GUILTY TX - Alanna Gallagher, 6, Saginaw, 1 July 2013 - #3

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Glad you called that it.

Besides thinking he could possibly be the perp, your post made my mind start wondering if he could have found this wrapped package in someone's trash and discarded it in a rush when he found out what he had.

Would cadaver dogs hit if taken all through the neighborhood?

I did not think of that happening, that would certainly scare the daylights out of someone. You would think they
would turn themselves in but maybe not if they have a record or something.
I just hope they find the monster soon, I do not feel like the kids in the area are safe until they do.
Glad you called that it.

Besides thinking he could possibly be the perp, your post made my mind start wondering if he could have found this wrapped package in someone's trash and discarded it in a rush when he found out what he had.

Would cadaver dogs hit if taken all through the neighborhood?

Just mentioning again that it was trash day in that area. But it seems like (unless the timeline is wrong) trash pickup would have happened in the early morning. Maybe a local can confirm.
Hope today is the day that the perp is found! :please:
as was mentioned earlier, i think it eases a parents fear factor to judge. i can say, " well MY daughter would never be in wal mart with a rso, therefore shes safe from rso's..." or, "i would never let my 6 yr old roam the neighborhood, so that would never happen to MY kid!"

fact is, we would like to think we can protect our kids from everything. i know i try, and while i dont want to admit it, there are opportunities every day for any of my kids to die. i prtotect as much as possible, often to their dismay.

More opportunity to snatch a child that roams the neighborhood by him or herself than a child who is under supervision.
More opportunity to snatch a child that roams the neighborhood by him or herself than a child who is under supervision.

That is true but a child can be snatched from their bed while we sleep so how safe is safe enough ?
I saw a statistics that said 300 children were the victims of stereotypical abductions every year in the 80s/early 90s. Today, that number is down to 115. And yes, I 100% believe that the number has decreased significantly. For one thing, we have 1/2 the number of overall homicides today compared to 25 years ago, so it would make sense that child abductions (many of whom lead to murder) would also decrease. Two, back in those days, many parents let their children ride their bikes or walk to different places, and that doesn't happen today. Three, As an active member of WS, I very rarely hear about stereotypical abductions. I don't think I heard of one case where a predator abducted and killed a child between Jessica R and Cherish P. I am going to assume any such case would have some record of it online, and it would be posted here. Also, have you noticed that when many of us reference these types of cases, we mention cases from 10+, even 20+ years ago?
I saw a statistics that said 300 children were the victims of stereotypical abductions every year in the 80s/early 90s. Today, that number is down to 115. And yes, I 100% believe that the number has decreased significantly. For one thing, we have 1/2 the number of overall homicides today compared to 25 years ago, so it would make sense that child abductions (many of whom lead to murder) would also decrease. Two, back in those days, many parents let their children ride their bikes or walk to different places, and that doesn't happen today. Three, As an active member of WS, I very rarely hear about stereotypical abductions. I don't think I heard of one case where a predator abducted and killed a child between Jessica R and Cherish P. I am going to assume any such case would have some record of it online, and it would be posted here. Also, have you noticed that when many of us reference these types of cases, we mention cases from 10+, even 20+ years ago?

Out of interest, do you know how the crime stats have changed over this period for sexual assaults and violent offences against children? (including those committed by relatives and people known to the child?)
I know that crime reporting will have changed over this period with more people coming forward after abuse and that the way crimes are recorded/categorised may have changed as well. I'd be good to have an idea how this has changed (at least according to the records) in the US.
More opportunity to snatch a child that roams the neighborhood by him or herself than a child who is under supervision.

oh, absolutely. but really, say you leave your 6 yr old outside long enough to run n and pee... that's long enough for someone to snatch them and be gone. ive recently allowed my 13 yr old to ride his bike half a mile to the store... with his phone... i tell myself he has to have some freedom, but inside im in a panic until he's home... regardless of what le says, nowhere is safe. the only crime where i live is bored kids breaking in to cars... but i dont want to be the headline...

my favorite parenting quote: the days are long but the years are short. ive worried endlessly a out my kids since each positive pregnancy test. my oldest is 20, i still worry. i will be the first to say my toddler has constant supervision, but just last night he climbed up and got to a bottle of glitter, and its now ALLover my house... he could have got something dangerous... life changing events often only take a few seconds.
oh, absolutely. but really, say you leave your 6 yr old outside long enough to run n and pee... that's long enough for someone to snatch them and be gone. ive recently allowed my 13 yr old to ride his bike half a mile to the store... with his phone... i tell myself he has to have some freedom, but inside im in a panic until he's home... regardless of what le says, nowhere is safe. the only crime where i live is bored kids breaking in to cars... but i dont want to be the headline...

my favorite parenting quote: the days are long but the years are short. ive worried endlessly a out my kids since each positive pregnancy test. my oldest is 20, i still worry. i will be the first to say my toddler has constant supervision, but just last night he climbed up and got to a bottle of glitter, and its now ALLover my house... he could have got something dangerous... life changing events often only take a few seconds.

Since you can't guarantee 100 % safety, why even try? I don't think this is a convincing argument.
I live in Tarrant co. I just got back in town and caught up on this horrible, heartbreaking case. I'm locking my doors and not taking any chances with my kids, this scares me to death.

I did call a tip in re: the red truck, it may be nothing but several times on trash day I have seen a red, older model truck with green and blue paint on it driving in my neighborhood. I last saw him the first week of June. I got a very good look at the driver as he was digging in my neighbors trash, I made direct eye contact with him and he just stared at me, no wave or smile. I just wish I could have seen his license plate

Interesting as a few posters have wondered about when "trash day"is in Alanna's area. Add to that the idea that this could be an unplanned crime of opportunity...
Interesting as a few posters have wondered about when "trash day"is in Alanna's area. Add to that the idea that this could be an unplanned crime of opportunity...

Could very well be an unplanned crime of opportunity. Possibly somebody saw a child running around alone and took the opportunity. The way the body was disposed doesn't suggest a lot of planning to me.
That is true but a child can be snatched from their bed while we sleep so how safe is safe enough ?

Did you by chance follow the CA case where the little girl was taken from her bedroom at night? In MSM comments there was a lot of blaming of the parents. This was a random perp that broke in their home and took her.

The father finally commented back on MSM. The hurt and frustration that he had to endure on top of what happened to the daughter was a real eye opener.

Families do read what people say and it can be very hurtful. There is a local cold case in my community. The family moved to another state after their daughter was brutally murdered. They could not handle the way the community treated them on top of loosing their daughter. This happened in 1988 and the family just recently moved back. They were trying to enjoy a meal the other night and a couple at another table were pointing and talking about who they were and the circumstances. The father posted this on a MSM support page. It made the parents feel awful and he felt it was a mistake that they moved back home. I feel so bad for what these parents have to endure on top of the most awful thing a parent could ever possibly experience.
Out of interest, do you know how the crime stats have changed over this period for sexual assaults and violent offences against children? (including those committed by relatives and people known to the child?)
I know that crime reporting will have changed over this period with more people coming forward after abuse and that the way crimes are recorded/categorised may have changed as well. I'd be good to have an idea how this has changed (at least according to the records) in the US.

There were 2883 children (under 18) murdered in 1993. There were 1187 children (under 18) killed in 2011.

This is page has a lot of information about crimes against children, but the last year it has statistics for is '97:
That is true but a child can be snatched from their bed while we sleep so how safe is safe enough ?

and a whole family can be killed by an intruder when they are "safe" inside their house...
Since you can't guarantee 100 % safety, why even try? I don't think this is a convincing argument.

I am not arguing, I very much agree with the fact that a kid running loose is far more likely to be snatched than the kid who has mom in the yard. And for every bit of supervision, youre preventing potential harm. My only point is that $#:! happens often, and its comforting to judge other parents in an attempt to reassure ourselves that our children are safe.
In no way am I insinuating the parents should pay consequences BUT ... letting a barely six-year old roam the neighborhood unchecked and without older siblings around I think is absolutely ridiculous and asking for trouble. I'm sure this isn't the 'politically correct' thing to say BUT ... I think it's the epitome of irresponsibility to let a child that young be allowed that kind of freedom??? It's ridiculous.

I think they are paying the ultimate consequence and I hope they never find this thread.
oh, absolutely. but really, say you leave your 6 yr old outside long enough to run n and pee... that's long enough for someone to snatch them and be gone. ive recently allowed my 13 yr old to ride his bike half a mile to the store... with his phone... i tell myself he has to have some freedom, but inside im in a panic until he's home... regardless of what le says, nowhere is safe. the only crime where i live is bored kids breaking in to cars... but i dont want to be the headline...

my favorite parenting quote: the days are long but the years are short. ive worried endlessly a out my kids since each positive pregnancy test. my oldest is 20, i still worry. i will be the first to say my toddler has constant supervision, but just last night he climbed up and got to a bottle of glitter, and its now ALLover my house... he could have got something dangerous... life changing events often only take a few seconds.

Once we become parents, we are parents for life.
I wonder, if something were to happen to my son, how qui kly would i be judged? i let him ride to the store. hes always back in 15, 20 min.

what would ppeople say? im a loser for allowing him a bit of freedom?
Did you by chance follow the CA case where the little girl was taken from her bedroom at night? In MSM comments there was a lot of blaming of the parents. This was a random perp that broke in their home and took her.

The father finally commented back on MSM. The hurt and frustration that he had to endure on top of what happened to the daughter was a real eye opener.

Families do read what people say and it can be very hurtful. There is a local cold case in my community. The family moved to another state after their daughter was brutally murdered. They could not handle the way the community treated them on top of loosing their daughter. This happened in 1988 and the family just recently moved back. They were trying to enjoy a meal the other night and a couple at another table were pointing and talking about who they were and the circumstances. The father posted this on a MSM support page. It made the parents feel awful and he felt it was a mistake that they moved back home. I feel so bad for what these parents have to endure on top of the most awful thing a parent could ever possibly experience.

Yep! There are not enough safety precautions in the world to keep every child safe. That is just a fact. If you take every precaution and never let your child out of your sight, guess what you 'll have ? A scared, panicky , anxious adult who's afraid of life outside their door ! So do you take the chance and let them live a bit ?
I breathed this big sigh of relief when my kids became teens and thought a lot of the childhood dangers had passed. Guess what ? My son had 3 wrecks in his car within SIX weeks of getting his driver's license. Do I tell my younger child who's 15 now she cannot drive ever because obviously driving causes wrecks? I mean, it's the same thing, just equate it to predators. Do you remove your child's LIFE experience because some kids get kidnapped? Do you remove their ability to swim in summer because some kids drown ? Can they go on an airplane? You know one crashed yesterday and I'm sure there are tons of ' cancellations' today , right?

OT but not really . When I was in school a girl that I knew had a horrible accident on a trampoline. She was out of school for many days and when she came back her whole face was still black from it. Five years later in high school, she still had black circles under both eyes from the accident. It was a sort of permanent bruise or maybe ruined blood vessels, idk what. Before this my mom was a ' do not ever jump on a trampoline, they're way too dangerous' type of lady. We never did that I can remember. But after seeing this girl's face I , myself, was like trampolines are from the DEVIL. I'd never go on one. Then I had kids and would you know a neighbor got a trampoline :(..... my son begged and begged and I let him go. I could not watch him jump because my heart stopped but I let him go and do it because kids NEED to jump on a flipping trampoline in their life. That's living, that's childhood. It HAS to be done. After some months , my panic subsided and he just went over and jumped a lot with 3 or 4 boys at a time ! Can you believe? Well, you know what comes next? He broke his foot ........ on the trampoline . Orthopedic we went to said almost all of their injuries are from trampolines and he and many other ortho's wished they would outlaw them. That's a dangerous thing ! Rambling... I'm so sorry . But some risks have to be taken in order for a child to live a full life. Imagine losing your child and looking back and thinking they never go to ...... jump, run, play , swim, fly, etc. because I was too scared to let them and ends up they got some random cause of death that I could not prevent anyway and I squashed their short lifetime out of my own fear . Sorry for the rambling.

Beginner's Luck this is in NO way directed at your post, just a random quasi rant that I hope is eye opening for some :)
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