GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #33 *Arrest*

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That is a horrible thing to hear; I hope he has got copies or records of all that. IIRC there are specific laws now regarding Cyber -stalking/harassment/bullying. Might actually be a felony charge depending on what has been done/said.
Here is one link on that

The things being tweeted aren't harrasing. They're saying they want to know answers and please help blah blah blah. I see things on Twitter all day long that no one goes to jail for. No ones threatening him or anything.
The things being tweeted aren't harrasing. They're saying they want to know answers and please help blah blah blah. I see things on Twitter all day long that no one goes to jail for. No ones threatening him or anything.

Can we discuss this without getting in trouble, since it is Twitter? Hope so. You're saying that people are asking the brother for answers? JMO but even if he did have information from the lawyer or whatever, would he really be at liberty to discuss on SM? I guess I don't understand why he is being asked. (rhetorical question - not assuming you know the answer lol)
Can we discuss this without getting in trouble, since it is Twitter? Hope so. You're saying that people are asking the brother for answers? JMO but even if he did have information from the lawyer or whatever, would he really be at liberty to discuss on SM? I guess I don't understand why he is being asked. (rhetorical question - not assuming you know the answer lol)

I'm going to assume it's like the picketing. Apply pressure in hopes of answers.
I'm not taking part, just guessing the intention of it.

I really don't think its all that surprising. If your family member or whatever is in jail for kidnapping in a big case, I am sure you're going to get crap for it on social media, in public, etc Whether it's "right" or not.
Can we discuss this without getting in trouble, since it is Twitter? Hope so. You're saying that people are asking the brother for answers? JMO but even if he did have information from the lawyer or whatever, would he really be at liberty to discuss on SM? I guess I don't understand why he is being asked. (rhetorical question - not assuming you know the answer lol)

The few tweets I've looked at are asking the brother for help, such as "..please tell your brother to tell the truth" & "..the family needs answers"..
I'm going to assume it's like the picketing. Apply pressure in hopes of answers.
I'm not taking part, just guessing the intention of it.

I really don't think its all that surprising. If your family member or whatever is in jail for kidnapping in a big case, I am sure you're going to get crap for it on social media, in public, etc Whether it's "right" or not.

I would hope that if I had a son in a similar situation he would have some decency and thought for the people involved and would not be publically posting on twitter. I would not be happy if one of my sons was posting about enjoying himself while the other was incarcerated on a $1m bail.

Hypothetically speaking, JMO
I'm going to assume it's like the picketing. Apply pressure in hopes of answers.
I'm not taking part, just guessing the intention of it.

I really don't think its all that surprising. If your family member or whatever is in jail for kidnapping in a big case, I am sure you're going to get crap for it on social media, in public, etc Whether it's "right" or not.

Someone in an earlier post mentioned all the lives torn apart by EA's action. I sit here and think of all the collateral damage. First and foremost to Christina and family, but also EA's family. It was reported the parents got upset about not getting their computer back and frankly I would be upset about that also. I have financial information, tax information, not to mention pictures of beloved pets and family members (some who have passed on). I can see how that would be upsetting on top of everything else. And then there is the brother who I would guess is just a couple of years younger than Christina who is supposedly be taunted on SM. Its just really sad that people cannot draw that line but I guess that is one of the disadvantages of SM. People are fair game. EA needs to tell the truth and stop all the madness. All JMO.
I'm going to assume it's like the picketing. Apply pressure in hopes of answers.
I'm not taking part, just guessing the intention of it.

I really don't think its all that surprising. If your family member or whatever is in jail for kidnapping in a big case, I am sure you're going to get crap for it on social media, in public, etc Whether it's "right" or not.

I guess since there's absolutely NOTHING that ties him to his brother's crime, I feel it's wrong to harrass (and yes, there are harrassing messages there if you look.) EA may have used his brother as his alibi, but do we know for sure LE said CA corroborated (sp) this? If CA was "passed out" on the couch, does it say anywhere that he looked at the clock and knew what time it was. I think it's pretty crappy of EA to involve his brother in any way considering his (CA's) current path of being at school and playing ball, and being good at it.

If I think back to all the cases here on WS, am I to believe that every family member of a murderer, rapist, etc should expect to be harrassed when they very likely are just another victim in their family member's crime? Sorry, it's just wrong. IMO Until LE says tthey have reason to believe CA was involved even after the fact, he should be off limits to everyone.
I would hope that if I had a son in a similar situation he would have some decency and thought for the people involved and would not be publically posting on twitter. I would not be happy if one of my sons was posting about enjoying himself while the other was incarcerated on a $1m bail.

Hypothetically speaking, JMO

Why not? I'm missing something here. Is the brother supposed to change his life because of something his brother did? Then that means not only is EA's life ruined, the brother's life is ruined also if he can't continue to just be himself. I think just the opposite. I would encourage my other children to live life the best they could being under the microscope. IMO
I would hope that if I had a son in a similar situation he would have some decency and thought for the people involved and would not be publically posting on twitter. I would not be happy if one of my sons was posting about enjoying himself while the other was incarcerated on a $1m bail.

Hypothetically speaking, JMO

Yet if he went radio silent, that would just be more fodder for peeps to say he was involved. MOO
Yet if he went radio silent, that would just be more fodder for peeps to say he was involved. MOO

so true - all you have to do is look back through the threads to see all the tsktsk when someone's FB went dark.
Can we discuss this without getting in trouble, since it is Twitter? Hope so. You're saying that people are asking the brother for answers? JMO but even if he did have information from the lawyer or whatever, would he really be at liberty to discuss on SM? I guess I don't understand why he is being asked. (rhetorical question - not assuming you know the answer lol)

"Where did Enrique put Christina" is a moral issue for CA, if he knows where she is and yet cruelly keeps her family from finding her. And there is no legal obligation on CA to keep his mouth shut, if he knows.

In fact, it's probably the opposite. If CA observed EA committing some of the crime, knows where he put CM, and so on, he is putting himself in criminal jeopardy by not speaking up. It would be awful for those parents if CA compounded what EA did by getting himself arrested and jailed as well.
No it is not. And not at all right when certain people close to the family (interpret however you want) are doing it not only to the bro but to the mother of his child. Jmo

cr*p - really? geez - I may have to sign off for a while. This is just too much.
Why not? I'm missing something here. Is the brother supposed to change his life because of something his brother did? Then that means not only is EA's life ruined, the brother's life is ruined also if he can't continue to just be himself. I think just the opposite. I would encourage my other children to live life the best they could being under the microscope. IMO

I agree CatCradle. It is needed for him to continue on his life just as JM stated she needed to return to her life & work until there was a change and was needed back in Texas. I do not think anyone should be upset that any of the relatives of the victim or accused continue living. JMO~
Why not? I'm missing something here. Is the brother supposed to change his life because of something his brother did? Then that means not only is EA's life ruined, the brother's life is ruined also if he can't continue to just be himself. I think just the opposite. I would encourage my other children to live life the best they could being under the microscope. IMO

I would expect my son to have consideration for all the others involved and not have a public twitter account. I didn't say he should change his life, neither EA or Christina are free to enjoy life, IMO it would be compassionate not to post about it.

No it is not. And not at all right when certain people close to the family (interpret however you want) are doing it not only to the bro but to the mother of his child. Jmo

Jmo~By the the interpretation of that; I view that as crossing over into no no zone.They have zero to do with this and perhaps have their own issues to resolve for many many years to come.JMO~
cr*p - really? geez - I may have to sign off for a while. This is just too much.

This is happening on twitter, again I'm surprised that people still have public accounts although I believe that they are using the blocking option.

I find it difficult to judge someone in this situation though.
I agree CatCradle. It is needed for him to continue on his life just as JM stated she needed to return to her life & work until there was a change and was needed back in Texas. I do not think anyone should be upset that any of the relatives of the victim or accused continue living. JMO~

Precisely. And those that chose to go there on sm better hope that ca is not documenting everything. They would be fools to think EA's defense atty wouldn't use that in the coming trial. Jmo
The things being tweeted aren't harrasing. They're saying they want to know answers and please help blah blah blah. I see things on Twitter all day long that no one goes to jail for. No ones threatening him or anything.
The only rude thing I've seen tweeted at him was someone saying the whole family should be deported. Otherwise, as you said, it's just people begging him to urge his brother to tell what he did with Christina.
No it is not. And not at all right when certain people close to the family (interpret however you want) are doing it not only to the bro but to the mother of his child. Jmo
I believe the mother of his child told Christina's mother to back off of CA, so Christina's mother tried to reason with her, as to why she is trying desperately to find Christina any way she can. Not harassment IMO.
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