GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #23 *Arrest*

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There was much discussion about the argument and it was reported that it was merely a typical bf/gf spat and she was not so upset as to have gone off and left. If she had been talking to family about moving out in the days prior, then you would think that the argument they were having could have been related to that and would have been important to mention and not minimize. But it was relayed as no big deal and something "normal" for their relationship. Maybe she had not talked about moving out right before her disappearance. Maybe we are misunderstanding and it was something that had happened farther in the past.

IMO it's very possible that hindsight is coming into play with some of these comments. It's quite understandable that something that wasn't significant at the time takes on a greater meaning now. From what the VIs have said it doesn't seem to me that those around Christina had any serious misgivings about HF, not to say that they thought he was great boyfriend material (I guess they didn't) but they obviously didn't have a clue about what was going on.
Nothing to tell...just a question for thought. I don't post often so I'm not sure what is ok to post and what is against the TOS. Someone posted above about the clothing business being a front for the trafficking. I agree and it got me thinking about how drugs could be trafficked undetected especially if they come in from another country. That made me think of where the clothes are imported from, if they are at all.

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I have a feeling you're trying to tell us something, could you be a bit more explicit please?

Nothing to tell...just a question for thought. I don't post often so I'm not sure what is ok to post and what is against the TOS. Someone posted above about the clothing business being a front for the trafficking. I agree and it got me thinking about how drugs could be trafficked undetected especially if they come in from another country. That made me think of where the clothes are imported from, if they are at all.

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That's a valid question but I don't believe they were importing clothes. It looks like Hunter took plain shirts and beanies then put patches and iron on transfers on upside down.
If LE had been watching HF since early August, maybe they were tailing him on the night Christina vanished,thus being able to rule him out physically, more or less, so early on.

No one has been ruled out. Not HF. Not EA. Not Christina's friends. Not offically.
Something to consider and I wouldn't know how to track something like this down, but related to the clothing line...I wonder if they import those goods from somewhere? Food for thought.

There are several online sites that sell by bulk from China. If it were my start-up and I needed cheap shirts to put graphics on, I would start by purchasing off of Ebay or Amazon or Craigslist. IMO there isn't a connection between where shirts were purchased and CM's disappearance or HF's drug involvement.
Nothing to tell...just a question for thought. I don't post often so I'm not sure what is ok to post and what is against the TOS. Someone posted above about the clothing business being a front for the trafficking. I agree and it got me thinking about how drugs could be trafficked undetected especially if they come in from another country. That made me think of where the clothes are imported from, if they are at all.

Mods - please delete if this isn't allowed.

Just speculating...someone posted that most synthetic drugs are brought in from China. Well, so are most garments. Maybe drugs were brought in the containers from overseas.
You know, I considered that, but unfortunately I did not screen shot. HF and Christina's house was moved somewhere between Glen Rose and Brownwood. I'll see if I can go back and look at edits somehow. Thank you.

If there's any way to go back and see the altered map, I would if it were me. Can't hurt and may help. Whenever I see/ read something that may at a glance strike me as peculiar, I don't immediately think, "oh someone's being a jerk." (not suggesting you think like that; I'm just pulling an example out of the blue) I think, "what is this person really trying to say?" "What makes them tick?" People will telegraph who they are.. if looked at hard enough. (imo)

IDK.... just 2 cents.
He could be lying to hide drug use that evening...maybe he washed his car to get rid of drug remnants in his car...the lying makes him suspect, but I hate to rule out others without more empirical evidence to incriminate EA.
He'd have to be pretty strung out/paranoid to squeegee his car to get rid of drug evidence lol. I do see what you're saying though. He's still a big part of the puzzle in my book IMO.
IMO it's very possible that hindsight is coming into play with some of these comments. It's quite understandable that something that wasn't significant at the time takes on a greater meaning now. From what the VIs have said it doesn't seem to me that those around Christina had any serious misgivings about HF, not to say that they thought he was great boyfriend material (I guess they didn't) but they obviously didn't have a clue about what was going on.

Yes! I agree! And that is what is so awesome about this forum, to be honest! I know that I can look at everything objectively and sleuth and dig and hypothesize without having that gut wrenching feeling that comes from being close to the people involved. I can look at every possible angle and no matter how weird or twisted the scenario could be, or how certain people could be intertwined, I still look at it because I'm not hindered by a feeling of "No that couldn't happen because he isn't that kind of guy" or "she wouldn't have whatever" It is never with a feeling of callous or uncaring for the family, but an objectivity that allows me to discover things that would have been overlooked had I not questioned everything. I care about what happened to Christina, and feel so sad when I read Jonni's posts every morning, but that's why I continue digging and questioning.

A long time ago I gave the analogy of a doctor setting a child's broken arm: The doctor has to manipulate the arm to reset it. It hurts like hell. Could the parent do it instead of the doctor? Probably not because the parent would have a hard time knowing that resetting the arm would cause pain. The doctor knows it's painful, but has to do it with objectivity, and gets the bone reset. If he was to pussy foot around, the kid would end up with an arm that wouldn't heal properly. Weird analogy I know, but hopefully you all see my point.
Just speculating...someone posted that most synthetic drugs are brought in from China. Well, so are most garments. Maybe drugs were brought in the containers from overseas.

The route for most illegal drugs in Texas - synthetic or not - is via Mexico.

Who is this group has family/friends with connections in Mexico? EA
It's a stretch to suggest that Christina considering a move back home = any kind of evidence that HF was involved in her disappearance, IMO.

I disagree. If CM were going to be no longer sharing a home with HF, he wouldn't know what she's doing or who she's talking with. It speaks to possible desperation, risk of being (hf) exposed. (imo) IDK if HF was taking the drugs or only selling them. Some users experience paranoia and violent outbursts..... or at the very least unclear thinking, poor decision making, and lack of insight. (imo) This is a less than ideal situation for CM's safety either way.
Why do you think she is manipulative?

As well as the friend who got everyone together.

She really sounds like a manipulative person the more pieces that come out and it's sick.[

What do you mean by this? TIA
The route for most illegal drugs in Texas - synthetic or not - is via Mexico.

Who is this group has family/friends with connections in Mexico? EA

Yes, but, if he was importing garments from would have been easy to slip in
Illegal drugs. Maybe even cheaper coming in from China.
The route for most illegal drugs in Texas - synthetic or not - is via Mexico.

Who is this group has family/friends with connections in Mexico? EA

Do you have a reliable link for that or is that an opinion? Thanks.
True...but I was thinking more along the lines of some of the people involved in the trafficking ring that HF was also involved in, not necessarily even those that were in the news this week. And yes, I agree on Mexico being the likely source for Texas.

The route for most illegal drugs in Texas - synthetic or not - is via Mexico.

Who is this group has family/friends with connections in Mexico? EA
True...but I was thinking more along the lines of some of the people involved in the trafficking ring that HF was also involved in, not necessarily even those that were in the news this week. And yes, I agree on Mexico being the likely source for Texas.

Possible!.... one of the people arrested in Kaufman County with HF is also waiting on US Marshals Beaumont area. Then there is EA with ties to Mexico
There was much discussion about the argument and it was reported that it was merely a typical bf/gf spat and she was not so upset as to have gone off and left. If she had been talking to family about moving out in the days prior, then you would think that the argument they were having could have been related to that and would have been important to mention and not minimize. But it was relayed as no big deal and something "normal" for their relationship. Maybe she had not talked about moving out right before her disappearance. Maybe we are misunderstanding and it was something that had happened farther in the past.

I was just thinking this. In the interview with Anna, she said it wasn't recent, but it sounded like there may be more than one instance. Then I believe the article stated that Jonni said she recently talked about moving home. IMHO recently is a relative term, it could have been months ago.

Edit to clarify: this is in response to your last statement.
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