TV Station Pushes for Release of ICA Jailhouse Video

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What I have seen from going back thru the comment at the time the tape was released and we all watched it and posted, were all the similarities of each post! I have been to several dif sites and by my own guesstimate, it is still 3 to 1, 3 being we know she is guilty, 1 well, imbibing or maybe by now, bathing in thdd kool-aide. jmo-nutn more. Now I am seeing HHJP in a whole new light, I was not happy and am still po d that no sanctions were given as he promised, to JB. I know that timing is everything and I am either witnessing divine intervention or HHJP is the wisest man of the century. He has used the media w his decision to hear this unsealing case to deflate the money sails of the Dr P Interveiw, foiling the ANts buzz on the new!! foundation, ruling the day before Lees wedding, which I am certain that he wore his Anthony speak secret decoder tube sox w his cut offs and mary janes. Am I wrong in thinking HHJP "this aint my first rodeo" has the foresight to predict the DT, FCA, C n G, moves? Or, am I seeing divine intevention? Maybe both? This vid release, no amount of Cindy bonics can do any damage control as I know I dont have to see the raindrops falling to know it rained. jat and moo :/
It amazes me that JB made such a hugh effort to keep the world from seeing this reaction of KC all the while telling folks that she spent those 31 days acting like nothing happened because she is incapable of showing emotion because of abuse and all that.

Hmmm - I thought it was to keep the world from seeing his reaction....she was found not guilty so what does he care what the world thinks of her now. But he still has a lot of media appearances to his mind anyhow. And there he is for the world to see - looking shattered and shedding tears....
Hmmm - I thought it was to keep the world from seeing his reaction....she was found not guilty so what does he care what the world thinks of her now. But he still has a lot of media appearances to his mind anyhow. And there he is for the world to see - looking shattered and shedding tears....

You are likely correct.
I don't believe they taped her when she was in the room with the doctor. I never saw a nurse come in to give FCA a sedative, that was suppose to be about in the middle of her and JB's meeting.

According to Sgt Richardson, Part 1, when Casey was in the waiting room of the medical clinic should have been 30-45 mins in length..
Hmmm - I thought it was to keep the world from seeing his reaction....she was found not guilty so what does he care what the world thinks of her now. But he still has a lot of media appearances to his mind anyhow. And there he is for the world to see - looking shattered and shedding tears....

JB should have gone with SODDI. He never imagined Casey would get off completely . It really messed up his After The Trial plans.
If he had gone with SODDI he could be on every network right now explaining how devastated he was at what happened to Caylee ,hoping they would find her alive.
How does he explain it now?
Oh're all still talking about this?

Remember what Jeff Ashton said: "ignore KC, that's what she hates the most"....

Just sayin.....
Oh're all still talking about this?

Remember what Jeff Ashton said: "ignore KC, that's what she hates the most"....

Just sayin.....
Yes we need to stay vigilant as long as FCA and her scamming family are loose on the world.
Wow. I've read that "poem" many times, but your posting that one line for some reason shone a new and bright light on what it meant.

"On the worst of worst days" (translated- if she, FCA, ever had a moment of self-doubt about the rightness of her decision to kill her Caylee)

she reminds herself--REMEMBER THE WORDS SPOKEN.

It hits me, what she is saying to herself is to remember then just what CA screamed at her the night before FCA killed Caylee, words that IMO, made FCA act on the murderous thoughts she had entertained for awhile.

CA's words? Probably along the lines of, "you're outta here, Casey, you're a loser with no future and a horrible mother and a thief and a huge disappointment, so who cares what happens to YOU, but Caylee, Caylee is my whole life, I love Caylee more than I've ever loved you, and she will stay here, I will be a better mother to her than you ever could be."

Yep, that would have done it.

I never thought of that..interesting. When I read it I thought maybe she was thinking if LE ever found Caylees body...
( the worst of worst days)..remember the words spoken, trust no one only yourself. With great power comes great consequence. What is given can be taken away. Everyone lies, everyone dies. CA posts her message on July 3rd and FCA posts on July 7th.
I was surprised how watching that video brought back so many things, I thought I was almost over the case but all the anger came back. For some reason I remembered FCA had gone on her my space I think and deleted a bunch of pictures of Caylee. There were so many actions of guilt from her, where do you start.
It's so telling the day Caylee was found, FCA has her fit and JB rushes to the jail without even being called. JB throwing his hissy fit because LE wouldn't allow him in the crime scene.
It's sad to think how Caylee was treated by FCA when no one was watching. Maybe thats why Caylee seemed aggressive towards FCA in some of the videos we saw, Caylee kicking at FCA face and grabbing her bottom jaw. It always struck me as strange, my kids would get irony when they were mad at me but not when we were playing.
Oh I've no doubt you are right, she was definitely stressed...she'd probably been hanging onto the hope that animals had consumed the remains. Also, I think she had a big crush on JB and this was going to change everything, dam* it - playing the damsel in distress with God knows what might be found to link her to the disposal of Caylee's body.

I mean, think about it. The discovery of the body could not have been a huge shock - and the fact that she was found dead, well not a shock or even mildly surprising, IMO. Just like every other time she got caught, she was mad. If there's one thing that really ticks a sociopath off, it's not being in control of their life and their lies.

One thing I am certain of, and this is not just my opinion, it is a fact, Casey didn't miss a beat when Caylee died - she went on with her life as if nothing happened, and that is because Casey was in, calm, and collected. Not so much when that control was completely out of her ... ahem ... hands.

Mostly IMO, of course :)

I would guess...hope... that it really ticks both her and JB off that when the media talks about FCA, they always speak as if she was found guilty. I'm not certain whether they even realize it at times but if you listen they always include FCA when speaking about people who have been convicted or someone in the news they feel are guilty of a crime. FCA doesn't get to claim a victory and neither does JB. He has to take note how some TH are praising both the prosecution and defense for their delivery with the CM trial with no good comparisions made. The only one that would might be JVM and I think she has even forgotten about her good buddy JB....:crazy:
IMO, the jurors will go into denial. They will try to say the tape shows a distraught mother hearing news her daughter was dead. I think they have to say that because anything else would mean admitting that they did wrong. IMO, they hope that if it is never spoken out loud, it will never be a fact.
...but, but, but...they believed Casey knew her daughter was dead on June 16th!!!
Ms McG:

FCA's "poem" on MySpace seems very much a reply to her mother's posting. Besides what we've already mentioned, her line by lines responds to CA (not exact quotes follow) - "what is given can be taken away" (replies to CA's lines about Caylee as an unexpected gift), "with great power comes great consequence" (CA abused her power over FCA, so its her fault that Casey had to murder Caylee), etc.

The absolute saddest thought to me all along has been what Caylee had to have endured from her mother-in-name-only when the two of them were alone. I remember a deposition by a "friend" that said Caylee screamed when her mother even left the room to go to the bathroom, and that Caylee refused to be held by the friend. The friend concluded this behavior meant Caylee was deeply attached to FCA.

In my experience, quite the opposite. A well loved child at that age who is secure does NOT freak when mommy leaves for a few moments or longer. Caylee screamed because her "mother" had, best case, given her so little love and had paid her so little attention that Caylee wasn't ever sure if her "mother" would return and actually be there for her.

For that alone FCA should rot in h--ll.
^above^ portions BBM
Without a single doubt in my mind I know that Baez KNEW with certainty that not only Caylee was dead, but more importantly she was dead at the hands of his client, Caylee's mother, Casey.. And IMO he knew this for certain "by the time" he made the pc with he and Casey in front of his office the evening before she was finally arrested on the murder charge..

^above^ portions BBM
I had completely forgotten about this Baez moment on NG.. IRC thinking that Baez looked like Fat Chesire cat after scarfing down the canaries.. Fat azz smirked smile and all! And boy did he ever keep that smug, smartazz, smirk of a smile throughout the duration of the trial(minus a few key moments when briefly lost his cool.. Alot and much like his DP client, Casey).. My personal pet peeve that was only further fueled each and every day of the trial was when Baez daily greeted "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen of the jury"<insert disgusting smug smirk here>.. it became almost more than I could bear!! Aarrgghh!!

By far tho, it is his demeanor since the day that our little Caylee forever lost her chance at receiving justice due her in punishing the murderer who stole her precious life here from this earth.. His smugness has reached an entire new level of disgust..

^above^ portions BBM
And on this issue you hit the nail on the head, jon_burrows in your describing the behavior we witnessed by these two individuals.. Literally grade school behavior on both of their parts.. All that was missing was for Casey to show up with that long, *advertiser censored* hair in two pig tails and for Baez to be the pestering boy pulling his grade school crush's pigtails..

Seriously a display of two adults that clearly have emotional, if not mental issues, as well as severe immaturity.. With inappropriate behaviors on many different levels to boot..

Very last sentence BBM
And very last but definitely not the least by far.. Infact IMO the entire crux of why justice failed for our precious Caylee.. The 12 Pinellas Co. jurors that likely have the mentality of Casey and Baez.. Distorted, deluded, and extremely flawed..

Of course and is always these are nothing more that jmo, tho!!

I have the same opinion about JB and kc. I have no doubt that JB knew from very early on that kc killed her baby. I believe JB knew where the child was stashed. Or should I say where she was disgarded like trash.

Ever time I see a video of those two together, I feel sick.

Hmmm - I thought it was to keep the world from seeing his reaction....she was found not guilty so what does he care what the world thinks of her now. But he still has a lot of media appearances to his mind anyhow. And there he is for the world to see - looking shattered and shedding tears....

ITA and I dont get it. I dont know about the rest of you but I had sympathy for JB who seemed to truly be upset by hearing about the horrible death of a little girl. much more so than momma, that's for sure.

yet he went on to fully support the murderer.
ITA and I dont get it. I dont know about the rest of you but I had sympathy for JB who seemed to truly be upset by hearing about the horrible death of a little girl. much more so than momma, that's for sure.

yet he went on to fully support the murderer.

JB didn't care a whit about Caylee imo. Like FCA, he only cries for himself. If he were really upset, he would have resigned as her lawyer. It is not fair to give JB credit or the benefit of the doubt in any situation imo.
Baez would cry bucketloads for KC before he would ever shed a tear for little Caylee.
ITA and I dont get it. I dont know about the rest of you but I had sympathy for JB who seemed to truly be upset by hearing about the horrible death of a little girl. much more so than momma, that's for sure.

yet he went on to fully support the murderer.

IMO, he wasn't upset over the death of a child, he was upset because LE had found the body. Half of the defense team and experts, some of which had to fly in at their own expense, show up in Orlando the very next day and the body is not yet identified positively as Caylee's until Dec 19th? So what did he tell them, that they MIGHT have found Caylee's body? Nah, he knew. She knew. She also knew that finding the remains just put her in a deeper hole. Every time she's had a panic attack, it's when she realized the walls were closing in on her, finding Caylee's body, Jury selection and if IIRC, seeing a photo of Caylee's remains.
IMO, he wasn't upset over the death of a child, he was upset because LE had found the body. Half of the defense team and experts, some of which had to fly in at their own expense, show up in Orlando the very next day and the body is not yet identified positively as Caylee's until Dec 19th? So what did he tell them, that they MIGHT have found Caylee's body? Nah, he knew. She knew. She also knew that finding the remains just put her in a deeper hole. Every time she's had a panic attack, it's when she realized the walls were closing in on her, finding Caylee's body, Jury selection and if IIRC, seeing a photo of Caylee's remains.

Either that or that is the day she confessed. Baez is not an idiot (some will dispute this LOL) and Caylee was found so close to home.

As GA says, 1 + 1 = 2.

Maybe JB learned the truth that day and called in the troops to help him deal with the outfall that was to come.
I have the same opinion about JB and kc. I have no doubt that JB knew from very early on that kc killed her baby. I believe JB knew where the child was stashed. Or should I say where she was disgarded like trash.

Ever time I see a video of those two together, I feel sick.


BBM - I agree.

To add one last insult to Caylee's short life, that entire crew celebrated in court over their 'win'. That's what Caylee was to them, a game, to be won. JB didn't even try to hide his motive. He was on a plane to New York looking for a big pay out and a nice talking head job. JB smelled the smell of death in that car. He knew.

JBP gave instructions before the verdict was read, no outbursts (can't remember the exact verbiage) and I'm not about to watch that disgusting display again. If the verdict had been guilty and the courtroom cheered, JBP would have been taking names and throwing people in jail. One final salute from JBP that the defense can do whatever they want, his perfect record left intact.

The guard needed to fingerprint FCA and that filth of a team couldn't keep their hands off of her as they cried TEARS OF JOY. The guard looked at JBP as if to say, do something. She had her gloves on ready to fingerprint FCA but she couldn't get through the celebration. CM's wife came out of nowhere to hug him for his big win. FCA was laughing. Then they moved the party to the bar as they drank champagne still basking in their win in front of the media cameras. Simms jumping up and down like a 5 year old. Disgusting.

I think back to all those boxes of evidence, part of Caylee in that room, left alone again. She is just a commodity to be bought and sold now. The horror of her final moments forgotten, after all, she's just a shell.

JB knew, they all knew. FCA went to his office every day, all day when she was out on bond. She even brought brownies, she's so thoughtful. There were no searches for Caylee going on in that office and there was no accident. Far from it.

Haven't 'studied' the part 2 video, but one thing I'm pretty sure JB and FCA discussed in detail during those moments was what had happened while JB was trying to get in to see her. I don't completely discount that he may have had some real feelings over the discovery of Caylee's remains, but he was there as her lawyer and those gestures he was making may have been more of an ' oh chit' reaction rather than tears - the wiping of his forehead and some of the tense holding of the chair, hands to his face etc. He was hearing about her visit to the clinic, how she reacted, and assumed he had just lost the case because he hadn't been able to stop it. Her body language suggests anger to me, and IMO she was upset that she wasn't able to force herself to remain calm watching that TV. She may have also been blaming him for not stopping it...
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