Found Deceased TX - Alan White, 55, seen leaving LA Fitness, Dallas, 22 Oct 2020 #2

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IDK, it just seems like whatever happened, they went through a lot of effort to hide or dispose of Alan.

Then again, who knows what was even searched and when, and for how many days. We know the Texas Rangers were not involved, nor was Equusearch. So how hard did they really look? Did they take dogs out to where his loaner was found? Did they have a search party out there? Gosh, most cases we hear of have search parties, helicopters, draining and searching bodies of water, etc. But here? Crickets.

ETA: I know I have brought this up multiple times, but I'm just going to say it again because I'm so upset and frustrated. This happened with Adam Gilbertson's case in Colorado. Nothing was released by LE, no searches, etc. Family was begging for help, but they were actually told not to search, that it was "being taken care of". All of us here ay WS were convinced that LE was "working hard in the background" that they were quiet because they knew something and didn't want to "compromise the investigation." Guess what? Nothing was being done in the background. There were NO searches being done. A month later, the family finally said screw it, and formed a search party with his friends and kind members of the public - and they also asked local people from the FB group they made to help. They found his body that day.
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There is a Crimestoppers reward for information that leads to the arrest and indictment for a felony offense related to Alan's disappearance. The status of Alan's missing persons report changed Dec 16 from 'Want to Locate' to 'Endangered Missing' at which point the case shifted to the Special Investigations Unit with a high-profile homicide detective assigned his case.

I very much doubt Alan "did a runner" MOO.

Interesting, on the actual page, it specifically does not say the Crime Stoppers reward is "related to James Alan White's disappearance". Link Endangered Missing Person – James Alan White

It's just a generic info line about how the reward with them works:

"Crime Stoppers will pay up to $5,000 for information called into Crime Stoppers that leads to the arrest and indictment for a felony offense. Call Crime Stoppers at: (214)373-TIPS, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week."

I'm not even convinced the DPD has evidence that a felony offense has taken place.
They certainly don't mention it in their plea to the public:

"This case is now being worked by the Special Investigations Unit of the Dallas Police Department. Anyone with information regarding Mr. White’s whereabouts or information related to the case is being asked to contact Detective Eric Barnes #8854 at 214-283-4818 or Please reference case #188623-2020."

Granted, Det. Barnes is a homicide detective but that's pretty common for the homicide department to handle missing persons.

I don't know really which way I lean on this. I think it would be sad as heck to learn he voluntarily walked out of his own life, but people DO do that, as heartbreaking as it is.

"This case is now being worked by the Special Investigations Unit of the Dallas Police Department. Anyone with information regarding Mr. White’s whereabouts or information related to the case is being asked to contact Detective Eric Barnes #8854 at 214-283-4818 or Please reference case #188623-2020."

It's just all so generic.
Interesting, on the actual page, it specifically does not say the Crime Stoppers reward is "related to James Alan White's disappearance". Link Endangered Missing Person – James Alan White

It's just a generic info line about how the reward with them works:

"Crime Stoppers will pay up to $5,000 for information called into Crime Stoppers that leads to the arrest and indictment for a felony offense. Call Crime Stoppers at: (214)373-TIPS, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week."

I'm not even convinced the DPD has evidence that a felony offense has taken place.
They certainly don't mention it in their plea to the public:

"This case is now being worked by the Special Investigations Unit of the Dallas Police Department. Anyone with information regarding Mr. White’s whereabouts or information related to the case is being asked to contact Detective Eric Barnes #8854 at 214-283-4818 or Please reference case #188623-2020."

Granted, Det. Barnes is a homicide detective but that's pretty common for the homicide department to handle missing persons.

I don't know really which way I lean on this. I think it would be sad as heck to learn he voluntarily walked out of his own life, but people DO do that, as heartbreaking as it is.

I think the Crime Stoppers reward is described that way because it's offered nationally and in select countries outside the US. They just threw in the basic details to describe how the reward works in general. That in itself isn't indicative or telling in regard to whether a felony has occurred, JMO.

Walking out on his life is certainly a possibility which can't be dismissed. But the update to Endangered after so much time had passed, made me think some sort of evidence came through which pointed that way. Gosh with so few facts, it's really difficult to discuss this case. I wish Det. Barnes would do another MSM interview with a reporter who would boldly ask the right questions.
I think the Crime Stoppers reward is described that way because it's offered nationally and in select countries outside the US. They just threw in the basic details to describe how the reward works in general. That in itself isn't indicative or telling in regard to whether a felony has occurred, JMO.

Walking out on his life is certainly a possibility which can't be dismissed. But the update to Endangered after so much time had passed, made me think some sort of evidence came through which pointed that way. Gosh with so few facts, it's really difficult to discuss this case. I wish Det. Barnes would do another MSM interview with a reporter who would boldly ask the right questions.
It would be interesting to have a profile to the people that have walked away from their lives. I just think it is unlikely that a middle aged, married person, with probably a decent amount of assets would leave all that behind.
The crimestoppers reward is posted on the DPD's update of Alan's case. I'm not clear on how it could not be related.

Endangered Missing Person – James Alan White

It may indeed be the case that there has been a felony offense in Alan's case.
I was merely pointing out that the Crime Stopper's info does not say there has been.
LE has not given any indication there has actually been a crime committed in Alan's disappearance.
Following these kinds of cases is tricky, because you have to consider what LE is saying & doing, as well as what they're not saying, and not doing.

While a domestic motive could certainly be at play, I still think this was a carjacking for extortion/armed robbery that grew into a hostage-for-ransom situation (just like the Hedgerow crime in the same area), and that AW (and NOT the car) was the target.

More conjecture: a wrench got thrown into the works when the perps got arrested for a totally separate but identical crime less than two weeks later on Nov 4 (while AW was still possibly being held - but before any final ransom terms had been negotiated). That would fit with why LE and the family are remaining so mum (not talking about credit cards, addt'l CCTV, phone records/GPS evidence, evidence from the loaner, ransom communications, etc.). I think that they think it's possible that AW's still being held somewhere, but they just don't know where (either that, or they think he was perhaps not kept alive to begin with). All speculation.

If there's been no movement on the case, I think possibly that is because the two prospective perps (who, if they are still being held in the Lew Sterrett Jail for another crime) probably aren't talking. I hope that LE has, and is, checking out this angle.

There are definitely other possibilities for AW's disappearance (something domestic runs a close second, imo) but I think it's worth LE checking out the relatives and friends of the perp's who were arrested for the Nov 4 crime, just because of the obvious similarities (time of day, location, possible MO). Jmo
LE changed that status after they interviewed family members for a second time. "Want to locate", sounds like a "he took off scenario". Even though the car was already found.

So LE must have been provided by some very convincing additional evidence for them to change that status.

Missing endangered person means a person with a developmental disability as defined in RCW 71A.10.020(4) or a vulnerable adult as defined in RCW 74.34.020(17), believed to be in danger because of age, health, mental or physical disability, in combination with environmental or weather conditions, or is believed to be unable to return to safety without assistance.
LE changed that status after they interviewed family members for a second time. "Want to locate", sounds like a "he took off scenario". Even though the car was already found.

So LE must have been provided by some very convincing additional evidence for them to change that status.

Missing endangered person means a person with a developmental disability as defined in RCW 71A.10.020(4) or a vulnerable adult as defined in RCW 74.34.020(17), believed to be in danger because of age, health, mental or physical disability, in combination with environmental or weather conditions, or is believed to be unable to return to safety without assistance.
I think the last sentence of your post is the most relevant. He couldn’t return to safety without assistance. To me, they changed status when absolutely clear this was not a walk away. That is my interpretation.

amateur opinion and speculation
Missing endangered person means a person with a developmental disability as defined in RCW 71A.10.020(4) or a vulnerable adult as defined in RCW 74.34.020(17),

This is the definition (BBM) provided by the Dallas CBS affiliate when reporting on Marisela Botella who is also classified as "Endangered Missing:"

"Endangered missing,” means law enforcement suspects the missing person is endangered or the victim of criminal activity.

1 Month After Marisela Botello Last Seen In Deep Ellum, Detectives Change Status To 'Endangered Missing'
This is the definition (BBM) provided by the Dallas CBS affiliate when reporting on Marisela Botella who is also classified as "Endangered Missing:"

"Endangered missing,” means law enforcement suspects the missing person is endangered or the victim of criminal activity.

1 Month After Marisela Botello Last Seen In Deep Ellum, Detectives Change Status To 'Endangered Missing'

Thanks, I forgot to also mention that entry. (Source: lawinsider)

Missing endangered person means a missing child, a missing adult younger than 26 years of age. The definition also includes a missing adult 26 years of age or older who is suspected by a law enforcement agency of being endangered or the victim of criminal activity.
Does the timing of the status of the DPD case classification coincide with the general time lapse it would take his family to get the phone records for Alan's cellphone by chance?

Something is and has been tinking around in my thoughts but I can't trigger it still. There is a slight change that will hit me as soon as I see it but I can't find the words to explain what I think! MOO

Something that falls in place with the oddities involved so far. The nonchalant awareness he seemed to have at the RaceTrac. Pump #1 then Pump #2. The lack of urgency to get back inside the car and mess with his cellphone. Like I've said before, it feels as if he is making an effort to be seen on CCTV at the same time as whatever was happening on the phone for proof? of his location and leave no doubt that it was HIM who texted, called, hung up on the person on the other end, or sent an email.

Something had to have been written or typed by AW left for RJ upon his return home from the gym that morning. Or was sent/faxed etc. exactly at the time stamped video location from JW to RJ and maybe more people.

Does anyone have any references to other cases you can give me to go research where the missing persons family is responsible for releasing the CCTV footage to the media for the public to view? Why or how often do the family's of other missing people have to go to the phone provider and attempt to obtain the cellphone logs themselves?

The fact that the family seemingly is either left on their own and unassisted by DPD to do the investigating doesn't sit well with me IMO.
So does that mean they took it upon themselves to get what they could and ?

I don't know! It's right on the tip of my tongue/brain! Help me out please y'all. Something isn't sitting right.
What if the family thinks Alan is vulnerable to something? Self harm, an addiction, etc.
They obviously want the police involved but might not necessarily want a lot of publicity because that could make the situation worse.
I don't know what they are going through, so I'm not going to judge their actions or lack of actions.
If he's voluntarily missing and eventually located, I'm sure there would be some statement from the police that the case is closed but no details necessarily made public.
What if the family thinks Alan is vulnerable to something? Self harm, an addiction, etc.
They obviously want the police involved but might not necessarily want a lot of publicity because that could make the situation worse.
I don't know what they are going through, so I'm not going to judge their actions or lack of actions.
If he's voluntarily missing and eventually located, I'm sure there would be some statement from the police that the case is closed but no details necessarily made public.
I think the oddest thing to me is how long it took to go from missing to MSM news. If I remember it right it was 3 days. Since that time, I wish they would have created a Facebook page.

I also imagine that it could be frightening not knowing how or why he is missing. I personally would be afraid for my own safety if it happened to my spouse. I would wonder why and are they coming for me next, or what was it related to. So, for those reasons, I don't expect a lot. I do think there is plenty of info we do not know.... or maybe that is just wishful thinking.

<modsnip: No approved link to info stated as fact>
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Something that falls in place with the oddities involved so far. The nonchalant awareness he seemed to have at the RaceTrac. Pump #1 then Pump #2. The lack of urgency to get back inside the car and mess with his cellphone. Like I've said before, it feels as if he is making an effort to be seen on CCTV at the same time as whatever was happening on the phone for proof? of his location and leave no doubt that it was HIM who texted, called, hung up on the person on the other end, or sent an email

Very interesting take on the 'scene' at RaceTrac. Now that you mention it, going into the store, not buying anything, lurking at the pumps..
Need to ponder a bit more on that.
Very interesting take on the 'scene' at RaceTrac. Now that you mention it, going into the store, not buying anything, lurking at the pumps..
Need to ponder a bit more on that.
IMO there was a unmentioned reason that his husband RJ was panicking as soon as he was. Driving the route that AW would have taken, calling hospitals and so worried by 7am. Something wasn't right by the time the husband returned to their home from his workout MOO. I feel as if there may have been a handwritten note from AW left as the two men went out their door that morning around 4ish am.

Or something/someone happened by the time he got back home to cause RJ's sudden panicking. If it was a kidnapping situation and a ransom note, call or message was sent that would definitely cause RJ to be scared and freak out, searching for his car broke down or in an accident nearby.

Either something from a unknown actor or by AW himself set the alarm bells off with an urgency that morning IMHO.

I'm perusing the DPD and Texas State Statues on proper procedure for handling a missing persons report when one is filed. Want to locate initially and what is required by our state laws to fan out in hopes of locating the missing person.
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