TV Station Pushes for Release of ICA Jailhouse Video

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Haven't 'studied' the part 2 video, but one thing I'm pretty sure JB and FCA discussed in detail during those moments was what had happened while JB was trying to get in to see her. I don't completely discount that he may have had some real feelings over the discovery of Caylee's remains, but he was there as her lawyer and those gestures he was making may have been more of an ' oh chit' reaction rather than tears - the wiping of his forehead and some of the tense holding of the chair, hands to his face etc. He was hearing about her visit to the clinic, how she reacted, and assumed he had just lost the case because he hadn't been able to stop it. Her body language suggests anger to me, and IMO she was upset that she wasn't able to force herself to remain calm watching that TV. She may have also been blaming him for not stopping it...

When he went and got the box of tissues did he sit it down between or did Casey not have close to her left arm? I only watched it once and remember seeing something next to her on the table to the left, was that the tissue box? If JB was crying, or getting ready to, wouldn't he have sat the box between them?
The DP was already off the table when the remains were found, there were no negotiations taking place.

Dec 5, 2008 the State announced it will not seek the Death Penalty
Dec 11, 2008 skeletal remains found and LE obtains search warrant for Anthony home
Dec 19 2008 ME confirms remains belong to Caylee Anthony
April 14, 2009 The State seeks imposition of the Death Penalty

THE jig was up!!! Just the day before this video was taped he was making the statements quoted in the article.

Casey Anthony Attorney Seeks Mall Video In Possible Caylee Sighting
Missing 3-Year-Old Last Seen In Mid-June

POSTED: Wednesday, December 10, 2008
UPDATED: 12:19 pm EST December 10, 2008

Baez wants access to the tapes because "in spite of the first-degree murder charges faced by Ms. Anthony, this is still a missing person's case."

"The inability to act could hinder the prompt and safe recovery of Caylee Marie Anthony," Baez wrote
THE jig was up!!! Just the day before this video was taped he was making the statements quoted in the article.

Casey Anthony Attorney Seeks Mall Video In Possible Caylee Sighting
Missing 3-Year-Old Last Seen In Mid-June

POSTED: Wednesday, December 10, 2008
UPDATED: 12:19 pm EST December 10, 2008

Harmony2 - Maybe I am thick headed this morning :)great:) but I'm not quite sure what you mean in your post? Can you please elaborate? My thoughts are going everywhere on each statement....
I listened to the Unser interview again and rewatched part 2 of the video. When I watched it before I was focused on JB. TU said in her interview that even from the back she could tell FCA was crying. In the video you can see she seems to be quite animated actually. Then she tosses her tissue. I think if you could see her clearly from the front she would look EXACTLY like she did in her meltdown in court when mommy hugged daddy.

BBM - I was thinking the exact same thing. She was mad. The PIs, if you want to call them that, were supposed to find her remains then report back to JB. This was all supposed to be taken care of before anyone else could find her remains. It was no coincidence that Cindy sent them there a few weeks prior to RK finding her.

Harmony2 - Maybe I am thick headed this morning :)great:) but I'm not quite sure what you mean in your post? Can you please elaborate? My thoughts are going everywhere on each statement....

I think she means up until December 10, he had a missing person's case. No body, easy money defending Casey. Then the next day, it became a homicide case. There went Baez's easy money with no body. Wow. I didn't know he was still calling it a missing person's case the day before the remains were found. Not that it means anything now...
Does anyone recall JB's demeanor in the days immediately following Caylee being found.
I vaguely recall some discussion about JB looking subdued,but then he was also making a stink about his experts not being allowed to be at the site.
Did he recover from this taped episode quickly?
Haven't 'studied' the part 2 video, but one thing I'm pretty sure JB and FCA discussed in detail during those moments was what had happened while JB was trying to get in to see her. I don't completely discount that he may have had some real feelings over the discovery of Caylee's remains, but he was there as her lawyer and those gestures he was making may have been more of an ' oh chit' reaction rather than tears - the wiping of his forehead and some of the tense holding of the chair, hands to his face etc. He was hearing about her visit to the clinic, how she reacted, and assumed he had just lost the case because he hadn't been able to stop it. Her body language suggests anger to me, and IMO she was upset that she wasn't able to force herself to remain calm watching that TV. She may have also been blaming him for not stopping it...

Maybe. It's possible she was upset because no one could find the body to move it,after she told them where it was.
The storm and water moved Caylee's body some. Cindy's comment on Dr. Phil, that Casey didn't know where the body was because it was moved (or something like that) has to mean something.
More than ever I think Casey told someone where the body was and DC couldn't find it. JH taped him that day,but there could have been other searches there and other searchers for that matter.
It just appears that Casey didn't think Caylee would ever be found ,since Caylee wasn't exactly where she left her,and her reaction was shock and anger.
JB saw that for himself and didn't want to take any chances others could see it in the video.
ITA and I dont get it. I dont know about the rest of you but I had sympathy for JB who seemed to truly be upset by hearing about the horrible death of a little girl. much more so than momma, that's for sure.

yet he went on to fully support the murderer.

This is my problem. When I watched the video I saw nothing that made me think JB was crying, thats just a perception on my part.
I have read TU deposition..132 page. I personally don't form an opinion based solely on witness testimony, if I can see the evidence then hear the tesimony, then I can come to my own conclusion. Reading TU deposition I found her to be bias and unreliable. She assumed things rather than reported the facts, she knew she was supposed to keep notes but then threw the paper towel away without transfering to a witness I believe she would have been a poor one, regardless of her being in LE.
I haven't read BR deposition yet so I can't comment on what he said, whether or not he was the one that said JB was crying. If he did, I just didn't see it in the video. JB looked to me to be warm because he took his jacket off, might be he was rushing to get to FCA. Captain W said he knew JB and that JB probably knew what LE was up to, so they needed to get FCA to medical, in front of that TV before she saw JB. The fact that no one called JB, he just went to the jail after hearing the news. The fact that JB was involved in the PI searching the area where Caylee was eventually found, JB gave instructions to call him, not LE if he found something. I believe that JB and CA were in cahoots at that time, they were looking for remains in Nov.
I believe JB knew Caylee was dead before Dec. 11 so why would he be upset about finding remains except for the fact they didn't find them first and remove certain damaging evidence. JB has more alliance with his client than as an officer to the court, we saw what he and FCA pulled with the probation so I feel he would have no problem destroying evidence..thats something he and CA have in common. CA wanted to win her battle at all costs and so did JB. He knew or thought, if he could get FCA off, it would open up alot of windows for him, opportunities to make money.
During the video, I never saw him use a kleenex or a handkerchief as most men do. What I did see through this case was an actor, a showman..someone who reduced the case of a little girl murdered into a bad drama of a father who molested his daughter and then bullied her into disposing the body of her child, after a terrible accident, in a dump/swamp in the most disrespectful way.
I'm not saying JB never took a moment to think about Caylees death, I just think he came to a place at the beginning similar to CA, where he couldn't do anything for the dead so his focus was FCA and winning at all cost.
That day at the jail there were people that knew how JB thinks, they knew he would figure LE would try to tape FCA reaction which is why he was in a hurry to get to the jail. If I had to guess what they were discussing, I would say JB was asking FCA...where did they take you, was there a TV in the room, did you see reports of finding Caylee, what did you do, did you cry? You know they were taping you and LE will use this against us in court...MOO
BBM - I agree.

I think back to all those boxes of evidence, part of Caylee in that room, left alone again. She is just a commodity to be bought and sold now. The horror of her final moments forgotten, after all, she's just a shell.


Snipped By Me:
You are so right jon_burrows. It just kills me little by little whenever I realize we will never see justice done for that sweet baby Caylee who never harmed a soul in her short time on this earth.
BBM - I was thinking the exact same thing. She was mad. The PIs, if you want to call them that, were supposed to find her remains then report back to JB. This was all supposed to be taken care of before anyone else could find her remains. It was no coincidence that Cindy sent them there a few weeks prior to RK finding her.


I believe this is what prompted LA to go see JB during the trial. LA got on the stand and testified that CA did send the PI to the location to search. CA denied that she did this. I believe JB and CA were working together to find Caylee and get rid of the damaging evidence before she was found by LE.
They didn't get the job done. Now Caylee is found, FCA knows what they are going to find.
When FCA was put in the room where she was going to see JB, why was her back to the camera? Was this a mistake on the officers part, was there a legal issue why they couldn't tape FCA front view, were they more interested in taping JB? At the time before they found Caylee did FCA play the officers? Was BR against taping a mothers reaction seeing her child found. Seemed to me after reading TU deposition, she didn't think it was the right thing to do. We know from reports how good FCA is at fooling people, manipulating them, why would you think these officers would be above this? In fact one Officer let FCA spend time with another inmate cutting hair!
Just because a person is in LE doesn't make them beyond approach. I have relatives in LE, I've heard stories.
Maybe LE suspected JB knew Caylee was dead before the 11th.
This is my problem. When I watched the video I saw nothing that made me think JB was crying, thats just a perception on my part.
I have read TU deposition..132 page. I personally don't form an opinion based solely on witness testimony, if I can see the evidence then hear the tesimony, then I can come to my own conclusion. Reading TU deposition I found her to be bias and unreliable. She assumed things rather than reported the facts, she knew she was supposed to keep notes but then threw the paper towel away without transfering to a witness I believe she would have been a poor one, regardless of her being in LE.
I haven't read BR deposition yet so I can't comment on what he said, whether or not he was the one that said JB was crying. If he did, I just didn't see it in the video. JB looked to me to be warm because he took his jacket off, might be he was rushing to get to FCA. Captain W said he knew JB and that JB probably knew what LE was up to, so they needed to get FCA to medical, in front of that TV before she saw JB. The fact that no one called JB, he just went to the jail after hearing the news. The fact that JB was involved in the PI searching the area where Caylee was eventually found, JB gave instructions to call him, not LE if he found something. I believe that JB and CA were in cahoots at that time, they were looking for remains in Nov.
I believe JB knew Caylee was dead before Dec. 11 so why would he be upset about finding remains except for the fact they didn't find them first and remove certain damaging evidence. JB has more alliance with his client than as an officer to the court, we saw what he and FCA pulled with the probation so I feel he would have no problem destroying evidence..thats something he and CA have in common. CA wanted to win her battle at all costs and so did JB. He knew or thought, if he could get FCA off, it would open up alot of windows for him, opportunities to make money.
During the video, I never saw him use a kleenex or a handkerchief as most men do. What I did see through this case was an actor, a showman..someone who reduced the case of a little girl murdered into a bad drama of a father who molested his daughter and then bullied her into disposing the body of her child, after a terrible accident, in a dump/swamp in the most disrespectful way.
I'm not saying JB never took a moment to think about Caylees death, I just think he came to a place at the beginning similar to CA, where he couldn't do anything for the dead so his focus was FCA and winning at all cost.
That day at the jail there were people that knew how JB thinks, they knew he would figure LE would try to tape FCA reaction which is why he was in a hurry to get to the jail. If I had to guess what they were discussing, I would say JB was asking FCA...where did they take you, was there a TV in the room, did you see reports of finding Caylee, what did you do, did you cry? You know they were taping you and LE will use this against us in court...MOO

What I want to know is would Ms. Unger be quite so definite about what she saw and what she thought about it after Baez's opening statement where he said FCA has known Caylee died on June 16th, of an accidental drowning?

My guess is she would have changed her mind somewhat...:innocent:
Not a poor defendant being tortured by watching this video.
I don't think LE was prepared to video tape this. The only reason FCA was taken to medical was because that was the only TV that worked. When LE found out about Caylee being found, someone with quick thinking said we need to do this. It was done in a hurry and they did the best they could. Taking her to medical was tricky, they knew they could get away with filming her in the waiting room but they had to make sure there were no doctors around her.
TU was sure she had touched FCA hands but couldn't explain why it wasn't in the video, maybe when she went into the doctors office she did because there was no taping allowed in there. She said FCA hands were warm and had bumps on them. When I get nervous, scared my hands get cold. When I get angry my hands get warm...Hmmm
What I want to know is would Ms. Unger be quite so definite about what she saw and what she thought about it after Baez's opening statement where he said FCA has known Caylee died on June 16th, of an accidental drowning?

My guess is she would have changed her mind somewhat...:innocent:
Not a poor defendant being tortured by watching this video.

I bet she would have. The problem being that she would have had to testify to what she said in her deposition. LE would have to explain why it clearly shows this was being taped by someone, not just caught on the jail camera. Would the jury see the little fist pumps to know that FCA was angry and then ask themselves why she was angry at her daughters body being found or would THAT had gone right over their heads also!....:banghead:
So now we know Baez was blatantly LYING about her being tortured or mistreated in any form by jail personnel. Who cares though, it's just another lie that will never be accounted for...perjury is ok, so more obscure lies are obviously cool too.
The more information we see come out and the more people that talk now are all parts of the puzzle we can put into place in this case. Most of us believe we know generally what happened but it is nice to see more evidence to fill in the picture. I am really interested to see what the ethics board comes out with against JB. I'm also interested to see what JA says about the DT in his book!
I know alot of people think Caylee didn't get justice. Maybe I'm weird but I really believe what FCA and JB got was justice in a very obscure way. JB isn't the big time, sought after, rich lawyer he thought he was going to be. Most people see him for who he is, a joker, , uneducated showman...and money..not so much. FCA isn't the innocent victim, sought after for interviews, movie star mother, living the beautiful life, rich person she thought she was going to be. Instead she is in hiding because the award given to her was for most hated person in the country, that flow of money she was thinking of that day the verdict was read did not appear because the public backlash was so great that most wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole and those who will are the ones with lawsuits against her. Her mindless lawyer spoke and she now has to pay back money to the state and is serving probation for a year. She's a prisoner of the world she created for herself. Imagine how angry she is that mom and pop got an interview and JB is jetsetting off to Aruba. Maybe she's angry because she thought she would work for JB and together they would fly all over the world to take on cases. Nope, she's sitting somewhere with no family watching the CM trial media bury her and eating cheeto"s and beef jerkey...same thing she was doing in jail....Keep turnin those magazines around!
Does anyone recall JB's demeanor in the days immediately following Caylee being found.
I vaguely recall some discussion about JB looking subdued,but then he was also making a stink about his experts not being allowed to be at the site.
Did he recover from this taped episode quickly?

BBM - wasn't LBK behind that stink though? And yes, I remember him being subdued....I always suspected she was behind the Dr. Huntington call also. I'm assuming Dr. Neil Haskell called her out in a few cases before this.
So now we know Baez was blatantly LYING about her being tortured or mistreated in any form by jail personnel. Who cares though, it's just another lie that will never be accounted for...perjury is ok, so more obscure lies are obviously cool too.

Well he couldn't very well say I don't want the world to see my bawling when my client's child's body was found could he? This is a guy who wants to be a star - a talking legal head - a tough guy who pulls no punches....:floorlaugh:

I thought the torture thing was carp - since she already knew her daughter was dead for six months. You'd have thought she'd be relieved so her parents could finally give her a decent burial....
I don't need any futher information to fill in the puzzle for me.
Mom leaves home with her child. Mom is gone for 31 days and never allows the grandparents to speak to their grandchild. None of the mom's friends see child during the 31 days. Mom returns home without her child.
Grandparents both tell LE the car smells like human decomp.

Murdered child is found near the child's home with items from the home near her dead body.

Doesn't take a single rocket scientist to connect the dots.

However it took 12 village idiots to let a murderer walk.

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