was found. What did the PI state? That JB told them if they found anything to call him not LE.
Very interesting that Casey's hands turn red and her palms get blotchy when she's confronted with what she did(from the guards depo) . No escape available . Just like the jury selection when she and the time they had to remove her because she "wasn't feeling well".

Is there a medical reason or is this Casey's body reminding her of what she did those hands?
And, sorry for so many posts, I can't help but remember the commentary on her reaction when LP had the divers at the pond that day, she just calmly walked away, remember? This video proved to me that she knew what they had found because she put her there. How else can she explain her clear knowledge by that reaction. Had they shown this at trial she'd be incarcerated now in my opinion. I don't understand that whole too prejudicial thing, if someone did something as terrible as snuff out the life of their tiny innocent child i think anything they did should be able to be shown. That's just me though.

I remember the local news breaking with the story LP's divers had found bones the Econ River at Jay Blanchard park...
I also remember reading that Casey did not show any reaction to that find, she just got up and went back to her cell...she knew Caylee would not be found anywhere in Blanchard Park...

From the letters to Robyn Adams

When bones were discovered in the river at J. Blanchard Park, Adams said Casey told her, "They're not looking in the right place. I know that's not Caylee."
OK..I have a different take on this to..They all knew before Dec 11 Caylee was dead and I believe they all knew she was murdered..Ca sent the PIs in the woods in Nov and they were told not to call LE,but JB if they found Caylee's body!They all had to know something
was on or around the body to prove murder-duck tape! IMO-the PIs were sent out there to remove the damaging piece of evidence-but Caylee was not found by LE is at the scene and they process it and find poor Caylee's skull with the duck tape.Now JB is sweating bullets b/.c he knows LE is about to prove their theory that KC murdered Caylee and he knows KC is probably facing death.KC is wiggin b/c she knows that she has lied about everything and is about to be exposed as a cold blooded child killer!! This is JMO!!
They might not call if neglect was at play....say Caylee drowned but Casey didn't notice for two hours? That'd be pretty obvious she wasn't watching her for quite some time....that'd make ya panic and stage a kidnapping.

I can't agree with this. I'm sure it's happened a few times without neglect charges.
If a parent, babysitter, whatever thinks the child is sound asleep behind a closed bedroom door, & this child happened to get out & fall into a pool & drown while the care giver was in the bathroom, only to be discovered missing a few hours later, it is an accident, not neglect. IMO
I agree, and for me, it was heartwarming to see him cry for Caylee. I have felt like the defense had no sort of care in the world that this baby had been murdered. Made him more human to me.


Baez, like his client, was crying ONLY for himself in that room. Crying because he thought, for sure, that now that Caylee's tortured little body had been found, that it would be giving up it's secrets, and he would lose his big meal ticket of a case.

Inflammatory, yes. Prejudicial, most certainly. But let's imagine for a moment a criminal that shoots their victim and is caught on video doing so and is clearly identified. Would a court seal that clear evidence due to it being inflammatory or prejudicial?

I think not.

Justice was not served by that ruling.

I am also waiting for Karma - but I don't want it to be too hasty. I want her to have to look over her shoulder for a long time, and to suffer by knowing that she will gets hers. When she does, I want it to be painful, tortuous and that she has full knowledge that it is because of what she has done to so many that never deserved it. Most of all that sweet baby.
Granted, I am just catching up.

Tape 1: For more than 5 minutes no one pays any attention to her, as in no one addresses her distress. People are there and they pass in and out of the area where she is. I see figiting, doubling over and inhalations that I cannot tell whether or not they are panicked. BUT-it looks like consciousness of guilt to me.

Regardless of the circumstances leading up to Caylees death (I think murder), SA and DT agreed that Casey had always known where Caylee's body was. I can think of many reasons why the discovery of Caylee would lead to that reaction if Casey killed her daughter. But nothing really springs to mind if Caylee was there as a result of an accident. Either way, she knew her daughter was dead. I could see being resigned or relieved if Caylee were finally found. Then the nightmare would have ended for Casey as well. If Caylee had drowned. I mean, she had the perfect chance to speak her truth then.

But instead she spent another 2.5 years in jail.....because.... see, I am still not getting it.

So she wouldn't have to spend her conviction on the felony check charges in a prison...she chose to do that time in jail, instead.
It was striking to me that there was no real grief shown by Casey. She seemed panicky and angry, but never did she seem to be grieving. Even given that she had known Caylee was dead for many months, if this had been an accident surely the finding of the child's body would have triggered some grief.

It just breaks my heart that she got away with this.

Huh, I didn't know she tried to show them. That must have been very early on. I so want a release of everything. In fact, I want a freakin' compilation DVD made of every single piece of evidence, seen and unseen, and mailed to each juror.

Are the depositions for TU and BR here on WS?

Here is Sgt Billy Richardson's Deposition with the DT, Baez and Kenney-Baden
You may wish to start around page 60

Page 69
Richardson is describing when he reached Casey's cell to take her to the medical facility
He told her "they wanted her in the medical clinic'
she was listening to the radio
"her reply back to me was: Good, because there's something going on and I and I want to know about it"
IMO, Ulcer's transcript gives a far clearer and detailed description of FCA's reaction than does this video.

---snipped by me----
I agree with everyone who says that seeing the video wouldn't have swayed the jury. For this video to have swayed them, no doubt they would have needed audio with FCA being heard to say- OMG, now I'm cooked. That MIGHT have had an impact (then again, perhaps they would have inferred she was wishing she could cook a dinner that night).
Last, I bet FCA is watching all this new coverage, watching the video of herself over and over again, and feeling pizzed because its release means her bella vita is once again postponed.

b-u bm, lol at the bolded above, thanks for the comic relief, I needed it after reading all of this......I can see this jury thinking FCA meant that about cooking a dinner if she had said "I'm cooked" :floorlaugh:
I guess I'm confused as usual. I found the TU deposition with 132 pages, is there more of her depo somewhere? From what I've read so far the video was set up by the OCS to capture FCA reaction before JB saw her....IMO...TU seemed to have bonded with FCA, she felt what they were doing was cruel. From what I saw FCA didn't collapse in the chair, she just walked in and sat down. TU said that FCA said she was tipped off by the other inmates and she had been listening to her radio. Did someone report in their deposition that JB was crying? Did the state take a deposition from BR?
I'm so lost....sigh
I have a different take on Baez reactions.

Right about that time Baez was in negotiations to take the death penalty off the table. And the DA was seriously considering it, had even announced they were doing it. Then Caylee's remains were found and it was back on.

I think that Baez's reaction went more along the lines of "Not now". "They won't negotiate away the DP now. " "What do I tell KC to expect, what will be my legal strategy."


Very good point. I hadn't even considered that. Thank you.
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