TX TX - Donna Cloud, 19, Kingwood, 25 Oct 2016

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Sadly I think this one will become a missing but not forgotten, never to be found. Poor girl and that poor little boy now without a mother.
Hi Everyone, I am new to websleuths and this is my first time responding in a conversation. Sorry for the long post but after reading the whole blog... :)

I just finished reading all the posts with regards to this case, I am sorry I don't have much to add about the case specifically but the case resonates so close to home with me having had experience with a relative who had gone missing, found murdered, lived in the world of addiction/drugs and who also had children.

1. The mention of Donna lying, there are so many ways someone could look at this: Didn't have a healthy relationship with her parents, felt guilt of her behavior, embarrassed how she has been in her life, then there is the one we have all probably been "its my life and I don't need to tell my parents everything" so we have lied.

2. Dating Websites: I would consider myself smart but can be gullible/naive sometimes as someone told me personally from one of those dating sites. I was lonely and to be honest just liked the attention I received from the messages and posts. I was selective on who I met but I can imagine a young girl having a child and needing the feeling of validation or of importance. So as I was reading those parts of the posts, I thought to myself I was lucky and I had been 34-35 at the time.

3. There has been a lot mentioned about her son, whether she left him or did not and would not. I know personally with my cousin that she lived a risky life and did not want her children to be around it or see her when she wasn't in a great place so their father was where they stayed but she would never not want to be in their life. Even, living the life on the streets. Why I mention this is because Donna may have never wanted to not be in her sons life but with the life she was choosing she became a victim of something as my cousin did. Not being naive to what could happen but something even worse then anyone could think. No one chooses to die a certain way but can expect a certain amount of risk.

4. Law Enforcement: Mixed feelings about this, having a stepparent being in LE who has been in involved in every avenue of LE. Having a cousin being a victim because LE did not take or think previous missing women seriously because of their way of life. So yes we can blame them for dropping the ball because they did/do/have and will continue to but I can also see how they can make the mistake of "assumption". This is something I have struggled with for 15 years because of the circumstances surrounding my cousin's murder.

I know for certain you are asked not to divulge information you receive from Law Enforcement or Advocates when the case is still pending, I also know being in that situation when answers are not being given to parents and family members it is incredibly frustrating. Also, if the person of contact for the police asks that only they are told the information it can cause a lot of craziness between family members. So sometimes you will hear a mix of what is assumption and first hand information.

I apologize again for this being so long, I just thought I had some first hand experience with some of the things mentioned in the blog and honestly wanted to share in hopes it might in someway help.

Hi Everyone, I am new to websleuths and this is my first time responding in a conversation. Sorry for the long post but after reading the whole blog... :)

I just finished reading all the posts with regards to this case, I am sorry I don't have much to add about the case specifically but the case resonates so close to home with me having had experience with a relative who had gone missing, found murdered, lived in the world of addiction/drugs and who also had children.

1. The mention of Donna lying, there are so many ways someone could look at this: Didn't have a healthy relationship with her parents, felt guilt of her behavior, embarrassed how she has been in her life, then there is the one we have all probably been "its my life and I don't need to tell my parents everything" so we have lied.

2. Dating Websites: I would consider myself smart but can be gullible/naive sometimes as someone told me personally from one of those dating sites. I was lonely and to be honest just liked the attention I received from the messages and posts. I was selective on who I met but I can imagine a young girl having a child and needing the feeling of validation or of importance. So as I was reading those parts of the posts, I thought to myself I was lucky and I had been 34-35 at the time.

3. There has been a lot mentioned about her son, whether she left him or did not and would not. I know personally with my cousin that she lived a risky life and did not want her children to be around it or see her when she wasn't in a great place so their father was where they stayed but she would never not want to be in their life. Even, living the life on the streets. Why I mention this is because Donna may have never wanted to not be in her sons life but with the life she was choosing she became a victim of something as my cousin did. Not being naive to what could happen but something even worse then anyone could think. No one chooses to die a certain way but can expect a certain amount of risk.

4. Law Enforcement: Mixed feelings about this, having a stepparent being in LE who has been in involved in every avenue of LE. Having a cousin being a victim because LE did not take or think previous missing women seriously because of their way of life. So yes we can blame them for dropping the ball because they did/do/have and will continue to but I can also see how they can make the mistake of "assumption". This is something I have struggled with for 15 years because of the circumstances surrounding my cousin's murder.

I know for certain you are asked not to divulge information you receive from Law Enforcement or Advocates when the case is still pending, I also know being in that situation when answers are not being given to parents and family members it is incredibly frustrating. Also, if the person of contact for the police asks that only they are told the information it can cause a lot of craziness between family members. So sometimes you will hear a mix of what is assumption and first hand information.

I apologize again for this being so long, I just thought I had some first hand experience with some of the things mentioned in the blog and honestly wanted to share in hopes it might in someway help.


I’m truly sorry for what you’ve had to go through with your relative being murdered. I sincerely mean it when I say that I can’t begin to fathom that happening to someone so close to me.

Thank you for taking the time to post to Donna’s thread. What are your thoughts as to what has happened to Donna, and where she may be?
I’m truly sorry for what you’ve had to go through with your relative being murdered. I sincerely mean it when I say that I can’t begin to fathom that happening to someone so close to me.

Thank you for taking the time to post to Donna’s thread. What are your thoughts as to what has happened to Donna, and where she may be?
Hi Barlow,

Thank you for your care, it has been a long time and she is always in my thoughts. She is the reason I have decided to join websleuths which has taken me awhile to actually sign up for.

This may be too honest but I honestly think something bad has happened to her.

I am conflicted as to whether the family or someone in the family may have had a role in her disappearance. Not necessarily in foul play but the argument could have lead to her not being invited back or in the argument that has been mentioned a few times was more then just an argument. I also am trying to figure out or see if I missed where she said call the cops if I am not home by 2 am if the call was ever made.

But at the same time if something bad has happened to her, she could be out there really ashamed about what has happened and with the that last argument may not want to go home. This I have almost convinced myself is not the case because with my cousin even though she was ashamed and some of my family were judgmental she knew she had 1 or 2 people she could contact in the family where the door was open and at that point she would have contacted her children's father to check up on them.

Something else, we have to look at her relationship with her stepmom. I am not saying she had anything to do with anything at all but sometimes being young and if that relationship wasn't good it can affect her self esteem. I have been there, I have had a bad stepmom and currently have an amazing one. Sometimes just that extra opinion can hurt someones response to situations. This is only based on my experience not by anything I have read or heard but it can bare weight even if they had a great relationship because the relationship matters.

I know gut feelings aren't evidence and are not used to find people but my gut says she tried to find a way home and something happened to her. Whether that was that night the next day or even a week later. I think once she was ready to go home or could go home she was hurt. I was looking at namus earlier at unclaimed and did not find anything resembling Donna but when I was looking for a possible match I saw Highway 69 close and thought I wonder if that was one of the main hubs mentioned on killing season. I keep gravitating to that possibility she was picked up on a highway or somewhere close to a highway. That all depends on where she actually was which has been kinda hard to pinpoint even with all the different posts.

I hope i did the quote thing right lol
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I don't know how I had forgotten to mention this under either of my posts, but trying to go to sleep and it just popped up so needed to mention it lol.

Another reason us children lie to our parents is we know they have an opinion about something that we don't want to hear I am 41 and still have that feeling lol. If I remember correctly reading something about her ex-boyfriend was not so good which is another possibility/avenue as to why she wasn't where she said she would be or was going. Especially if they did not approve of him. I would say if that is the case he would be high on my list of someone who has some sort of knowledge. Especially if at one point they were together in a close approximation time of her disappearance.
Investigating, not “investing” is what I meant, of course. I suppose I should proofread before I post..

Has anyone checked the website for her out? What is “Although she turned on her Facebook Location she's still missing” about?
I understand but most of the time the parents are talking and regardless of the artistic quality of the video or the number of followers, I was focusing on the content. Dad and stepmom threw in a lot of background information. As I haven‘t been following the case closely, I was wondering if they said anything previously unknown.

I don‘t think the trailer park in Spring has been discussed here, or has it?
I never heard that mentioned before...
And again, I didn’t read my post before I posted it.

Why do I feel like nothing is being done in Donna’s disappearance until a body is found? What was Donna wearing when she went missing? Where did she go missing? There was never video of her at the restaurant or sighting, if I recall correctly. Who picked Donna up from her home? What did she tell her dad and friends?
I think about Donna and her son every day. I hope there are some answers soon.
Merry Christmas Donna. I hope your son wakes up to a wonderful scene, and knows just how much you love him. I pray there’s justice, or at the very least, some sort of resolution for you and the ones who love you in the very near future.

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