TX - Darryl & Julie Hinds for sex abuse, child *advertiser censored*, Texas City, 2005

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I debated since yesterday if I should even read this thread....I wish I hadn't.
Why??? Why are there people that do things like this? I can't even fathom a day in jail for punishment. But that's not my deterrent for commiting crimes. It's my morality that does. Is the human race loosing our morality?
Thats what I often wonder gman:(
SICK SICK SICK. There is no "use" for these subhumans. They are simply taking up space on this earth. Their souls will BURN IN HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY. SICK BAST****S!
Julie Lynn Hinds

Offense: Aggravated Sexual Assault-Child Disposition: 15 years
Offense: Sexual Performance by a Child Disposition: 2 years
Offense: Promotion of Child *advertiser censored* Disposition: 5 years

These sentences are to run concurrently with a maximum release date of 4/3/2021.
After having the 4 year child performing sex acts also, what hope is there for that child not also becoming a child molester as that child gets older? The adopted parents need prayers as they raise these children.


ignorant stupid comments.....

i would have notified this as an attack on a victim but the person is already banned.

ignorant stupid comments.....

i would have notified this as an attack on a victim but the person is already banned.
What a horrific story - those poor kids. Parents are supposed to love and protect their children from such monsters. The comment from the banned person to me rings true though - sometimes the abused or young people wittnessing the abuse have been found to become the abusers. All the children should have therapy.
Sometimes being the operative word here. It is by no means a given. There are just as many abusers who have never been abused as there are those that have. It is a stereotype that is not accurate. There are many, many posters on this board who have been abused and who are completely upright people. It is hurtful when we are stereotyped as abusers ourselves.
stereotyping a 4 year old who hasnt done anything is inexcusable to me.

thats what i said what i did....
{{{kbl8201}}} sokay friend, simmer down. I think the poster's heart was in the right place. Just guilty of generalization. I get your anger at someone taking a four year old victim and then suggesting in the same breath they are destined to become a molester. Not so, not so at all. Not destined per se, but definately more pre-disposed than one who hadn't been abused in that fashion.
kbl - I understand what you were saying and I agree. It just seems like the minute anyone is abused they get labelled as a potential abuser. I was sort of expanding on your comment as well as responding to luckyducky.
to me it just screams so many things 1) a victim cannot overcome what was done to them and will become the abuser 2) gives the absued an excuse to become an abuser and 3) is an insult to all survivors on this board and anywhere for that matter.

i know it doesnt take much to get me going. even a post that is 3 years old ;)
lucky ducky your comments were fine.

it was the banned member from 3 years ago i had the issue with.
lucky ducky - You weren't offensive. I just wanted to highlight the 'sometimes'. Didn't mean to come off like a rabid dog.
to me it just screams so many things 1) a victim cannot overcome what was done to them and will become the abuser 2) gives the abused an excuse to become an abuser and 3) is an insult to all survivors on this board and anywhere for that matter.

i know it doesn't take much to get me going. even a post that is 3 years old ;)

I remember when the banned poster wrote what they did.

Being an abused child myself for many years.... when that was said back then I must admit I saw red.:furious: It is so hurtful and cuts like a knife to the majority of survivors who have never hurt a soul their entire lives and never will.

It is erroneous misinformation that because a child has been abused they are predestined to become an abuser themselves. It is stereotyping because of what a few do. Like "going postal" doesn't mean that all post office workers are going to go in the post office and kill someone. There is evil all in this world. There doesn't have to be a rhyme or reason or profile that neatly fits for someone to become a vile predator of defenseless children. Many pedophile serial rapists and those who rape then murder children were never abused at all.

It isn't the path from which one came but the path they took once escaping the abuse. Unfortunately millions upon millions of children in our society are sexually abused every year. It it were remotely true that they would go on to be abusers then these millions yearly would become predators and we would see millions of cases each year but thank goodness we don't.

Most adults who were abused as children go on to be OVERPROTECTIVE of children to a fault. They don't offer up their defenseless children like sacrificial lambs to the devil personified.

It is the mindset of each of these twisted individuals that makes these vile sadistic things happen. They can come from dysfunctional homes or they can come from the big fancy home on the hill with the perfectly manicured home or anywhere in between. Their childhood can have abuse in it OR no abuse at all. There is no cookie cutter design for sexual predators. Sexual predators come in all shapes, sizes, education levels and backgrounds. There is no neat box that fits the child predator.

Right here on this site we have a sickening case where a supposedly respected Pediatrician for years did unbelievable sexual acts toward the young and innocent and IMO there will be no abuse in his background ...just his lustful perverted thoughts he wanted to satisfy.

As I have posted many times since researching the Sandra Cantu case this goes on much more than some may want to realize when it comes to a female sexual facilitator or pedophile. They are no different than the cunning male pedophile or the male kiddie *advertiser censored* addict. Both of them LUST for innocent little children and often times like in this case they pick the closest defenseless prey and that can be one of their own.

@oceanblueeyes, clicking the thank you button didn't seem like enough. Many survivors become fierce warriors in the fight to protect children, only a few flip the script and become abusers.

One warrior to another, thank you for your well articulated post.

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