TX - David Tuck & Keith Turner for beating, sodomizing 16yo, Spring, 2006

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anyone watch this interview that can give those of us at work an update?
More than two months after he was savagely beaten and left in a backyard while his life ebbed away, a 17-year-old Spring youth has begun undergoing surgeries aimed at trying to restore most of his former abilities...

His mother said he asks, " 'Why? Who are these people? And why (me)?' "...
cathieq said:
More than two months after he was savagely beaten and left in a backyard while his life ebbed away, a 17-year-old Spring youth has begun undergoing surgeries aimed at trying to restore most of his former abilities...

His mother said he asks, " 'Why? Who are these people? And why (me)?' "...
That makes more sense than what his friend was saying. I couldn't imagine if there was no permenant damage why he was in the hospital still. I guess she meant not permenant after SURGERY which is a whole different ballgame.
His parents were on the news here in Houston last night. So sad. His Dad made the comment that "he will never be the same either physically or mentally". He repeated that statement too. THey also said their son didn't understand why it happened and didn't know the two animals that did that to him. They are in my prayers. Those animals need to be put down in my opinion. Anyone that can do something that is capable of anything. If they are let out we will be writing about something else they have done 10 years from now.
Hate crime or not, it's very telling what those kids are - their behavior is off the charts dangerous and cruel. I agree they'll continue being just like they are if they are let out - but I doubt it will take ten years. They'll probably be doing the same kind of thing in prison. It will be dangerous for the officers and other inmates for them to be around.

Some people are just evil.
GlitchWizard said:
Hate crime or not, it's very telling what those kids are - their behavior is off the charts dangerous and cruel. I agree they'll continue being just like they are if they are let out - but I doubt it will take ten years. They'll probably be doing the same kind of thing in prison. It will be dangerous for the officers and other inmates for them to be around.

Some people are just evil.

I agree. They'll be even worse when they get out. I fear for society.
Cliche but The wheels of justice turn so slow...ly...

Houston Chronicle
They met at the Crawfish Festival in Old Town Spring on a Friday night, nothing out of the ordinary for groups of teenagers in the suburbs on a weekend...

...But this gathering included David Tuck and his longtime buddy Keith Turner, and that always carried the potential for disaster...

...Turner, a troubled 17-year-old with a big mouth and a hair-trigger temper, had a drug problem and was prone to challenge people to fights...

...On that particular April night, when Turner, Tuck and a 15-year-old girl named Holly met up at the Laser Rage with Gus Sons and his Hispanic friend, things seemed cool.
Tuck "didn't start any crap or anything," said Holly, who asked that her family name not be used....

...For Turner, Sons and his 17-year-old friend, the choice was to head to Sons' home in Spring and party. Initially, Tuck declined the invitation, but he hastily changed his mind as Sons' mom pulled up to give her son and friends a ride...
After reading the article, I am outraged. How in the world those two kids were allowed to remain amidst the population is beyond me. They both should have been sent away long, long ago. I can't find one good characteristic in either one of them - or the others who were in their group.
That's wonderful news! For a long time after this happened,
when I would check the thread for updates I was so afraid I would read he had died.

It's amazing he survived that horrid attack.

Thank you for posting this update.
montana_16 said:
That's wonderful news! For a long time after this happened,
when I would check the thread for updates I was so afraid I would read he had died.

It's amazing he survived that horrid attack.

Thank you for posting this update.
This is wonderful news, I'm so gald he is making a good recovery and can resume his education with his friends.
'Evil' teen jailed for savage party beating

POSTED: 8:08 a.m. EST, November 18, 2006

HOUSTON, Texas (AP) -- A teenager described as a white supremacist was sentenced Friday to life in prison for savagely beating and sodomizing a Hispanic boy at a drug-fueled party.
David Henry Tuck, 18, was convicted Thursday of aggravated sexual assault in the near-fatal attack. Witnesses testified that he hurled racial insults and shouted "white power" while sodomizing the 17-year-old victim with the plastic pole of a patio umbrella.

More at link:


Peace to these families.
southcitymom said:
'Evil' teen jailed for savage party beating

POSTED: 8:08 a.m. EST, November 18, 2006

HOUSTON, Texas (AP) -- A teenager described as a white supremacist was sentenced Friday to life in prison for savagely beating and sodomizing a Hispanic boy at a drug-fueled party.
David Henry Tuck, 18, was convicted Thursday of aggravated sexual assault in the near-fatal attack. Witnesses testified that he hurled racial insults and shouted "white power" while sodomizing the 17-year-old victim with the plastic pole of a patio umbrella.

More at link:


Peace to these families.

I am so glad this kid will be punished... I was afraid he'd end up with a slap on the wrist and probation.
You know what bothers me, irresponsible parents.

This teenager has a long history of violent behavior. He attacked a teacher in the 5th grade when he was about 11 years old, that was in the year 2000, then in grade 7 in 2002 he was expelled for carrying a knife in his boot to school, a year later in 2003, he and others beat a man unconscious when he was pumping gas, when Police tried to arrest him he assaulted a Police Officer, then in 2004 he punched a hispanic classmate off his bike and again was convicted of assault.

Gee you think the parent(s) of this boy would "think" he has a problem with violence and is a known skinhead who assaults hispanic people. Gee do you think that we should do nothing and hope it gets better.

He has spent three of the last 4 years in jail, that you be a pretty good indicator that this young man has a serious problem.

The mother of the criminal then appologizes and says how sorry she is and that "They can't help it for what he did".

Please, they may have thought, as an 11 year old, he attacked a teacher, at 13 he carried a "hidden" knife to school. But they again choose to ignore the "violence".

Then when he tortures a person, who ended up needing between 20-30 operations, and still needing more, who spent 3 months in intensive care, who's bladder and bowel was severly damaged, now they say "oh we are so sorry".

I wish that people would realize that a problem ignored is a crisis invited and do something when your child is in trouble and not take the "easy" way out for yourself by just minimizing, ignoring, or just do nothing when your child has a serious problem.

Too many parents think, my child is fine, he/she is just fine, If I get he/she help, then what will the neighbours think, how does that reflect upon me as a parent. Well guess what, now another "innocent" person has life long injuries both emotional and physical because of your long term inaction.

So now he is sentenced to life, with an possiblity of parole in 30 years. Well guess what I really don't think that he is "going" to be cured" in the next 30 years and will be in a violent environment which he will probably be part of the Aryan Nation Brotherhood, the most violent "prison" gang and if he gets out will just do another crime, this time probably killing a person.

So when his mother says: We had no idea that this was going to happen, she may not have know the specific crime that may have happened, but she must have darn well know that he is and was violent towards hispanic people, the Police, a teacher.

Too many people find "comfort" in denial, because it suits them, but then other people suffer because of that denial.
CyberLaw said:
You know what bothers me, irresponsible parents.

This teenager has a long history of violent behavior. He attacked a teacher in the 5th grade when he was about 11 years old, that was in the year 2000, then in grade 7 in 2002 he was expelled for carrying a knife in his boot to school, a year later in 2003, he and others beat a man unconscious when he was pumping gas, when Police tried to arrest him he assaulted a Police Officer, then in 2004 he punched a hispanic classmate off his bike and again was convicted of assault.

Gee you think the parent(s) of this boy would "think" he has a problem with violence and is a known skinhead who assaults hispanic people. Gee do you think that we should do nothing and hope it gets better.

He has spent three of the last 4 years in jail, that you be a pretty good indicator that this young man has a serious problem.

The mother of the criminal then appologizes and says how sorry she is and that "They can't help it for what he did".

Please, they may have thought, as an 11 year old, he attacked a teacher, at 13 he carried a "hidden" knife to school. But they again choose to ignore the "violence".

Then when he tortures a person, who ended up needing between 20-30 operations, and still needing more, who spent 3 months in intensive care, who's bladder and bowel was severly damaged, now they say "oh we are so sorry".

I wish that people would realize that a problem ignored is a crisis invited and do something when your child is in trouble and not take the "easy" way out for yourself by just minimizing, ignoring, or just do nothing when your child has a serious problem.

Too many parents think, my child is fine, he/she is just fine, If I get he/she help, then what will the neighbours think, how does that reflect upon me as a parent. Well guess what, now another "innocent" person has life long injuries both emotional and physical because of your long term inaction.

So now he is sentenced to life, with an possiblity of parole in 30 years. Well guess what I really don't think that he is "going" to be cured" in the next 30 years and will be in a violent environment which he will probably be part of the Aryan Nation Brotherhood, the most violent "prison" gang and if he gets out will just do another crime, this time probably killing a person.

So when his mother says: We had no idea that this was going to happen, she may not have know the specific crime that may have happened, but she must have darn well know that he is and was violent towards hispanic people, the Police, a teacher.

Too many people find "comfort" in denial, because it suits them, but then other people suffer because of that denial.
For all we know, the boy's mother did everything within her power to get this boy help. We just have no idea what she has been through and what she has tried to do for her son. I, for one, am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.

All of us know good parents who raise children who stray far from the path. I don't know what kind of mother this boy had. She has seemed genuinely devestated by this in everything I have read and seen. I'm not willing to opine that she was hiding her head in the sand about her son's problems. I've read nothing to support that contention.

Calling her irresponsible seems to be a huge leap into fantasy.
I see your point, but at 11 the child would be "forced" by his parents to get help. He would be tagged as "a troubled" child. I have meet and seen too many parents who take the easy way out, who ignore problems, who "live" vicarously" though their child, their child can do not wrong, every one else is to blame, it is all the fault of others.

An 11 year old child can be "forced" to get help, years of help, but oh no, wait till he is sentenced to 30 years, and severly injures a person and he goes to prison before "the mom" feels so sorry.

Tell me if your 11 year old child attacks a teacher, would you not get help.

A mother found out her 13 year old son "was injuring" animals and found no problem with it. He did not understand that injuring and killing animals was wrong, and he also said that "I can hurt and kill" people too and there is nothing wrong with that.

Well the mother ran and she did not walk this boy to a psych. After years, the boy did not understand why he should not hurt animals and people, but that it is wrong.

This mother had and did the right thing, but then again it is so much easier to ignore a problem then to do something about it.

You would think that if this mother had a problem with her son's actions, escalating in violence, she would have done her son a "service" and got him the help he needed, or asked the court to "mandate" the help he needed.

Too many people pay the price for others inaction.

We had some "issues" with my oldest, I came to the "insightful" conclusion that things were not going to get better on the same road that we were on. The old methods were not working, and you cannot "repeat" a pattern that is not working. Guess what we did, we all went to family counselling. Things greatly improved for us, our son and our family. We did this for everyone, especially our son. No more pushing, shoving, lashing out physically by our son, our son learned methods and we did to to deal with "conflicts" in a non violent manner. We were at a loss why he was "physically" lashing out, as violence of any kind is not allowed, nor ever practiced in our family, nor has it ever been allowed in any way shape or form.

We did not ignore, minimize, blame others, excuse the behavior, we realized there was a problem, it is not going to get better and did something about it. We all benefited. By the way the oldest was 14 when he "got" help. He was not happy with the way things were going also.
CyberLaw said:
I see your point, but at 11 the child would be "forced" by his parents to get help. He would be tagged as "a troubled" child. I have meet and seen too many parents who take the easy way out, who ignore problems, who "live" vicarously" though their child, their child can do not wrong, every one else is to blame, it is all the fault of others.

An 11 year old child can be "forced" to get help, years of help, but oh no, wait till he is sentenced to 30 years, and severly injures a person and he goes to prison before "the mom" feels so sorry.

Tell me if your 11 year old child attacks a teacher, would you not get help.

A mother found out her 13 year old son "was injuring" animals and found no problem with it. He did not understand that injuring and killing animals was wrong, and he also said that "I can hurt and kill" people too and there is nothing wrong with that.

Well the mother ran and she did not walk this boy to a psych. After years, the boy did not understand why he should not hurt animals and people, but that it is wrong.

This mother had and did the right thing, but then again it is so much easier to ignore a problem then to do something about it.

You would think that if this mother had a problem with her son's actions, escalating in violence, she would have done her son a "service" and got him the help he needed, or asked the court to "mandate" the help he needed.

Too many people pay the price for others inaction.
I hear you and I know you are speaking from your own experiences and I respect that. But as you point out when you talk about the mother who took her son straight to a psych when she found out her son was hurting animals - sometimes parents do every thing they can and the children just don't "get" it.

I don't know what the mother tried to do about or for her violent child in this particular case. I'm just not willing to assume that she ignored things without more information.
Well I see your point too, all we can do, is teach, guide, counsel, get help for our kids(if financially viable or possible at a low cost) and hope for the best.

A very well off young man from a very, very good prominent family, quit college, and started dealing drugs, he had many weapons, lots of drugs to sell, used drugs, and had no problem with what he was doing until he was arrested.

His family was mortified, especially when it hit the papers. This child had everything, the best school, the best of everything.

So he did not get it, but he did when he was arrested.

So yes, I see your point. I do. Maybe I was too "quick" to assume, that the mother did nothing, but again I did not read anywhere that the child got help. But maybe the mother did the best she could do and that made no difference. Or maybe she did nothing. Who knows.........she may not have been able to afford help(here is is like 250.00 an hour)and I know that the school may not have had the resources, and the court does not want to incur the cost, the state may not fund counselling, or the child was defiant and the mother had to give up.

So I do see your point. A teenager addicted to drugs may have to wait 6 months to a year for "provincial" help at a residential addiction centre. If you can pay 20 - 40K, there are "many" open beds available.

So yes, at times it come down sometimes to financial resources. Or what cost effective resources are available that everyone else needs also.
CyberLaw said:
Well I see your point too, all we can do, is teach, guide, counsel, get help for our kids(if financially viable or possible at a low cost) and hope for the best.

A very well off young man from a very, very good prominent family, quit college, and started dealing drugs, he had many weapons, lots of drugs to sell, used drugs, and had no problem with what he was doing until he was arrested.

His family was mortified, especially when it hit the papers. This child had everything, the best school, the best of everything.

So he did not get it, but he did when he was arrested.

So yes, I see your point. I do. Maybe I was too "quick" to assume, that the mother did nothing, but again I did not read anywhere that the child got help. But maybe the mother did the best she could do and that made no difference. Or maybe she did nothing. Who knows.........she may not have been able to afford help(here is is like 250.00 an hour)and I know that the school may not have had the resources, and the court does not want to incur the cost, the state may not fund counselling, or the child was defiant and the mother had to give up.

So I do see your point. A teenager addicted to drugs may have to wait 6 months to a year for "provincial" help at a residential addiction centre. If you can pay 20 - 40K, there are "many" open beds available.

So yes, at times it come down sometimes to financial resources. Or what cost effective resources are available that everyone else needs also.
Yes, you bring up some points I was thinking about. I read this was a single, working mother of two sons. Who knows what her resources were? As you point out, having insurance and money and time opens up lots of doors.

I do generally and wholeheartedly agree with what you are saying about parents not burying their heads in the sand when it comes to their children's behavior.

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