TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #1

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techpuppy, would you mind posting your maps again? The one showing a 3 miles radius and the 2 different truck locations and rest area. Thank you so much for doing that! I was going to quote it to bring it forward but the attachment won't copy over.

The large white area with the tractor (scraper?) would be about 10 minutes walk from the truck location.
And to me it sounds more like he's saying pushed some guards or cars over. And I hear "there's one car hear you gotta check through the woods".
techpuppy, would you mind posting your maps again? The one showing a 3 miles radius and the 2 different truck locations and rest area. Thank you so much for doing that! I was going to quote it to bring it forward but the attachment won't copy over.

The large white area with the tractor (scraper?) would be about 10 minutes walk from the truck location.

The first is a map with the 3 mile radius from where the Observer/Enterprise indicated where the truck was. The second is the location given by MissingBrandonLawson.com but doesn't show the larger area. I'll try to make a revised map later.


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I still think he says saper, siper, skyper or scraper on the call. With his accent an A sound would sound more like an I sound. Or a scraper would sound like scrIper (if I'm not mistaken) With slurred/fast speech the R might not be strongly pronounced. It sounds more like pushed then pulled to me. I'm stuck at the only logical word is scraper. I do know there is a piece of heavy equipment called a scraper. I don't know if this is something he would be familiar with or if they use them in the oil fields or not. BUT while studying the map, if you look just to the right (east) of the rest area there is a large white area. I zoomed in and there is a large tractor (scraper?). Anyone know what this white area is? Could Brandon have walked down that road looking for help and came across something having to do with that scraper/tractor? Is it possible that someone tried to push his truck off the road with their scraper?

A scraper pushed something something something??? Maybe he's not saying some guys over? Or would he use the term "a scraper perched"???

I agree with you about the scraper. I read oilfield slangs last night. I found a scraper operator a person who operates a scraper. A scraper is definitely seen on the maps. Could it be that Kyle WAS with him and the part where someone was chased into the woods. He's saying Kyle was chased into the woods? Most oilfield sites usually have gas tanks on site. When the cops showed up I am wondering if Kyle was being truthful by saying his brother stepped away. Did Kyle have Audrey bring him the gas can and that's why on the timeline he tells Ladessa Kyle ran out of gas prior to Brandon's call to Kyle ran out of gas. We we don't know the extent of the conversation between Kyle and Ladessa. The timeline doesn't make sense. Maybe Brandon and Kyle were trying to get gas from the oilfield or landowner and were caught. Is it possible they were at Brandon's job "Renegade" when he shouldn't have been. I do think someone else is involved. The police know too but can't do anything without probable cause. This was discussed last night on Dateline, regarding Skylar Neese, he had a confession, but without probable cause he couldn't make any arrest without further investigation. The sheriffs wife is adamant the Brandon Lawson in NOT in Coke County. Is this because she knows his last ping was in another county? Without probable cause the police cannot go onto a landowners land. This is the road block this keeps being brought up on all sites.

Just my opinion.
]I agree with you about the scraper. I read oilfield slangs last night. I found a scraper operator a person who operates a scraper. A scraper is definitely seen on the maps.[/B] Could it be that Kyle WAS with him and the part where someone was chased into the woods. He's saying Kyle was chased into the woods? Most oilfield sites usually have gas tanks on site. When the cops showed up I am wondering if Kyle was being truthful by saying his brother stepped away. Did Kyle have Audrey bring him the gas can and that's why on the timeline he tells Ladessa Kyle ran out of gas prior to Brandon's call to Kyle ran out of gas. We we don't know the extent of the conversation between Kyle and Ladessa. The timeline doesn't make sense. Maybe Brandon and Kyle were trying to get gas from the oilfield or landowner and were caught. Is it possible they were at Brandon's job "Renegade" when he shouldn't have been. I do think someone else is involved. The police know too but can't do anything without probable cause. This was discussed last night on Dateline, regarding Skylar Neese, he had a confession, but without probable cause he couldn't make any arrest without further investigation. The sheriffs wife is adamant the Brandon Lawson in NOT in Coke County. Is this because she knows his last ping was in another county? Without probable cause the police cannot go onto a landowners land. This is the road block this keeps being brought up on all sites.

Just my opinion.

So you are saying a "scraper" is used in the oilfields and it's not only used to describe the equipment itself but also the operator of the equipment? And you think that is a scraper in the white area on the map just east of the rest area? Interesting about the gas part. He might have been trying to steel some gas. Is Brandon's job "Renegade" out in that area?
I agree with you about the scraper. I read oilfield slangs last night. I found a scraper operator a person who operates a scraper. A scraper is definitely seen on the maps. Could it be that Kyle WAS with him and the part where someone was chased into the woods. He's saying Kyle was chased into the woods? Most oilfield sites usually have gas tanks on site. When the cops showed up I am wondering if Kyle was being truthful by saying his brother stepped away. Did Kyle have Audrey bring him the gas can and that's why on the timeline he tells Ladessa Kyle ran out of gas prior to Brandon's call to Kyle ran out of gas. We we don't know the extent of the conversation between Kyle and Ladessa. The timeline doesn't make sense. Maybe Brandon and Kyle were trying to get gas from the oilfield or landowner and were caught. Is it possible they were at Brandon's job "Renegade" when he shouldn't have been. I do think someone else is involved. The police know too but can't do anything without probable cause. This was discussed last night on Dateline, regarding Skylar Neese, he had a confession, but without probable cause he couldn't make any arrest without further investigation. The sheriffs wife is adamant the Brandon Lawson in NOT in Coke County. Is this because she knows his last ping was in another county? Without probable cause the police cannot go onto a landowners land. This is the road block this keeps being brought up on all sites.

Just my opinion.

And I do want to point out that the PI timeline does give times as approximate. That could explain the discrepancy.
So you are saying a "scraper" is used in the oilfields and it's not only used to describe the equipment itself but also the operator of the equipment? And you think that is a scraper in the white area on the map just east of the rest area? Interesting about the gas part. He might have been trying to steel some gas. Is Brandon's job "Renegade" out in that area?

Renegade is up the road on the other side of San Angelo off 277, but that is the main office. But they could have a site/pad where they are drilling on private property. I searched jobs regarding scraper. I found a scraper operator position available on one of the oil field sites. That would explain the landowner part not wanting anyone on his property. The information could be known by police but without the probable cause without further proof they can't issue a warrant.

Just banging my head trying to decipher this 911 call. Why has this consumed me?
Renegade is up the road on the other side of San Angelo off 277, but that is the main office. But they could have a site/pad where they are drilling on private property. I searched jobs regarding scraper. I found a scraper operator position available on one of the oil field sites. That would explain the landowner part not wanting anyone on his property. The information could be known by police but without the probable cause without further proof they can't issue a warrant.

Just banging my head trying to decipher this 911 call. Why has this consumed me?

probable cause was mentioned in one of the statements by LE. Hmmm.... It is quite possible that Brandon was aware of different sites in the area and was thinking he might steal some gas. Do they ever work at night?

If someone killed Brandon they could have easily transported him (and his phone) 3 miles away and dumped him. I wish we new more about this new ping. Was it a ping or gps? Did it give a timestamp? If I'm not mistaken gps data would give his movements along the way where I think ping data would only show if a call or text was made (incoming or outgoing). I'm not positive on that though.
I'm not sure why Brandon's parents would have Kyle check on Ladessa unless they were worried he had harmed her in some way, but then, I know I'm really close to my in-laws, so if my husband had called and told them we had gotten into a bad argument and he was leaving, one of them might call to check on me.

I tend to agree that we're not getting the whole story from either side. It sickens me to know that Brandon was out there somewhere, in need of help and bleeding, and Kyle just didn't say anything because he assumed that Brandon was hiding from LE. That's one part of the story I just don't get. Even if he thought Brandon might be hiding from LE, he had already told them to "get here now" and that he was bleeding, correct? Why not mention that to the officer? Did Kyle think once the officer left that he would be able to find Brandon and help him? Has it been said whether Kyle and Audrey looked for Brandon during those few hours until he talked to Ladessa or did they just go home?

I think considering there was an argument enough to where he was leaving and four children in the home that it is not too suspect to ask another child to go check on his brother's family. Especially if she was crying and upset? Wasn't the youngest child just a wee baby too? That may be another reason.
Supposedly K and some of his coworkers looked for B until 4:30 am. Then at 7am he went and got gas and put it in the truck. What he did from 4:30-7am I have no idea.

Yes, absolutely K and A have some responsibility in this. Had they told the Deputy, B might have been found. He was alive when K and A and the Deputy were at the truck. IF the story is true. I'm just not so sure any more.

I'm not so convinced he spent all that time looking for his brother? Just gut feeling. I have not completely cleared my brain that he may not know more as to people Brandon may have ran up against in that field. Maybe he is scared? But to say nothing would put him more at risk, I would think?
probable cause was mentioned in one of the statements by LE. Hmmm.... It is quite possible that Brandon was aware of different sites in the area and was thinking he might steal some gas. Do they ever work at night?

If someone killed Brandon they could have easily transported him (and his phone) 3 miles away and dumped him. I wish we new more about this new ping. Was it a ping or gps? Did it give a timestamp? If I'm not mistaken gps data would give his movements along the way where I think ping data would only show if a call or text was made (incoming or outgoing). I'm not positive on that though.

I don't think this would be the case. Remember they sent him to check on LL so he couldn't have been with Brandon. Why would he waste time stealing gas if his brother was on his way with gas? I believe the basis of the timeline is correct just the reporting varies. I don't believe anything from the sheriff wife, not after reading her opinionated comments to a missing persons family. I believe all her writing was based on bias and opinion. I hope she was speaking for herself and not for the sheriff!
He said "car" in the call. I clearly hear a "p" in the word "staper" just pushed some guys over. Maybe a weaving car taking up both sides of the road? Intoxicated driver? This could end up being a case of road rage. He had an argument that a car of people that was weaving bad , going towards Abiline on both sides? (of the road)
nfactwejust pushed some guys over. Run it all together. I don't hear an S at all. I'm sorry....
I don't think this has anything to do with BL's job and everything to do with running upon someone that night for some unknown reason.

Pushed some guys over to me means he got out of his vehicle and they pushed a car over to the side of the road. One car on one side of the road and one on the other side and they are both headed towards Abilene.

Again, just my opinion here.
I listened to the new version of the .....we just pushed some guys over. I closed my eyes and listened very carefully. When his words are fast I hear Infact we just pushed some guys over. As it gets slower I DO hear stape we just pushed some guys over. I do really hear what you are saying!!!!

But, because I am very familiar with the dialect and sounds from here, I really think what he is saying is In Fact, but he leaves off the In and really only slurs infact together with "fact we just pushed some guys over" His F sounds like an S and the act gets the C sound in there the T and going to we gets the er sound sort of. I wish I could say it "live" somehow because it is the only thing I hear and the only thing to me that makes sense with the sentence. I won't disagree with what you are hearing, just the way you are hearing the recording. Listen to the original with what I think he is saying and see if you hear nfact....Thanks guys-this is a nightmare isn't it??
I listened to the new version of the .....we just pushed some guys over. I closed my eyes and listened very carefully. When his words are fast I hear Infact we just pushed some guys over. As it gets slower I DO hear stape we just pushed some guys over. I do really hear what you are saying!!!!

But, because I am very familiar with the dialect and sounds from here, I really think what he is saying is In Fact, but he leaves off the In and really only slurs infact together with "fact we just pushed some guys over" His F sounds like an S and the act gets the C sound in there the T and going to we gets the er sound sort of. I wish I could say it "live" somehow because it is the only thing I hear and the only thing to me that makes sense with the sentence. I won't disagree with what you are hearing, just the way you are hearing the recording. Listen to the original with what I think he is saying and see if you hear nfact....Thanks guys-this is a nightmare isn't it??
I know I am obsessed! (hubby says so too!) I will listen again after girls in bed and will have him listen too. Again. :scared:
After listening to that last video I hear "in fact"...
Ok I can finally hear it. "In fact" I do hear that now. If you think it would be normal to say "in fact" during a frantic 911 call? I don't know.
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