TX TX - Caleb Harris, 21, Texas A&M University student, Corpus Christi, 4 Mar 2024

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IMO, if it was a meetup scenario, I could see how the person might’ve stalked CH a little prior to the meet and CH rejects the individual. Whether it be a catfish type scenario or CH wants a casual hookup & the other wants more.
That’s a possibility, definitely.
Out of those 4, I’m all in on #2. If he was in fact meeting with someone, there’s no reason for his phone to quickly go dark as soon as the meetup would have occurred.

He gets in the car, he’s subdued, his phone is shut off. In this scenario, he’s almost certainly no longer alive.

ETA: I absolutely hate leaning towards this scenario because it just doesn’t happen to someone with Caleb’s victimology. It’s a spectacularly rare event, and if you were to select this scenario from the outset, you’d be wrong virtually every time.

To me though, it’s the only thing that makes sense right now.
Im leaning towards that scenario
CH dies during the hook up (accidental sex asphyxiation or similar), person freaks out and disposes of his body.
Out of those 4, I’m all in on #2. If he was in fact meeting with someone, there’s no reason for his phone to quickly go dark as soon as the meetup would have occurred.

He gets in the car, he’s subdued, his phone is shut off. In this scenario, he’s almost certainly no longer alive.

ETA: I absolutely hate leaning towards this scenario because it just doesn’t happen to someone with Caleb’s victimology. It’s a spectacularly rare event, and if you were to select this scenario from the outset, you’d be wrong virtually every time.

To me though, it’s the only thing that makes sense right now.
I’m with you on meeting up with someone, but what makes you lean towards intentional vs. accidental?
Re: fishing alone- I went back toward the beginning of the thread because I didn’t remember his dad outright saying he doesn’t fish alone, but that he takes safety measures and always makes sure people know he’s out etc. Wasn’t able to find the quote (yet, I’ll keep looking) but I did find this quote from an early article up-thread:


“He knows to never go out by himself, and anytime he would go out, he’s got a VHF broadband radio and a first aid kit and things like that, so if he’s ever stranded for any reason, he has a radio and can call for help,” he father said.

ETA- nevermind, looks like dad did confirm that CH doesn’t go alone in another interview-
His father has said, “He would always go out with someone [when he is fishing].”

Family offering reward for the safe return of missing college student from New Braunfels
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It's been more than a month. IMO, young Caleb Harris has not been alive for most of that time.

When a person "vanishes," I think most of us can agree that that is exceedingly rare. Frankly, I think it's more rare than a person being snatched by a predator.

To me, it makes no difference whether Caleb was grabbed as he was killing time, waiting on Uber Eats, snapping moody fog photos in the middle of the night, or was grabbed by someone he thought he'd be hooking up with. The only difference between the two scenarios is the second one included personal choice and an element of risk.

Personal choice and an element of risk is the same thing that ended Riley Strain's life. Drowning while heavily intoxicated, however, given the alternative I'm thinking befell Caleb, seems an eminently preferable way of dying. JMO.

It's a haunting, sad and terribly frightening turn of events, and I keep hoping every day that Caleb will be found.
It's been more than a month. IMO, young Caleb Harris has not been alive for most of that time.

When a person "vanishes," I think most of us can agree that that is exceedingly rare. Frankly, I think it's more rare than a person being snatched by a predator.

To me, it makes no difference whether Caleb was grabbed as he was killing time, waiting on Uber Eats, snapping moody fog photos in the middle of the night, or was grabbed by someone he thought he'd be hooking up with. The only difference between the two scenarios is the second one included personal choice and an element of risk.

Personal choice and an element of risk is the same thing that ended Riley Strain's life. Drowning while heavily intoxicated, however, given the alternative I'm thinking befell Caleb, seems an eminently preferable way of dying. JMO.

It's a haunting, sad and terribly frightening turn of events, and I keep hoping every day that Caleb will be found.
Just trying to envision someone agreeing to hook up with him, but then showing bad intentions early on. Caleb was big and strong so there would have to be drugging involved, or being held at gun point. Any chance it could have been a gay trafficking type event, or is that not a thing?
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It's been more than a month. IMO, young Caleb Harris has not been alive for most of that time.

When a person "vanishes," I think most of us can agree that that is exceedingly rare. Frankly, I think it's more rare than a person being snatched by a predator.

To me, it makes no difference whether Caleb was grabbed as he was killing time, waiting on Uber Eats, snapping moody fog photos in the middle of the night, or was grabbed by someone he thought he'd be hooking up with. The only difference between the two scenarios is the second one included personal choice and an element of risk.

Personal choice and an element of risk is the same thing that ended Riley Strain's life. Drowning while heavily intoxicated, however, given the alternative I'm thinking befell Caleb, seems an eminently preferable way of dying. JMO.

It's a haunting, sad and terribly frightening turn of events, and I keep hoping every day that Caleb will be found.

I feel the same and it makes my heart heavy. Maybe, (for me) this is especially heartbreaking because it appears Caleb can't be found nearby... that someone took him (his body) much farther away. And, I have to wonder about the fact a perp would be taking great additional risk by transporting Caleb (alive or deceased). Maybe Caleb is closer to the apartment complex and just hasn't been found? This is all so sad no matter what the circumstances.

I’m with you on meeting up with someone, but what makes you lean towards intentional vs. accidental?
Mainly the lack of a body. Accidents happen in the course or certain activities, but by concealing that sort of thing, you’re unintentionally turning that accident into a murder.

That just seems to be unusual in the whole.
Good question. He told his friend that the UberEats order was for school lunch, and his father said he planned to go fishing, presumably after? So maybe mid morning class?

Dad said in an interview that his classes were late Monday morning, not before 10:30 or 11:00
I'll try to find the link.
Here is the link

Also, the father said that Caleb's classes on Monday started late morning, around 10:30 or 11:00 a.m. So Caleb didn't have to get up real early the next day and planned to go fishing in the afternoon.

I feel the same and it makes my heart heavy. Maybe, (for me) this is especially heartbreaking because it appears Caleb can't be found nearby... that someone took him (his body) much farther away. And, I have to wonder about the fact a perp would be taking great additional risk by transporting Caleb (alive or deceased). Maybe Caleb is closer to the apartment complex and just hasn't been found? This is all so sad no matter what the circumstances.

If he is deceased and his body was put in water, it might be difficult to find. One thing I’ve missed is what kind of water is near where he was living. I do know that with a large body of water, as was the case with Shantina Smiley in Puget Sound in Washington state, it can be impossible to find them.
If he is deceased and his body was put in water, it might be difficult to find. One thing I’ve missed is what kind of water is near where he was living. I do know that with a large body of water, as was the case with Shantina Smiley in Puget Sound in Washington state, it can be impossible to find them.

Definitely a good point. I'm not sure of the depth of the water nearby except for the snapchat bridge pic... which was described as mostly muddy at the time Caleb disappeared. From the news reports I feel the nearby ponds, etc have been searched quite well (but I don't know for certain). Maybe the deeper water is closer than I think and Caleb was only driven a short distance.
His family and friends see him as a very outdoorsy guy, and Caleb's social media backs that up. However, solo fishing or night fishing could also be used as a cover/excuse for doing something else. MOO. They could have the perception he's going fishing 5 days a week but maybe he's only going 2.
According to the father:

Caleb wouldn’t go walking around outside the complex that time of night.

Regarding Oso Bay: Caleb wouldn’t have been going there fishing, two reasons: he only goes with a roommate or friend, and also that particular bay is not great for fishing. They’ve searched that whole area quite extensively.

According to the father:

Caleb wouldn’t go walking around outside the complex that time of night.

Regarding Oso Bay: Caleb wouldn’t have been going there fishing, two reasons: he only goes with a roommate or friend, and also that particular bay is not great for fishing. They’ve searched that whole area quite extensively.

'Caleb wouldn’t go walking around outside the complex that time of night.'

I have absolute respect for Caleb's Dad, and hope they get answers as soon as possible, but.. yes he would go out at that time of night, because he did

ETA: that doesn't take away anything from Caleb at all, it doesn't mean his disappearance is his fault whatsoever
According to the father:

Caleb wouldn’t go walking around outside the complex that time of night.

Regarding Oso Bay: Caleb wouldn’t have been going there fishing, two reasons: he only goes with a roommate or friend, and also that particular bay is not great for fishing. They’ve searched that whole area quite extensively.

His dad says his phone last communicated at 2:58, which is slightly earlier than what the official timeline says. He seems to believe a vehicle was involved, and that Caleb was either coerced or forced into that vehicle.

He doesn't know what to make of the photo of the bridge/drainage ditch, and speaks of a delay in that Snapchat being received (which does make the time he referenced make sense).

As for dad's opinion that Caleb wouldn't go walking outside the complex at that time of night, it's obvious he did if one considers the location of the bridge "outside the complex." I think he met someone right there.
'Caleb wouldn’t go walking around outside the complex that time of night.'

I have absolute respect for Caleb's Dad, and hope they get answers as soon as possible, but.. yes he would go out at that time of night, because he did

ETA: that doesn't take away anything from Caleb at all, it doesn't mean his disappearance is his fault whatsoever
Yes. As much as we would like to think we know our child, we just cannot fully know everything. Many lessons and things learned by parents and kids during college years.
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