TX - David Tuck & Keith Turner for beating, sodomizing 16yo, Spring, 2006

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Well, here's hoping that these two thugs are sodomized by a thousand demons with fiery stallagtites for all eternity before being handed over to Satan!

What a real shame.


Well put. :clap:
Everyone in Houston is stunned by this news. He seemed to be doing better, and even went before Congress to testify for stronger hate crime laws.

If you want to hear audio of how he describes his attack, it's here:

on the side, it says "Victim describes attack".

So sad. I can understand how he would not want to be labeled "that kid" for the rest of his life.

Anyone know if he was on the cruise with his family? The poor guy didn't even wait until the end of the cruise...he did it before they even reached Cozumel!

Very very sad :(
This poor young man was so deeply damaged by this attack. Words cannot even express how sad I am over this. I wish he had gotten therapy...I wish this never happened to him. My prayers to all his loved ones.
I forgot about this story until I read this thread. I hope he has found peace in death that he couldn't find in life.
It was stated he was on the cruise with family friends and their kids - his friends. His family was not on board. :( :(
I am just so saddened by this news. David survived a nightmare - one he obviously never fully awakened from. May he be at peace in the arms of the Father.
Prayers for this young man and his family. I cannot imagine having to live with the memories of that day and always wondering (knowing) if people were whispering and pointing behind your back. The attack he survived was so horrific.

I hope he finally has peace.
How truely heartbreaking. I am so sad for this young man. Rest his soul.
The original attack made me SICK :sick: when I heard about it. IMO, The two attackers killed him the day they did this - it just took him 2 years to die. I am sure living with a colostomy and heaven knows what else at his young age was a living hell - especially since it was not due to an illness, but because of pure hate from two burgeoning sociopaths. They ruined his life in the most sensitive and personal ways at an age when he barely knew what he had lost. Evidently that realization came a little later. Without counseling - for both him and his family, the poor young man was almost certainly doomed from the day he was released from the hospital. I know his family loved him, but sadly, there isn't enough love on earth to make him whole again without some professional support.

The ONLY solace I can gain by his death is that now, he is whole and perfect and filled with divine love for eternity. Fly HIGH now!

I hope he haunts the two criminals who did this every day of their sorry lives. I do not wish for THEM to be victimized (that does no good and lowering myself the their level isn't "justice") but I do hope that they live in constant fear of the same treatment they gave him and that they see that boy's face in their dreams at night and hear his cries in their heads all day every day. I am personally not sure that young men who could perpetrate this horror on someone else and then not call for help and leave him to die, can EVER be rehabilitated. It's like they compounded the worst, most dysfunctional, cruel, nasty traits in each other - they were more than the sum of 2 when they were together , they were EVIL. :furious:

And I want to say WHERE WERE THEIR PARENTS???? Just as guilty, IMO. :banghead:

My Opinion, Really
The original attack made me SICK :sick: when I heard about it. IMO, The two attackers killed him the day they did this - it just took him 2 years to die. I am sure living with a colostomy and heaven knows what else at his young age was a living hell - especially since it was not due to an illness, but because of pure hate from two burgeoning sociopaths. They ruined his life in the most sensitive and personal ways at an age when he barely knew what he had lost. Evidently that realization came a little later. Without counseling - for both him and his family, the poor young man was almost certainly doomed from the day he was released from the hospital. I know his family loved him, but sadly, there isn't enough love on earth to make him whole again without some professional support.

The ONLY solace I can gain by his death is that now, he is whole and perfect and filled with divine love for eternity. Fly HIGH now!

I hope he haunts the two criminals who did this every day of their sorry lives. I do not wish for THEM to be victimized (that does no good and lowering myself the their level isn't "justice") but I do hope that they live in constant fear of the same treatment they gave him and that they see that boy's face in their dreams at night and hear his cries in their heads all day every day. I am personally not sure that young men who could perpetrate this horror on someone else and then not call for help and leave him to die, can EVER be rehabilitated. It's like they compounded the worst, most dysfunctional, cruel, nasty traits in each other - they were more than the sum of 2 when they were together , they were EVIL. :furious:

And I want to say WHERE WERE THEIR PARENTS???? Just as guilty, IMO. :banghead:

My Opinion, Really

I am SO sad to hear this. Those guys didn't physically murder him, but they might as well have.
This made me sick when I first read about it. I will never understand how people can have such hatred in them to commit such horrific acts.
This poor boy must have been suffering and I am truly saddened that he was so lost that he chose to kill himself. May he RIP.
I wonder if this was something he had planned before he went on the cruise or if something happened once on the ship that made him jump.

I have thought about him all day today. May he have the peace he sought. :(

So very, very sad.
Jules - I'm sure that he has had a tremendous amount of things to deal with - 30 surgeries, 2 trials, public identification as 'that kid' as he said during his testimony before Congress. There was a break up with his long-time girlfriend a little while after he was released from the hospital. I know that he was active on Myspace for a while but his page has been down for quite awhile. I searched his name today and noticed that someone was trying to set up a memorial page and they indicated that he did not have a myspace of his own. Perhaps he just moved on or perhaps it was an indication of his withdrawl. I am just heartbroken for this young man, his family and his friends.
Kellee - I know he's been through a tremendous amount. And I can only imagine the pain - both physical and mental - that he endured.

I just wonder if he sought out a cruise as a way to end things or if something happened while on board that literally pushed him overboard. With all the stories in the news about people falling overboard, he could have thought that an easier way to end his pain than hanging himself, shooting himself, etc.

We are in Houston too and had been looking into a sailing on the very same ship David was on. I don't think I could do that now and am glad I hadn't already booked it.

I, too, am absolutely heartbroken - for David and his family and friends.
Kellee - I know he's been through a tremendous amount. And I can only imagine the pain - both physical and mental - that he endured.

I just wonder if he sought out a cruise as a way to end things or if something happened while on board that literally pushed him overboard. With all the stories in the news about people falling overboard, he could have thought that an easier way to end his pain than hanging himself, shooting himself, etc.

We are in Houston too and had been looking into a sailing on the very same ship David was on. I don't think I could do that now and am glad I hadn't already booked it.

I, too, am absolutely heartbroken - for David and his family and friends.

I feel the same way Jules.
Kellee - I know he's been through a tremendous amount. And I can only imagine the pain - both physical and mental - that he endured.

I just wonder if he sought out a cruise as a way to end things or if something happened while on board that literally pushed him overboard. With all the stories in the news about people falling overboard, he could have thought that an easier way to end his pain than hanging himself, shooting himself, etc.

We are in Houston too and had been looking into a sailing on the very same ship David was on. I don't think I could do that now and am glad I hadn't already booked it.

I, too, am absolutely heartbroken - for David and his family and friends.

I understand what you are saying. It's just so tragic!!
This makes me so sad. It seems like he was so lost and so overwhelmed that was his only option.
I don't remember the story of this boy's attack, but my heart breaks for what he went through and how desperate he must've felt to take his own life. My prayers for his family and friends and I hope that David is finally at peace.
Oh, this just makes me want to cry and throw up all at the same time.

That poor, poor boy.

Why are do so many of our youth act like complete savages? What are we doing wrong?

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