Recovered/Located TX - Alexis Cavazos, 16, last seen leaving her job, Dallas, 7 Feb 2021

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Respectfully, I came away with the exact opposite feeling about the dad when I watched the video posted by @indicolite22 . I felt like Lexi's dad was an amazing advocate for his (likely runaway) daughter. Maybe because I have a just-turned-17 year old daughter. Even if she went "voluntarily" there is a huge chance she isn't in a safe situation - I'm going to guess groomed by an older adult. I think her dad is amazing and I wish every since child/teen on WS had a parent that advocated for their missing child the way her dad did. 16 is a hard age, the brain isn't fully developed - especially the frontal cortex - the decision-making part. And a bad decision could have turned out so much worse.

Plus, it appears it was a kinship adoption so there may already be some early life trauma (MOO!). This might make her especially vulnerable and vulnerable teens groomed by older men often wind up in a trafficking-type situation. All in all I'm so happy she is home.

ETA - I didn't find monitoring her cell or apps to be overly controlling or intrusive (unlike Maddie Bell). She clearly had the freedom to work outside her home and he went to bed before she got in. I think in this day and age, if you don't monitor your teens online activities, to some extent, it's negligent.

Thank you. Lexi is doing better and she is getting lots of help in a safe place. I fought to save my daughter and would do it again. Yes, she is my biological niece adopted from CPS 7 years ago. I am happy to answer respectful questions if it helps find/save other kids. God bless you all. ❤️
Thank you. Lexi is doing better and she is getting lots of help in a safe place. I fought to save my daughter and would do it again. Yes, she is my biological niece adopted from CPS 7 years ago. I am happy to answer respectful questions if it helps find/save other kids. God bless you all. ❤️
Thank you for the post and update. Glad to hear your daughter is doing better. Well wishes to you and your family!
Thank you. Lexi is doing better and she is getting lots of help in a safe place. I fought to save my daughter and would do it again. Yes, she is my biological niece adopted from CPS 7 years ago. I am happy to answer respectful questions if it helps find/save other kids. God bless you all. ❤️
I am so very glad Lexi is accounted for and in a safe place. I hope that she, you, and any & all close family and friends are able to find peace and normalcy in your days ahead.
Thank you. Lexi is doing better and she is getting lots of help in a safe place. I fought to save my daughter and would do it again. Yes, she is my biological niece adopted from CPS 7 years ago. I am happy to answer respectful questions if it helps find/save other kids. God bless you all. ❤️
You did everything just right Dad!! Happy to hear Lexi is safe, you owe none of us an explanation. Yet here you are, willing to discuss for the benefit of others.
Best wishes to you and your family!
So how is Lexi feeling about life. Moo seems this blew up way bigger and more public than Lexi expected. I do feel sad for her lose of privacy. Moo
Thank you. Lexi is doing better and she is getting lots of help in a safe place. I fought to save my daughter and would do it again. Yes, she is my biological niece adopted from CPS 7 years ago. I am happy to answer respectful questions if it helps find/save other kids. God bless you all. ❤️
Just wanted to say I am so happy she is safe and getting any help she needs. You are truly a wonderful father and have my up most respect for how you fought to save Lexi . I wish your family all the happiness for the future.
Thank you. Lexi is doing better and she is getting lots of help in a safe place. I fought to save my daughter and would do it again. Yes, she is my biological niece adopted from CPS 7 years ago. I am happy to answer respectful questions if it helps find/save other kids. God bless you all. ❤️
I am so glad for all of you, Lexi most of all. Good luck with everything. Parenting teens is not for the faint-hearted!
So how is Lexi feeling about life. Moo seems this blew up way bigger and more public than Lexi expected. I do feel sad for her lose of privacy. Moo
Loss of privacy is a small price to pay for getting her home safely, IMO. Someday when she is a parent, she will understand. Also, many have said that her case didn't get the coverage that it should have, so perhaps the loss of privacy isn't as great as it might have been for others.
It is absolutely understandable that you think this way God bless you but it is just not remotely accurate, statistically. Yes, teenage girls are usually with older "men" in their late teens or early 20s but nearly always they are also more or less sincerely trying to play house with her. In cases of actual grooming with intent to traffic, the signs should be obvious that a girl is associating with criminal types and those kind of young men juggle lots of girls which should also be obvious to an involved parent. I don't really watch videos related to cases because I prefer to make factual evaluations rather than rely too much on my intuition especially where my posting on this site is concerned.

Not necessarily. In most states including Texas it is an affirmative defense to claim that you are interfering with custody of a minor who was fleeing the commission or attempted commission of family violence and the girl will almost always claim this to be the case. The definition of "attempted commission of family violence" is extremely vague and law enforcement has a lot of leeway to evaluate on a case by case basis where this is concerned.
Grooming isn’t always done with the intent of human trafficking - very often, young women or men are groomed by an older adult for their own sexual desires.
Grooming isn’t always done with the intent of human trafficking - very often, young women or men are groomed by an older adult for their own sexual desires.
What some people call "grooming" some others might call "dating". I think the letter of the law is the fairest way to judge people and the farthest I'm willing to stretch the term "grooming" is to show explicit intent to commit a crime. In states like Texas with a hard 18 age of consent even 18 year olds with 17 year old romantic partners are playing with fire if the issue gets pushed, unfortunately.

Nothing about this particular case has even suggested any sexual element though and considering we have actual parties to the case in the thread it's probably best not to even take the discussion there and rather to just leave it that she must have taken a bit of a mental health break and we're glad she's home and doing well.

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