TV Station Pushes for Release of ICA Jailhouse Video

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TU seemed to have bonded with FCA, she felt what they were doing was cruel.

It didn't sound like they bonded to me - she said before that day, Casey was weird to talk to, never showing any emotion at all.
No Boos from me LG, I agree with you...
I believed Casey was feeding Baez a load of carp from the moment she hired him.

I believed, at the beginning, Baez accepted Casey's story that Caylee was kidnapped by the nanny, but IMO he soon realized that story was BS.

Baez, like LE, was quickly figuring out Casey LIED, and lied about everything.
But she was his client and he had to figure out a way to defend her.

IF Casey came clean to Baez and told him the complete truth IMO it happened after Caylee's remains were found.

Myself, I don't think she will ever tell the truth to anyone. Remember her poem..On the worst of worst days, remember the words spoken, trust no one, only yourself.
I always had the feeling she told JB another story and I think she will confess to CA yet another different story.
I have a different take on Baez reactions.

Right about that time Baez was in negotiations to take the death penalty off the table. And the DA was seriously considering it, had even announced they were doing it. Then Caylee's remains were found and it was back on.

I think that Baez's reaction went more along the lines of "Not now". "They won't negotiate away the DP now. " "What do I tell KC to expect, what will be my legal strategy."

Yes his initial response was to "comfort" KC, and also to judge her reaction. I think he may have suffered a bit of shock, but I think it was more along the lines of shock over the timing and the fact that negotiations would break down. But I think right away (about the time he took his jacket off) the topic went to legal strategy. Notice how KC turned to the table away from Baez? I think she is rejecting what he was saying to her. There may also have been some discussion over how she found out what was happening and who saw her response.

To me that moment was - so you really did this? To your own kid? -moment. Why be wiping his face and eyes if he is planning legal strategy...She is rejecting what he is saying to her alright...
IMO, he's an actor like the A's. I would suggest that he is well aware that taping is going on in the jail. Perhaps he's just realizing that he'll now have, what appeared at that time, an insurmountable task of overcoming Caylee's discovery and what this means to FCA's defense.

Within 24 hours of July 15, mostly everyone thought there was no Zanny, and that FCA had done "something" to Caylee. I'm guessing that this thinking did not escape her attorneys, one who left early on when the DT would not go with a mental defense. Why would JB need over 200K to defend against check charges and 4 counts of lying to LE? He was preparing for 1st degree murder charges from the get go. The defense fund was secured well before December 11...

In the months before December, Hopespring drive was taken over 24/7 by news crews, protestors and video cameras mounted on poles to watch that house. That might have made it hard for "her people" to sneak to the 1/4 mile down the road where sweet Caylee was dumped for more nefarious activities. But, it did calm down enough for CA to send her PI's down there right before Caylee was found. What did the PI state? That JB told them if they found anything to call him not LE.

In TU deposition she was talking about Captain W...Captain W said he knew JB. He would know this was going on. They assumed he was coming so they wanted her to see it before he got there. Captain W told TU he wanted FCA to medical prior to JB getting there.
Duh:banghead::banghead: stupid us.

This was part of the "big" plan! This video was to be released at a movie theater near you soon - starring FCA and featuring a cast of thousands...

Sorry for my Saturday afternoon sarcasm but I am over their "specialness" - if that's a word - and feel like today I really let go of the chain these people have yanked.

Caylee was a little butterfly that came into our lives, rested a while and left. Rest in Peace little one. 'Cos now you can.
BBM. Evidence is NEVER excluded because it is incriminatory. Never. And, in fact, the videos were not excluded from evidence in this case. HHJS ruled that they could not be released to the public before trial, but neither judge ever ruled that they could not be used at trial. The prosecution chose not to offer the videos into evidence, probably because they would have been useless as evidence of anything.

Thank you for explaining this. I assumed it was not allowed in.
I agree because Lord knows we've seen plenty of evidence of her pathetic acting ability. IMO, that's all this is. She knew Caylee was dead and she knew her body would be found - it's not like she buried her. She was likely practicing this reaction for seven months. Boring.

She could possibly fake everything she was doing, except for the skin blotches. Those were reported by the jailer. That is brought on by extreme stress as your body is pouring adrenaline into your system. My guess is she was remembering the duct tape, or the fact that JB had assured her that the PI's were out there and the body was no longer there. That would send her on a downward spiral and might account for her body language with JB, too. He failed her, in her mind. jmo
I agree. I don't think he cried one tear over Caylee. He knew darn well FCA killed her. It was a 'not now' look and he probably had the mother of all headaches because he knew he was in over his head. This case was his ticket to be the next Geraldo. :sick: The discovery of Caylee's remains didn't fit into his plan.

JB treated this case like a circus freak show from the beginning. He was on NG smirking and laughing like he knew a big secret he wasn't going to share. Someone called in and asked the same question I was thinking, why are you smirking when a child is missing. JB wiped his smirk off for about a minute then it was back and stayed there for years.

JB stuck his tongue out at the camera man and played grade school games with FCA during jury selection. He got a good laugh over FCA shooting him the bird. He never took Caylee's death seriously.

Little did he know he'd get the Pinellas 12.


It's hard to think of JB as a lawyer, he's a performer..he kept telling us when we heard his OS, we would all understand. Kind of like he was baiting the public, cliffhanger.
I wonder if he ever dreamed about CM hiring to defend him.
May I add, a parent would never assume their child was dead that quickly unless they were decapitated ,and even then I know a mom who tried to put her son's head back on when he was backed over in their driveway.

A parent who loved their child would work til the adrenaline ran out and still continue to try and save their child. The neglect would be not even trying.

My husband has been catching snippets of the testimony in the MJ trial. It brings back harsh memories of the day he tried so hard to save our son. I asked him if he ever thought, at the time ,that James was already past helping. He did,but held out hope,even telling me on the phone later that he thought James had pinked up from the cpr.
In this day and age there is no way I believe a parent would pull their child out of a pool and say,he/she's dead. Hide the body. Not even a smidgen of reasonable doubt.

And isn't it a natural reaction for a parent to go into shock and just act without thinking to call 911 regardless how bad it looks. You're belief is it's not too late, ever.... jmo
I listened to the Unser interview again and rewatched part 2 of the video. When I watched it before I was focused on JB. TU said in her interview that even from the back she could tell FCA was crying. In the video you can see she seems to be quite animated actually. Then she tosses her tissue. I think if you could see her clearly from the front she would look EXACTLY like she did in her meltdown in court when mommy hugged daddy.
May I add, a parent would never assume their child was dead that quickly unless they were decapitated ,and even then I know a mom who tried to put her son's head back on when he was backed over in their driveway.

A parent who loved their child would work til the adrenaline ran out and still continue to try and save their child. The neglect would be not even trying.

My husband has been catching snippets of the testimony in the MJ trial. It brings back harsh memories of the day he tried so hard to save our son. I asked him if he ever thought, at the time ,that James was already past helping. He did,but held out hope,even telling me on the phone later that he thought James had pinked up from the cpr.
In this day and age there is no way I believe a parent would pull their child out of a pool and say,he/she's dead. Hide the body. Not even a smidgen of reasonable doubt.

I'm so sorry for your loss and what you went through. When I think of the exact opposite of Casey, what real people would think and act like, I think of you. If only Casey had a smidgen of the kind of person you are in her pinky finger, she might find redemption. Big hugs and love to you, always!
I agree. *I don't think he cried one tear over Caylee. *He knew darn well FCA killed her. *It was a 'not now' look and he probably had the mother of all headaches because he knew he was in over his head. *This case was his ticket to be the next Geraldo. :sick: *The discovery of Caylee's remains didn't fit into his plan.

JB treated this case like a circus freak show from the beginning. *He was on NG smirking and laughing like he knew a big secret he wasn't going to share. *Someone called in and asked the same question I was thinking, why are you smirking when a child is missing. *JB wiped his smirk off for about a minute then it was back and stayed there for years.

JB stuck his tongue out at the camera man and played grade school games with FCA during jury selection. He got a good laugh over FCA shooting him the bird. *He never took Caylee's death seriously. *

Little did he know he'd get the Pinellas 12.

^above^ portions BBM
Without a single doubt in my mind I know that Baez KNEW with certainty that not only Caylee was dead, but more importantly she was dead at the hands of his client, Caylee's mother, Casey.. And IMO he knew this for certain "by the time" he made the pc with he and Casey in front of his office the evening before she was finally arrested on the murder charge..

^above^ portions BBM
I had completely forgotten about this Baez moment on NG.. IRC thinking that Baez looked like Fat Chesire cat after scarfing down the canaries.. Fat azz smirked smile and all! And boy did he ever keep that smug, smartazz, smirk of a smile throughout the duration of the trial(minus a few key moments when briefly lost his cool.. Alot and much like his DP client, Casey).. My personal pet peeve that was only further fueled each and every day of the trial was when Baez daily greeted "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen of the jury"<insert disgusting smug smirk here>.. it became almost more than I could bear!! Aarrgghh!!

By far tho, it is his demeanor since the day that our little Caylee forever lost her chance at receiving justice due her in punishing the murderer who stole her precious life here from this earth.. His smugness has reached an entire new level of disgust..

^above^ portions BBM
And on this issue you hit the nail on the head, jon_burrows in your describing the behavior we witnessed by these two individuals.. Literally grade school behavior on both of their parts.. All that was missing was for Casey to show up with that long, *advertiser censored* hair in two pig tails and for Baez to be the pestering boy pulling his grade school crush's pigtails..

Seriously a display of two adults that clearly have emotional, if not mental issues, as well as severe immaturity.. With inappropriate behaviors on many different levels to boot..

Very last sentence BBM
And very last but definitely not the least by far.. Infact IMO the entire crux of why justice failed for our precious Caylee.. The 12 Pinellas Co. jurors that likely have the mentality of Casey and Baez.. Distorted, deluded, and extremely flawed..

Of course and is always these are nothing more that jmo, tho!!
She could possibly fake everything she was doing, except for the skin blotches. Those were reported by the jailer. That is brought on by extreme stress as your body is pouring adrenaline into your system. My guess is she was remembering the duct tape, or the fact that JB had assured her that the PI's were out there and the body was no longer there. That would send her on a downward spiral and might account for her body language with JB, too. He failed her, in her mind. jmo

Oh I've no doubt you are right, she was definitely stressed...she'd probably been hanging onto the hope that animals had consumed the remains. Also, I think she had a big crush on JB and this was going to change everything, dam* it - playing the damsel in distress with God knows what might be found to link her to the disposal of Caylee's body.

I mean, think about it. The discovery of the body could not have been a huge shock - and the fact that she was found dead, well not a shock or even mildly surprising, IMO. Just like every other time she got caught, she was mad. If there's one thing that really ticks a sociopath off, it's not being in control of their life and their lies.

One thing I am certain of, and this is not just my opinion, it is a fact, Casey didn't miss a beat when Caylee died - she went on with her life as if nothing happened, and that is because Casey was in, calm, and collected. Not so much when that control was completely out of her ... ahem ... hands.

Mostly IMO, of course :)
Message from KC. to A.L. texting transcripts 2008.
"If they ever find her guess who will spend eternity in jail".
Its there if you care to look it up.:maddening:
I listened to the Unser interview again and rewatched part 2 of the video. When I watched it before I was focused on JB. TU said in her interview that even from the back she could tell FCA was crying. In the video you can see she seems to be quite animated actually. Then she tosses her tissue. I think if you could see her clearly from the front she would look EXACTLY like she did in her meltdown in court when mommy hugged daddy.

I had alot of problems with TU deposition. She said that JB told FCA what he thought and what had occurred while in the room together. After she was questioned further she said the door was closed so they couldn't hear the conversation, she assumed thats what he was saying. TU said FCA collapsed into the chair when brought into the TV room. I watched the video again and FCA just walked in and sat down. TU said she touched, felt FCA hands in the TV room, she was sure she did, they were warm and had bumps. (They might have edited that out but it wasn't shown on the video I saw.)
TU said it was mean, cruel to make FCA watch the report on TV, someone said.."she's had enough". I thought it was interesting that FCA told TU the worst thing she had ever taken was muscle relaxants. I took them once and they knocked me out...Hmmm
It amazes me that JB made such a hugh effort to keep the world from seeing this reaction of KC all the while telling folks that she spent those 31 days acting like nothing happened because she is incapable of showing emotion because of abuse and all that.
Myself, I don't think she will ever tell the truth to anyone. Remember her poem..On the worst of worst days, remember the words spoken, trust no one, only yourself.

Wow. I've read that "poem" many times, but your posting that one line for some reason shone a new and bright light on what it meant.

"On the worst of worst days" (translated- if she, FCA, ever had a moment of self-doubt about the rightness of her decision to kill her Caylee)

she reminds herself--REMEMBER THE WORDS SPOKEN.

It hits me, what she is saying to herself is to remember then just what CA screamed at her the night before FCA killed Caylee, words that IMO, made FCA act on the murderous thoughts she had entertained for awhile.

CA's words? Probably along the lines of, "you're outta here, Casey, you're a loser with no future and a horrible mother and a thief and a huge disappointment, so who cares what happens to YOU, but Caylee, Caylee is my whole life, I love Caylee more than I've ever loved you, and she will stay here, I will be a better mother to her than you ever could be."

Yep, that would have done it.
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