TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #5

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The seller of the truck or a finance company owns the vehicle (they retain the title) until the purchaser pays it off. But the vehicle is registered to the purchaser.

If Brandon's grandfather co-signed for the truck, his name would also be on the registration. Tow companies accept vehicle registrations to release a vehicle--you don't have to have the title.

IMO there's nothing shady about the tow company releasing the truck to the grandfather. Unless I'm misunderstanding the discussion here.

(Idk if the grandfather was a co-signer, but if I was selling a truck to a person with a warrant, I'd require them to have a co-signer.)
The seller of the truck or a finance company owns the vehicle (they retain the title) until the purchaser pays it off. But the vehicle is registered to the purchaser.

If Brandon's grandfather co-signed for the truck, his name would also be on the registration. Tow companies accept vehicle registrations to release a vehicle--you don't have to have the title.

IMO there's nothing shady about the tow company releasing the truck to the grandfather. Unless I'm misunderstanding the discussion here.

(Idk if the grandfather was a co-signer, but if I was selling a truck to a person with a warrant, I'd require them to have a co-signer.)
It was an individual, not a finance company or bank. That person's name was on the registration and title.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
Brandon was supposedly seen - met on the highway - by a friend of his. But there's no way of knowing if he was leaving from LL's house, another house, a neighborhood store, etc. He was seen by this friend driving the opposite direction down the road.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *

Does this mean his friend was driving one way and BL was driving the other and they passed each other? What highway--277? Any idea of what time or where on the highway this was? Was it immediately before BL ran out of gas or earlier in the evening?
Does this mean his friend was driving one way and BL was driving the other and they passed each other? What highway--277? Any idea of what time or where on the highway this was? Was it immediately before BL ran out of gas or earlier in the evening?
Supposedly, his friend/co-worker was driving one direction, and BL was driving the opposite direction, and yes, they passed (met) each other. It was in the evening, I believe, because the friend mentioned it was after work. So I would assume it was still daylight out. And no, I wouldn't think it was on 277. The impression that I got was that it was in San Angelo somewhere. Like, in town perhaps. There was no mention of 277. Maybe one of the other old timers here can jump in and help me fill in the gaps.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
Supposedly, his friend/co-worker was driving one direction, and BL was driving the opposite direction, and yes, they passed (met) each other. It was in the evening, I believe, because the friend mentioned it was after work. So I would assume it was still daylight out. And no, I wouldn't think it was on 277. The impression that I got was that it was in San Angelo somewhere. Like, in town perhaps. There was no mention of 277. Maybe one of the other old timers here can jump in and help me fill in the gaps.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *

Thanks STQ your knowledge has been very eye opening .... we don't always agree on every aspect however we come to agree on a lot and your greatly appreciated here in this thread
Thanks STQ your knowledge has been very eye opening .... we don't always agree on every aspect however we come to agree on a lot and your greatly appreciated here in this thread

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
It was an individual, not a finance company or bank. That person's name was on the registration and title.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *

Okay, now I see why people are questioning why the tow company released the vehicle. It's possible the tow company communicated with the registered party/owner and decided to release it to the grandfather. This person had to supply the spare keys, so it sounds like they were local. Maybe there is more to the story, idk.

It's been related that BL found out he had a warrant when he tried to buy a vehicle and the seller ran a credit and/or background check on him. I wonder if this was the same seller he ended up purchasing from? It's easy for a company to run detailed checks on someone, but it's hard to run those same checks if you're just an individual selling your vehicle to someone. Did BL get turned down by the first place he went and he ended up purchasing from an individual seller? (I doubt it matters, just curious about the details.)

I used to run background checks on potential employees at my job. The employee filled out a form with their info, and I submitted it online. I had to specify which counties I wanted to be searched (I think it was ~$15 per county). Anyways, I never got back a single outstanding warrant for anyone I submitted. I probably submitted 100 people, and requested 4-8 counties per individual. I don't think warrant info is available through these services. The only way I know to check for a warrant is to call and ask if there's a warrant out. Are there other ways?

Supposedly, his friend/co-worker was driving one direction, and BL was driving the opposite direction, and yes, they passed (met) each other. It was in the evening, I believe, because the friend mentioned it was after work. So I would assume it was still daylight out. And no, I wouldn't think it was on 277. The impression that I got was that it was in San Angelo somewhere. Like, in town perhaps. There was no mention of 277. Maybe one of the other old timers here can jump in and help me fill in the gaps.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *

Thanks. I'd love to know the time frame of this sighting, if any long time followers know/remember.
BL called 911 at 12:50 or or 12:53am. The trucker called 911 at 12:58am. That call reported a stranded motorist. Does this indicate BL was still in or beside his truck at 12:58am? There's a difference between a stranded motorist and an abandoned vehicle. Would the dispatcher just choose one descriptor arbitrarily?
Okay, now I see why people are questioning why the tow company released the vehicle. It's possible the tow company communicated with the registered party/owner and decided to release it to the grandfather. This person had to supply the spare keys, so it sounds like they were local. Maybe there is more to the story, idk.

It's been related that BL found out he had a warrant when he tried to buy a vehicle and the seller ran a credit and/or background check on him. I wonder if this was the same seller he ended up purchasing from? It's easy for a company to run detailed checks on someone, but it's hard to run those same checks if you're just an individual selling your vehicle to someone. Did BL get turned down by the first place he went and he ended up purchasing from an individual seller? (I doubt it matters, just curious about the details.)

I used to run background checks on potential employees at my job. The employee filled out a form with their info, and I submitted it online. I had to specify which counties I wanted to be searched (I think it was ~$15 per county). Anyways, I never got back a single outstanding warrant for anyone I submitted. I probably submitted 100 people, and requested 4-8 counties per individual. I don't think warrant info is available through these services. The only way I know to check for a warrant is to call and ask if there's a warrant out. Are there other ways?

Thanks. I'd love to know the time frame of this sighting, if any long time followers know/remember.
That very well could be what happened. Proper documentation faxed, phone calls, etc., considering the circumstances. Those details were never disclosed to my own personal knowledge.

There have been a range of scenarios on how knowledge of the Johnson County warrant. From checking into getting the truck put in his name (Texas tax vehicle registration doesn't do a warrant check) to it showing up on the background check for his supposed new job (possible, but unlikely).

Like you, I've ran background checks for new hires, and a variety of other reasons. I've never had an active warrant pop up on a background check. The closest thing I've seen was an in depth check ran through Lexis-Nexis that showed an active court case.

My opinion on the whole warrant thing can be summed up with "He knew". It wasn't BL's first rodeo. He knew what kind of activities he'd been involved in, and he knew the consequences. Warrants don't usually pop out of thin air. Things transpire before they get issued whether it be criminal or legal activities or a combination of both. I think he just knew it was there all along. Not meaning that demeaning towards him. It is what it is. The guy still needs to be found.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
This article, from The Observer/Enterprise, reads,

On Sunday morning, August 11, 2013, a small group (approximately 15-20 people) accompanied Chief Deputy Neal in a search of the surrounding properties. According to Ladessa Lofton, the search came upon the place where it appeared Brandon Lawson watched Deputy Neal inspect his truck. Kyle Lawson did not assist with this search.

Did the author just take Ladessa's word for it, or was this verified with Chief Neal? And if the search party did come across a "hiding spot", how did they determine that's what it was? Were there footprints in the dirt or was there brush matted down? This skews every other possibility. If Brandon was close enough to watch LE, then he could update have just walked right out to Kyle's vehicle as soon as LE pulled away.

Is the newspaper statement false or did Brandon get in Kyle's truck? And if he did hop in with Kyle, did he disappear on his own or did something more sinister occur?

This article, from The Observer/Enterprise, reads,

On Sunday morning, August 11, 2013, a small group (approximately 15-20 people) accompanied Chief Deputy Neal in a search of the surrounding properties. According to Ladessa Lofton, the search came upon the place where it appeared Brandon Lawson watched Deputy Neal inspect his truck. Kyle Lawson did not assist with this search.

Did the author just take Ladessa's word for it, or was this verified with Chief Neal? And if the search party did come across a "hiding spot", how did they determine that's what it was? Were there footprints in the dirt or was there brush matted down? This skews every other possibility. If Brandon was close enough to watch LE, then he could update have just walked right out to Kyle's vehicle as soon as LE pulled away.

Is the newspaper statement false or did Brandon get in Kyle's truck? And if he did hop in with Kyle, did he disappear on his own or did something more sinister occur?

I'm pretty positive that was verified with Deputy Neal.

The whole story about Deputy Neal seeing a light in the bushes was false per Deputy Neal.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
I'm pretty positive that was verified with Deputy Neal.

The whole story about Deputy Neal seeing a light in the bushes was false per Deputy Neal.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*

But you have reason to believe the search party did find a place where BL hid and watched Deputy Neal?

Just making sure I understand you.
But you have reason to believe the search party did find a place where BL hid and watched Deputy Neal?

Just making sure I understand you.
No. Not at all. I don't know anything about the searchers finding a hiding spot. Or not. I'd never read that particular article before. But I do know, per a source with LE that the whole scenario with Deputy Neal seeing a light in the bushes from the glow of a cell phone, or what have you, was a total concoction by whoever. Didn't happen.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
Who is Christopher? Does anyone know?

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No. Not at all. I don't know anything about the searchers finding a hiding spot. Or not. I'd never read that particular article before. But I do know, per a source with LE that the whole scenario with Deputy Neal seeing a light in the bushes from the glow of a cell phone, or what have you, was a total concoction by whoever. Didn't happen.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*

Thanks. The whole 'Deputy Neal saw a cell phone light' story sounded shoddy. I will completely dismiss that.

This early detail of finding BL's hiding spot is telling, IMO. If they did find this spot, it eliminates many possible theories. That's why I was curious if the reporter verified the info with LE. Maybe I can email the paper and see if they still stand by the statement and if they were able to verify it with police.
Isn't the observer enterprise the paper in Bronte? If so the reporter sleeps with the sheriff! It's his wife.
Isn't the observer enterprise the paper in Bronte? If so the reporter sleeps with the sheriff! It's his wife.

Then she has no excuse for not verifying the information. I'm not saying she didn't, but she should have verified it or stated 'LE has not confirmed finding BL's hiding spot'.
Who is Christopher? Does anyone know?

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No idea. I read the Reddit comments. BL may have relapsed, and somehow started a new life. I don't hear '--stopher', as in the last syllables of 'Christoper', on the 911 call. So I don't think the 911 call supports Christopher as part of an escape plan. JMO.

BL was probably not as devoted to his kids as Ladessa makes him out to be. He might have been been making poor choices, and putting his desires over the best interest of his children. But I think it's clear he loved them and was an important part of their life. I've read several quotes (from coworkers, etc.) that mention BL was proud of his kids. And pictures generally showed him interacting with them.

A person who has already served prison time and is possibly facing an extending prison sentence, I can see how he might choose freedom over his family. He might reason he would not really be there for his children no matter what choice made. Maybe he chose what he considered to be the lesser of two evils.

If he did abscond for a new life, he would have needed help. Transportation; a place to stay; money to get by on until he could support himself; fake identification including a new name, SSN, and job history. He would have to cut off all ties with his past, or be extremely conservative as far as communicating with anyone he knew when he was BL.

I've known several men from Mexico who snuck into the US and obtained a SSN and name.* They bought this from a 'dealer' who helped them get established once they were in the country. I worked with these guys from 1996-2003. But it was probably more difficult to buy new ID in 2013, if BL did use a 'dealer'.

If he did choose to leave his life behind, his kids would have been eligible for his SS benefits, once he was declared dead, so maybe he considered that a benefit for their welfare.

(*I worked with illegal immigrants in a restaurant and they were some of the best men I've ever known. Other than being here illegally, they were completely honest, in my estimation. They were also embarrassingly hard workers, and I was proud to work with them. They sent much of their earnings home and were always planning how to bring over their wives and children. There are probably plenty of lazy scoundrels who purchase a US identity and a SSN, as well--I just didn't know them. I think the Name and SSN cost over $10,000, but it could have included other documents, idk, I wasn't asking detailed questions at the time.)
Brandon was supposedly seen - met on the highway - by a friend of his. But there's no way of knowing if he was leaving from LL's house, another house, a neighborhood store, etc. He was seen by this friend driving the opposite direction down the road.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *

I wonder if he actually saw Brandon or did he just see the truck & think to himself "hey there goes Brandon, I wonder where he's going so late?" Assuming it was Brandon driving his truck, I mean who else would be driving?

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.
I wonder if he actually saw Brandon or did he just see the truck & think to himself "hey there goes Brandon, I wonder where he's going so late?" Assuming it was Brandon driving his truck, I mean who else would be driving?

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.
Good point.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
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