TX TX - Amber Hagerman, 9, Arlington, 17 Jan 1996

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
saw the lifetime movie they did on her, what got me was that media waited until the 10 pm news when they could have broken into any program running at the time to show her picture. the fact that the guy was nearsided and could not see well he claimed it was black truck. in the movie they showed a navy blue almost black. i am wondering in the real case why did they not look at all black and dark navy blue trucks that looked black. the movie was based on the real deal so i am assuming the movie only checking black trucks was the same for the rea case
OK. So considering the source of the ellis county observers info, do we discredit it, or is there really something there? Is all of this stuff verifiable or was this guy just making stuff up? I know as far as his character is concerned, he is not trustworthy, but what if he really DID figure it out and was putting all the proof out there? So, he could get famous or something from solving such a huge cold case? Does anyone think despite who he is the information provided is still credible?

I've been following Alanna Gallagher's case and Amber has come up a few times, so I did a search and saw her thread isn't very active so *bump*.
Thinking of Amber. I have always wondered if a connection between her murder and the unsolved murder of Laura Smither from TX was ever looked at?
This link is to an article posted back in March of 2011 which mentions Arizona. Mikelle Biggs was taken from Mesa, AZ in January of 1999 while riding her bike also. I wonder if they were looking to connect the two.

Neither police department is discussing the exact nature of the evidence, but Ennis investigators confirm they've contacted police in Arizona, trying to reach a man who used to work in Arlington in the mid 90s.


AZ AZ - Mikelle Biggs, 11, Mesa, 2 Jan 1999 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
This link is to an article posted back in March of 2011 which mentions Arizona. Mikelle Biggs was taken from Mesa, AZ in January of 1999 while riding her bike also. I wonder if they were looking to connect the two.

Neither police department is discussing the exact nature of the evidence, but Ennis investigators confirm they've contacted police in Arizona, trying to reach a man who used to work in Arlington in the mid 90s.


AZ AZ - Mikelle Biggs, 11, Mesa, 2 Jan 1999 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Thank you for pointing this out. It's hard to exclude any possibility with what little we know. There were many kidnappings in AZ and murders as well (Brandy Meyers, Karen Grajeda, Shannon Aumock and Esther Galaz, just to name a few who vanished in a similar time frame). Dee Blalcok, a registered sex offender who lived a couple blocks from Mikelle. Police at one point cleared him, but his alibi was very shaky. Mikelle's father believes he knows what happened to his daughter.
Remembering Amber Hagerman Whose Death Saved Others
Posted by Gina Tenorio (Editor) , January 13, 2014 at 12:49 AM


Eighteen years ago, the abduction of a beautiful young girl with a toothy smile, shook the country and brought about a long overdue change.

Amber Hagerman was 9 when she was taken on Jan. 12, 1996 near her Arlington Texas home. It is little Amber’s kidnapping launched the Amber Alert system that bares her name and has since helped reunite dozens of abducted children with their families.


DPS Recognizes AMBER Alert Awarness Day
Monday marks AMBER Alert Awarness day, as the nation recognizes the 18th anniversary of the tragic kidnapping and murder of Amber Hagerman.
Alexandra Stone
01/13/2014 12:14 PM


Monday marks AMBER Alert Awarness day, as the nation recognizes the 18th anniversary of the tragic kidnapping and murder of Amber Hagerman.

Locally, Robin Frisk, an IT Specialist with TxDOT knows a thing or two about AMBER alerts.

"They contact me day or night, 24 hours a day, and I put the message on the signs as soon as they contact me," Frisk said.

She can update the signs at any hour, and it can even be done from her home.

I hope she will get justice someday. RIP Amber. Thank you for saving thousands of lives.
Amber's Story was on LMN again this afternoon.
I keep hoping that the reruns will trigger someone's mind into remembering a detail or clue which could result in finding Amber's killer. Maybe even remorse or a guilty conscience?
I guess by now LE would have run tests again using newer technology if there were any fingerprints or DNA anywhere on her bicycle, clothing or her body? Wasn't she found within 48 hours or so? The labs can find so much more evidence now days than ever before.
This case happened when I was just a bit older than Amber. I remember hearing about it, being so sad and asking my mom if Amber was in heaven. :(

It's just mind boggling that there's just nothing, no suspect, no nothing. Seems like there's gotta be some sort of DNA.
I cant tell you how many times, this case, has crossed my mind

this was one of the cases, that I feel lead me into law enforcement.

Over the years, I have ran this through my mind, and applied just about every theory I could , every scenario I could concoct, however Ive come to rely upon experience, when it comes to homicide cases, and in cases, like this barring any intentionally withheld evidence, for exclusionary reasons, the "profile" if you will of these individuals tends , for the most part to remain static

-25-32 years of age at the time of her killing


-Lived or worked near the abduction or body dump site if employed, but familiar with the area

-Most likely unskilled, or semi-skilled labor if employed

-Lived alone , or with parents

-Loner, few friends

-Carried a knife on his person at the time

-Precipitating event prior to the abduction

-Most likely has arrest for prior violent crimes, possibly against children

- MO wont change much in future crimes, (or past)

-Was in the area where she was abducted for legitimate reason, (work etc) , meaning Amber most likely, was a victim of opportunity , and wasn't specifically selected because of any physical trait, other than being alone .

-She was most likely killed near where she was found (most often its within 200 feet), this does not account however for natural movement such as currents, tide flow etc.. so she could've been dumped upstream and floated to where she was found

-The motive for her abduction was sexual, with homicide secondary to avoid identification

-Most likely the killer has been interviewed, regarding the case, but has been overlooked for some reason (sometimes they are incarcerated for something else at the time, their name comes up for example Joseph Smith (Carlie Bruscia)

-Post offensive behavior would include, an unnatural excessive interest in the case, changes in appearance, increase, in use of intoxicants (alcohol or drugs), loss of sleep, changes in eating habits, restlessness, offender, may inexplicably re-locate once the pressure dies down, often items of the offenders clothing will inexplicably disappear , extensive cleaning of the offenders vehicle, more so than what is considered normal, the vehicle may have been sold, or in some cases destroyed .

Though the original investigation states, she was apparently held for 48 hours, this has recently been debated, as some investigators feel she may have been killed shortly after she was abducted, as is the case most often in these types of crimes.

There was no reported evidence of her being tortured (I.e. sadism) , there was evidence, of sexual assault just shy of actual intercourse, which is interesting, in that if she was indeed held captive, may signify some form of sexual dysfunction on part of the offender

The injures suffered state she sustained, 5 slash wounds, to her neck.

Mr Daubin, posts a very interesting , and tantalizing theory, in that an individual involved, with a local pedophile ring (whos name I cant recall ) may be responsible.

He also lists some very interesting evidence, to bolster his theory , he has certainly done his homework , such as a report of a young girls blood stained underwear being burned in said individuals back yard, (however this is hearsay, I don't believe any item was ever recovered) , a sudden move by the offender,to Arizona immediately after the disappearance, selling of his personal vehicle , and access to several unoccupied homes, in the area where Amber was abducted/Killed.

Though its certainly a possiblilty, for several reasons, I don't feel this is the individual responsible. That being said however, I would certainly keep this individual on a list of other possible crimes.

I feel you are looking for white male, age range, as stated above (25-32) a loner type , who lives, in the area, works in some unskilled capacity , the distance from where she was abducted to where she was found is less than 2 miles I believe . Her abduction was the result of some stressing event.. an argument, problems at work, or with his parents (I say his, because I think were all in agreement this was the work of a male). If she was indeed held somewhere, he would have to have his own place.

The nature of her death would result in a lot of potential evidence transfer, but its also very risky to take a child being featured on the NEWS out in public , alive at least not for very long. It would be safer for the offender, to kill his victim where she cant be heard, or seen , the problem is that we don't know where the murder site is, therefore we need to work backward, from where her body was recovered. From there we work backwards, to try to find where she was killed.

If the study done by the University of Washington's, findings, on spatial relationships between the murder site, and the body dump site (most often less than 200 feet) are accurate, in accordance with the FBI profile generated on the offender, then you have to assume, he most likely lived or lives, near the dump site.

Ive always felt , someone in the immediate area, either knows, or had strong suspicions about a certain individual, for whatever, reason, be it to protect someone, or out of denial

Police most likely know a name, but there's something that has been missed.

Though I feel this may have been his 1st murder, I don't rule out further violent crimes, including murder, by the same individual.

As for Mr. Daubins, findings, though I feel they are most likely not related to Ambers case , they certainly may be related, to other crimes
I always look forward to reading your perspective - thanks for sharing, RichKelly. My childhood home was located less than a mile from the dump site and my parents still lived there at the time. The apartments back thenwere relatively new, and quite upscale - think yuppie-type residents (http://www.myhgmc.com/apartments/ar...ngton-apartments/forest-ridge-apartments/home)

Just east of the complex were some very expensive homes (in the Forest Ridge subdivision) and a bit further down Green Oaks was the older, but still quite nice Shadow Ridge subdivision. Just west and across Hwy 360 was an industrial complex with lots of warehouses, businesses, and factories. Pretty desolate outside of normal business hours, in my recollection.

Whatever "creek" she was found in likely was not much of a creek as far as water goes - I'm sure there was not enough water to move a body a significant distance. This is very flat land with only man-made lakes nearby.
I was shown a map of that area years ago, including both the abduction site and where she was found, If I recall correctly the recovery site was north of where she was abducted , the body of water is near apartments im not sure if these are the apartments you speak of I believe the apartments were called "Forrest Hills" apartments, the recovery site was only approx. 10 minutes from where she was abducted, if I recall correctly , it was almost a straight shot down one road from where she was taken.

Ill have to open the doc file I have on it

But I found this statement , that indicates how her body may've been moved

"There had been a very large storm and Amber was not only in water but in running water in a creek bed, so there had been a tremendous amount of water flow over her body which obviously made it hard in terms of trace evidence," said Mike Simonds, the investigative sergeant who was in charge of Amber's case at the Arlington Police Department. "

Looking on a map it seems if there has been development in the area, I cant find the storm drainage ditch where she was found, if anyone can help?
I will never give up the hope that Amber's killer will one day be caught. This case has always interested me and saddens me so deeply how cruelly her life was cut short so senselessly. Even after all this time she is not forgotten and will never be.
This case haunts me. Someone is getting away with murder. It is nearly her anniversary again and her brother and parents are another chrisatmas not knowing who killed amber. I cannot wait until the day I see justice for Amber because I believe there will be.
Facebook's new Amber Alerts a comfort, 19 years later
January 13, 2015
ARLINGTON — The video, now almost two decades old, shows a smiling nine-year-old Amber Hagerman riding her bike. It was shot by a News 8 news crew for a project.
Later, the video would be used in a desperate search after a man grabbed Amber off the bike in Arlington.
It was January 1996.
If it happened today, Amber's photo and even video could be put on Facebook immediately. Amber's mom, Donna Williams, is thrilled by Facebook's announcement Tuesday that it will now post the alerts on news feeds.
"I was excited," Williams said Tuesday. "I was really, really excited. I'm glad they're on board with this."

Sheriff Anderson said the January 13 anniversary of Amber's unsolved kidnapping still hurts. The announcement about Facebook Amber Alerts cheers Donna Williams. But on this solemn day, only so much.

"I light a candle for her," she said. "Usually by the end of the day, I cry. Usually cry myself to sleep."

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