GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 Aug 2014 - Enrique Arochi kidnapping trial #2

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TCMOM Thank you! Your notes are helpful!! :clap::yourock::websleuther::juggling:
Last post!

Witness Alex Buhidar – Met EA in 7[SUP]th[/SUP] grade, played football together, good friends. Kept in touch when he got back from college.

Moved to shops at legacy.
Being shown map – shows where he lives far north apartment building off of bishop, north of henry’s. Moved in week before Aug 29, EA helped him move in.

No one ever needed to park in garage or parking garages at Henry’s or Blue Martini – plenty of parking on street.

Went to Henry’s with (now ex-) girlfriend on 8/29. Saved a table and the party people came over and joined.
Alex and GF didn’t go to Scruffy Duffies.

He saw EA drinking, didn’t notice any injuries on his hand.
Saw EA and SB “talking” – witness clarified that talking doesn’t just mean chatting anymore. The interest seemed mutual, EA had told Alex that he was interested in SB.

Did you know EA had a gf? Well, yes, but they weren’t official, and were on and off. She wasn’t there that night. GF’s name? Rand.

EA got Camaro, he was proud of it? “Yes”
Did you talk to EA that night? “Yes, a lot, played shuffleboard all night”
Did he talk about car? “No” Rims? “No” Damage? “No”

Briefly saw EA at friend J’s house on Monday. Called EA on Wednesday immediately after hearing about CM being missing and hearing from friends that pictures of EA were out. Didn’t really know what happened but was telling EA that police were looking for him.

Another day, picked up EA to hang out and he initially said he and CM went separate ways in garage. Later EA said that he blacked out and didn’t know.

EA had hurt his arm before the 29[SUP]th[/SUP], doesn’t really remember (this testimony was definitely unsure) EA claimed that he had previously told him about rim injury.

EA told Alex and friend that when he got hurt he said he punched the car. They didn’t believe he would do that. EA offered to do it again to the other side to show how easy it was. (editorial, wtf?)

<Witness done>

Lashay Lanford

Graduated from AHS 2009, knew EA as acquaintances. Went to elementary with CM, acquaintances in HS after going separate ways.
Moved in with Alex (previous witness) at Shops at Legacy.
Went to Henry&#8217;s with Alex that night. EA arrived, she didn&#8217;t really talk to him. Talked to CM more, they &#8220;caught up&#8221; CM was happy and very friendly.
Lashay didn&#8217;t notice anything between EA and SB, Alex had told her EA and SB had been texting.
Spent 1 ½ hours or so at Henry&#8217;s
Didn&#8217;t notice any injuries
Said EA was wearing a darker colored button down with rolled up sleeves and jeans.

You were never at PPs? [No, met at Henry&#8217;s]
Didn&#8217;t notice anything strange? [No]

Did you have a concern about relationship with Hunter?
Yes, because of his reputation.

CM told Lashay that she was in Plano because HF was out a lot and she was sitting at home.

Didn&#8217;t notice EA making moves on SB or SB rebuffing EA.

<end of testimony for the day>

<Jury sent out>

Judge had received information that someone approached a grand jury member at lunch and asked if they were on Arochi jury. Judge had partial description, speculated that since the court room was half-empty now, that person was gone. Tell your friends &#8220;You&#8217;re not helping&#8221; There would be &#8220;hell to pay&#8221; if anyone messed with his jurors and he could think of at least 2 criminal charges for that. He was kind but very firm.

Recess til 8:30 tomorrow morning.

The end. J
Oh and here's a drawing of the courtroom. Sorry it's sideways.

Correct! And what makes me mad lol that is the only flipping reporter that has tweeted that so far!

Catching up from earlier in the day. Not sure if this got cleared up. No picture of her in car. Picture of car. Detective believes CM in the front seat.
Catching up from earlier in the day. Not sure if this got cleared up. No picture of her in car. Picture of car. Detective believes CM in the front seat.

Thank you, was fixing to ask you lol because wasn't sure after reading yours, but now that you say that, it makes sense. Thank you again for going and sharing. Different huh?!
Detective didn&#8217;t investigate car wash membership. Involvement in investigation was limited. Defense asking about strategy and theory &#8211; does this with all detectives it seems. Detective believes his opinion is same or similar to other detectives.

I wonder if the Def spoke with the car wash place?
@TCMom, on the Kroger video could you see any injuries or limp?

I couldn't detect a limp. The video was kind of stilted? though. He did pick his leg up to step over the pump hose when he went to and from the squeegee bin.
Detective didn’t investigate car wash membership. Involvement in investigation was limited. Defense asking about strategy and theory – does this with all detectives it seems. Detective believes his opinion is same or similar to other detectives.

I wonder if the Def spoke with the car wash place?

I believe the statement here was that this particular detective didn't investigate the car wash membership. He kind of implied "it wasn't me" but probably another detective did.

Over the course of the day, it was clear that Busby was running the show and had detectives divided up on tasks. I would be extremely surprised to learn they left a stone unturned. Except the one where she can be found, of course.
I believe the statement here was that this particular detective didn't investigate the car wash membership. He kind of implied "it wasn't me" but probably another detective did.

Over the course of the day, it was clear that Busby was running the show and had detectives divided up on tasks. I would be extremely surprised to learn they left a stone unturned. Except the one where she can be found, of course.

I believe they were trying to find her. Thanks again and for answering questions.
Thank you so much for your time and posts today !!I am finally catching up and really appreciate that you are able to be there taking notes for us ...I have been following this case since the beginning and I am more of a reader than a poster but thanks again for being there

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CA's attorney argued that Caylee died as a result of accidental drowning at her grandparent's house due a faulty gate latch not properly securing the pool (was able to prove the latch was faulty). He claimed CA + father were the only ones who knew about Caylee's death and that CA's father pressured her into disposing of the body rather than calling police. The attorney argued CA was incestually abused by her father from a young age and was still scared of her father and therefore heavily influenced. Baez (CA's attorney) acknowledged CA dumped Caylee's body, but claimed she did not murder her. Decomposition prevented the state from telling the cause of death therefore they could not prove how Caylee died. While I believe CA was guilty, I respect the jury's decision. The defense's story was plausible and created reasonable doubt as to whether or not CA was guilty of murder. A totally different situation than EA's case.

First, CA's case was murder with death penalty. EA's is aggrivated kidnapping with a max sentence of 99 years.--these stakes matter a lot to jurors.
Second, Via CA's attorney, she admitted knowledge of her child's death, provided a cause, and explained her involvement which is what created the reasonable doubt. EA has yet to admit or acknowledge any knowledge of anything.
Third, the state was not well prepared for CA's case; in fact they changed the stakes (death penalty) at the last minute (post arrest, pre-jury selection). Collin County has had their ish together.
Fourth, CA's case had a body, but no DNA evidence. EA's case has no body (explaining the AK rather than murder) but DNA evidence.

And she got off. With more evidence. With more blatant lies. He even brought out a laughable map of people she lied about and her lies. They still got her off. They had way more proof. Are you kidding me? Did you buy any of jose's ********? No, I'm sure you didn't and were as shocked as everyone else that she got off with that weak defense. Cmon.

I get that the cases are different. I'm just saying, juries tend to place themselves in the position of the defendant and not the victim. Right now, I'd definitely worry that they do not feel secure saying there is enough evidence to prosecute.

I'm hoping for a better day tomorrow.
I'm on board with you! I've done extensive research and this is much worse than just a kidnapping/murder! I really thought LE had way more than what has been presented. I feel like I know more than LE and I'm just a sleuther.

Thank you for this post.

This is my opinion only.

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Thanks. I am definitely needing support here.

And once again, I am not pro EA OR ANTI HF. My goal is to find out the truth and find Christina.
HF stayed so high he couldn't even remember where his live in girlfriend worked.

EA is a disgraced manager from a cell phone store in a rural area of N. Texas.

Who exactly is clammoring to add tweedle dee and tweedle dumb to their roster of cartel or organized crime units??

Ha. I can't remember who said this, but it takes a smart man (or lawyer) to play dumb. Cmon!
Last sentence: yes, that's exactly what I'm going with.

IMO, It's not the drugs people have brushed off, it's the fact that at the end of the day, the drugs really don't matter. This isn't the season finale of Narcos or The Sopranos, this is real. This is a young woman who left a party with one man, was last seen with that one man, and has not been seen or heard from since. Not to mention the DNA evidence found in that man's trunk. Here are my thoughts (and my thoughts only):

HF was a drug dealer: Unconventinally surprising, but early common knowledge.
CM doing recreational drugs: no one was surprised given the former.
CM possibly helping HF: Oh..really? (yawn), okies, no big reveal.
Drugs being involved in the night's activities: sure, that seems likely.

CM was a victim that night and despite drugs, drug deals, coke, coca cola, ramen noodles, and poor social choices, she was a human being and she deserves the respect of being discussed as such and not judged or discussed as though she's somehow less of a victim because she made decisions that may or may not be mainstream. Everything she did that night is "heresay" because she's not here to testify nor is/was she here to be drug tested or questioned. She's missing. So no, I don't care if she was a partier, an addict, a drug dealer's girlfriend, a college graduate, or a Toyota owner. She was someone's daughter, friend, sister, and loved one. She deserves the respect of being spoken of as such.

You haven't been brushed off, nor have the things that were mentioned today. It's just that they don't matter nearly as much as other facts do.

I certainly don't think she deserved any of this. glad to know you don't either.

But it does change the narrative from sweet employed college girl goes out with her high school friends for a night to omg she was doing drugs, involved in a lot of underground scenes, and maybe wasn't just a regular girl. I'm sorry, but that's the truth and if anyone wants to find her they need to accept that. Her situation is complicated. It's not simple. It's not like she just did milly once. She was running drug deals. Thee were bodyguards. She was putting herself in danger everyday.

Personally, it makes it harder for me to not question this case. And I GUARANTEE you it makes it harder for the jurors. I'm not the bad guy for addressing the elephant in the room. I'm sorry if you don't agree. That's ok with me. It's just Websleuths, after all.
IMO, less evidence was presented and effort put forth by the state in CA's case than is true of EA's. In CA's case, it seemed like the state felt they had a "slam dunk" due to her bizarre behavior and the fact that they had Caylee's body. They didn't do much work outside of that.

PPD has appeared to have done quite a bit of due diligence and has been very thorough in their investigation. IMO, according to twitter feed and those WS members attending the trial, this effort has been conveyed to the jury.

Ok, let's not compare the two cases. I'm sorry I tried to use that analogy.

PPD has done a good job. True. I'll be glad to see more evidence though. I hope the jury is as easygoing as you say. If I were on that jury, I'd be listening hard. For sure. There is nothing easy about this case, IMO.
So, HF could come out and say he did *advertiser censored* to CM and wouldn't be prosecuted for it?? I guess I am misunderstanding I understood that the immunity was for drugs only. :thinking:

This is in reference to what b.Humble said about the comments regarding Christina using DRUGS.

Thank you for bringing this up
b. HUMBLE I had thought the same thing. Christina is missing and the evidence leads to one person and that evidence is in his trunk. No need to carry on about how much you know about the drugs she took and you've been waiting to tell us on WS... it's only hearsay like you said...

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