TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #3

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Thank you Spiritecho, I have believed Brandon was north of Bronte closer to where the road Ys off going to Abilene since the beginning. Yes there is fields on the north side of Bronte.
Ladessa stated in this blogtalk that Kyle drove a car, in Brandon's 911 call he says another car is here and the cops (or something along those lines) I haven't listened in awhile have 1 guy. Could it be possible that Brandon is talking about Kyle there. Just a thought. Cause no one really knows out side of family what time Brandon left home or any times as being factual and told by any one other than family. Except the 911 call I believe was posted in a Bronte news article. Just a thought
I know my typing is hard to follow it's early. Sorry
Chuckie she stayed in the Bronte county Inn on Friday night and Saturday night. So immediately after Brandon went missing.
Chuckie she stayed in the Bronte county Inn on Friday night and Saturday night. So immediately after Brandon went missing.

Ah ok, I was under the impression it was a week or two afterwards. That is a very, very odd thing to do.
Ah ok, I was under the impression it was a week or two afterwards. That is a very, very odd thing to do.
I have about got this new format on Webslueths down.
Yes, very odd when she only lived 30 minutes away. How did she know he was missing in that area.
Just so many things don't add up. He had his wallet, so he would have the bank card. IMO She didn't work from her words. A donation account was set up the next day. She paid for 2 plane searches, hotel bill, meals. My next question is where was Kyle and Audrey's son at the night Brandon went missing?
Just random thoughts.
I've never been convinced it was Brandon in that 911. I've never been convinced Brandon was out there at all.

Me either, that has bothered me a lot. Voices can sound alike. Example, my oldest daughter and I sound very much alike on the phone when we are stressed, upset etc... Its not uncommon for people to sound similar. I have always felt that the truck was planted there. Just a gut feeling and that nothing, not one thing of Brandon's has been found in the area. It is very unsettling that after a year there are no clues, more confusion. Something is not right. :thinking::facepalm:
Chuckie she stayed in the Bronte county Inn on Friday night and Saturday night. So immediately after Brandon went missing.

Very bizarre. I don't recall her reasoning behind renting the motel room, something about being close to the search area? It really makes no sense.
Me either, that has bothered me a lot. Voices can sound alike. Example, my oldest daughter and I sound very much alike on the phone when we are stressed, upset etc... Its not uncommon for people to sound similar. I have always felt that the truck was planted there. Just a gut feeling and that nothing, not one thing of Brandon's has been found in the area. It is very unsettling that after a year there are no clues, more confusion. Something is not right. :thinking::facepalm:

I hadn't seen this case until this week, what an odd case...I can't believe there has been no trace of him, someone has to know something.
Very bizarre. I don't recall her reasoning behind renting the motel room, something about being close to the search area? It really makes no sense.

I think that was her reasoning, but remember she also had a very sick baby with ear infections. Being a mom myself I know my kids want to be home when they are sick, especially a baby. And why stay away from the house for 3 days?

What if B did just go off somewhere to blow off steam, ran out of gas on the way to wherever, a friend picked him up & somehow lost his phone & then made his way back to his house in San Angelo, she wouldn't have been there to know if he did. Or what if he went home for clothes & left again. As far as we know that very well could've happened. She did say not long ago that she found a white sack or bag with the clothes he had on the night he disappeared, along with a rabbit's foot, how would she have gotten a sack/bag of the clothes he had on that night? I thought he had his clothes on?????
I think that was her reasoning, but remember she also had a very sick baby with ear infections. Being a mom myself I know my kids want to be home when they are sick, especially a baby. And why stay away from the house for 3 days?

What if B did just go off somewhere to blow off steam, ran out of gas on the way to wherever, a friend picked him up & somehow lost his phone & then made his way back to his house in San Angelo, she wouldn't have been there to know if he did. Or what if he went home for clothes & left again��. As far as we know that very well could've happened. She did say not long ago that she found a white sack or bag with the clothes he had on the night he disappeared, along with a rabbit's foot, how would she have gotten a sack/bag of the clothes he had on that night? I thought he had his clothes on?????

Interesting about the clothes. QueenBea. And a rabbits foot?? Is he saying goodbye and good luck to LL? If he did come back home at some point after the 911 call, that sure would change alot of things. He may very well be alive. JMO but it would be great if Brandon is OK.
I think that was her reasoning, but remember she also had a very sick baby with ear infections. Being a mom myself I know my kids want to be home when they are sick, especially a baby. And why stay away from the house for 3 days?

What if B did just go off somewhere to blow off steam, ran out of gas on the way to wherever, a friend picked him up & somehow lost his phone & then made his way back to his house in San Angelo, she wouldn't have been there to know if he did. Or what if he went home for clothes & left again. As far as we know that very well could've happened. She did say not long ago that she found a white sack or bag with the clothes he had on the night he disappeared, along with a rabbit's foot, how would she have gotten a sack/bag of the clothes he had on that night? I thought he had his clothes on?????

Also, QueenBea, would you know if the children were with her at the motel? TIA
Thank you Spiritecho, I have believed Brandon was north of Bronte closer to where the road Ys off going to Abilene since the beginning. Yes there is fields on the north side of Bronte.
Ladessa stated in this blogtalk that Kyle drove a car, in Brandon's 911 call he says another car is here and the cops (or something along those lines) I haven't listened in awhile have 1 guy. Could it be possible that Brandon is talking about Kyle there. Just a thought. Cause no one really knows out side of family what time Brandon left home or any times as being factual and told by any one other than family. Except the 911 call I believe was posted in a Bronte news article. Just a thought
I know my typing is hard to follow it's early. Sorry

This is an interesting theory. What if Brandon was for some reason, confused, disorientated and he thought his brothers car and the police officer were after him or something and ran off into the fields??
I think that was her reasoning, but remember she also had a very sick baby with ear infections. Being a mom myself I know my kids want to be home when they are sick, especially a baby. And why stay away from the house for 3 days?

What if B did just go off somewhere to blow off steam, ran out of gas on the way to wherever, a friend picked him up & somehow lost his phone & then made his way back to his house in San Angelo, she wouldn't have been there to know if he did. Or what if he went home for clothes & left again. As far as we know that very well could've happened. She did say not long ago that she found a white sack or bag with the clothes he had on the night he disappeared, along with a rabbit's foot, how would she have gotten a sack/bag of the clothes he had on that night? I thought he had his clothes on?????

I wondered that myself! It makes no sense! Wait, wasn't it said, in the very beginning, he left in one set of clothes and had the shorts and T shirt with him? Maybe he changed clothes in the 38 minutes from leaving the house to running out of fuel. so the bag could've been in the truck, if it was, she sure did wait a LONG time to look in that bag! sighhh probably one of the things that has disappeared in the story changes. I will try to find it.
I wondered that myself! It makes no sense! Wait, wasn't it said, in the very beginning, he left in one set of clothes and had the shorts and T shirt with him? Maybe he changed clothes in the 38 minutes from leaving the house to running out of fuel. so the bag could've been in the truck, if it was, she sure did wait a LONG time to look in that bag! sighhh probably one of the things that has disappeared in the story changes. I will try to find it.

I saw it said too. And I have it saved.
This is the link that gives another timeline, and also in the comments you can see where the girlfriend commented on the clothes worn and also took with him when he left.

From the Help Find Brandon Lawson page :


and right off the bat..it says :facepalm::maddening:
At about 10:45-11PM during an argument with Ladessa. Brandon was in a confused state of mind. He was in panic mode and he left. He took his keys, wallet, cell phone, and the clothes he was wearing. He grabbed a yellow shirt, Tap-Out camo shirts, white Nike Airmax 2013 shoes.
Brandon left the house at 11:54 PM.
Which is it? 10-11 or closer to midnight...yep you all are right...a timeline is not helpful when no one can tell time!
We really need an icon with the character's pants on fire!
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