GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #9 *Arrest*

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I think the main question here is what is the protocol that the Dating Service has in place? I would expect that all sales and photographs be taken in their own offices to maintain the safety of the employee's. That is a question that only their officers of the company could answer. In this type of work environment I would not dream of sending out a young female on location to meet up with strangers for purposes of dating profile photos. That would be a huge risk and liability issue.
IMO This was not a random act by/with a stranger.
I would def have to agree 1000% NOT random.
It is almost as if someone knew she was going to be leaving at that time frame in that area..or if random about a 1000000 to 1 chance it played out the way it did and has.
Question if you know: Is there a grid somewhere that shows all the places that have been searched (by LE, TES, friends, etc.) and then is added to by independent searchers such as yourself? When you go search, does someone in authority know that area has been checked and can be marked off?

Not sure how much sharing is going on with the family and LE so can't comment on that. However the group of us searching has been mapping it and taking notes. One of the searchers then gives it to the family and to LE. So on our end, we share everything. And we are re searching spots too....just in case. We are looking everywhere.

Speaking of, the searches today are going well. Had a good amount turn out.
They will continue all week

And to your question above: I personally don't sleep much. I'm always up late due to working nights most my life
Simply based upon his few FB pics I've seen, he strikes me as arrogant and confident.

If he had anything to do with this, my bet would be that all he had in mind was some "romance" with a vulnerable woman, and was surprised and angered when his advances were rejected. This may have led to an accident and then a cover up.

So I don't think he would have been watching out to see if anyone else was around because he wasn't planning to do anything bad.

I change theories daily but this is what I usually go back to.
As we toss around the many names who may or may not be involved, I do keep going back to her job. The clients are angry, tho I agree this was done by someone she knows.[modsnip]
I'd love to see him interviewed my the media.

Good work everyone.
Off to take a nap. I work tonight. I'm glad this thread is still moving forward.
I'm glad searches are continuing.
Why couldn't she have gotten into another parked car and driven off in that? IMO that's a possibility that no one is tossing around.

Or walked off!
You can step right out of that garage from any point on Lois Ave.
Not sure how much sharing is going on with the family and LE so can't comment on that. However the group of us searching has been mapping it and taking notes. One of the searchers then gives it to the family and to LE. So on our end, we share everything. And we are re searching spots too....just in case. We are looking everywhere.

Speaking of, the searches today are going well. Had a good amount turn out.
They will continue all week

And to your question above: I personally don't sleep much. I'm always up late due to working nights most my life

Thank you so much for your information. I'm glad to know you guys are out searching and then giving that information to LE and family. That is awesome and sounds so productive!! Now get some rest :)
Or walked off!
You can step right out of that garage from any point on Lois Ave.

But she would have been caught on camera I believe and maybe she was and we just don't know it. I always thought she could have just kept on walking in the direction she was headed which according to some posters here who have it mapped would have put her out by Dunkin Donuts and the bank. Would have been easy to then get in someone else's car. JMO
But she would have been caught on camera I believe and maybe she was and we just don't know it. I always thought she could have just kept on walking in the direction she was headed which according to some posters here who have it mapped would have put her out by Dunkin Donuts and the bank. Would have been easy to then get in someone else's car. JMO

That is so true !!! So Where did she/he/they ditch the phone then?? Last ping I guess triangulated somewhere in the Shops. I am thinking a Pool ..or Fountain...Pond.... heck even a toilet!!
That is so true !!! So Where did she/he/they ditch the phone then?? Last ping I guess triangulated somewhere in the Shops. I am thinking a Pool ..or Fountain...Pond.... heck even a toilet!!

This is what I've been trying to puzzle out - what caused the phone to stop pinging?

-ran out of battery just as she was in the garage - possible, just a very unlucky coincidence

- CM took the SIM out herself to deliberately disappear - possible but would require a lot of advance planning to set up a 2nd bank account, have somewhere to go and just doesn't seem likely to have happened on that night in those particular circumstances

- phone was accidentally broken just as CM got to her car and then something happened to her - again too much of a conicidence

- someone deliberately stopped the phone pinging because they didn't want CM to be tracked via the phone - while this is possible how likely is that person unknown somehow incapacitates CM and simultaneously deactivates the phone without the walker seeing anything or being caught on CCTV or making any kind of noise or leaving any trace

I don't really buy any of these but am stuck as to how the was disabled so quickly.

I followed poor Heather Elvis's case and I'm sure I remember that her phone went off when she disappeared but that was explainable by it being at a body of water so easy to just throw the phone away. I just don't see a similar option here JMO
I am just thinking if this was a pre-planned attack...the sort involving a boss or client, this would have been a really odd time to do it. They had no idea if she was staying in Plano or going back to Fort Worth...that she would come out at 4 am...and have been parked in that parking garage. Something like that would probably happen closer to home or work when she was going about more routine
activities, I would think. I think this was a last minute kind of deal.

Yeah ... like an opportunity if some sorts....I am thinking it might have been some one obsessing on or over her ..wonder if she had a stalker..or any type of threats of some sort?? Perhaps some one obsessing on her sites or something?? Who knows ...there are soooo many creepy shady people in this world it seems not to put everything about your life out there for any and every one
This is what I've been trying to puzzle out - what caused the phone to stop pinging?

-ran out of battery just as she was in the garage - possible, just a very unlucky coincidence

- CM took the SIM out herself to deliberately disappear - possible but would require a lot of advance planning to set up a 2nd bank account, have somewhere to go and just doesn't seem likely to have happened on that night in those particular circumstances

- phone was accidentally broken just as CM got to her car and then something happened to her - again too much of a conicidence

- someone deliberately stopped the phone pinging because they didn't want CM to be tracked via the phone - while this is possible how likely is that person unknown somehow incapacitates CM and simultaneously deactivates the phone without the walker seeing anything or being caught on CCTV or making any kind of noise or leaving any trace

I don't really buy any of these but am stuck as to how the was disabled so quickly.

I followed poor Heather Elvis's case and I'm sure I remember that her phone went off when she disappeared but that was explainable by it being at a body of water so easy to just throw the phone away. I just don't see a similar option here JMO

Or she turned it off so she wouldn't be disturbed. For me it is the WHY did she turn it off (if indeed she did)?

I'd be asking her friends if she was in the habit of turning her phone off when she was driving? I don't think that model Celica had wifi/speakerphone ability.
Had she been caught by LE talking on her cellphone while driving in the past and therefore now turned it off, or had she had a close call (accident) in the past and did it responsibly perhaps.
Or did she not want to be tracked?
Or she turned it off so she wouldn't be disturbed. For me it is the WHY did she turn it off (if indeed she did)?

I'd be asking her friends if she was in the habit of turning her phone off when she was driving? I don't think that model Celica had wifi/speakerphone ability.
Had she been caught by LE talking on her cellphone while driving in the past and therefore now turned it off, or had she had a close call (accident) in the past and did it responsibly perhaps.
Or did she not want to be tracked?
Just thinking out loud. If one was meeting with a drug dealer, since most phones have gps that could be tracked from someone else's phone/ipad/computer, as well as discreet camera/video apps. Wouldn't the dealers of today require that phones be disabled prior to a transaction or leaving to a second location? Adding to that thought, wouldn't a drug dealer possibly even require going to a second location in their own car to ensure that their activity wouldn't be tracked?
Or she turned it off so she wouldn't be disturbed. For me it is the WHY did she turn it off (if indeed she did)?

I'd be asking her friends if she was in the habit of turning her phone off when she was driving? I don't think that model Celica had wifi/speakerphone ability.
Had she been caught by LE talking on her cellphone while driving in the past and therefore now turned it off, or had she had a close call (accident) in the past and did it responsibly perhaps.
Or did she not want to be tracked?

This is what I think could have been going thru her mind at the time ...JMO
I think she may have by that point after 15 calls to the bf... decided " I am so over him ..we are done .. I can not take this bull crap any more" "I already told him to leave the door unlocked" "Let Him Worry and Figure it out " " I will go call my old _________ and we will booty call and hook up and party on" " 2 can play this game ... if he is not answering me ..then Im gonna turn my phone off so he can not find me (I know he has all my passwords to my stuff)
Just thinking out loud. If one was meeting with a drug dealer, since most phones have gps that could be tracked from someone else's phone/ipad/computer, as well as discreet camera/video apps. Wouldn't the dealers of today require that phones be disabled prior to a transaction or leaving to a second location? Adding to that thought, wouldn't a drug dealer possibly even require going to a second location in their own car to ensure that their activity wouldn't be tracked?

IF not ...they should .. If I was a Pharmaceutical Entrepreneur in today's modern world ... Clean room only transactions ...and strip down to your socks No cases allowed ... put everything on the scanner !!!
Attention please

Hi all, again it's understood that frustration happens when cases go silent. But that doesn't mean you can disregard the rules.

Please make note of the following:

No more sleuthing of innocent people.

No more mention of prior arrests and or records of persons not named a POI or suspect.

No more suggestion that the BF, past BF's, friends or the "walker" is involved.

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Websleuths is a victim friendly forum. Attacking or bashing a victim is not allowed. Discussing victim behavior, good or bad is fine, but do so in a civil and constructive way and ONLY IF IT IS RELEVANT TO THE CASE. Additionally, sleuthing family members or others that are not suspect is not allowed. Don't make random accusations or post personal information (even if it is public) like parking tickets, address, or first and last names of all their relatives and their neighbors. Also, never "bash" or attack them, or accuse them of involvement. However that does not mean that family members or others cannot come into discussion as the facts and issues of the case are discussed.

This has been posted multiple times.

Those posters who disregard the rules will find themselves on the outside looking in.

No more warnings.

Please review the rules.

Thank you all
This is what I think could have been going thru her mind at the time ...JMO
I think she may have by that point after 15 calls to the bf... decided " I am so over him ..we are done .. I can not take this bull crap any more" "I already told him to leave the door unlocked" "Let Him Worry and Figure it out " " I will go call my old _________ and we will booty call and hook up and party on" " 2 can play this game ... if he is not answering me ..then Im gonna turn my phone off so he can not find me (I know he has all my passwords to my stuff)

I :heartbeat: this theory! So, whose phone did she use to call old _________so-and-so? Hers? Why would dad omit that call and just tell us 15 calls to bf? Perhaps she asked to use someone else's phone to call so-and-so and that way call wouldn't show up on her phone as bf might be checking who she called. I would love to see the cell phone records of all the "witnesses" that night and morning. I can go with the theory that after the last two texts to bf she said to heck with it and turned her phone off. FWIW, I hate the silent treatment - so immature!

P.S.: Just to be on the safe side in case the web site starts messing up copy your post before you hit submit that way you won't lose all the information into outerspace, just my opinion. Hate when long posts go *poof*!!!
I :heartbeat: this theory! So, whose phone did she use to call old _________so-and-so? Hers? Why would dad omit that call and just tell us 15 calls to bf? Perhaps she asked to use someone else's phone to call so-and-so and that way call wouldn't show up on her phone as bf might be checking who she called. I would love to see the cell phone records of all the "witnesses" that night and morning. I can go with the theory that after the last two texts to bf she said to heck with it and turned her phone off. FWIW, I hate the silent treatment - so immature!

P.S.: Just to be on the safe side in case the web site starts messing up copy your post before you hit submit that way you won't lose all the information into outerspace, just my opinion. Hate when long posts go *poof*!!!

I need to do this
IF not ...they should .. If I was a Pharmaceutical Entrepreneur in today's modern world ... Clean room only transactions ...and strip down to your socks No cases allowed ... put everything on the scanner !!!
That would explain why the phone was disabled and why the car was left in the garage. A longshot, I guess, but if I was an entrepreneur in a business where one wrong move would cost decades of my life. I would have a process like that.
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