GUILTY TX - Alanna Gallagher, 6, Saginaw, 1 July 2013 - #10

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I doubt they had an initial search warrant for TH because if they did, IMO, they wouldn't have been digging through his street-side garbage for red duct tape.

I think they felt like he might be a strong lead because his name kept popping up in their initial interviews with several neighbors as either someone on the street with a strong creep factor, or as someone they saw 'pacing the sidewalk' (odd!) the day she went missing. I know I keep bringing up the same case, (Jorelys Rivera/Ryan Brunn) but it's one I followed closely beginning to end and one that is similar to this case. Well in initial interviews, and secondary interviews, Ryan Brunn's name kept popping up. Not as someone they witnessed abducting Jorelys, but that he just was someone they noticed having a 'creep' factor, and that he'd had some odd behaviors they noticed right after she went missing.

So they knew this guy was one to watch on neighborhood consensus creepy factor. They knew they had a largeish sized men's belt. They likely knew already that the ME had definitely found sperm cells in the swab they took from Alanna. (Sperm cells, even when dead, look very specific under a microscope). They already knew there was animal hair in the tarp. I'm thinking the ME could tell them it was dog hair pretty quickly as well.

So they had a neighborhood bully/creep, that many on the street are afraid of/don't want their kids near, he's male (sperm producing), has a dog or more than one dog, and either has a largish waist line, or has someone in the house with a largish waistline.

Then I think they just went with the "Hey, we're just taking swabs (and combings of pets) of everyone on the street." (They DO do that, and most people are happy to comply) He knows he'll look suspicious if he fights getting the swab, so he complies.

I think that while they're swabbing him and combing the dogs, they're just off-hand interviewing him, "So hey, did you see anything suspicuious when this little girl went missing? Were YOU home when she went missing? Oh, you were out looking for a job? Not fishing? Hmmm."

I think the original plan yesterday was to serve his arrest warrant to him AND the first search warrant to his mom. All this is just MOO!
ETA: Also it was mentioned in the probable cause document that TH was telling people the identity of the person in the bag before they had actually identified her.

I agree. I'm just wondering if they didn't have a warrant because:
1. They couldn't get one?
2. Because they didn't want to tip their hand or have the warrant published

LDhummingbird?? Just curious. I recall you not feeling comfortable telling us how you knew her clothes hadn't been recovered. I also recall you being vague about what time Alanna was last seen (which frankly resulted in quite a bit of heat from the public, ie. the outraged cry, "how could MM not know when she was last seen!" ).

So, my question for you is, were you protecting the investigation? Good for you.

I also wonder if poor Alanna's family knew her COD and that she was sexually assaulted long before yesterday. I wonder if you knew some of that too.

Hugs to you for all you've done.
They needed probable cause to search his house. Mother likely already had a lawyer, since she refers press to her lawyer.
They went through his trash. They couldn't do anything more legally.

They did not just go there on a hunch, courtesy call, they could have done exactly same type of search that they did to the parents home, or at least more than 30 minutes.
It said on his fb he went to a private high school.
Also if they know his car never LEFT, then they also know who went in and who came out. They must have seen Alanna go in the house , lured, by force or however she did and they also must have seen him come out with her later. Right?

No they said his car never left Babbling Brook Drive. They have surveillance camera's at either end of the street to know this. Not directly outside his house.
Was talking about when they originally got his DNA as well as his four dogs, that alone probably took up the 30 minutes, surely if they felt at that time that it was the crime scene, they would have spent more time on their initial visit, whether they had an actual SW which I am sure they did, not just asking permission from mom, not like this was a minor crime they were investigating.

I know, two doors down, hard to imagine they only spent 30 minutes there if they felt they were indeed inside the crime scene.

Police are back there today.
I am pretty sure they were going to spend more time there yesterday but couldn't because of the shootings.

Surely they were protecting the investigation. They did not have a warrant on the 5th when they stayed 30 minutes. Even if they strongly suspected him, they could only do what he or mom agreed to do that day. My thought is they deliberately went in without a warrant so they didn't let on how MUCH they suspected him.

I think given the report of the missing tarp, they may have had enough for a search warrant, but elected not to get one, so as to play the "routine check" card.

Those who know more about search warrants: did they have enough for a judge to give a search warrant on July 5th?
Excellent summary. Thank you.

And thank you for letting us know that we were not crazy about the video,

I was so sure she said 5 PM was,when she saw her. Maybe that was when they returned home? So hard to know.

It seems to me that I always do not document the important pieces of information.

If those cars were in the hood around 12-3, based on shadows, it seems like they would have been there at the crime.

He took her around 2:30 and she was found around 7. Not good.

The 5pm stuck in my mind too so it must have been mentioned. At the time it was early in the investigation (from memory) and there was so many rumours and details it's difficult to pinpoint what was said exactly without reference, and as you know we searched a lot for that reference with no success. That is what leads me to believe it was either 1, an unverified local with rumour, and was deleted or 2. It was MSM that was quickly pulled.

Re the cars, I think you are right and I think they/or one are significant and we will know why pretty soonish. All MOO.
He doesn't seem like the brightest bulb in the box for sure.

I was wondering if perhaps this is the kind of neighborhood where many people ( before this happened) leave their keys in their cars and their cars unlocked?

he was known to walk the streets day and night. He would know this. He could have went the back way... Behind his house.

A little strange he didn't use his own car, considering the mountain of evidence he left behind all over Alanna.
With all due respect, a simple glance at mom's FB would have revealed gun photos as well as a family member with an AR-15.

Why on earth would LE arrive there yesterday so lackadaisical, even possibly warning neighbors in advance, (if true) who could have then warned the suspect.
ITA. If they had video of the child going to his house they wouldn't even need to wait for DNA tests to make an arrest.

I also agree. Here's why, and some other thoughts I've been chewing since last night:

1. one camera (the one pics were released from, at least as much as we've figured out here), is from the house north of TH & AG; the other is on the south end of same street; since she went to and last seen at house in-between, I think it's unlikely she is on either of these videos

2. in so far as whether LE is, essentially, playing games w/ some of the info (for example, whether they are concealing TH death, was he really shot in chin, do they really think there is 2nd party/accomplice)........

I'll admit that there have been times in the past few weeks I thought LE were clueless, not allowing public to help, and this was going cold. Thank God I was SO wrong. But really, the only times they've "played" is by simply withholding info. It seems like everything they HAVE shared - whether via Ing's statements or what MSM has reported - has been pretty accurate.

Therefore, I absolutely believe they are looking for "at least one more" (as NBC5 reported last night) suspect. Saying "at least one more" and knowing there are two different suspicious vehicles makes me wonder if there aren't still two people with some involvement in this, whether they knew it at the time or not (but if they didn't know it at the time, I'd think they realized shortly thereafter?).

I think TH probably was shot in the chin. Let's keep in mind these guys & gals were there to arrest & search - not execute - and they are trained to do so. (Yeah, it was in the HEAD - maybe an officer off to the side?). I furthermore believe (unfortunately) that he is still alive. The only good that can come from that (IMO) is he starts talking and turns over whoever helped him.

Anyway, all of this just to say that I have to hand it to LE on this one, and I therefore absolutely believe the search for more suspects/accomplices/whatever is absolutely legit. They might withhold info to keep an advantage in solving this, but I think what they are putting out is legit.

(Well, w/ the exception of "Saginaw & surrounding communities perfectly safe", but I'll give them a pass on that very early statement because I don't think they may have fully realized what this was going to become at the time).
I agree. I'm just wondering if they didn't have a warrant because:
1. They couldn't get one?
2. Because they didn't want to tip their hand or have the warrant published

Hmmm. I think it could go either way. I think they may have applied for a search warrant and were told by a judge, "You need more than a big waistline, that he's creepy to the neighbors and he has pets with hair and used to have a tarp in his backyard." So they went to TH and played the "we're just swabbing everyone to rule things out" route.

But I could see them knowing (on their own, or with FBI and Rangers' guidance) they should have more before they go to a judge, and that there are things they can often get with simple cooperation.

So, to conclude, I'm :fence: and clearly no help in causing you to lean one way or the other!

I just remembered (after re-reading that affidavit) that the officer who filed the report was VERY aware of his surroundings and well done on listening to his instincts to take specific notice of TH (that he was standing across the street staring at Alanna's house).
It seems to me LE could have more safely apprehended the suspect by surprising him.
It's idiots like this guy who give medical marijuana a bad name. JMO.
If any car came to pick him up, LE would have seen it too.

Hence the cars they want info on.

Was talking about when they originally got his DNA as well as his four dogs, that alone probably took up the 30 minutes, surely if they felt at that time that it was the crime scene, they would have spent more time on their initial visit, whether they had an actual SW which I am sure they did, not just asking permission from mom, not like this was a minor crime they were investigating.

If they searched without an actual warrant anything discovered would be inadmissible.

It said on his fb he went to a private high school.
Also if they know his car never LEFT, then they also know who went in and who came out. They must have seen Alanna go in the house , lured, by force or however she did and they also must have seen him come out with her later. Right?

No. It doesn't appear the videos show his actual home.

They did not just go there on a hunch, courtesy call, they could have done exactly same type of search that they did to the parents home, or at least more than 30 minutes.

That not correct. Legally speaking they could not, without permission or a warrant. Strategically speaking it would be folly to tip their hand before DNA results came back by asking permission to search: "No and now I know for sure u are looking at me (or my son) so I'm going to hide evidence."

Surely they were protecting the investigation. They did not have a warrant on the 5th when they stayed 30 minutes. Even if they strongly suspected him, they could only do what he or mom agreed to do that day. My thought is they deliberately went in without a warrant so they didn't let on how MUCH they suspected him.

I think given the report of the missing tarp, they may have had enough for a search warrant, but elected not to get one, so as to play the "routine check" card.

Those who know more about search warrants: did they have enough for a judge to give a search warrant on July 5th?

I do not believe so.
Strange turn of events with a police officer shot by the suspect, Tyler Holder. Another strange aspect is that there could be a second suspect in the murder of Alanna Gallagher.
If they searched without an actual warrant anything discovered would be I admissible.

Not if mom gave permission, not exactly sure what is meant here, (would be I admissible)

But everything I posted was assuming they either had a warrant or permission.
It's idiots like this guy who give medical marijuana a bad name. JMO.

Right ! I have no problem with folks smoking weed. I don't myself but I don't care if people do and I think it should be legalized. But that he has nothing to do except smoke indicates a total loser. If you sit home all day alone smoking weed and taking pics of you smoking weed then you're kind of a lame excuse for a person. If he had pics of friends and places he's visited and things he's done and family and friends and his new bike he saved up for and ONE pic of him smoking weed, I think we would all feel a little different. Dude's got no life but weed it seems.
When is trash pickup for this neighborhood?

Did anyone answer this for you? It is Monday. The same day Alanna was killed. And IIRC, it was picked up late (afternoon, not morning) in the area her body was left.
It seems to me LE could have more safely apprehended the suspect by surprising him.

I certainly don't think he (or the neighbor, I don't believe her interview but that's another post) was warned. It's reported that he rarely left the house the past few weeks (apparently only to attend vigils and promote a neighborhood watch). Other than waiting for him to come out and then pounce on him, how else were they going to serve a warrant?

More likely he's been knowing this was coming since he submitted to the buccal swab and acted out another one of his F'd up fantasies. From what I've read he started shooting within seconds of answering the door: this wasn't a reaction to anything - he planned to do this from the beginning and just like poor AG, was only waiting for that opportunity of a few seconds to do so.
Yes, I can't help but think that those pics were taken by someone else, and that person would be high on my list of potential accomplices. I agree with so many others that the body had to be moved by vehicle and LE has claimed that his car didn't budge. I have to believe that if the person providing the car was completely innocent, they would have spilled to LE as soon as they heard about the murder ("Hey, maybe there's nothing to this, but TH called me and borrowed my car to run an errand about the time of the murder," or "Gee, right around then, I helped TH dump the body of a dog in a neighborhood near his for trash pickup.").

But that makes this case much scarier to me, and it was already plenty scary. There are so many people in the world; some of them are broken enough to commit horrible crimes like this. But not many. Were two people really actively involved in this crime? I find that extra scary. Or did someone love him enough to help cover up this type of crime? Also extra scary.

Were there really two people who were at least fully knowledgeable about this crime, or perhaps both actively involved? Wow. Have there been any other cases with 2 perps like this?

Maybe if TH weren't as dumb as a post, I might believe he could con someone into helping him if they didn't know the details of what he had done ("It was an accident! She was standing behind my car and I pulled out and ran her over!"). But I don't think he could pull that off (and it also assumes that a mostly-innocent helper wouldn't spill to LE after more details of the murder came out).

TH, being dumb as a post, might have friends who are just as dumb and therefore easily duped into helping him dispose of poor Alanna, being led to believe there was nothing sinister in the tarp. IMO, of course. And if I were that second person, I would not be turning myself in. I'd be hoping TH died without revealing my identity.
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