Recovered/Located TX - Alexis Cavazos, 16, last seen leaving her job, Dallas, 7 Feb 2021

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Things her father should do, in my opinion, in case he hasn't already done so, is ensure that security footage is collected to determine how the car left the restaurant, which direction, and then get footage along the freeway/roads in that direction - follow the car as far as possible. Tracking all cell phones that were at the restaurant at the time she left should also be possible - police should be able to separate restaurant area cell numbers from freeway traffic. Check rental cars agencies within 100 miles for dark or black BMW or Mercedes with tinted windows on the day that she vanished and returned up to 3 days after she vanished. Ask friends whether she was excited about anything, or hinted about something. Mekayla Bali hinted to friends, but did not tell. There must be at least one clue to run with by now.
All excellent actions of course but as a parent of a missing child wouldn’t you expect the police would be doing such?
How does one ask for a business or Highway/ road footage? Do they make copies or let you view footage?
I’d think he’d run into a bit of resistance on his own
Hi all - Great news! The moderators approved sharing the video interview with Alexis’ father. It is an excellent straightforward video. I highly recommend it.
My heart goes out to this family!
Based on what her father reports, I’m shocked that the police aren’t treating this with more urgency. Seems like they should have surveillance footage from somewhere of that car for example.
during this interview at 12:32 mark it was commented that there was an argument/disturbance in the restaurant. When I first heard this video I was thinking someone may have left something behind and she was delivering it out back due to the front doors being locked at that point since they were closing. I'm not saying this is the case because I'm not so sure anymore but wanted to throw that out there. IMO
At [12:26} David Cavazos: "Correct (confirming that Alexis is never separated from her cell phone). We had some reports that we've been unable to confirm, that there was an argument that took place with a young gentleman inside Boomer Jack's, the evening of her disappearance. And so, in my mind, I'm thinking well it may be somebody saying come out and talk with me real quick, or just kind of hash something out; let's have a discussion. Did she maybe get in the car thinking she was going to have a discussion and then it didn't go the right direction, and they took off, or he took off? Or, was maybe, I even thought maybe she was told some information inside of the restaurant and said please go to the back, go outside, go to the vehicle? I mean, there's a lot of things that are happening to these young ladies to where I don't know. I, based on what I know about her, though, this is not something that I would ever, in a million years, anticipate that she would do willingly."
I'm on the fence with this one. She was working/ got a text/call and went out back and something happened OR if planned she purposely left her phone/purse/ID behind so she wasn't tracked down. Dad had a GPS of sorts on their phones so she could have left ALL behind so she wasn't tracked or she just ran out back to chat and all went bad. IDK. I can't bring up other stuff due to TOS. IMO
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during this interview at 12:32 mark it was commented that there was an argument/disturbance in the restaurant. When I first heard this video I was thinking someone may have left something behind and she was delivering it out back due to the front doors being locked at that point since they were closing. I'm not saying this is the case because I'm not so sure anymore but wanted to throw that out there. IMO

I'm not sure what to make of the vague altercation with a customer. Everyone who works in the hospitality industry has a bad customer from time to time. On the other hand, a confrontation at work doesn't translate well to stealth tinted window pick-up in the dark wearing sunglasses after work.
I'm on the fence with this one. She was working/ got a text/call and went out back and something happened OR if planned she purposely left her phone/purse/ID behind so she wasn't tracked down. Dad had a GPS of sorts on their phones so she could have left ALL behind so she wasn't tracked or she just ran out back to chat and all went bad. IDK. I can't bring up other stuff due to TOS. IMO
That does not explain why she would leave her purse behind.
All excellent actions of course but as a parent of a missing child wouldn’t you expect the police would be doing such?

How does one ask for a business or Highway/ road footage? Do they make copies or let you view footage?
I’d think he’d run into a bit of resistance on his own

The father said that although he had reported her missing within roughly 12 hours of last contact, it was roughly 48 hours before me met with an officer.

I'm basing 12 hours on - her father connected with Alexis at around 11:15 PM and she had a ride home. He told her he was going to sleep and woke up about 4 hours later to check his phone and saw that his messages to her were delivered, but not checked. That's 4 AM. He contacted her manager at that time, 4 AM, and roughly 4 hours later he connected with other employees. That's 8 AM. About 4 hours later, after dumpster diving, he called police, about noon on Feb 8.

It sounds like police have been very slow to respond or react even though everything about this sounds like luring.

Of course, he should ask police whether they have requested and collected CCTV footage. Since police waited so long to figure out which direction she travelled, police need to request footage in all directions for 100 miles. It would have been easier had police responded at noon on Feb 8, looked at footage and discovered which direction she traveled. That isn't something her father should do, but something that he should pay attention to.
Hi all. Regarding the rental car angle...Do car rental places typically rent out vehicles with tinted windows in Texas? I know they don't rent out vehicles with front windows tinted where I live, but that could just be due to the strict tint laws here. Since rental cars are used across many states, I wouldn't think rental agencies would keep inventory of vehicles that are illegal in some of the biggest markets. For someone to specify that the windows were tinted, especially at night, I'm picturing much less VLT% than the 70% required on front windows in California, for example.
Dad mentioned the unconfirmed argument or altercation with a "young gentleman" in Boomer Jack's, but was this argument with Alexis? I'm not sure if this had anything to do with Alexis leaving. Maybe it was just some guy who complained about his food or drink, and caused a scene. Dad may have speculated that it may have involved his daughter, because the argument happened the same night Alexis vanished.

I would think that by now the staff would have described what that was about.

I hope it wasn't some kind of diversion to take attention away from whatever was going to happen at the back door, or part of a plan to get Alexis outside.
I'd like to know how the male coworker (a cook) witnessed her leaving. If he was outside, he would have seen her enter the car. If inside, the door must have been open for long enough or he had to be standing close enough to it. Did she say goodbye to anyone? How many people already left by then? Being safety conscious and leaving together every night, wouldn't her coworkers be worried that she possibly left with a stranger? Unless she told them that a friend was picking her up that night.
Swannie mentions she left her purse behind. You might call it somthing different than I do. I would keep my ID in my purse.

If I understand the distinction correctly, and as a personal example, my mother had two wallets, which she could carry in a pocket (depending on wallet size and pocket size) or put in a purse. Sometimes she had a small wallet to carry if she wasn't driving.

at a restaurant, I would think that a purse would be stashed in a locker, or left in a car, and Alexis would carry around a wallet while working, in case she needed to use money or show ID or something. But depending on where these items were placed, I would speculate it was just a wallet.
Nothing ominous about a black BMW or Mercedes with tinted windows in Dallas. Black is probably the most popular color for luxury cars here.

My sister drives a black BMW with tinted windows and I'm pretty sure she's not a pimp lol.
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