GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #1 *Arrest*

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According to police, 23-year-old Christina Marie Morris was visiting friends in the 5700 block of Scruggs Way Sept. 2. She was last seen walking with a friend into a parking garage a few blocks away at 5715 Legacy Drive.

I tried mapping the route between the two addresses and it should be a 9-minute walk up Parkwood Blvd, per Google Maps, but if you look at the satellite view, there's nothing but grass at 5715 Legacy Drive, unless the parking garage was very recently built. I took my little Google man on a walk up and down Legacy and didn't see anything that looked like a parking garage. :dunno:

I tried mapping the route between the two addresses and it should be a 9-minute walk up Parkwood Blvd, per Google Maps, but if you look at the satellite view, there's nothing but grass at 5715 Legacy Drive, unless the parking garage was very recently built. I took my little Google man on a walk up and down Legacy and didn't see anything that looked like a parking garage. :dunno:

This article says she's been missing since september 2 and the flyers say she's been missing since august 30?

Which is correct? i'm confused.
If they found her car in the parking garage then it's very possible that she was abducted from there.


guests please come join us so we can all sleuth together.
I think the parking garage is "tucked away" behind the shops. You can see the entrance here!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sct5xeci6ivINt3i-9-uc3w!2e0

I tried mapping the route between the two addresses and it should be a 9-minute walk up Parkwood Blvd, per Google Maps, but if you look at the satellite view, there's nothing but grass at 5715 Legacy Drive, unless the parking garage was very recently built. I took my little Google man on a walk up and down Legacy and didn't see anything that looked like a parking garage. :dunno:
Maybe they didn't park at that parking garage.

Where is Christina?

i'm sure they are/have been interviewing the friends she was with when she vanished.
The media needs to get their stories straight.
News 8 just had a local report and the reporter says that Christina and a male friend were walking to the parking garage at The Shops @ Legacy and from there they split up and he was interviewed yesterday by LE and they are continuing to interview him.
guests please come and join us....... we all need various input about this case and many others on webslueths.
How long does it typically take for LE to obtain surveillance videos?
Just heard about this on the news! Hubby and I go there almost every weekend for dinner or to meet friends! In fact we were there Saturday but left around 11.

It's strange because even though there are bars open late around the area I have always felt it was a mega safe place to go, at anytime of day or night. Before I was a mommy I use to shut it down there quite a bit, now I'm lucky if I make it past 11!
Also I would think other people would still have been awake and around, it's a younger party hard crowd there later in the night!
She was last seen August 30th but they didn't report her missing until the 2nd..alot of time has passed. Hope she is found soon..
Do we know if Christina was drunk? I hate to make an implications but 3 am, after being with friends, it's reasonable to assume she might have been? ** speculative** Drunk people can be A ) pretty chatty to strangers B) less aware of their surroundings. So could she have bumped into a stranger and trusted him to walk her to her car? walk her to her next destination? I also wonder if it's typical that she go off and do her own thing for a day or 2 unannounced and that's why 2 days wait to report anything?
LE continue to interview the friend she was last with .......... curious. Would one interview be enough? Or is it typical to keep interviewing because there are no ' leads' coming up ?
Here's a question. Schmae's post made me think of it, because of asking about whether or not Christina was intoxicated. If Christina was drunk, maybe she didn't feel okay to drive (I know, there are way too many people out there who choose to drive drunk). Maybe she accepted a ride from someone else. When drunk I think we are often more vulnerable to accepting a ride home from someone we don't know too well, simply because we just want to get home or are feeling more trusting due to intoxication. Was the male Christina was last seen walking toward the parking garage with meant to give her a ride home in his car? Which might have not actually been in the parking garage (hers was), but just parked in that direction?

If this rambling post makes no sense, ignore it. :scared:
Here's a question. Schmae's post made me think of it, because of asking about whether or not Christina was intoxicated. If Christina was drunk, maybe she didn't feel okay to drive (I know, there are way too many people out there who choose to drive drunk). Maybe she accepted a ride from someone else. When drunk I think we are often more vulnerable to accepting a ride home from someone we don't know too well, simply because we just want to get home or are feeling more trusting due to intoxication. Was the male Christina was last seen walking toward the parking garage with meant to give her a ride home in his car? Which might have not actually been in the parking garage (hers was), but just parked in that direction?

If this rambling post makes no sense, ignore it. :scared:

The local news reporter said that Christina and a male friend were walking together to the parking garage and once they got to the parking garage they split up.

of course we don't know how close their cars were to each other.

I'm thinking they arrived in separate cars since hers was found in the parking garage.
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