GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 Aug 2014 - Enrique Arochi kidnapping trial #4

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If this is a serious question, the serious answer is
1 Respectfully, the standard is not "guilty beyond any doubt whatsoever" (100%) but rather "guilty beyond REASONABLE doubt." It's not being perfectly convinced, and knowing each and everything absolutely had to be this way or that, but rather just getting to the mindset that it's common sense that he must have done this (even if you're not sure which piece or pieces of evidence is the most compelling).
2 Beyond that, that's what jury deliberations are about. It's the process of jurors sharing reasoning and convictions and each deciding where their plain ole common sense leaves them. (Based on the evidence, to me it's common sense that EA did this. Even if we don't know the precise details of how it all went down, to me it's too obvious that a crime of abduction was done, because she was never seen again, and that he had to have been involved, given the rest of the circumstances with him being the last person and she couldn't have left the garage any other way and her DNA in his trunk so there was nowhere else she could have been, yet his alibi is that she was never ever in his car.)
It was a serious question, thanks!
I thought I remembered reading the camera was missing but the camera case was found at home. To my knowledge this is still true but it's possible I missed an update.

I thought they found the case in the car. Then I remember Jonni going to Christina's apartment and finding the camera there.
There are probably 2-3 people who have a map of every area searched - by design. To this day, I will not reveal the areas where I help searched. I won't either until she has been found.

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IMO the camera is a distraction, initially it was thought to be missing because the empty case was in the car but then it was later found at home. I know we went round and round about the camera in the early days but I'm as sure as I can be that has no relevance to the AK (and don't mention the purses :lol: )

Completely agree. I don't believe the camera is particularly relevant but there seemed to be a few questions in the thread and I was just sharing what I remembered.

Oh sweet baby Jesus, those purses lol! That was before I ever created a WS account and was just trolling the threads. I remember thinking there seemed to be an unnecessary level of conflict and drama over them. How about "Gucci China"....ahhh, memories. :hand::waiting:
I have been going over threads/my notes and looking at the Collin County Court Docket
Have made myself a min/hour time line.

One thing first. Page one of thread 3 Jacob Talamantes. This is the EA former Sprint co worker/employee at Sprint. Looking at the CC docket, I do not see any subpoena from this trial of this individual. He testified on Witness Stand (making him a witness on the record though jmho) per tweets anticipation of getting a deal on pending drug charges for testifying in this trial/case. Unclear to me if he was going to testify orig or not. He also did interview with CH4. He testified that he and Juan Pounce carpooled the day prior. Det May mentions JT in his testimony though as speaking to them on 9/10/14 recording their testimony because the written forms were missing.

(Pounce was on witness stand that date 9/13/16) We have Juan Pounce testimony notes from one of our WS Court reporters YCMom here:

Witness Juan Ponce worked at Sprint before EA was promoted to manager in August.

Juan switched shifts with David Leal, store opens at 10, he was supposed to be there at 9:45 opening with EA.
EA wasn’t there and Juan was confused.

Juan had keys so he opened the store and set up demos.
Doesn’t remember what time EA came in.
EA came in walking with a limp, hung over – hand bruised, and scrapes went up arm, bite mark on forearm.
He asked EA what happened.
EA said Bar fight at Shops @ Legacy, had a guy in chokehold, guy bit him.
EA spent the day partially napping in back room, was sluggish.

Juan says after 8/30 EA was more aggressive. Punched a door after a customer left because he was mad at customer. EA had a slight temper.
EA got a car wash on Wed/Thurs of following week.

Juan overheard EA say car rim fell on his hand. He didn’t want to start anything so he didn’t question him.

Juan filled out written statement, was given one at Sprint Store but it went missing, went to PPD to fill it out. Asked coworkers where forms were, no one knew.

Asks if Ponce had security code? &#8220;Yes&#8221;
Does EA brag about things? &#8220;Yes&#8221;
Want to seem tougher than he is? &#8220;Yes&#8221;
Did JP use shopvac? &#8220;No&#8221;
See anyone else use it? &#8220;No&#8221;
Told police it had been there &#8220;a few weeks&#8221;
Also co worker David Leal testimony same link ^^ From TCMom notes : (The witness did have a touch of attitude which set off this next question)

Defense &#8220;Do you have an agenda today or are you just here to answer questions?&#8221; &#8220;Just here to answer questions&#8221;

Curious if this will have any bearings on Pounce testimony (will the Def recall Pounce? and ask him anything about in front of jury?) Judge did state (per tweet that

L.P. Phillips &#8207;@lpphillips 1m1 minute ago
State will move on and decide later whether to use Takanetes. Judge says this could be an advanced Brady situation #arochitrial

I was looking up spelling and found this article (not trying to read anything prior for my on thoughts of trial) but will include that link. Interesting to me. Nov 5 2014
On the Def wanting to enter in the GJ Indictment as evidence. Judge ultimately said was "accusations only" written by GJ not PPD. ask any questions Def wished. I am still confused a little on this. I thinking it was GJ Indictment on EA case that on trial for. It was topic same time hearing held with Jury out on HF taking the 5th.

JMHO again I thinking it was EA GJ Indictment. And that that is why the Def went at the Det asking about sexual assault ** Def did get the question out and then State Objected. Jury heard that - cant unring a bell. Also, when Def wanted to know about semen. asked iirc it was the Private Lab owner about semen there was an objection. Defense wants it in the record, it in the report no semen. Def said was going to subpoena the Lab employees who wrote the reports. This all goes to one of the Statutes list for the charge. If Def can get it on record no semen, then the State is going to have to prove how sexual assault is proven JMHO

Also it not a murder trial. They have not shown (State) yet, how CM under this Statue was injured. No injury period just missing. The CSI that State spoke of going to testify that blood was in EA car, Det Staub - IIRC that is the witness that the Def won their objection on his testimony. Not an accredited lab. Employed by PPD

Sec. 20.04. AGGRAVATED KIDNAPPING. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly abducts another person with the intent to:
(1) hold him for ransom or reward;
(2) use him as a shield or hostage;
(3) facilitate the commission of a felony or the flight after the attempt or commission of a felony;
(4) inflict bodily injury on him or violate or abuse him sexually;
(5) terrorize him or a third person; or
(6) interfere with the performance of any governmental or political function.
(b) A person commits an offense if the person intentionally or knowingly abducts another person and uses or exhibits a deadly weapon during the commission of the offense.
(c) Except as provided by Subsection (d), an offense under this section is a felony of the first degree.
(d) At the punishment stage of a trial, the defendant may raise the issue as to whether he voluntarily released the victim in a safe place. If the defendant proves the issue in the affirmative by a preponderance of the evidence, the offense is a felony of the second degree.

Acts 1973, 63rd Leg., p. 883, ch. 399, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1974. Amended by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 900, Sec. 1.01, eff. Sept. 1, 1994; Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 318, Sec. 4, eff. Sept. 1, 1995.
James Rose &#8207;@JamesRoseFox4 2m2 minutes ago
#FOX4News:#ArochiTrial: Detective: Arochi allows search& pics of his car, also what appears to be scratch or bite marks on his rt forearm

Valerie Wigglesworth &#8207;@vlwigg 27m27 minutes ago
Interview: Arochi says he can't find texts. Said his GF was asleep, he was txting her to make sure she didn't learn he went out #arochitrial

@vlwigg were these text proven ?

Valerie WigglesworthVerified account &#8207;@vlwigg 49s50 seconds ago
.@XXXXXX Arochi texted GF at 10:44 pm 8/29/14 then 10:52 am 8/3014. No record of texts to GF while walking with Morris #arochitrial
I think it's obvious he texted gf at 10:52 AFTER disposing with phone off.

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Like this post ONLY if you think the state has presented enough evidence to secure a guilty verdict.

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Like this post ONLY if you think the state has not presented enough evidence and will likely result in a not guilty verdict.

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JMHO from observation

Going back over notes and such. May have missed this but in TCMom notes, HF said that CM wanted to got to ALLEN and he didnt want to:

August 29 - CM/HF were in a good mood. CM wanted to go to Allen. HF didn't want to. Taylor Barry was at their house in FW. Christina left house first in her car. HF and TB left 1 hour after CM. He knew Taylor 3-4 months at this point.

Defense asks about 8/26/2014 FB message Morris got from Latarence Dunbar, who works security. (from Travis Dance Club in Uptown Dallas, reminding of a party this weekend (which would be that weekend she went missing) Det. said info found not relevant to case--

VW the reporter tweeted that Dunbar was a bodyguard and was on witness list. JMHO I think he will be on the DEFENSE List if any:

Friday afternoon
CM: Do you want me to get you food?
HF: No, sorry, need to meet with Barry and V
CM: V?
HF: Vincent
CM Are you being 100 w me? (clarifies that means being honest)
CM: Layla needs 3 xanax (Layla may be someone she worked with, HF doesn’t know)
CM: Bodyguard people calling me, you should call the dude

<HF believes body guard (I think LaTerrence B from before) wanted to just hang out. Neither he nor CM needed a bodyguard)

Defense to Hunter Foster:

August 29th you never left Uptown Dallas? “no”
Never north of 635? “no”
Asks again

Defense: Your factual resume (federal) says you sold drugs to undercover agent at Jaguars/Eternal Eden than night.

HF sold drugs there occasionally. HF doesn’t know where Jaguars is relative to Uptown. HF believes factual resume but doesn’t remember going there.

Where did you meet bodyguard? “Travis night club” – doesn’t remember his name. Doesn’t know about CM’s conversation with body guard?

Defense: Did you owe people money?
Hf: Sometimes

HF contacted attorney because he know he was a suspect in disappearance

Denies deleting data off phone.
When pressed, might have deleted things about dealing drugs

Defense: You’re texting CM about drugs? Didn’t delete that?
Why would bodyguard people call CM? And she tells HF he should call the dude. Is that part of debt owed threat CMs coworkers were going to testify to?

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Those stream-of-consciousness posts are hard to comprehend as to what exactly is being asserted or asked, but it looks to me like there's a lot of confusion over what the charge is and what has to be proven.

A few things that may help clear up some of the confusion:
1 The crime that EA is accused of is "aggravated" kidnapping, and it requires that the state prove not only a kidnapping but an aggravating factor was part of the crime.
2 In that quest, as long as each juror is convinced that at least one of the aggravating factors was present, they can find him guilty. But the 12 don't all have to agree as to which factor.
3 There seems to be some confusion over what they have to show re bodily injury or sexual assault for either of those to be the factor. With those, they wouldn't have to prove they occurred at all, but only that EA at some point had some intent to either hurt or commit SA (or both) on CM. Again, its merely the existence of some intent (not necessarily an action) that the jury has to be convinced of somehow.
4 There are added options as well. IMO putting her in the trunk would have terrorized her, and "intent to terrorize" is an alternative (or additional) aggravating factor they are likely to argue.
5 A struggle and the damage that ensued (bites and/or bruises) is also evidence of her being terrorized by fear and of some intent by EA to commit bodily harm imo. Maybe SA as well.
6 Personally, I think the blood in the trunk and the dent in the fender, combined with the fact that CM has never been seen again, will convince the jury that bodily injury not only was intended but also that it occurred.

As to the sex-related evidence that the defense has been dancing to keep out of the trial, they are damning facts from EA's background, not items directly linked to CM. Those background items include deviant *advertiser censored* habits, his history of and desires for strangulation sex, and the evidence for his rape of a minor, and while they have been precluded as direct evidence, they are allowable as rebuttal of defense claims and statements, especially claims by the defense that "the state has no evidence" to support the idea that EA did or intended to do sexual assault. So the defense has been warned at times to retract questions and statements that would justify a rebuttal.

Hope that helps.
What about the felony option? Since the state has said EA caused her to disappear, couldn't the jury view that as he took her to kill her, thus committing a felony???
JMO, MOO, etc
What about the felony option? Since the state has said EA caused her to disappear, couldn't the jury view that as he took her to kill her, thus committing a felony???
JMO, MOO, etc

Not sure what you mean by "felony option." Are you referencing item (d) in the portion of the statute that was quoted?

If so ...AK is a felony. Item (d) is only there to offer a lessening of the potential punishment in exchange for the safe return of the one who was kidnapped. It's a carrot on the stick, in case it might help. But it's still a felony crime either way.
Like this post ONLY if you think the state has not presented enough evidence and will likely result in a not guilty verdict.

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I cannot vote either way just yet. I think the defense has done well up until the interviews were played on Friday. I have to see how defense will spin it tomorrow. In my heart he's guilty but I see doubt also. Moo
Why would bodyguard people call CM? And she tells HF he should call the dude. Is that part of debt owed threat CMs coworkers were going to testify to?

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Unsure. Taylor Shelton who hired CM testified CM got some text messages that concerned her. Judge would not let details be given (threat about $). (JMHO possibly because the State had not entered those text messages? If not then Shelton testimony probably be hearsay?)
Just an :thinking: after looking up where CM worked and knowing that HF sold drugs to CM boss (unsure who that is) but dating service - with all the known drug dealing going on gives me the creeps. Just an observation.

CM: Bodyguard people calling me, you should call the dude

<HF believes body guard (I think LaTerrence B from before) wanted to just hang out. Neither he nor CM needed a bodyguard) had FB msg CM There is an individual subpoena by Def

09/08/2016 Defense Application for Subpoena
Dunbar, Latarence Eugene
Served 09/08/2016
Returned 09/08/ 2016

**also has HF mother subpoened

08/24/2016 Defense Application for Subpoena
Foster, Mary Jane
Served 08/30/2016
Returned 09/01/2016
Disclaimer: info taken from cross ref various reports tweets, TCMom & Gigglingtoes courtroom notes, link from Looking for Clues WS member. Only presenting as JMHO from those references. To the best of my knowledge from Trial info:

8/2014 Unsure date, but week prior to 8/29/2014 EA stole a cellphone from Sprint and activated in personal account. Was returned to Sprint, had been wiped clean. Sprint turned over to PPD

8/26/2014 - Tuesday
LaTarence Dunbar - Facebook message to CM - Nice to meet you, Don&#8217;t forget about party this weekend * Def Opening St*8/2014 mnt, TCMom notes, and a person by name is on CC Court docket 09/08/2016 Defense Application for Subpoena 09/08/201 SubpoenaDunbar, Latarence Eugene Served09/08/2016 Returned09/08/2016
Disclaimer: info taken from cross ref various reports tweets, TCMom & Gigglingtoes courtroom notes, link from Looking for Clues WS member. Only presenting as JMHO from those references. To the best of my knowledge from Trial info * as complete as I know please let me know if need to add anything.

HF testimony on State direct 9/13/16 Confirms his cell number. At beginning of the night, CM and HF were texting each other.
Friday afternoon (TCMom trial notes-we do not have time some)
CM: Do you want me to get you food?
HF: No, sorry, need to meet with Barry and V
CM: V? HF: Vincent
CM Are you being 100 w me? (clarifies that means being honest)
CM: Layla needs 3 xanax (Layla may be someone she worked with, HF doesn&#8217;t know)
CM: Bodyguard people calling me, you should call the dude <HF believes body guard (I think LaTerrence B from before) wanted to just hang out. Neither he nor CM needed a bodyguard) (this is Dunbar)

Friday evening (*TCMom trial notes-we do not have time on some)
9/13/16 Testimony of HF Unknown time but will stick her due known tolltag time evidence: (Jmho mimi)
CM/HF were in a good mood. CM wanted to go to Allen. HF didn't want to. Taylor Barry was at their house in Ft Worth.
Christina left house first in her car. HF and TB left 1 hour after CM. He knew Taylor 3-4 months at this point. They went to Concrete Cowboy in Uptown - was dealing drugs. Sold to undercover federal officer that night. It was MDMA (ground up in a bag - Molly)
CM: Can you get coke?
HF: No
CM: Dammit I was looking to toot me some coca-cola
HF: Hope you&#8217;re f-ing joking. <HF says she has a past with cocaine and he didn&#8217;t want her doing it again>
CM: My nose too pretty and my personality.
CM: Couldn&#8217;t get Xanax until Tuesday
CM: Sends a screenshot of convo with someone (number only) who can&#8217;t get a Xanax refill yet. But had hydros. Can bring 5 hydros <HF doesn&#8217;t know who>
CM: Do you know Bre Loftin
HF: Duh
HF: Hello stranger

8:02 p.m. EA text to RA (gf at time) "Taking the black off my rims"

8:54 pm CM (MM tolltag)going North @Parker & DNT, Main Plaza. Previous records show she was on President George Bush Tollway coming from Ft Worth direction. (NTTA R Jacobson. State exhibit #97

9:00 p.m. PP testified that CM arrived at her apt

9:43 p.m. EA text to RA (gf at time) &#8220;Can&#8217;t wait to see you tomorrow&#8221;

9:47 p.m. EA going south on SRT Custer Main Lane (TCMom 9/13/16 trial State exhibit#95 )

10:00 p.m. PP testified at others arrived at her apt

10:24 p.m. &#8211; HF (< mom,Mary Jane Foster tolltag)Dallas North Tollway MainLanes @ Keller Springs going North (NTTA R. Jacobson State exhibit #98)

10:28 p.m. &#8211; HF (< mom,Mary Jane Foster tolltag)Dallas North Tollway Main Lanes at Parker going North (NTTA R. Jacobson State exhibit #98)

10:37 p.m. EA to RA: "Hey mi amor Im going to sleep my head is killing me and I cant keep my eyes open..."

10:44 p.m. last text from EA to RA 8/29/14 "You're my everything.

11:13 p.m. CM: Leaving

11:13 p.m, &#8211; HF (< mom,Mary Jane Foster tolltag)Dallas North Tollway Main Lanes at Parker going South (NTTA R. Jacobson State exhibit #98)

11:16 p.m. &#8211; HF (< mom,Mary Jane Foster tolltag)Dallas North Tollway Main Lanes at Keller Springs going South (NTTA R. Jacobson State exhibit #98)

11:32 p.m. EA Camero enters parking garage (video)

11:40 p.m. HF: Meeting Phat to get more
CM: LOL Think you&#8217;ll make it out here? People want to see you
HF: LOL Who?
CM: List of people <he knows mots of them>
CM: If you can bring P $40 worth of Coke she&#8217;d be in heaven

11:25 p.m. CM/EA/SB/Aronia? arrived at Henry&#8217;s Tavern (Asst GM Henry&#8217;t testimony)

CM friend SN testified that he drove CM to bars after the apt& after she parked in parking garage *Note as of 9/16/16, I don&#8217;t know time of her car arriving at parking garage or where she orig parked, but apparently she parked closer to PP apt to begin with.

**EA stated on PPD video 9/3/14 that he parked in front of Blue Martini Bar. PPD Det Benzick stated looked for Camero and/or group of party group did not see. Didn&#8217;t archive copy saw as no value. Address: 7301 Lone Star Dr, Plano, TX 75024

**Unsure of time CM sent Snapchat video of night out to friend Sidney Robertson &#8220;wish you were here, I love you&#8221;
Like this post if you are still undecided and not ready to vote yet for guilty or not guilty.

FYI, this is based solely on what state has presented in court, not what us sleuths know about.

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Disclaimer: info taken from cross ref various reports tweets, TCMom & Gigglingtoes courtroom notes, link from Looking for Clues WS member. Only presenting as JMHO from those references. To the best of my knowledge from Trial info * as complete as I know please let me know if need to add anything.

8/30/2014- Saturday
12:31 a.m. Morris&#8217; ID scanned at Scruffy Duffies bar at Shops at Legacy.

12:34 a.m. Credit card transaction made w/CM MasterCard at Scruffy Duffies bar.

-EA, Sabrina Boss and Paulina Petrosky go to Whataburger.
CM & friend Steven Nickerson returned back to Petrosky's apartment. Smoke cig in car waiting for friends (SN testimony)

2:00 a.m. RA text to EA she loved him too

2:00 a.m. (<After 2:am>HF testimony 9/13/16 ) Went to &#8220;W Hotel&#8221; With Taylor Barry & TB friend *TB plea 5th - *TB shows on Def witness subpoena, but he has invoked and no immunity given as of 9/16/16

HF on stand 9/13/16 Prosecutor showing map of Concrete Cowboy. HF says it was a bar with music. Was there most of the night. Went to the W hotel. May have gone to other bars around there (Concrete Cowboy).

HF testimony 9/13/16 HF was using Molly & Xanax & Alcohol. Night was a blur; doesn&#8217;t know how to explain the high. MDMA helps you stay up.
Also states: Doesn&#8217;t remember calls or texts from any number, was probably asleep or high.

HF testimony 9/13/16 State direct: (unsure when went to Concrete Cowboy timewise. Says he saw LP at Concrete Cowboy, had no words/interaction, doesn&#8217;t think LP saw him.

2:03 a.m. HF: I&#8217;m see Logan
HF: Beat down
CM: Kill him <HF testifies that she&#8217;s not serious>

2:12 a.m. CM to HF - Can you come pick me up?
Please tell me what&#8217;s going on Lost my car key
Really? Right now I mean that much to you?

2:34 a.m. CM text to HF photo of her hand holding two keys with &#8220;Found them.
I throwed please come get me.

**7-8 more texts she&#8217;s apologizing for getting mad and asking him to come get her. (TCMom notes from 9/13/16)

3:01 a.m. CM to HF text Good night, Hope you&#8217;re okay You lost the best thing that ever happened to you

3:16 a.m. CM to HF text Taking taxi home. See you one day. *Det Benzink testifies not aware of this text by CM to HF*

3:29 WTF? Please just answer

3:29: Phones dead too

3:29 Driving home

3:30 a.m. CM & EA leave Petrosky&#8217;s apartment on Scruggs Way

3:43 a.m. CM calls Steven Nickerson, says she&#8217;s still walking to her vehicle.

3:45 a.m. CM outgoing call is walking Northbound on Parkwood (then there is a tower switch)

3:46 a.m. CM outgoing call

3:48 a.m. CM to HF text Can I at least get in house.

3:50 a.m. Text or phone call made from EA phone to HF

3:53 a.m. Text or phone call made from EA phone to HF.

3:55 a.m. Text or phone call made from EA phone to HF

3:55 a.m. EA &CM seen on surveillance camera entering parking garage.

3:58 a.m. EA Camaro leaves the parking garage (Bank video)

4:08 a.m. Det Benzick testimony, green KIA making few passes in parking garage. Did not ID, possible UBER type vehicle *on Def cross, admitted did not know of CM 3:16 a.m. text to HF about going to call a taxi *

4:08 a.m. EA Camaro Tolltag SRT Custer Road gantry traveling North on S.H. 121. (exhibit#96 NTTA Robert Jacobson)(Witness Cory Carr (Roadway Systems Mgr IT, NTTA) Clarified the SRT Main Lane Gantry at Custer).

4:47 a.m. CM phone pings cell tower at 5800 Granite Parkway (north of Shops at Legacy)

4:56 a.m. EA phone pings cell tower at 5800 Granite Parkway (north of Shops at Legacy)

5:32 a.m. EA phone pings cell tower in 1500 block of Bethany Drive near his home.

6:21 a.m. Sun rises.

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (per HF 9/13/16 as State witness on direct) -HF says he went home around 10am-12pm on morning of 8/30. TB was with him. *again TB plea 5th & has subpoena from Def, but no use immunity from State as of trial close 9/16/16 that public aware of*

10:15 a.m. EA pumps gas, inspects trunk and driver&#8217;s side of vehicle at Allen Kroger, 1212 E. Bethany Drive. He is seen on video wiping down passenger side door and scrubbing back of vehicle with squeegee.

10:51 a.m. EA clocks in @ Sprint (sched 8a-1p 2-6p)Witness Shawn McKinney Director of Sales for Sprint &#8211; Regional Manager EA work time cards *(TCMom note: Defense continues perusing time card with witness. 5 other instances that I noted where he was due at 8 and was anywhere from 39 minutes late to 3+ hours late. Just in a 2-3 week period.

10:52 a.m. EA texts RA claims to be at work (HE IS clocked in at 10:51 a.m.per time card entered into evidence)

10:55 a.m. EA text * unsure what said. RA also testifies may have tried calling EA too. Unsure time

**Per HF 9/13/16 testimony State witness on direct- Saturday didn&#8217;t call CM, figured she was still with friends. Went to sleep at home, got up in the evening. Didn&#8217;t call or text CM, he was still using drugs. Thought she was mad, and/or w/family and friends

**Per HF 9/13/16 testimony State witness on direct he(HF) Went out Saturday night &#8211; selling / doing drugs (back to Dallas)

1:19 p.m. EA texts RA Thank you for caring

1:45 p.m. EA feels better just forgot to turn alarm on

**Unsure of time conversation, or time RA picked up EA - says his parents are gone, wants to see her. Went out August 30, 2014. RA picked him up and met friend. That was first time she saw after texting. AR testifies EA told her a tire fell on his hand while he was fixing his rims and that's how he got hurt. She noticed his right hand cuts/scratches bruised on knuckles.
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