GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 Aug 2014 - Enrique Arochi kidnapping trial #5

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Food for thought...true story from last weekend.

-My hubby took the SUV to unload some stuff at the dump
-I took his car (Dodge Charger..similar to Camaro) to the grocery store
-Got home, hubby came out to grab some of the bags from the trunk
-Picked-up a bag in each hand and proceeded to have a sneezing fit (allergies were bad last weekend) - sneezed "BIG" three times right over the open trunk (he's one of those LOUD sneezers!!

If the police came out today and swabbed his trunk for DNA, can we think of three places it might be found? Not being sarcastic or argumentative. Just a scenario that would cross my mind as a juror (and I have served on a criminal jury btw).
I increasingly believe they left to get drugs for the group. I don't think he was taking her home.I base this on texts and HF's behavior. I don't necessarily believe they were meeting him, but somehow he played a role. Something happened along the way or at the designation. EA is guilty of knowing what happened and doing something to her. We may never know the truth but we need to know to find her!

I think HF had some sort of roll in this. Unsure how it all fits in real life. For all I know they met HF something happen and EA threatened or something. I don't know. Many hmms. But I just going by what presented in court. Totally different than my opinion of what happened and guilt or no guilt of what happen. State has to prove their charges, that's what the trial is about as far as guilt or innocent. Lots of innocent go to jail and guilty set free. JMHO
Valerie Wigglesworth Verified account  ‏@vlwigg · 3m3 minutes ago
.@XXXX It's 2 p.m. and still no word from the jury. #arochitrial
I think HF had some sort of roll in this. Unsure how it all fits in real life. For all I know they met HF something happen and EA threatened or something. I don't know. Many hmms. But I just going by what presented in court. Totally different than my opinion of what happened and guilt or no guilt of what happen. State has to prove their charges, that's what the trial is about as far as guilt or innocent. Lots of innocent go to jail and guilty set free. JMHO

IMO You have a different and more objective view of this case. You have not followed since she was reported missing. You were not privy to months and months of discussions, SM circus, rumors and more. You see it as an impartial juror would. IMO.
Food for thought...true story from last weekend.

-My hubby took the SUV to unload some stuff at the dump
-I took his car (Dodge Charger..similar to Camaro) to the grocery store
-Got home, hubby came out to grab some of the bags from the trunk
-Picked-up a bag in each hand and proceeded to have a sneezing fit (allergies were bad last weekend) - sneezed "BIG" three times right over the open trunk (he's one of those LOUD sneezers!!

If the police came out today and swabbed his trunk for DNA, can we think of three places it might be found? Not being sarcastic or argumentative. Just a scenario that would cross my mind as a juror (and I have served on a criminal jury btw).

But would your husband lie to them and say you were never near his trunk at all and that, in fact, he barely knows you and has no idea where you even went?
If EA had both phones with him, and I'm assuming that's pretty likely, I wonder if LE just for their own information were able to identify other phones pinging the same towers at the same time as Christina's and EA's. I don't know if this reverse type of search is possible but I wouldn't have thought it would be an unmanageable number to trace at that time in the morning.

I totally get that without the phone this has no evidenciary value but might have yielded some clues as to where he went

I agree and the texts and phone call info came from the other phones his phone communicated with, but I don't think he had the missing phone that night. IMO he stole the phone to hide his extracurricular activities from his GF. He didn't give it back to Sprint. He wiped it after LE requested to see it and he wouldn't let them. He gave it to LE after that. LE gave it back to Sprint after they found it had been wiped and had no evidentiary value.
But would your husband lie to them and say you were never near his trunk at all and that, in fact, he barely knows you and has no idea where you even went?

Lord I hope not!!! He'd be in very big trouble with ME!!!!
Food for thought...true story from last weekend.

-My hubby took the SUV to unload some stuff at the dump
-I took his car (Dodge Charger..similar to Camaro) to the grocery store
-Got home, hubby came out to grab some of the bags from the trunk
-Picked-up a bag in each hand and proceeded to have a sneezing fit (allergies were bad last weekend) - sneezed "BIG" three times right over the open trunk (he's one of those LOUD sneezers!!

If the police came out today and swabbed his trunk for DNA, can we think of three places it might be found? Not being sarcastic or argumentative. Just a scenario that would cross my mind as a juror (and I have served on a criminal jury btw).

I see your point... But would you say your husband has never been in/near your car to transfer DNA?

In my opinion the DNA along with the fact Enrique says Christina wasn't near his car, not parked close. Never been in his car on a previous occasion how did the DNA get there?
I just think that there's too much to ignore. The DNA, the lies, the injuries, the cleaning of the car IMMEDIATELY after, showing up late to work, wiping his phone, the ping. If it was just one of these things I would get it but all of them together creates to no doubt in my mind, he is guilty.
If EA had both phones with him, and I'm assuming that's pretty likely, I wonder if LE just for their own information were able to identify other phones pinging the same towers at the same time as Christina's and EA's. I don't know if this reverse type of search is possible but I wouldn't have thought it would be an unmanageable number to trace at that time in the morning.

I totally get that without the phone this has no evidenciary value but might have yielded some clues as to where he went

Evidently they have the phone from Sprint store and it will have identifiable number to that exact phone. They have the Sprint records for number that CM texted HF from and that EA texed RA from. IF they all did not match up to the cell records and ping info being same phone then surely Def would have raised that at trial. SO jmho other phone no help here unless they knew the phone number or something to check against for other activity. Heck could be burner phone.
Food for thought...true story from last weekend.

-My hubby took the SUV to unload some stuff at the dump
-I took his car (Dodge Charger..similar to Camaro) to the grocery store
-Got home, hubby came out to grab some of the bags from the trunk
-Picked-up a bag in each hand and proceeded to have a sneezing fit (allergies were bad last weekend) - sneezed "BIG" three times right over the open trunk (he's one of those LOUD sneezers!!

If the police came out today and swabbed his trunk for DNA, can we think of three places it might be found? Not being sarcastic or argumentative. Just a scenario that would cross my mind as a juror (and I have served on a criminal jury btw).

Makes sense except remember defense says she was never in or near his car. They didn't offer a reasonable reason explaining how her DNA got there. They have stuck to the claim they went their separate ways, never in or near his car etc. If the defense isn't offering up that possiblity then it really isn't a relevant possibility in this case. I hope I'm making sense.

Thry blame the cops for her DNA being in his trunk their claim is she didn't deposit it there. No need to give him extra excuses that he didn't even use.

And if she just sneezed, why lie and lie and lie and lie?
Makes sense except remember defense says she was never in or near his car. They didn't offer a reasonable reason explaining how her DNA got there. They have stuck to the claim they went their separate ways, never in or near his car etc. If the defense isn't offering up that possiblity then it really isn't a relevant possibility in this case. I hope I'm making sense.

Thry blame the cops for her DNA being in his trunk their claim is she didn't deposit it there. No need to give him extra excuses that he didn't even use.

And if she just sneezed, why lie and lie and lie and lie?

Why does anyone lie about anything really?
Just laughed a bit (so hard to do in this case) at the though of wouldn't it have been better to clsim she sneezed or vommitted on his car than to blame it on a boyfriend who has an alibi of an undercover cop, a mystery car, and the Aryan brotherhood???
Defense attorney is who chooses who will testify that will best help in his defense. The time for that would be during investigation. They said they have no proof of when purchased (PPD testimony)

If I were the defendant I would listen to what my attorney advises.

As to the question what I would do. It not relevant here because I do not know the whole background of who knows what. Only what is presented at trial. Forming my opinion on that only. That is what the jury is to do also. Evidence not Emotion. Or why didn't *advertiser censored* testify to *advertiser censored*.

LOL on us and our supplies. Lawd I have tons, buy some on sale, then something else may not like but still have. I do not see that a huge jmho

The defense attorney also has to work with the hand he's dealt. For some reason, he felt the family could not provide any testimony that would help his client. EA told the police his brother was his alibi. Yet his lawyer did not have his brother testify as his alibi.

By the way, I'm pretty sure you are the first person to ever say that I might use Emotion over Evidence. ;) :hug:
I agree. EA could have made up any story he wanted about how he was injured. He picked the words he said; he introduced the topic of him being in a fight.

The time the jury has been deliberating doesn't really concern me yet because I feel like they had to start from scratch with the new juror.

Not from scratch. Depending on the count. and that juror thoughts. But it is 2:35pm and still out so someone is not convinced of something. How many and why we don't know
As I have said before, I don't think we can make a decision based solely on the tweets from the trial. The jurors are hearing and seeing so much more. I certainly would love to see all the exhibits! In fact, many of the tweets were done while the jury was OUT of the courtroom due to legal arguments, so we know some things that the jurors don't know, as well as some things that had never been released to the public before. I think the only way to be fair in our judgment is if we are in that courtroom, hearing the case in full as presented by each side.

That said, it is interesting to see what our fellow sleuthers think about the case and how it was presented.


I agree about wanting to see the exhibits and testimony. But we do have the closing and both Def and State pretty much went with what tweets said to a point. And there were some tweets that very much one reporter copied from another (exact wording lol) and then there were some that mistweeted.

We wont be able to see that stuff tho. If guilty they will use if for appeal and as vw tweeted most times not released to public, stays with court. Especially in this case I would think in the hopes of someday she is found.

I would like to see the mat lol
I think that the Prosecution did a great job of outlining his countless lies and having so many people testify that they don't remember any scratches or marks on him from that night. The DNA was a little bit of icing on the cake.
I am hoping for a verdict today or I am going to get a wee bit nervous that there is a chance he will be found Not Guilty. Gosh, I hate even typing that...or even thinking that there is a remote chance of that.

Here's a question....if he is found guilty, can the verdict be appealed? (Canadian here and not all that familiar with U.S. law)

JMHO but pretty sure he could and will if convicted. That is why the Def Attorney asks for *advertiser censored* and all the motions and stuff that we think hearing or following is bs lol it is so it is preserved in the record if an appeal is ever filed.

I wish we knew the case law for the case where judge went back and looked up (the intent sexual abuse) where because EA allegedly spurned by SB that he took it out on CM.
I respect your opinion Mimi but I don't share your reasonable doubt, the fact that the Blue Star did react, even lightly, and DNA was in the sample from that reaction, tells me CM was on that trunk mat and lost bodily fluid of some nature, and most likely blood as I don't believe Blue Star reacts to saliva (without blood in it). Plus the DNA on the weatherstripping gasket proves to me she was actually inside the trunk and it could not have been transference or contamination (Fortenberry addresses this in his closing).

Along with all of his story changing and lies, the several empty bottles of cleaning fluids at his house, the post-it with associated items from that night, the phone pings of that night after leaving the parking garage, I simply have no doubt, reasonable or otherwise that EA disappeared her and did great bodily injury to her. That may not have been his intent when she first entered his car but since pings lead investigators to believe that he drove the wrong way from the garage if he were taking her home, and then drove back towards the Shops, at some point he did intend to do her harm.

If an accident occurred, such as was postulated (she didn't want to go where he was driving, jumped out of the car and he unintentionally hit her), why wouldn't he own up to that at some point, knowing he was busted? Much better to concede a terrible accident happened and stupid panic behavior afterwards (hiding her body) than to be charged with kidnapping and possible murder if and when she is found.

Just the way I see it.

I actually wasn't 100% convinced being in court had I not known all I know from following this case. There is so much that they couldn't bring into court and so many extras that we know they didn't get to bring up. So if you remember to think of it as a jury it's harder IMO. A lot of the defenses stuff was extremely tiring and boring and the jurors looked sleepy but closing arguments they were attentive to both state and defense. Jmo from my observations in court :)
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