GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #28 *Arrest*

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No, not IMO. When you're at the club, you usually ONLY have your dealer phone with you, the personal phone stays in the car or at home. CM would have known all contact methods to reach him, he wasn't responding for a reason, or he may have been responding, just not documented in any LE published info....did he send one of his friends (or himself) to fetch her from SOL if he was at the club, it's just about 20 min south from where she was "standed".

Let's not forget that when this whole thing started (and while HF was being sooo helpful and cooperative) that his story was that he was at home asleep and that his phone was dead and THAT is why he did not respond to her texts.... That was in multiple news reports as well as interviews. Hmmmm I guess that's not the story any longer...
If Christina was headed for her dad's house, she wouldn't text HF to leave the door unlocked.

See?, see how the texts and times don't line up well with any of the logical theories?

As soon as you think there's a logical explanation as to why Christina made choices she did that morning,
a reminder of something else that happened or reported by party goers cancels out the idea.

Remember CM's dog? Her dog wasn't at her father's house. Remember she planned to stay over in Plano even though she had to work the next day? Yet, someone claims she decided to return home for that same reason.
She knew about her dog and work prior to arriving in Plano.

When someone is explaining something (party goers to Jonni), the info should make sense or explain CM's decisions at least. All they do is contradict or confuse - do nothing to add understanding about the evening.

Even the SB wanting the couch for herself and then retreating to the bed story makes little sense.
If EA wanted SB on the couch, why would he say "no" when asked to move (or move over?).
The story continues when EA goes into the bedroom where SB is, to tell her angrily, if she's not going to sleep on the couch, he's going home.
Why didn't he make room for her on the couch in the first place? The story makes no sense people!
Let's not forget that when this whole thing started (and while HF was being sooo helpful and cooperative) that his story was that he was at home asleep and that his phone was dead and THAT is why he did not respond to her texts.... That was in multiple news reports as well as interviews. Hmmmm I guess that's not the story any longer...

In my youth, I've NEVER heard of a drug dealer/user who was able to sleep very heavy due to drugs, plus he was home snug in bed on a prime time night such as a Friday on Labor Day weekend....idk

I'm not disputing what LE is stressing that HF arrest is NOT related to CM....quite frankly the arrest might not be. However just as EA was a "witness" for 3.5 months and not a suspect, HF may fall into this category too?
Could Christina have been a C I? Guess who can't sleep tonight?
The phone activity has interested me as well. The 0447 phone communication (ping? text? call?) for Christina's phone is about one hour after the text she sent to SN. What if in that 0343 text to SN she asked him to contact her in an hour and that 0447 was SN texting her? PP may have sent her a text asking about her and if she was feeling better. Wouldn't someone - PP, SN or SB - send her text the next day asking how she felt? That would be interesting if that were the case and no one got curious as to why she wasn't replying.

It would be logical for me to say to someone "hey call me when you get home so I know you made it ok"
It would be logical for me to say to someone "hey call me when you get home so I know you made it ok"

Actually in one interview Jonni did say that CM was supposed to call one of her friends to let her know she made it home okay but that they never got that call. So I wonder why, if you expected a call to verify that she got home safely and never got that call, wouldn't you be freaking out BEFORE four days have passed?? And it wasn't even her friend that alerted anyone, it was her BOSS just because she didn't show up to work. Sorry, but I still thInk that is crazy.
Actually in one interview Jonni did say that CM was supposed to call one of her friends to let her know she made it home okay but that they never got that call. So I wonder why, if you expected a call to verify that she got home safely and never got that call, wouldn't you be freaking out BEFORE four days have passed?? And it wasn't even her friend that alerted anyone, it was her BOSS just because she didn't show up to work. Sorry, but I still thInk that is crazy.

ITA. I know it was a long weekend but as someone said upthread, so many people obviously didn't want to include her in their holiday plans. So sad. So very sad. And afer reading about EA's sexual frusration and anger, WHY THE HELL was Christina allowed to leave with him without beiing checked on later? I get the young selfish people that exist but I can't get past the person who knew she was heading home to get her dog and never showed up or even called.
I know we can't sleuth SN but do we know where he lives, maybe he didn't need a car to get to PP's or maybe he got a ride with someone else. Piecing together what we know makes me think that by coming up to 4am there were only 4 cars left in the garage (EA/CM/2 cars belonging to sone kind of security personnel) so I deduce that SN wasn't parked in the garage at that time and so wouldn't have known that CMs car was still there.

This has actually just made me wonder if any of those involved were in the garage during the following 4 days and might have noticed that CM's car hadn't moved, I guess not or they would have tried to contact her sooner.


Now thinking about this when the other people left the party you would think they would have noticed her car still sitting there in the garage.
Actually in one interview Jonni did say that CM was supposed to call one of her friends to let her know she made it home okay but that they never got that call. So I wonder why, if you expected a call to verify that she got home safely and never got that call, wouldn't you be freaking out BEFORE four days have passed?? And it wasn't even her friend that alerted anyone, it was her BOSS just because she didn't show up to work. Sorry, but I still thInk that is crazy.

Oftentimes it's said passively.. I know I've said it many times after a friend leaves a party, but it's easy to forget (hence no alarms going off among her friends IMO). I'd just expect that a friend would text me that something is wrong/off, I wouldn't really anticipate what to do if I didn't hear from them at all. Not hearing from a friend (most of the time) means they just forgot to text you. Know what I mean? Its obviously not the best approach, but in my experience it's the default mindset.

And what if CM's call on the walk back was her saying "Just letting you know I'm almost at my car, I'm fine!"
Has the content of her call been discussed? Sorry if already mentioned. I'm thinking EA could've waited until after her call to become aggressive.
Who arranged for the 4 parking spots to be reserved for their group to begin with and didn't they later take 2 of those 4 cars to the burger place that evening? I got the impression that the cars of CM and EA were the only ones remaining in the garage by the time they left.

I 100% percent believe in not bashing the victim, but I also believe in victimology. It does NO ONE any favors to not be forthcoming with the victims lifestyle, habits, etc. IMO tthat is not bashing.

In a case like this, with so many ppl involved, its very difficult to post a theory without sleuthing ppl. I think at this point since no one is talking, they deserved to be sleuthed.
Otherwise, we will never get to the bottom. Something has got to change and the heat needs to get boiling like it is in hell. just my opinion folks.
I also wonder if this is why TES left. They couldnt get anyone to cooperate with them. Probably not even LE. How frustrating. A lot of searchers have said good riddens too. Very sad. I say open the flood gates and lets get this solved. I realize LE needs a strong case but with the DNA...thats strong!!!
Oftentimes it's said passively.. I know I've said it many times after a friend leaves a party, but it's easy to forget (hence no alarms going off among her friends IMO). I'd just expect that a friend would text me that something is wrong/off, I wouldn't really anticipate what to do if I didn't hear from them at all. Not hearing from a friend (most of the time) means they just forgot to text you. Know what I mean? Its obviously not the best approach, but in my experience it's the default mindset.

And what if CM's call on the walk back was her saying "Just letting you know I'm almost at my car, I'm fine!"
Has the content of her call been discussed? Sorry if already mentioned. I'm thinking EA could've waited until after her call to become aggressive.

I totally get this, I really do. I was young once and when my mom would tell me to call when I got home, I'd roll my eyes. However, if someone was in a bad situation, they may not be able to ttext or call. I realize our youth now are not what we were back in he day and that's fine. My problem is that according to people there that night, EA was angry at being turned down for sex. I can not wrap my head around how it was fine for him to walk Christina to her car. If the thought of him being that way was after the fact of her missing, thenn I have to question how frustrated he really was. Or maybe everyone was so messed up on drugs/alcohol the thoughtt never crossed their mind. As a parent of a teenager, this scares the hell out of me.
Oftentimes it's said passively.. I know I've said it many times after a friend leaves a party, but it's easy to forget (hence no alarms going off among her friends IMO). I'd just expect that a friend would text me that something is wrong/off, I wouldn't really anticipate what to do if I didn't hear from them at all. Not hearing from a friend (most of the time) means they just forgot to text you. Know what I mean? Its obviously not the best approach, but in my experience it's the default mindset.

And what if CM's call on the walk back was her saying "Just letting you know I'm almost at my car, I'm fine!"
Has the content of her call been discussed? Sorry if already mentioned. I'm thinking EA could've waited until after her call to become aggressive.

Here's the interview with the quote from Jonni saying that her friends were expecting a call to hear that she made it home safely.
Yes, surely her friends could have just said, "Call to let us know you are safe!" And not actually meant it -- well clearly that is the case, but I guess I just think that's strange. To go from a friend (SN) being so concerned as to offer to drive her to Ft Worth himself, to then just let her walk off into the wee hours of the morning with a guy who was making sexual advances on one of the three girls at the apartment, to not actually following up that she made it home... That's weird. And very contradictory. And sad, honestly.
Oftentimes it's said passively.. I know I've said it many times after a friend leaves a party, but it's easy to forget (hence no alarms going off among her friends IMO). I'd just expect that a friend would text me that something is wrong/off, I wouldn't really anticipate what to do if I didn't hear from them at all. Not hearing from a friend (most of the time) means they just forgot to text you. Know what I mean? Its obviously not the best approach, but in my experience it's the default mindset.

And what if CM's call on the walk back was her saying "Just letting you know I'm almost at my car, I'm fine!"
Has the content of her call been discussed? Sorry if already mentioned. I'm thinking EA could've waited until after her call to become aggressive.

Thank you! I've been trying to say the same thing for months. Doesn't mean it's right but it's not uncommon.
I honestly don't know that anyone at the party actually considered what EA did was a "sexual advance" or that he appeared particularly "angry" with SB going to the bed. Even SB didn't seem to indicate it until the detective put the thought into her head, imo (and according to the SW). So did anyone really have cause to think EA was "sexually frustrated"? I don't think so. It was just LE's theory thrown out there to get a warrant and it worked.

Was that the real reason Christina went missing? Possible, but then again...there could be a host of other reasons EA had to kidnap her. He could have run over her then freaked out...put her in the trunk and disposed of her when he realized his accident would have lifetime consequences due to his drinking and drugs. It could have happened.
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