GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #17 *Arrest*

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Yeah, unfortunately the reasons why and its location cant be discussed. Wish I could say more.

I understand, I hope this means we'll all have answers soon. And peace and justice for Christina and her loved ones!
IMO - the PPD has info on EA black box car info or some sort of video intel/cell phone pings around that area. EA needs to come clean now and bring resolution to this. Her family deserves this and EA, if you read this, your family needs this too.

Yeah, unfortunately the reasons why and its location cant be discussed. Wish I could say more.
I understand, I hope this means we'll all have answers soon. And peace and justice for Christina and her loved ones!

EA needs to talk while he still can, there are only so many places Christina can be. With every day that passes we are getting one step closer to bringing her home and sending ea to huntsville. I sincerely hope he reads this forum and truly understands his only chance from staying off death row is going to be telling ppd where she is. He has one bargaining chip and sooner rather than later we are going to rake that chip in!
IMO EA will not come clean... LE will have to prove a crime has been committed...which I do believe will happen! His time for making a deal is closing up.....
IMO - the PPD has info on EA black box car info or some sort of video intel/cell phone pings around that area. EA needs to come clean now and bring resolution to this. Her family deserves this and EA, if you read this, your family needs this too.

I'm hoping for all of this!
IMO EA will not come clean... LE will have to prove a crime has been committed...which I do believe will happen! His time for making a deal is closing up.....

I agree. IF he is responsible. I believe there will be no chance he will say anything until the death penalty is on the table and there is no way his lawyer thinks he will not get it. IF that happens and he knows where she is, he may then reveal to get the DP off the table. i am not defending the guilty, just saying, to tell where she is admits guilt now. Clearly, with no charges, the guilty think they will remain free and innocent. So, why say anything? People who murder, don't think about the families of the living.
JMOM, please don't read the following theory. It made my mind and heart hurt to write it!

What if it was a two-step thing? What if something caused him to shove her out of the car or (and I can't decide if this is better or worse... ) what if she was freaked out enough to try to exit the moving car?

Either way, there is an exit in the area searched today resulting in at least an injury.

So. Let's say he panics and goes home to regroup. Maybe he tries to get help in covering up what has happened. Now, with all his fancy phone footwork, let's say his own records are unavailable. But what if the helper's phone is powered on and pinging all over that area at that hour? I think LE would be curious about that phone's activities in the wee hours of the morning. They'd probably interview the helper two or even three times, I'd think...

And what if there was a return trip out to her and THAT was when the biting struggle happened? And maybe a drive deeper into the area with now two able-bodied people to try and subdue an injured person.
I agree. IF he is responsible. I believe there will be no chance he will say anything until the death penalty is on the table and there is no way his lawyer thinks he will not get it. IF that happens and he knows where she is, he may then reveal to get the DP off the table. i am not defending the guilty, just saying, to tell where she is admits guilt now. Clearly, with no charges, the guilty think they will remain free and innocent. So, why say anything? People who murder, don't think about the families of the living.
Agree with you! IF he is indeed responsible ---which I think he is. I also think someone he trusts knows something.
This all leads back to my theory of him going home at some point during that missing time frame. After all he was at the gas station about 10am ...its all coming together EA...better speak up while you have time to make a deal EA and help everyone understand what happened!
I sure hope so. And if that is the case she will turn right around and come back. Us here on the ground that are local won't give up. She knows that. She knows that she has a team in place to get the job done and together we will. Big event on Friday for everyone local, posted on the HFCM page and on twitter. We would love everyone to come out and show their support.

Kelli Bordeaux, in NC, was missing for a long time. Her family members all live out of state. After some time, a PI got involved in the case. Up until then, and afterward, a small group of people searched endlessly for Kelli.

In the meantime, the PI carefully and repeatedly approached the suspect (a sex offender who was sent back to prison for non-registration of change of address) after he was released from prison. The PI kind of befriended the suspect. All along Kelli was buried on private property. Whoever owns the property refused searches stating liability concerns.

If the story of how Kelli was found is accurate, the PI convinced the suspect to reveal Kelli's location. The killer led the PI there and then the PI called LE.

The difference in Kelli's case is the murderer (then, suspect) had no support in the way of sustenance which allowed the PI to befriend him by offering him a meal, a ride or other small favors.

The reason I'm posting this example is to point out the private property obstacle. If EA or others (if LE decides others are involved), have access to private property, I hope LE figures out a way to search there.
In Kelli's case, her killer just took advantage and went on the property illegally. I don't recall reading he was connected to the property owner in any way. Still, I can't reconcile why the owner didn't arrange to search his own property considering he wouldn't allow the volunteers to search.
Just tell the truth EA that is all that is asked of you. No lies. No excuses. Just tell the truth that is it.... help bring CM home where she belongs. Thats all she wanted was to GO HOME

Thanks for the MSM update. From the above link:

Police in Allen search a creek bed on November 19, 2014 in the search for Christina Morris.
(Photo: WFAA)

"No new clues were found as police scoured a creek bed

Police in Allen were out Wednesday in the ongoing search for Christina Morris.

Morris' family confirms that officers were conducting a search in a creek bed as part of the investigation, but nothing was found."
Thanks for the MSM update. From the above link:

View attachment 63868
Police in Allen search a creek bed on November 19, 2014 in the search for Christina Morris.
(Photo: WFAA)

"No new clues were found as police scoured a creek bed

Police in Allen were out Wednesday in the ongoing search for Christina Morris.

Morris' family confirms that officers were conducting a search in a creek bed as part of the investigation, but nothing was found."
This area is pretty wide spread also connected to a GOLF COURSE. Also seems to be a controlled body of water of sorts like a pond but more squared off to tired to think of the name forgive me.... from looking there is certainly places in that area that you could pull up to with a car and no hear any screams or yelling.
I sure hope so. And if that is the case she will turn right around and come back. Us here on the ground that are local won't give up. She knows that. She knows that she has a team in place to get the job done and together we will. Big event on Friday for everyone local, posted on the HFCM page and on twitter. We would love everyone to come out and show their support.

JMOM my husband and I will be there Friday and at Applebee's Saturday! Hope to meet you and of course Carltondance in person.
If EA is charged with murder while Christina is still missing, he would have a year or two, IMO, before he has to worry about the point of no return as far as a deal may go. A DP case always takes a long time to prepare, much less one where the body has not been found. And they (DP trials) are expensive, LE/the state would probably be receptive to a plea. I think he would be able to wait it out until the last possible minute. Jmo
He said he punched it... The body shop said no way that was from punching
there is more than that, but that is pretty much paraphrasing the warrant

carlton, did you see a picture of the Camaro with the dent? Because somewhere I thought someone posted a picture of dark colored, looked black to me, Camaro with a big dent in the front, right. The dent was more on the outside (the side) of the car. It looked like a longer than wider big dent but not crinkled. At the time, I didn't know the relevance of the picture or that EA's car is dark gray (looks black). I thought maybe someone was showing an example of a Camaro even though the one posted had a dent in it.

Anyone else remember seeing something like this many threads ago?
Yeah, unfortunately the reasons why and its location cant be discussed. Wish I could say more.

Thank you for your tireless support (& JMOM too). I would hope that all of us would have such great friends if we needed it.

Justice for CM & strength to the family, friends, searchers for her.
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