TX TX - Amanda Goodman, 13, Brownwood, 16 May 1989

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Another oddly worded section:

"Crime scene photos show she had been "gingerly" laid out on the side of the road under a tree
with her purse and a notebook placed beside her. Her head was resting on a paper cup.

Photos also show that at some point after she was shot, her head had rested on the opened notebook."

BBM - Do you take this to mean that photos of blood evidence leads them to this conclusion? What a strange way to put it.


Reminded me of this

Crime scene photos show she had been "gingerly" laid out on the side of the road under a tree with her purse and a notebook placed beside her.
Her head was resting on a paper cup.

Shot, same color hair i believe.

Have not checked for his whereabouts around this time.

He may had been in prison though i am guessing.

Just wanted to post as i just thought of it.
Well I think it's clear it was someone she knew, the way she was placed and her wound was hidden. What a weird case...

The report says that the entry wound was in front of the left ear and the exit wound was above the right ear so how can the head be turned so that at least one of these wounds doesn't show?

The exit wound is usually bigger unless the muzzle of the gun was next to the head.
I think so too. Sounds more like an "execution" than a random killing to me. I wonder if she witnessed something she wasn't meant to see or hear and had to be silenced.

The "respect" shown to her body suggests that the killer either knew her, or her family ...... or certainly didn't have a casual air about doing it. The placing of her head on the cup in particular, shows a strange sort of care towards her. She wasn't just dumped at the side of the road.

Its a very strange case indeed.

Is it possible that her head is on the cup because the cup was already laying there on the ground (trash)?
Her knickname was "Sissy"... It's on her grave. My cousin is the assistant chief of police in Brownwood, and was on the force when this happened. I want to ask him for her case info, but I am afraid that would be overstepping boundries...

What about Terapon Adhahn? He had family in Ft. Worth and was moving around at the time. She wasn't sexually assaulted, but maybe this was his "training wheels" kill? Sounds like, right after this, he lost it and went on a bender and ended up raping his own sister...

I remember being told by a family freind (actually, I overheard it being told to my mother who was also on the force for a time) that she got into a maroon truck with a siler toolbox in the bed, the built-in kind...

It's been almost 25 years... She needs justice...

Family, Friends Held Candlelight Vigil for Brownwood Teenager Killed Decades Ago

Friends and family formed a circle and said a prayer before releasing balloons. They held the vigil at Coggin Park because it was where Goodman celebrated her 13th birthday, just one day before she was murdered.

If anyone has information, to call the Brownwood Police Department at (325) 646-2525.
The report says that the entry wound was in front of the left ear and the exit wound was above the right ear so how can the head be turned so that at least one of these wounds doesn't show?

The exit wound is usually bigger unless the muzzle of the gun was next to the head.

Victimology assessment has to be done, too random (though violence is never random), no sexual assault , no torture, no robbery, no apparent motive. No evidence of overkill or rage, (interpersonal violence), her body isn't hidden.

In this case, you need to delve into her personal life I feel that's where the answer lies . The WHY she was killed, will lead to the WHO

Most interesting would be anyone she has had problems with recently, anyone she was involved with , if there was ANY evidence of stalking behavior prior, or if anything has recently changed in her life.

It would also be pertinent to determine if she was the type of person who would get into a car with a stranger.

Trajectory is interesting as well in front of the left ear, exit wound is above the left ear. Indicates either the muzzle was on an angle, in front and slightly below or her head was on an angle (perhaps laying ) when she was shot.

Id be interested to know what the suspected range of the shot was through ballistics, primarily if there was evidence of a contact shot , or even close range, with burns and any stippling.

IF LE feels she got into a car with someone a firearm held in either the right or left hand of an occupant in the drivers side firing upon a person sitting in the passenger side of a vehicle could create such an angle .

The Muzzle would be below and slightly in front of the victim.

With no evidence other than an murder, we must ask what was the significance, of her death, WHAT purpose did her death serve?

-She wasn't sexually assaulted, with NO evidence of any sexual component to the murder

-There's no report of anything taken

-No evidence she fought with her killer

-She wasn't bound

-LE feels she got into a car with someone

-She was laid where LE feels she would be found even used the term "Gingerly"

-LE feels she was killed somewhere else, and dumped where she was found

-LE feels at one point either the notebook found covered her wound (I suspect it was used to cover her face)

The placement of her body, is interesting, as the article stated she was "gingerly" placed, even though she was obviously dead, her killer, didn't want to hurt her anymore, he (or she) wanted her to be found.

2 things really stand out , the statement that her head was turned so you couldn't see the wound (I'm assuming the exit wound because typically its larger and more graphic) and thaw Law enforcement felt the notebook, found next to her was used to cover her wound

If that's what indeed happened, that's indicative of what's called "undoing" a form of remorse for what the killer had done. He9She) didn't wasn't to see what they did to her, they didn't want her to rot away somewhere, without her family ever knowing what happened.

When you see this you start to look close. The person is often someone the victim knew.

Now , there's a thousand possibilities, that could come from that hence the importance, of the victimology assessment

Some possibilities:
-Jilted love
-Jealous rival (either directly or indirectly through a third party)
-Possible Stalker
-Personal involvement in something ( knew too much)
-Argument spinning out of control
-Even a simple accidental discharge of the weapon (carelessness) intentionally or unintentionally pointed in her direction!
The area of the wound, and the possible position in the car of the killer and of the victim makes me wonder if the gun was used to force her into the car, an argument ensued and she was killed by accident. The placement of the body certainly points to the killer being known to her.
The area of the wound, and the possible position in the car of the killer and of the victim makes me wonder if the gun was used to force her into the car, an argument ensued and she was killed by accident. The placement of the body certainly points to the killer being known to her.

Almost feels like their was some remorse/guilt for having killed her. IMO someone close to her, maybe out of anger. :twocents:
Amanda Goodman

This could have been a thrill kill. Probably someone local. I say local because the way the body was placed reminded of the two jane does found under the tree where Tims daughter was found I believe that is correct. And the killer had that crime in mind when they placed the body as it was found. This was probably all pre meditated including where to put her so she could be found from a simple search of the area. Gun used it was quick and lethal. Motive?? Nothing she had done to anyone that would cause them to kill her.. She was a young girl....They know the make and model of the firearm. Did they check local owners to bring in there guns to be tested?... DID they ask local residents whom own a fire arm to bring it in voluntarily for test. Any one report a gun stolen before the killing?..........

From reading the articles I would guess this was done by a local, young person between 18 and 21 that choose this person to kill because to them she was an easy target, and this person would not be suspected in her death. They say no sexual assault occurred, but that does not mean an attempt was not made or discussed with the victim. She was probably killed no long after leaving school. She made had gotten into a vehicle while walking home, voluntarily or forced. And perhaps not right after school she got into someones car as if they were waiting on her............I think she was abducted by a local that knew her indirectly, and was seen as she was walking home and he had her get in there vehicle and drove somewhere close to where she was found. Killed to keep quite. Probably wanted sex with her and she refused, or changed her mind and he killed her to keep quite.....................

May 16, 1989..........That was a Tuesday. School was out at 330PM that day. And she was found about an hour later around 425PM...........QUOTE FROM LINK ABOVE...On May 16, 1989, Amanda's body was discovered around 4:25 p.m. on the north side of Indian Creek Road nine miles south of Brownwood..END OF QUOTE.

Could have been someone came upon her as she was walking home not long after school let out. No one mentioned seeing her get into a vehicle, just the LEOS theory she may have after school let out. Since no witnesses came forward to say they SEEN her get in a vehicle I would guess they came upon her not long after she started walking home. Getting into a vehicle after school as if she knew the person, would tell us it was someone she knew in some form. But walking home would say could have been a stranger whom happened upon her............Anyways she was killed within the hour it appears after school and being found 9 miles away..............Quick kill. The killing was the motive, A thrill kill I would guess and not something she had done or anyone she knew had done something for them to take revenge against that person or persons by killing her...........

I am dropping the age of the suspect from 18 to 21 down to 16 to 19. Someone old enough to drive with at least a permit or valid license and having access to a gun similar used in the murder.

If I had to guess. I would say the killer at the time lived right there in that area where she was found. Murdered in the same area. It was done there so they could get home quickly without being discovered. I don't think they became a suspect because of there age at the time. Probably a juvenile.........A juvenile whom would be an adult now. I would look and see if any persons arrested over the past several years as an adult were a juvenile around the time the murder occurred and question them.

THANKYOU!!..........fOR the photo KateB
So, so sad that her mother has now passed away without this being solved. I have just been googling Amanda to see what information is available and read an article where Amanda' mother said she’s optimistic it will be solved in her lifetime.

Interesting quote from Sheriff Bobby Grubbs in the same article about a potential suspect:-

"He said he has a suspicion as to who murdered the girl, even though that person — a man — passed a polygraph. “I don’t have the facts to back up my suspicion,” Grubbs said. His suspicion is based on the man’s “close connections to the victim and his past history,” Grubbs said, declining to elaborate."


Another article notes that "There were several individuals questioned, and investigators used polygraph tests and even hypnosis to acquire information. Those questioned included a pastor, James Hampsey, who led the evangelical church the family belonged to."

:bump: Just reading about this cold case. So sad there are no new updates, her mom passed before getting an answer to - Who? and - Why? Amanda was a beautiful girl.
This if the first I had heard of this case. Heartbreaking. So many victims resting in tombs, awaiting justice. I don't know which is more heartbreaking...a victim in a tomb awaiting justice or a crime where the victim can't be located. So many broken hearts left behind to mourn, endlessly. Thanks for this post. I hope her killer is someday identified and prosecuted.
Brownwood is such a small town. I have always felt it was someone who knew the family. This might be a good cold case for Cold Justice. Is there any family left to show some interest?
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My second cousin, Bill Donahoo, was Brown County Sheriff at the time Amanda Goodman was killed. I also knew folks who were interviewed as possible witnesses who might have seen the truck driving down Indian Creek Road that day.

Years after he retired as Sheriff, I asked him if he thought he knew who killed Miss Goodman. His reply was that he suspected Ricky McGuinn, but couldn’t prove it. I know that while McGuinn was on death row for the rape and murder of his stepdaughter, he was interviewed about the Goodman case. According to Bill, when he asked McGuinn directly if he killed Ms. Goodman, the reply he got was “wouldn’t you just love me to say that” or something along those lines.

Nothing I have ever read or heard about the case gives any indication at all as to why Bill thought the way he did on the case, and he surely could have been wrong. I wish I could talk to him about it some more, but he passed away several years ago. I know it bothered him that the Goodman case was never solved.

Perhaps the current Sheriff’s office could provide an update.
One other thing to add is that many folks in Brownwood believed that Miss Goodman was killed to silence her because she somehow had information related to drug activity in town at the time. I don’t know how that would square with the theory that it was McGuinn, but that was a popular rumor at the time.
I’m a Brownwood native and remember when this happened. I was a few years younger than Amanda. As I recall, she lived a few doors down from my cousins. I work as a detective in the Houston area and I’ve always wondered about this case. Does anyone know or has anyone attempted to get any of the case files from BCSO or Brownwood PD?

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