GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #33 *Arrest*

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I just watched a youtube video of a man kicking his car with shoes on and yes it left dents. I know she was smaller with possibly no shoes (if they fell off) but if he grabbed her she would have had leverage to kick with both feet not just one as you would if you were standing on one leg and kicking with the other. This could also explain why he thought LE would believe he caused the damage by punching his car with his fist. IMO
LE stated it wasn't possible for the damage to have been done by a person, IIRC. I have to think it means he must have hit something solid. The damage being across the front and not only one side indicates he ran into something head on or hit two objects. CM was a tiny thing and even fighting for her life, I don't see her being able to cause such damage.
Could she still be alive kiddnaped etc...i just dont want to think she is not alive anymore :-(...
You don't have to be very smart IMO to wipe blood or dirt off a door handle that you put on there. Especially after you have done something so horrible and are trying not to get caught. Jmo

True, but I was commenting on him wiping the door because he touched it after touching her.

He wiped it because he was being meticulous and getting rid of evidence. My comment is that he didn't do it because she touched it then he touched her then touched the car. Who thinks that way? We are making EA to be this huge mastermind and IMO he's not. KISS yo. MOO
But LE didn't believe him saying he hit with his fists. Would they believe her tiny bare feet would cause said damage? IDK, but I don't think so. JMO
I dont know. I have an old car sitting out front. My kids weigh about what christina weighs. I am contemplating letting them kick the car and find out.
If I'm thinking right with the pings, it sounds like he left the garage, went home, then back near the shops, without all that much time between stops.

It needs to be said that when he left the garage at 3:58 and jumped on 121 going E/NE, there's no particular indication that he went home. It is BROADLY in the direction of his house (which is due E of the shops, not NE), but there were other more direct ways he could have gotten home if that's where he wanted to go. When he was asked where he went after leaving CM, he told LE he went straight home by going E on Legacy to 75.

Not saying he couldn't have gone home twice, but no particular reason to say he was there before 5:32 (that we know of).

Also, while it doesn't give us at WS anything to work with, there are strong indications that LE has pings from both phones through that entire 3:58-4:47 interval. They just haven't told us where any of them happened, with an exception or two.
Could she still be alive kiddnaped etc...i just dont want to think she is not alive anymore :-(...
I know this is difficult. Her family kept the hope for as long as possible, but listening to what the police said at the hearing the other day dashed that hope. They wanted to believe she was being held somewhere against her will or even sex trafficked, but alive. The police no longer feel it is an option upon what evidence they have found in the trunk and elsewhere (we don't know what all they have). :( It is the cold reality.
Because LE has stated there was no DNA found in the car's passenger seat and interior door and they said she was only in his trunk tells me they know without a doubt. LE is obviously accepting the scientific evidence as factual and as a basis to determine she went directly into his trunk at the garage. Why would they lie or make up something then state it in open court to hurt their case later?
You can easily be a one time passenger in someone else's car & not leave DNA behind. The only thing that may be found is a stray hair, but not after a thorough vacuum job.

Did PPD say they believed CM was "only in his trunk"? If so, I missed it. Where was that? (Not being snarky)
It needs to be said that when he left the garage at 3:58 and jumped on 121 going E/NE, there's no particular indication that he went home. It is BROADLY in the direction of his house (which is due E of the shops, not NE), but there were other more direct ways he could have gotten home if that's where he wanted to go. When he was asked where he went after leaving CM, he told LE he went straight home by going E on Legacy to 75.

Not saying he couldn't have gone home twice, but no particular reason to say he was there before 5:32 (that we know of).

Also, while it doesn't give us at WS anything to work with, there are strong indications that LE has pings from both phones through that entire 3:58-4:47 interval. They just haven't told us where any of them happened, with an exception or two.

While there's no indication he went home, there's also no indication he DIDN'T go home, and that needs to be said also. Basically, WE DON'T KNOW. Hopefully LE knows.
While there's no indication he went home, there's also no indication he DIDN'T go home, and that needs to be said also.

And I did. Pointedly.

"Not saying he couldn't have gone home twice"

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 16
New Information Revealed in Christina Morris Disappearance | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth … via @nbcdfw

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Morris family: Arochi is "where he belongs", "justice is starting to be served". No bond reduction @nbcdfw

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Moving forward in Arochi case - still open investigation. Need to find Christina Morris. No date scheduled for grand jury to hear evidence

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Minutes before our broadcast, Judge denied Enrique Arochi's request to lower his bond. @ArcherNBC5 working on the reaction to this story

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Plano Police found multiple phones in Arochi's car - he did work at Sprint. Detective says car was uncluttered, vacuumed recently

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Defense pushing that Morris could have possibly gotten into Arochi's car on her own. Emphasizing no weapon found to indicate assault

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Defense pushing Plano PD about Morris' boyfriend Hunter Foster. Cell towers and alibi show Foster was in downtown Dallas that night

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Detective: theory is that Arochi and Morris got into physical altercation in garage, he placed her in trunk.

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Detective when pressed by defense: no evidence of sexual assault, DNA doesn't indicate that physical injury happened
*(Her clarification of tweet) Catherine Ross ‏@CatherineNBC5 Jan 15
They're trying to make the point that in general, DNA doesn't always mean assault. A little confusing

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
We are back in court, first detective still on the stand. As of yet, only one witness out of 12 has been called.

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Plano Police found multiple phones in Arochi's car - he did work at Sprint. Detective says car was uncluttered, vacuumed recently

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Defense pushing that Morris could have possibly gotten into Arochi's car on her own. Emphasizing no weapon found to indicate assault

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Defense pushing Plano PD about Morris' boyfriend Hunter Foster. Cell towers and alibi show Foster was in downtown Dallas that night

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Detective: theory is that Arochi and Morris got into physical altercation in garage, he placed her in trunk.

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Detective when pressed by defense: no evidence of sexual assault, DNA doesn't indicate that physical injury happened

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Christina Morris' mom and stepmother giving emotional press conf. Hoping Arochi will crack under pressure @NBCDFW

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
States attorney to Plano detective: "do you believe Arochi kidnapped and killed Christina Morris?" - "Yes, absolutely".

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Arochi told detective he didn't know where Morris parked. They say they have evidence their cars were just a few spaces away

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Police: every person they were hanging out with that night abuses Adderall, detective says drug is "dangerous" to mix w alcohol

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Arochi keeps repeating during police interview (3rd time they talked to him) "it was a blurry night" - says he blacks out when mixes alcohol

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Third taped interview w detective is much more confrontational. Detective pressing Arochi on drinking and drugs night Christina disappeared

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Arochi to Police: "Trust me, none of this would've happened if I'd walked her to car", says he doesn't even know what she drives

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Arochi: he didn't come onto Christina, isn't attracted to her. Nothing romantic there.

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Arochi: "I'm a good guy", I don't get in trouble. Says he has a work permit in the US and doesn't want to mess it up.

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Arochi in interview: "I went my way and she went her way". Admits maybe he should have walked her to car. Says they weren't close friends

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Arochi says he was "not really sober" when walking w Christina to cars

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Arochi, when asked to show his phone to police - seems reluctant. Also says he never had Morris' phone number

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Arochi in interview: trying to explain injuries, including a messed up fingernail, to detectives. Says he was rotating tires

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Arochi in taped police interview: everyone was doing shots at friend's apt, Morris had taken some Adderall.

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Just for some perspective - courtroom barely has a spare seat. Morris and Arochi families are here, as are friends and people who searched

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Arochi in police interviews: I didn't park near Morris, we parted ways early walking to cars "We maybe talked 5 words each other all night"

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Back in court - State playing taped police interviews w Enrique Arochi. They talked to him 3 separate times @NBCDFW

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Court taking a short break - when we come back, playing video of Enrique Arochi's interviews w police @NBCDFW

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
State is publishing interviews Arochi did w police @NBCDFW

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
The state DID NOT want details outside affidavit to be discussed in court. Say investigation is ongoing, don't want it compromised

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Hearing will also include testimony from Plano PD's DNA expert, other lead detective in case

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Judge in Arochi hearing just ruled we can hear details outside of original prob cause affidavit. More secret details may come out @NBCDFW

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
BIG revelation: Morris DNA was also found on the trunk mat inside Arochi's Camaro. Police say it is much more than just "touch DNA" @NBCDFW

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Arochi's Camaro appears to have been captured leaving parking garage on grainy ATM camera video, can't see exactly from images

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Arochi attorney is pressing on the fact that there only appears to be a two minute window b/ween Arochi/Morris walking and his car leaving

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Detective being questioned on the nitty gritty of how Plano police searched Arochi's Camaro.

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Detective testifying Morris' texts to her boyfriend that night indicate she's planning on driving home to FW, had lost her house key

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Plano detective: texts around 3:50 am the night Morris went missing from Arochi's phone to Morris bf - "can I get some of that good rock?"

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
A dozen witnesses, including Christina Morris' father, were just sworn in. Also - detectives, friends @NBCDFW

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Arochi just led into court, wearing jail uniform. His family and the Morris family both here for hearing @NBCDFW

Catherine Ross @CatherineNBC5 · Jan 15
Man accused of kidnapping Christina Morris wants his 1 million bond reduced. We are at hearing right now, waiting on witnesses. @NBCDFW
I was referring to STEVE referring to Old Sparky. I know we don't execute in Texas anymore. Again, me being overyly hyped silly because Green Bay lost to Seattle. MOOOOOOOOOOOO
OT/ I thought it was funny because we just went through that whole battle to renew lethal injection after they took too long and made a murderer uncomfortable while being drugged. Seems doesn't matter which way they do it...there is hell to pay. ;)

I am sorry your team lost. Tough blow. Want some cheese anyway?
I have wondered about that same thing, with the wiping of the passenger door, and thought that maybe she'd been attacked while at the door. Maybe she had been going to get in with him for some reason, was at the door, then they got into some kind of argument and he attacked her? Or he just up and attacked her from behind before she got in, with no apparent warning or provocation? It would've had to have happened pretty fast, though. And why would he do that if she was already getting into the car with him? Auugghh -- every time I think something might make sense, then it doesn't seem logical to me! Of course, EA seems far from logical, though, so who knows. But I can't imagine that after the night EA'd had, that he was just washing that door the next day to make it look pretty. All JMO!

ETA: Sorry - this was supposed to be in reply to post #285, SeriouslySearching & txyorkiemom's comments...I'm new at posting and apparently don't quite have the hang of it yet!
Good post! You ask some valid questions. Something set him off and this was minutes after he sent the text to HF about scoring a rock. Maybe CM didn't like the text? Maybe EA snapped and rage took over in his drunken and drug induced state? He went from 0 to full tilt murderer fast. He crossed the line in the parking garage.

OT (Off Topic)/ If you need help navigating around here...feel free to ask!! I think you are doing fine. :) To quote 2 or more people at once: Click on the " on the far right and then go to the next and do the same. When you post...they will magically show up.
I don't know how to get my original post in here, plus SteveS's reply...I'm new at this, so please bear with me. I may be (yet again) replying to something without managing to get the original post quoted. :-/ But thank you for the correction on my timeline -- I was confused on the time frame/ping locations!

*Okay, I'm just adding it in by hand so this post will at least make sense!*

Pertinent part of my original post: If I'm thinking right with the pings, it sounds like he left the garage, went home, then back near the shops, without all that much time between stops.

SteveS's reply: It needs to be said that when he left the garage at 3:58 and jumped on 121 going E/NE, there's no particular indication that he went home. It is BROADLY in the direction of his house (which is due E of the shops, not NE), but there were other more direct ways he could have gotten home if that's where he wanted to go. When he was asked where he went after leaving CM, he told LE he went straight home by going E on Legacy to 75.

Not saying he couldn't have gone home twice, but no particular reason to say he was there before 5:32 (that we know of).

Also, while it doesn't give us at WS anything to work with, there are strong indications that LE has pings from both phones through that entire 3:58-4:47 interval. They just haven't told us where any of them happened, with an exception or two.

And finally, my new thoughts:
So, EA left the shops, went somewhere unknown to us, BACK to the shops, THEN to his house? I apologize...I know a link to the ping times/locations must be just a click away, but I'm having trouble finding it right now! Was the return to the shops the last place we know of CM's phone pinging? If so, it still sounds like he probably disabled/tossed her phone in that area. And I still lean toward thinking the initial attack was probably in the parking garage immediately after they were seen on video. The fact that she stopped calling and texting just as they entered the parking garage is the main thing that keeps me from thinking that she might have gone with him willingly at first, with things going bad later. Unless her phone battery just coincidentally ran out at that exact time...but that would be a pretty big coincidence!

Things I'm still wondering about:

- Why did he vacuum out the interior of his car? Maybe he made a mess in it himself during the night, and although he knew her DNA would not be in there, he thought the mess would look suspicious?

- Why did he return to the area of the shops? That seems like a risky thing to do. Maybe he considered leaving her there, hoping that it would look like a random person attacked her when she was going to her car, but then decided against that? I really think that she must have still be with him when he went home at 5:30-ish. Otherwise, why would he wait so late in the morning to clean his car, be late to work, etc.?

- Why did he not destroy or disable her phone earlier (assuming that's why her phone stopped pinging)? Could be mere stupidity on that one...

It still sounds like the key is, where did he go after being home at 5:30-ish...because I'm not believing that he was home to stay at that point.

This is all pure speculation on my part. And I think I'd better turn in for the night -- it's getting late, and I can tell my brain isn't at its peak. Maybe in the morning I can figure out how to post with quotes, too. :)

ETA: Of course, I didn't get EITHER quote in there, but I do see that a very kind person has given me advice on that -- I just didn't see it in time! :) And now I've gone back and added in the wording from the original posts so you'll know what I was replying to...sorry folks...I've finally got it figured out for next time!
Good post! You ask some valid questions. Something set him off and this was minutes after he sent the text to HF about scoring a rock. Maybe CM didn't like the text? Maybe EA snapped and rage took over in his drunken and drug induced state? He went from 0 to full tilt murderer fast. He crossed the line in the parking garage.

OT (Off Topic)/ If you need help navigating around here...feel free to ask!! I think you are doing fine. :) To quote 2 or more people at once: Click on the " on the far right and then go to the next and do the same. When you post...they will magically show up.

Just practicing replying with a quote here...the middle of the night seems like a good time for that -- ha ha! Thank you for your help! I'd been deleting what I wanted to quote, because it looked so different in my "typing frame" than it does in the end post, and I thought I had it wrong...but I think I'm okay now. Thanks again!
You can easily be a one time passenger in someone else's car & not leave DNA behind. The only thing that may be found is a stray hair, but not after a thorough vacuum job.

Did PPD say they believed CM was "only in his trunk"? If so, I missed it. Where was that? (Not being snarky)
Criminalists did not find Morris’ DNA inside the interior of Arochi’s car, despite several swabs being taken from the passenger side of the vehicle and the interior door.

Stamm said the most probable thing that happened was an altercation in the garage lead to Morris in the trunk. Stamm testified that she does not believe Christina voluntarily got in the trunk.

I will find more later if you need it. How could CM have gotten into the car, gotten out of the car, been attacked, and then forced into the trunk so quickly? Can all of that be accomplished in 2.5 minutes or less? He had 3 minutes from walking into the garage until his car is seen leaving with her in the trunk. LE has stated repeatedly she left the garage in his trunk.
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