TX - Cash Gernon, 4, found dead in street w/multiple wounds, Dallas, 15 May 2021 #2 *ARREST*

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Exactly my thoughts. I was looking for this answer, scrolling through the posts, and here it is.

Yes, it's a tough call when something like that happens to you, right? Maybe you're asked to decide whether you want to ruin this "kid's" life over something that, in the end, maybe didn't seem so serious and was clearly the result of a breakdown of some sort. And in that moment in time, before anyone can see the future, you're talked into giving the kid a break. Given the history, nobody expected anything like what ended up happening.

Then after the fact, you probably have some survivor's guilt, and realize that maybe if you'd pressed the issue, the bad thing might not have happened.

The reality was he was escalating, and something else probably would have happened even if he had pressed charges.
Yes, it's a tough call when something like that happens to you, right? Maybe you're asked to decide whether you want to ruin this "kid's" life over something that, in the end, maybe didn't seem so serious and was clearly the result of a breakdown of some sort. And in that moment in time, before anyone can see the future, you're talked into giving the kid a break. Given the history, nobody expected anything like what ended up happening.

Then after the fact, you probably have some survivor's guilt, and realize that maybe if you'd pressed the issue, the bad thing might not have happened.

The reality was he was escalating, and something else probably would have happened even if he had pressed charges.
I can't imagine why LE gave that grandfather to choice to press charges in the case of attempted abduction of a child. It is ridiculous to me.
I’d to hear from the source, but if it’s fair to speculate, if law enforcement was called by anyone, that he was pointedly given an option or even actively discouraged from pressing charges. That behavior by Brown as described is bizarre enough to suggest mental illness, and considering his youth and his issues it was viewed with some “mercy” (in the end merciful to no one, not even Brown) as a psychiatric or mental handicap issue, with him taken away and restored to his folks and treatment, sufficing. Not to mention the headache and expense along with guilty feelings for throwing a mentally off kid in jail.

Does that seem plausible? I hope the person speaks out about it.

Exactly my thoughts. I was looking for this answer, scrolling through the posts, and here it is.
One thing I don’t understand about Monica talking the grandfather out of pressing charges. How did she know it happened or have time to intervene? Wouldn’t you call 911 the second the intruder is out of your house? It’s not something you sleep on… This doesn’t make sense.

Still struggling through the thread. Can somebody tell me what is relatively reliable MSM.....I know the Daily Fail f.i. messes up all the time. What other media reports should I take with a grain of salt? Suggestions?
I wonder what DB’s history is: does he have a history as a minor, behavioral issues, crime? He just turned 18 on 12/29. Or did something change to set him off in February? Did turning 18 cause a change at home, ie, child support or Food stamps cut… something that caused him to start stealing?
Will we know these facts?
And he was ‘t a ward of MS- ahe is a user. In some document DB’s mother said “his parents” were financially responsible for him. In the first moments after DB’s arrest some man at the house identified as his step-dad.
There is no denying he removed Cash. That’s certain.
What also appears certain to me is he bounced around from lair to lair. He also appears disabled.
Being in Special Ed would explain why no one no classmates have come out to say anything or express shock. Plus, everyone IMO is probably afraid of both households.
MS and KM said DB was a friend of a son and brother then everything got bague and mealy mouth. She also said she had “older sons.”
Why did DB creep out the 16 year old daughter?
Did he “like” her? Think she was his girlfriend?

DB at booking had no cell or cell number. He shows an ID number- what is that? Is it a court assigned number? It seems it should have a state name before it if it is some kind of official ID.
He has no Driver’s License. He had $316 and change in a assets or cash at his booking or arraignment. That sounds interesting and weird.
IMO he has been used, set up, exploited, and twisted out of shape over time by more than a few people.
All rhe history starts in February. February 8. Then he was sitting in a stolen car in April, about 6.5 miles from home. How and why was he there?
What about the recovered stolen gun?
And about rhe ankle bracelet- the repoeter sie ‘t hallucinate that. She went with what someone, a neighbor out in the street when Cash was found. So, I wonder- had he had an ankle monitor and it was been removed earlier, like in January, early February? And no one had seen him much because of Covid quarantine so they went with what they remembered
I am outraged by what happened to Cash. I am sickened by so many people abandoning and betraying children and vulnerable people.

I hear you. What happened to this sweet innocent boy is horrible.....If I read your post right you find DB a vulnerable person too and you are questioning if he is a murderer or could have been set up/used. At least you make room for second thoughts and I appreciate that. I'm on page 22 of this thread now and want to keep an open mind for now......I've have to read further...I'm very interested in what is going to follow and if LE can link Cash's murder, with hard evidence, directly to DB. For me, after seeing the video, it's almost certain DB was the one in the room with the boys. What do we see when DB came back in the morning?....he changed his clothes...not wearing a mask or whatever to hide his appearance. Why is that? He seems to have something in his hand that looks like a knife. To my eyes it looks like his intention at first is to kill the twin brother....but he stalls.....and goes away....Why is that? It's a very strange situation with lots of layers.....
I, for one, am not surprised to see meth come up in this case, but the document says, "Case (Cause) Status: Dismissed".
Yes it looks like there were 4 charges that were all dismissed on his last court appearance.

I wonder why they were dismissed, is it because of these capital murder charges? IDK
I don't know how anyone can come to a conclusion that DB is in any of those videos. Also if he is, why hasn't no charges brought against him. Only picture I've seen, is the mugshot, I'd someone has a better picture for comparison please share.

I don't know...second part of the video in the morning this person is very recognizable.....tons of facial recognition software available.....and they seem to be very accurate....they could have find out that this person is DB. I wonder what LE did with it....first part of the video, where Cash is taken....still not clear enough...could be a look-alike....or totally somebody else....If DB was there in the morning....I think this is him on the video, he didn't do anything to the other boy, according to what is seen in the video, just showed up....and left for whatever reason. Still no proof DB took Cash, certainly no proof he killed him. I wonder where LE is coming up with....we need evidence....hard evidence.
I know we don't usually do YouTube videos, but SillyBilly approved me posting this. I think its important. It is the full community meeting that was held by the council member with a grief counselor, police, etc.

The real info starts around 30 minutes. You will see how many people had been reporting Darriynn. Calling over and over. One was from the exact night prior to Cash being killed. These neighbors were terrified of Darriynn. Also around the 1 hour mark, the details are given in a quick run down. Yes, it's long, but it's really worth watching, before commenting that they don't have proof it was him.

Additionally, the man whose granddaughter was grabbed is also there and speaks.

If this was the first incident and only a video, there might be some room for speculation. But multiple people, including the police, have said it is him. Not a single community member saying he was ever controlled by someone else. Although one woman does say her child was beat up by darriynn and his brother 2 years ago. So the only other person he had been associated with in crimes was his brother a couple of years ago.

I watched the whole video, starting from 30 minutes...patiently waiting and listening....but I have the feeling I did see a totally different content then you describe.....
Exactly my thoughts. I was looking for this answer, scrolling through the posts, and here it is.

Still struggling through the thread. Can somebody tell me what is relatively reliable MSM.....I know the Daily Fail f.i. messes up all the time. What other media reports should I take with a grain of salt? Suggestions?

I've seen a few Fox reports posted on this site, with cases I'm following, where they messed up facts. Like more than they should to where it makes you go 'Hmmm....'. I also saw them use the word 's*xpert', when it should have been 'expert', with the Alexis Sharky case. That article was seriously blasted in the comments section about how that particular local Fox station does that sort of thing a lot, and how some readers refuse to read them because of that.
I watched the whole video, starting from 30 minutes...patiently waiting and listening....but I have the feeling I did see a totally different content then you describe.....
I rarely can stand to put the time into a YouTube video and didn’t watch this one. However, I enjoyed reading highlights from other sleuthers which seemed really compelling about the other times DB acted weird in the neighborhood and previous police reports. Since you put in the time to watch this video (which I agree must have taken more patience than I can muster), is there any more you can add to the discussion of the video? I’d love to hear it. Thanks!
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